Supreme God King

Chapter 1552: Wang Gui!

Chaos basin, dark alliance!

Five hundred years, after Meng Fan chose this place alone, he made this place from the state of just a few scattered monsters to today's splendor, which can be called the thirteen emperors.

During these years, with the help of the Bai family of the emperor and the imperial palace, the dark alliance has been advancing by leaps and bounds, and it has begun to expand with the chaotic valley as the center, and dominate the world.

It was originally just a force in the Quartet, and it only reached this point in just 500 years. It is not what it used to be!

Today's dark alliance is magnificent and stretches, compared to a few years ago, it is simply a sky and an underground.

Not only has the strength to arrogate the world, but now the foundation has become incomparably sufficient, even if it is still not comparable to the godless race, but the rows of palaces, countless buildings, and the blood and blood, It is even telling everyone that the dark alliance is powerful at this moment!

Above the sea, the wind is surging!

Between the heavens and the earth, there are rows of sword-wielding men standing, guarding the main roads and blocking everything.

With this kind of well-trained guards, they are all carefully calculated, and it is not easy for anyone to step into the dark alliance.

And everything is in order. There are various river channels on the entire sea surface. The one that can walk on and the other can’t are all divided and orderly.

However, now on the most important river above the dark alliance, there is a small boat coming along the sea all the way towards the center of the dark alliance, and one can see a statue standing above the sea. The old man, dressed in black, with a thin body, especially his eyes, seemed to have experienced countless vicissitudes in the world.

As the boat moved forward, it naturally attracted the attention of the guards. Within a few breaths, the world was completely sealed off!

At the same time, rows of dark alliance guards blocked everything and resisted the passage of the boat.

"Who is coming, this is the core place of my dark alliance, it is not a place to enter easily, please avoid!"

Among the countless guards, one of the leading men was Dao.

The sound fell, causing the boat to stop slowly, and the people standing on the boat swept around, looking across the world, and finally said,

"I just go home, kid!"

Everyone was stunned by the words, the leading man hesitated, looking at the old man, he said in a deep voice,

"Sorry, I haven't seen you in my dark alliance, you are..."

Hearing this, the person standing on the boat smiled and said calmly,

"My name is... Meng Fan!"

The two words fell, extremely calm, but in a flash, it made the expressions on everyone's faces solidify, staring at Meng Fan in front of him, feeling that he had misheard.


The leading man couldn't respond a little, and the people on the side were even more petrified. It was not that they had never heard of this name, but they were too shrewd. In the first battle five hundred years ago, Meng Fan was already an emperor, shocking the world, and he was respected in the Middle Ages. Especially in this dark alliance, it was the supreme belief of all people.

The guards are all newcomers to the dark alliance, who have heard of the countless legends of Meng Fan, and have seen with their own eyes how much respect the old men in the dark alliance have for these two words, and the people in front of them are actually He said he was called Meng Fan.

He wanted to scold him, but when the leader looked at the old man's eyes, he had a kind of fear in his instinct.

Because his eyes were too terrifying, it looked like the same ocean, with infinite chaotic air, so he swallowed everything he wanted to say.

"How to do!"

The person on the side hesitated, silenced the leader, and finally uttered a few words.

"It's not for us to make the decision, let's report first!"

Hearing that, the person beside him nodded, and someone immediately left, came to the core area of ​​the dark alliance guard, and met the five elders.

These five people are the earliest group of people in the dark alliance, and now five hundred years have passed, they have also reached the Tianyuan realm from the past cultivation, and control the surface defense of the dark alliance outside.

After hearing the communication, the five people almost lost their noses, one of them stood up suddenly and said coldly,

"Whoever this person is, dare to say so, it means that he wants to pretend to be, hum... I lied to my dark alliance, and died, the simultaneous transmission, all guard, and the others follow me! "

The voice fell, and the five elders moved, aggressively, and went straight to the outside.

The bodies broke through the air, and the movements of the five people were extremely rapid, and within a few breaths, they had already reached the land of Meng Fan. Before seeing Meng Fan’s figure, one of the hot-tempered people had already shouted,

"Boy, are you going to die? It's not good to pretend to be someone else, and dare to pretend to be Meng Fan, old man..."

The voice fell, resounding through the world, and full of thunderous auras. It almost deafened the ears of the people on the side, but in the next moment everyone looked at each other, because the old man of the dark alliance guard was shocked when he spoke at this moment. The imposing appearance became like a thunder at this moment.

In addition, the several elders on the side looked like a ghost, staring at Meng Fan with a look of disbelief.

Standing on the boat, naturally it is Meng Fan, not moving, staring at the three of them, and smiling.

