Supreme God King

Chapter 1551: Seek forever!

The tone was calm, and at the same time Meng Fan stood on the sky, staring at the void, with sharp eyes. At this moment, there is no form of an old man. Only the breath of Wushuang Great Emperor crushes everything, plus a sea of ​​blood behind him. , No one saw Meng Fan not trembling at this moment, I am afraid that the power of the three holy realms will not do it now!

Serene like a Buddha, but once Meng Fan becomes violent, it is terrible!

The space Meng Fan was staring at was full of great pressure. After a few breaths, four figures finally came out of them, each with unpredictable aura. It was Yang Qing, Cao Qiushui, Qin Hong, and Wang Hun!

The five great arrogances of the past, five hundred years later, meet again!

Staring at Meng Fan, whether it was Yang Qing or Qin Hong, they couldn't believe it, but they had to believe it.

Before, they had always been hiding in the dark, trying to see who the person was. Others might not know Meng Fan’s methods, but at the moment Diquan appeared, all four of them were petrified, because. . . . I really saw Meng Fan!

Five hundred years ago, the world was in chaos, the restricted area struck, and the heroes fought.

Under the eyes of countless people that day, Meng Fan completely burst. His spirit and martial arts were completely obliterated. There was no news for five hundred years, but now in this ancient place, he actually saw Meng Fan again, in this world. No one can imitate his breath, because his methods are unique in heaven and on earth, extremely terrifying!

The four of them had personally learned in the past, but now they naturally understand whether Meng Fan is real.

"How do you... survived!"

Yang Qing's body trembled, tearful eyes, staring at Meng Fan.

Looking at each other, Meng Fan sighed quietly and said softly.

"I did think...I was dead, but I really survived like this because of the help of my two old friends!"

The voice fell and was confirmed by Meng Fan, and finally made Cao Qiushui and the others affirmed. Everyone was almost as if they were slashed by thunder. Even the supreme powerhouse, now I don’t know what to say, and my heart is rising. Complex look.

There were countless battles before, and several people were fighting for the first arrogant of the world. In the end, Meng Fan alone suppressed the heroes without any suspense.

However, Meng Fan died in five hundred years and gave up this position, which caused several people to feel that there was no one above. Although extremely sad and regretful, it was also a kind of relaxation for several people.

But now Meng Fan really returned, and although his face was a bit old, he was stronger and more terrifying.

Only the moment before the shot was made, a few people felt that kind of oncoming hostility, this kind of aura was too terrifying, even a few people just watched from the side and felt the terrible power of Meng Fan. Once it erupts completely, it will be even more trembling.

"Meng Fan, how can I be with you for the same time, and still be able to see you!"

After a few breaths, Cao Qiushui finally suffocated a word, and his tone was so helpless and helpless.

Hearing that, Meng Fan also touched his chin, not knowing what to say.

After a while, Qin Hong already raised his sword eyebrows and said in a deep voice.

"It proved to be you who shot us before!"

With a word, the expressions of Qin Hong, Wang Hun, Yang Qing and others suddenly changed, and immediately, monstrous vitality fluctuations came toward Meng Fan, suppressing the world and blocking everything.

I was so surprised to see Meng Fan before. I had forgotten that the four of them had been attacked, and it was still quite miserable. People kicked them over and kicked them in the face. Including Yang Qing, they all put away that kind of excitement now, with their legs clamped, and staring at Meng Fan with a murderous look, because at this moment there is still a faint pain in the hips, which proves that they have been intimately touched.


The look on Meng Fan's small face suddenly became more and more exciting, and quickly said,

"Misunderstandings, all misunderstandings, I didn't know it was you before...Bah, no, I just came here, nothing happened?"

"Is it?"

Cao Qiushui took a step forward and said coldly,

"Look at my face, is it right that the soles of your feet are facing each other? Is it cool to kick!"

"It's pretty cool... Uh, no, no!"

Facing the four people who were full of sullen anger, Meng Fan shook his head quickly, even if he was absolutely unwilling to face them together.

He is indeed domineering and unparalleled, suppressing everything, but the four people in front of him are all talented people who compete with him for their lengths. Now five hundred years have passed, and each is even more terrifying. If facing one person alone, perhaps Meng Fan is fearless. But the four of them moved together, and for himself, it really made Meng Fan a little vain, especially since the biggest meeting ceremony before was to cheat the four!

"Don't move, you guys don't want to be bloody!"

Just as the four of them were about to join forces to deal with Meng Fan, when Meng Fan spoke, all of them were taken aback.

Staring at Meng Fan, Wang Soul said coldly,

"What tricks do you want to play? Don't believe him. This man has a lot of tricks. He wants to cheat others anytime. I think he just wants to delay time!"

"Yes, you got the hard work and will give it to us!"

