Supreme God King

Chapter 1550: Meet

The old monkey has worked hard!

This class of things is too terrifying, once it is spread, it will cause a sensation in the world, but it is unexpected that it will be left behind by the old monkey and given to Meng Fan!

Among the outside world, I don’t know how many people have stepped into this place, including Qin Hong, Yang Qing, Cao Qiushui, etc., as well as the supreme powerhouses from all major forces, but they are all blocked and unable to step into this core. place!

At the moment Meng Fan entered this piece of heaven and earth, the whole world was blocked by the old monkey with great power. Unless it is a strong God King Realm, no one can step into it. But now that the old monkey has fallen into the world, all prohibitions are naturally opened.

Standing in the sky, Meng Fan was silent, and bowed three big gifts to the place where the old monkey was, then turned and left!

Step by step, Meng Fan walked along the road, expressionless.

However, at the next moment the road was blocked, the sky was shaking, and at a glance, you could see countless figures coming.

You must know that the old monkey has made a **** effort, and it is not only Meng Fan who can come here.

Among them, I don't know how many powerful people in the world, countless forces have sent people, including too many eternal powers, and many of them have found a forbidden place like the old monkey.

"Hey, how come someone comes out!"

"Yes, he came from inside!"

After a while, this group of people had already walked across from Meng Fan, looking for this place, unavoidable, naturally they saw Meng Fan, and a huge wave suddenly appeared after a while, like a huge rock hitting the water, countless The person's gaze is staring, extremely unkind.

The old monkey's painstaking effort, such a thing is enough to make anyone crazy, if anyone has a relationship with him, who will die, the heroes will inevitably move.

At the same time, I don't know how many people gathered around Meng Fan, all of them contained murderous intent and surrounded Meng Fan in groups.

One of the old man stood up, with hair around him, extremely indifferent, with a golden rune on his body, representing that he came from a strong man from the Western Heaven God Clan, looked at Meng Fan, and said calmly,

"Who are you and what you have gained in it, teach things!"

The voice fell, sonorous, Meng Fan looked up at him and said calmly.


"With our great strength, between the heaven and the earth, the heaven and the earth are treasures, and the capable can live there. This has been the principle since the ages, don't you understand?"

The old man sneered, he was already a sacred realm, but he was qualified to laugh at the crowd, so to speak.

Hearing that, the others also nodded and agreed, but Meng Fan shook his head and said calmly.

"If you give it, I won't give it to you. In the world war, I remember that without your clan, and the old monkey's heart is the world, what qualifications do you have!"

With a word, the expressions of everyone around him suddenly changed, and the old man was a little embarrassed.

In the past in the great calamity of heaven and earth, some people chose to fight, martyred for the heaven and earth, and fight for all living beings, while some people chose to take advantage of the fire and rob and continue to flee.

The Liu family, the Xitian gods, the Zhao family, etc. are all like this. They did not take action during the previous battle, let alone follow Meng Fan and others to the Tianlei Pass, and even secretly made a lot of tricks behind them. In the past, the catastrophe came, and the groups suffered heavy losses, and no one was able to liquidate them after the war.

Now that the old things are mentioned again, it can be said that the Xitian God Race is absolutely taboo, constantly distorting the truth, in their internal remarks, they are the people who dominated the battle against the forbidden area, not Meng Fan and others.


The old man sneered and said coldly,

"What identity do you know? In the days when the world wars, Meng Fan only took the secrets of my clan, and received great help from my clan. Only then went to fight. If it weren't for my clan, the world would have been destroyed. Now, what qualifications do you have to talk about the Emperor Clan casually!"

Hearing the old man’s words, Meng Fan suddenly laughed, calmly and calmly said.

"Shameless as you are, but also a skill!"

Indifferent tone, full of irony!

There are also people around him who understand the things of the past, but now they are afraid of the majesty of the old man and the Western Protoss, and have not taken action, but chose to be silent and indifferent.

The old man of the Western Sky God Race was even more furious and sneered.

"A **** thing, it's really looking for death. It not only takes the gods, but also slanders our clan. No matter what it is, it can kill you ten thousand times. Today, the old man will walk the way for the sky, and the same people around him can also take action if they want. Kill this guy first, and then look for the things on his body, maybe there will be something to gain!"

With a word, Zhou Tian trembles!

Everyone looked at Meng Fan, and many people stepped forward in secret, moving the void and sealing the world.

They were not interested in the justice of the year and who did it, but they were quite interested in the things in Meng Fan’s hands, because Meng Fan came out from inside, maybe they possessed divine things. For these people In other words, I would rather kill by mistake than let it go.

