Supreme God King

Chapter 1553: Reunion

Wang Gui!

The moment Meng Fan appeared in this world, he ignited the entire dark alliance. Five hundred years passed by in a hurry. I don’t know how many vicissitudes of life have been experienced, but the person who guarded the dark alliance came back again. Up!

Whether it is from the beginning to the present, there is only one king in the dark alliance, it is only Meng Fan. Whether it is Burning Heaven Order, the female emperor, the **** monkey, etc., they are unparalleled, but the only person who can truly make all the dark alliance believers is Meng Fan. Fan, only Meng Fan!

Dead in the past, heroic heaven and earth!

But at this moment, Meng Fan returned alive and did not give up the dark alliance. Faced with this, the entire dark alliance was shocked!

"Father... It's really you!"

Grasping Meng Fan's big hand, Meng Nian shed tears.

In the land of the old monkey, he sensed a familiar aura, but this aura had not existed in five hundred years, so he couldn't even believe it. Now seeing Meng Fan with his own eyes made Meng Nian cry with joy. Never thought there is still today.

It’s not just him, the Empress, Gu Xin’er, Ling Daiyou, etc., how can everyone think about Meng Fan’s return alive, staring at the figure that has experienced countless vicissitudes of life in front of him, so that everyone’s heart is shaken and clearly understood. Everything is not important anymore, just stay alive!

Roar, roar!

Countless dark alliance guys screamed, and they couldn't express themselves in words. In the corner of their mouth, they just spit out a word, connected into a piece, resounding through the sky, the entire chaotic basin of shaking was trembling, and all the dark alliance people regarded them as the most pious The way to welcome the king of the dark alliance, go home!

Finally it is. . . Go home!

Meng Fan looked around, even with tears in the corners of his eyes at this moment, nodded and said slowly,

"Don't be here, go back and say!"

The voice fell, God Monkey, Burning Heaven Order, Empress, Gu Xin'er, Zhan Wuji and others all nodded one after another. All the people of the dark alliance surrounded Meng Fan, and immediately opened the way, laughing straight to the core of the dark alliance. Go, this kind of scene has never appeared in the Dark League for 500 years and 500 years.

Between heaven and earth, countless gazes came from. During these five hundred years, I don't know how many juniors have risen and joined the dark alliance, and how many forces have been merged by the dark alliance.

Now the entire chaotic valley is shocked. Countless people come here, separated by the heaven and the earth, surrounded by hundreds of millions of creatures. They looked at the silhouettes of people surrounded by them, all of them are like petrification, and their eyes are full of unimaginable. Gaze.

The old world Shura, Meng Fan!

This name now itself means a legend between the world and the earth. No matter who wants to distort the facts of the year, he has to admit that in the past wars, Meng Fan made the greatest contribution.

If it weren’t for him to speak throughout the Middle Ages and open the way with his body, and finally died before the Tianlei Pass, the world today does not know what form it has. The latter’s name spreads throughout the world, and everyone does not respect him because of his strength. It was because of the kind of fighting spirit he had back then, the kind of spirit that belonged to Meng Fan himself.

Blood stains the world, just for a battle, the blade is facing, the back is facing the common people!

And this myth should have ended five hundred years ago, but now Meng Fan is not dead, the king returns and returns to the dark alliance!

The chaotic basin is trembling, and everyone is unimaginable. The person who set off a huge wave between the sky and the earth in the past will return again and will not die. How extraordinary will it be!

At the same time, the news spread quickly not only in the Dark Alliance, but also in the Chaos Valley and in the Middle Ages!

It took only two days to make the whole world boil. I don’t know how many inheritances and powers in the corners of the ten thousand domains. At this moment, they are actually kneeling in their respective territories at the same time, facing the dark alliance. The silhouette of worship!

That kind of respect comes from its deepest heart, and most of it is that kind of ancient, including the old monsters who have not known for many years of cultivation.

Because he had participated in the World War in the past, he knew that Meng Fan's achievements in that war were enough to make everyone in the entire world show respect for him.

One stone caused a thousand waves!

At the moment this news came out, the temple, Zhongtian Dynasty, Yikei, Liu Family, Zhao Family, Xitian Protoss, Zhou Family and so on all had huge reactions.