Cao Qiushui did not believe in either.


Meng Fan looked at the four people in the court and affirmed,

"I am not lying to you, but for my own reasons. This heart and blood has the martial arts power of the old monkey's ancestors for a lifetime. It has already touched the Divine King Realm. The inherent universe is too terrifying. I just feel it. Below, I know a lot of things.

Although the painstaking effort is in my hands, I can feel that it is not so simple to integrate it into myself. There is a big secret in it, so the old monkey has only been enlightened for so many years, only half a step. There is no way to tell things, only a true understanding. If it is rash, I am afraid it will be counterproductive, but if I figure it out, I will ask you to learn about it and even share it! "

The voice fell, and the bodies of several people suddenly shook. They looked at Meng Fan, only to find that Meng Fan's expression was extremely calm at this moment, even a little solemn.

"Why? You think we won't fight with you now, that's wrong, Meng Fan, the catastrophe is the catastrophe, but I, Qin Hong, can tell you clearly, if you die, I will miss you, but you If I live, I will continue to fight with you until I see you defeated or killed by you!"

Qin Hong said coldly, with a sonorous tone and full of firmness.

The same is true for the other three people. Whether it is Yang Qing, Cao Qiushui and others, they believe that they are the number one arrogant in the world, suppressing everything, and wanting to reach the ultimate level of cultivation, so they will never admit that Meng Fan is the strongest, perhaps he has fought. Let several people have a vague friendship, but if it is in ordinary times, it is bound to fight, even life and death, at all costs.

This is the dignity of the true Tianjiao, and also the pride of their own practice, which cannot be violated.

"Your thoughts are arbitrary, I don't care, but this thing belongs to Senior Monkey, not mine, and Senior Monkey gave me, I believe I need to maximize his role, if it is only in my hands. , Not the biggest!"

Meng Fan said indifferently, staring at him.

"So I will maximize his role and give me another hundred years. I believe I should be able to comprehend and understand the way of the king's change. Then I will share this secret with you, because You have this qualification and this ability, and it is not my charity. I hope you are stronger. Maybe you don’t understand. I can only say that today, what I am seeking is more than ten thousand domains. , Not a single person, nor an emperor, but after all eternity!"

After all ages!

After a few words fell, the bodies of Yang Qing's four were shocked, and they looked at Meng Fan in shock. The four of them were all that kind of genius, and now they have guessed something through Meng Fan's words.

Seek forever!

Meng Fan can say this, but he needs to walk a path that others cannot walk. The so-called eternal people of ordinary people are only one person gaining the Tao and establishing the emperor, but now Meng Fan is willing to disclose the secrets of the gods in his hands, then I am afraid it is to target one force, which is a restricted zone!

Because if you want to conquer the forbidden area, relying solely on Meng Fan or the people around him is definitely not enough. It is the alliance of the Ten Thousand Realms and the movement of many powerful forces together to have this qualification.

One **** king is not enough, two, ten!

In an instant, Qin Hong, Yang Qing and others fell into silence, their eyes flickering, shocked by Meng Fan's words.

After the catastrophe in the past, I worked hard to cultivate in order to have more strength in the future world and use it to protect himself, but there is no doubt that what Meng Fan now thinks is not just to protect himself, once he understands it. Meng Fan's thoughts will also understand how terrifying his thoughts and how terrifying his vision!

"Why do you trust you, and why can you do it!"

Cao Qiushui sneered, expressing his disbelief!

"I'm sure I'm not sure, but it doesn't mean I can't do it!"

Meng Fan smiled slightly, and immediately stepped out, tearing the space apart, and left directly.

With the disappearance of his body, at the same time words spread throughout the world,

"A hundred years later, come to the dark alliance to find me, you will know when you try!"

The voice fell, and at the same time Meng Fan's body had already disappeared between the heaven and the earth, only the four great arrogances were left behind, staring at each other.

After a few breaths, Wang Soul asked just now.

"Is what he said is true, or is he fooling us, we were scammed by him again?"

Hearing that, all four of them were a bit bad and couldn't understand Meng Fan. But after a few breaths, Yang Qing said,

"As he said, a hundred years later, everything is naturally clear, and I can feel that even if the power of the four of us is gathered now, it may not be able to help him!"

When the voice fell, Qin Hong and the others were silent. Although they did not agree, they did not say right at this moment, because all four of them sensed Meng Fan’s strong aura, and after a while, they returned to this time Meng Fan was even more terrifying, making the four of them faintly trembling.

Although they do not want to admit it, if the latter is compared alone, they also feel that the gap between them seems to be larger. Today's Meng Fan has reached the level of power with Qin Mieren. The test is now back again, I don't know what a bloodbath will be set off in the ten thousand domain! <

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