Standing alone, facing countless enemies from the sky!

Meng Fan's gaze swept away, it seemed that he hadn't been like this for more than 500 years, and he sighed lightly,

"Don't overdo it, let go!"

But everyone sneered at Meng Fan's words, and at the next moment the old man moved and shouted,

"For justice, go find the dead Meng Fan, or you can bring Meng Fan, and let him tell you what happened back then, haha!"

The sound of grinning fell, and at the same time the palm of the hand fell, and a blow came towards Meng Fan. Not only the old man shot, there are countless figures moving around the sky, erupting the strongest blow, volleying, and suddenly dazzling the whole world, powerful vitality fluctuations permeate the sky, suppressed , Everything is completely covered, and the earth is broken!

Suddenly, there are hundreds of powerful players, each with different strengths, but absolutely terrifying!

After a glance, Meng Fan didn't change his expression, located between these thousands of attacks, just. . . . Sigh gently!


The heaven and the earth exploded, everything burst, and in an instant countless attacks fell on the place where Meng Fan was before, suddenly causing the entire heaven and earth to shatter, destroying the void. This level of attack was too terrifying, and everyone sneered and looked at it.

"Hmph, everyone, don't be too anxious, if there is something on his body, don't hurt it!"

"Yes, to deal with this kind of Xiaoxiao, is there some strength left!"

There was a sneer among the crowd, full of sarcasm.

However, at the next moment, the crowd was amazed, extremely surprised, because in the burst of gunpowder before this, there was no mutilated figure of Meng Fan, except for the fragments of the sky, there was nothing left!

how is this possible!

The people who shot before were a little dumbfounded, and the next moment the crowd let out an exclamation. One of them pointed at a figure not far away, and found that Meng Fan was standing between them, motionless, looking blankly. around.

Looking at it, there was an uproar, because at this moment Meng Fan was not only standing here, but there was something more in his hand, a blood-sparkling human head!

The world is in an uproar!

Everyone can see that this human head is the ancient Xitian God Clan who spoke before, a sacred and powerful person, but in a blink of an eye, Meng Fan directly passed over and cut off his head. Carry it in your hands.

How terrifying is this scene, enough to shock the heroes!


Everyone has a sense of speechlessness. Facing Meng Fan, it is hard to imagine how the latter did it, even passing most of his eyes.

"Do you still want to shoot?"

Meng Fan looked around and reached the point where he was. With this state of mind, he really didn't want to kill him, and had a heart for everyone, so he asked.

When he said that, Zhou Tian was silent, but a moment later, a person surveyed and measured,

"Shooting, we have many people, he is so old, he doesn't know what secret method to use, and he should have a lot of effort on his body, don't let it go!"

Hard work!

Between these three words, countless of them suddenly changed their expressions, and their originally fearful gazes became extremely fierce. Without him, this kind of thing involving the king of God is enough to make anyone in the world bolder. A hundred times.

After a while, everyone at the same time shot again, targeting Meng Fan, overwhelmingly, and directly attacked!


The vitality exploded and hit the world. At this moment, everyone shot, turned into a powerful wave of air, handprints appeared, and smashed into the air, completely enveloping the world where Meng Fan was located, without giving him any chance, and be sure to kill with one blow.

Even if Meng Fan is powerful and unparalleled, for the painstaking effort, this group of people have lost their reason and desperately!

In the midst of the air wave, Meng Fan sighed again, but at this moment a trace of coldness appeared in his eyes. He gave this group of people opportunities, again and again, but this group of people wanted again and again. Shooting against himself, then no wonder he was impolite, the latter was never a good man.

While moving, Meng Fan's body flickered, stepping forward, in the violent storm, and punched out!


The sky burst, and the emperor fist is majestic!

At the same moment, Meng Fan’s emperor fist bombarded everything, and you can see that the rows of figures in the sky are beginning to burst. Even if countless people join forces against Meng Fan, many of them are sacred, but at this moment Meng Fan’s combat power is too strong. Horrible.

Five hundred years ago, he spent his life and effort to fight the three three sacred and undefeated realms, and reopened a path. Five hundred years later, he was reborn from Nirvana. At this time, few people knew how Meng Fan’s combat power was. he. . . . . . There is no such qualification!

In a few breaths, Meng Fan took eight steps, and Zhou Tian calmed down, because after eight steps, the world was already stained with blood, and all the masters were killed by Meng Fan. , Bleeding to the ground, countless dead bodies!

These scenes are too amazing.

One person is between this **** color, and Meng Fan’s eyes penetrate the void at the same time, and said calmly,

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