"What's the matter, I don't know anymore, if I remember correctly, you guys are Dongzi, Leizi, and Yang Kun!"

The tone was calm, but at this moment there was a strange emotion in Meng Fan's voice, that kind of emotion!

Seeing the person next to him again, seeing the dark alliance again, this feeling, who can understand!

The brothers who smashed out of the Quartet in the past have a strong impression of the one Meng Fan, because they came out together in the past, bruised and fought together, they are the real robe, and now they can recognize it at a glance. , Even if it is Sang Tian in the world, I don't know how much has changed.

And standing in the void, the five people are even more petrified, staring at Meng Fan. If anyone in the world can recognize Meng Fan's words at this moment, then the oldest group of people in their group of dark alliances is naturally well-deserved.

"Brother Meng Fan...Is it my death? How could I see you again!"

An old man was already in tears and trembled all over.

"Is it really you, is it an illusion!"

At this moment, all five of them were too excited, and they were trembling even when they spoke, and the people around them were even more excited when they heard his words. . . . An uproar!

Brother Meng Fan!

In the entire dark alliance, there is only one person who can be called this, which is the belief of all the people of the dark alliance. Now there is an absolute legend between the world and the earth. Among the countless legends, that one has already passed away, but now it is actually There is a dark alliance old man named Brother Meng Fan, what does this mean!

Suddenly, the crowd changed in shock, and at the same time, news spread out quickly, falling into countless corners of the dark alliance, attracting groups of people.

During the five hundred years, the dark alliance did not know how much fresh blood was added, how many juniors grew up, and did not know Meng Fan after the gathering.

But it also included the old man of that year. After seeing Meng Fan at a glance, the whole person was like a thunderstorm, shaking in place.

Between the field, there was more and more lively, I don't know how many people came from all directions, gathered here, their eyes fixed on Meng Fan. And after a few breaths, Lonely Proud, Lin Tang, Old Man Thunder Soul, Zhan Wuji, Yun Feiyang, Xiao Hei and others broke through and came here.

At the moment of facing Meng Fan's gaze, this group of people in the field is already a powerful presence in the middle ages, and they all trembled!

"Brother Meng Fan!"

After the four words fell, Lin Tang, Gu Xinao and others were all crying with joy. At this moment, even the **** man would be like a child, crying loudly, ran over, grabbed Meng Fan, and clenched tightly. Staying at the corner of the clothes, don't want to let go of one point.

The field is boiling again, and more and more people gather here, just to make more and more people shake, especially the existence of the older generation of dark alliance people, including Hu Niu, Youyou, Sansheng, Zuwen, Liu Too many dark alliance powerhouses gather here, the more they can recognize Meng Fan!

Soon after, the beautiful women on the sky came, the Empress, Gu Xin'er, Ling Daiyou and others arrived, after many years, the vicissitudes of life, but the few people are still beautiful faces, as if time cannot make their beauty and aging. At this moment, several beautiful ladies saw Meng Fan, and they were undoubtedly stunned and tearful.

For many years, she was indifferent like a female emperor. At this moment, she was also excited, staring at Meng Fan, unable to believe it, tears in his eyes. . . . Slowly down!

"Brother, you are not dead!"

The breath came out, shocking the Eight Wilds. At this moment, a figure of a middle-aged man came and strode out, like a king, it was the Burning Heaven Order, and behind him were the two **** monkeys and Princess Yinyin. Come.

Two sacred things, breaking through!

In these few years, the Dark Alliance was able to reach this level. In addition to the continuous support of several great emperors, it was also because of the existence of the existence of the monkey and the Burning Heaven order. During these five hundred years , The Monkey didn’t come out, but he was alone in retreat. Sometimes people from the dark alliance could see him drinking in front of Meng Fan’s grave. Apart from these two things, the Monkey had never done anything else. Without stopping, the moment he saw Meng Fan, he was as powerful as him, and he trembled!

"I'm not dead!"

Looking at this group of familiar figures, seeing my beloved woman again, and seeing Meng Nian in the crowd, even Meng Fan was emotional. Holding Meng Nian with one hand, Meng Fan also slowly said, full of endless excitement.

With so many old people being able to meet again, this feeling is naturally so surging!

And seeing Meng Fan again made everyone in the field cry and laugh, including God Monkey, Burning Heavenly Order, Amethyst and other sacred powerhouses, now there are tears flowing between laughter, extremely excited .

"Brother Meng Fan!"

At the same time, all the older generations of the dark alliance roared and whizzed up to the sky, shocking Zhou Tian, ​​as if to tell the entire world, the dark alliance. . . . Wang Gui! <

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