Supreme God King

Chapter 1549: Hope

The voice fell, filled with emotion!

There was a feeling of helplessness, loss, and even despair in the old monkey's tone!

There is no doubt that it is too far to reach the level of the old monkey. For him, what he really wants to see is not how much Meng Fan's achievements are now, but how the latter is willing and able to persist. How far.

Five hundred reincarnations, killed again and again, filled with that kind of desperation, under this kind of blow, Meng Fan was able to persist until now, his will is immortal, I have to say that he is already a peerless hero, looking at it forever. Not much exists.

Ordinary people, let alone five hundred, I am afraid that between ten generations, his soul can be shattered, his will will be obliterated, and he cannot have the courage to fight against the restricted area.

But this is not enough for the old monkey!

The game he set up was to deal with the thirteen hall masters in the restricted area, the few people who have ruled the roost since the beginning of vitality, how powerful.

Therefore, the person who needs it is not only able to guarantee the immortality of his own will, but also needs to have the character of breaking and standing, and the original heart is always the same. Only the person with this kind of powerful obsession is qualified to reach the end. , Realize that step!

Obviously, under the reincarnation of these five hundred lives, the flame above Meng Fan's head was left with only a trace, and it was about to be wiped out. Naturally, the old monkey was extremely disappointed.

"That’s right, it’s not easy to be able to support five hundred lives. I want to be like one for all generations, and for all generations to be one. I remember that it was destruction in those days. The two Zhongtian resisted. All those who tried were defeated, maybe My expectations are too high!"

The old monkey smiled bitterly, but how lonely and lonely in this voice, at this moment, he is no longer the strong man who dominates the world, but an old man who has an endless love for the world and the common people, hoping to be able to, after his own death, There is still someone helping him to guard this world.

There are thousands of people and hundreds of millions of creatures in the world, self-private is like a forbidden zone, but selfless people also exist, just like the old monkey, who dedicate all their lives for the ten thousand domain!

"Well, since you are not the person I am looking for, but you can't break your cultivation of mind. You should not be able to resist the third life now. If your cultivation is broken, then there will be no more hope in the future. It is a pity, Meng Fan !"

The old monkey shook his head, stretched out his big hand, and turned into a palm print, just to forcibly pull Meng Fan away from his dream, and retain his last trace of will.

However, in the next moment when the old man was ready to do it, he was taken aback, but he couldn't help but froze at this moment.

Because the flame that hovered above Meng Fan's head had already reached the last minute, and it could be wiped out at any time. After more than five hundred lives, Meng Fan's entire will reached the edge of the most collapse.

But after this moment, the trace of flame that was originally extremely weak turned out to be slowly burning. When it reached the last moment, it turned out to start to rise. Although it was just a trace, it surprised the old monkey. He stared at Meng Fan and looked carefully. .

"this is...."

Moving divinely, the old monkey also saw Meng Fan's dream in this life.

The latter turned into a young scholar who went to Beijing to rush for the exam and moved all the way, but accidentally met a woman named Ruo Shuiyi. The latter asked him to practice vitality and help him improve all the way, but the last two But they could not be together, because the involvement of the restricted area made Meng Fan himself doomed to tragedy, watching the woman die in front of him, especially at the moment of death, making Meng Fan himself almost torn apart. The fire of his thoughts suddenly broke out and rose indefinitely!

From the beginning of this life, Meng Fan fell into reincarnation again, and the same tragedy between each life, experiencing the life and death of the world, died in the hands of the restricted zone.

But at the moment of death, there was no fear in Meng Fan's eyes, no retreat, and only that kind. . . . Calm and indifferent!

One life and one life, which is a full five hundred lives. Among them, Meng Fan did not know how many sorrows and joys he had experienced, and he had seen too many killings in the restricted area in his eyes!

But in the outside world, the old monkey trembled all over. It was unimaginable. Meng Fan, who had already reached the most depressed state, the fire of thought was constantly erupting and beginning to recover. It was after these five hundred lives, let him It turned out to be like the beginning, a raging fire burning above Meng Fan's head.

"how is this possible!"

The old monkey exclaimed, his voice trembling.

I have never seen anyone reach the lowest point and then reignite again. On the contrary, Xiu Xin experienced some experience at this moment.

After the destruction of the year, the two Zhongtians only continued to insist, and finally they were the guarantee of life and life, and they were forced to escape from this dream with their own will.

Not only is Meng Fan’s soul immortal, but the old monkey can feel it at this moment. Instead, his mind is self-improving in the subconscious. He tempers himself with every round of rebirth, so that his mind is in the midst of this reincarnation. But it was not obliterated, it was. . . . . More powerful!

Take advantage of your strength to repair with dreams!

After thousands of years, Meng Fan, who had been in a dream, suddenly opened his eyes, and a brilliant light burst out from under his eyes, like a sharp sword, trying to break through the sky!

Woke up!

There is no doubt that at this moment, Meng Fan has experienced the cycle of a thousand generations. He awakened himself from this dream, recovered his original mind, and returned to Ching Ming, and his mind was stronger than when he entered before!

Such a scene made the old monkey dumb, extremely shocked, and slowly said after a few breaths,

"Meng Fan, answer my question, are you ready to face the next catastrophe?"

The voice fell, and Meng Fan who was standing still said calmly.

"I already have the answer, old gentleman, I don't have one!"

With a word, the old monkey's expression was immediately picked up, and he looked at Meng Fan hesitantly.

And after a while, Meng Fan said every word,

"After thousands of lives, in five hundred sinkings and five hundred awakenings, I have transformed into beings. Although the dead are only dreams, in the forbidden zone, the thousands of dreams are actually the reality. What happened, I don’t know how many creatures died tragically, how many lovers separated, how many people turned into ashes, that kind of my own experience is too terrifying, so in this life... I swear it will flow into my life. , Let this world... not be in trouble again, because I want to level the restricted area, sweep its temple, destroy its spirit, let it disappear from the world, and there will be no more chaos in the restricted area!"

The last few words fell, sonorous and powerful, just like Hong Zhong!

Level the restricted area, sweep its hall, destroy its spirit!

This is Meng Fan's oath. Since then, he has never promised lightly, but once he promises, he will go all the way.

Hearing Meng Fan’s words, the light in the eyes of the old monkey suddenly became stronger and stronger, and at the end he couldn’t help but laugh, loudly,

"Okay, okay, okay... I didn't choose the wrong person, I didn't choose the wrong person, no matter what the victory or defeat is, your grand vision alone is a big white, flat the restricted area, it's good! "

The tone rumbling, excited!

The strong man who reached the level of the old monkey has amazing eyesight. At a glance, he can see that this is not Meng Fan’s big talk, but the latter’s words moved from the heart, after thousands of years, moved by the heart, and naturally spoken. , Represents his life's path of practice, whether it can be done or not, but the ambition of this life will not change!

Sweep the restricted area!

If this sentence were to come out, I don't know what kind of uproar caused by the world. Who dares to say that and who is qualified to say that in this world.

From the beginning of vitality to open the sky and the origin of the restricted area, I just don't know how many years have ruled the roost between the world and the earth, beheading countless heroes in ancient times.

Including the Destroy God King, the Zhongtian God King, the One Line Vessel Lord, Lan Caiyi and other characters who came out later, that one is not a world-breaking existence, but it is only able to distinguish between courts and forbidden rituals. Unrest in the restricted area is just too serious and suppressed.

But Meng Fan wanted to sweep the forbidden area so that there would be no war between the world and the earth. I have to say that this is a big aspiration in itself, and it is like this. This idea alone is too amazing!

Along with the hearty laughter of the old monkey, at the same time the sky trembled and the sky changed, the ghost of the old monkey began to dissipate in the void, and the whole person became more and more blurred in front of Meng Fan.

Such a scene could not help but make Meng Fan tremble, clearly knowing that this phantom in front of him was the old man's last obsession between the world and the earth. Once it disappeared, it would mean that its complete smoke disappeared between the world and the earth.

However, such an old monkey does not have any sorrow, but the sound of laughter spread all over the world, rumbling like thunder!

"Yes, the heaven and the earth are promising, and all beings are hopeful!"

"Future war, Meng Fan, this burden will fall on you!"

"If you see the sky star, remember to tell him and be your father... be proud of him!"

As the sound continued to fall, all the fragments of the old monkey disappeared in the end, and completely disappeared between the sky and the earth. Only the small white bottle remaining in the void, the old monkey in this sky and earth was naturally there. Between the relics, half-step God King's painstaking effort!

Such a precious treasure was in front of Meng Fan's eyes. It was obvious that Meng Fan passed the old monkey's trial, and this supreme treasure also fell into Meng Fan's hands!

Grabbing the palm of his hand, Meng Fan held the small white bottle in his hand, feeling the unparalleled strength in it, suppressing everything, but there was no excitement, instead, there was a dignity on his face.

This kind of treasure was given to him by the old monkey, not only this supreme treasure, but also a huge responsibility to fight for the common people!

This kind of responsibility made Meng Fan instinctively feel a lot of pressure, but between holding the white bottle, the only firmness in Meng Fan’s eyes, looking towards the void, as if seeing the old monkey’s face again , Talking to himself,

"Don't worry, old sir, in this life... I promise to stay the same and fight... The same!" <

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