Including the most terrifying powerhouse of this kind of godless race, they all got the news quickly. Although their respective reactions are unknown, it is conceivable that any powerhouse between the world and the earth will definitely hear this news. It won't be so peaceful, now the weight of the two words Meng Fan is definitely not light!

Emperor Clan, Bai Family!

A beautiful woman is familiar with it in his hand, looking into the distance, tears are falling on her beautiful face, her face is whirling!

"Meng Fan!"

The tone was whispering, and the beautiful woman trembled all over. In these years, the gentle and lovely woman who was once has disappeared, and there is only one strong woman who is absolutely in control of the Bai family!

In the constant planning, one person resisted the possession, and the methods became more and more fierce, making countless people in the whole world afraid, even if the Bai family lost a lot in the war in the past, but in the hands of the woman, it is also in this group. In the years of planning, it is getting stronger and stronger.

However, at this moment the woman has taken off all her usual disguise, and at this moment is like a little girl, crying with joy, staring into the distance, smiling with tears!


The twelve red-clothed old men opened their eyes at the same time, their eyes sharp, staring at the void, after several breaths, twelve people uttered a word at the same time.


Zhongtian Dynasty, one line!

Qin Mieren and Yang Wudi, the two great emperors who were dealing with countless things at the same time, suddenly stood up, staring at the sky, and were silent for how long!

There is no doubt that Meng Fan's return at this moment is too shocking. In the past, countless people saw him die with their own eyes. The latter has become a legend, but now it is reborn in Nirvana. The return of the king is simply to make this myth again. Continued writing makes it difficult to close the mouths of countless people in the past, unimaginable.

But in the dark alliance, there is only joy!

When Meng Fan returned, everything was not important anymore. Countless powerful people gathered together, including Fatty White and Gu Xie who were on the expedition, returning quickly to meet Meng Fan.

Many powerful people gathered together, and for this group of brothers who had been together in blood, the moment they looked at each other, it was how many years and never changed.

Among the dark alliances, Meng Fan was really drunk. The latter was superb and shocked the world. In the past few years, no one could drink him too much, but now that he is back, a group of dark alliance strongmen are fighting in turn. .

For seven full days, everyone drank upside down, got drunk, and spoke with wine, without saying more!

"Brother, I really never thought you could come back. I'm so happy, I want to kiss you!"

After drinking too much, the face of God Monkey was flushed, and all of them were a little unstable. They grabbed Meng Fan and spit out a few words.

How strong his character is, but now he is saying that, causing Princess Yinyin to flush with her face and kick him hard.

Many people in the dark alliance laughed. These are old brothers for many years. They are too familiar with each other. Only Meng Fan's return can make the arrogant God Monkey be like this.

"Brother, you come back today, don't leave forever in the future, just stay in the dark alliance!"

Lin Tang's eyes were red, and he said solemnly.

That kind of tearing pain was too uncomfortable. For many years, he had traces in his heart. Now seeing Meng Fan, his emotions have exploded and he cannot bear it.

"rest assured!"

Sweeping the surroundings, Meng Fan's mouth was full of alcohol, but his eyes were faintly sharp, and he said solemnly.

"I have experienced life, experienced death, and I don't know many things after seeing it. I want to cherish the people around me, grasp the present, and control everything, so I will... always be with you!"

The rumbling tone caused the dark alliance people to nod seriously, but they didn't understand the deep meaning in Meng Fan's words.

The dark alliance rejoices, the king returns!

And under this situation, Meng Fan also stayed in the dark alliance. For a full twenty years, the whole person had never left, and at the same time he was guarding Xinlan's side. Over the past few years, how powerful the dark alliance is. Although Xinlan does not understand the cultivation base, under the many treasures of heaven and earth, it has been allowed to continue to extend its own life. It is protected by many dark alliance powers and regarded as life!

When he came out of Wuzhen in the past, Meng Fanke just didn't accompany Xinlan well, but now he seems to be a different person. The whole person is in the dark alliance, with Xinlan, and never left the chaotic valley!

With the passing of time, the outside world also accepted the return of Meng Fan, but at the same time there were rumors.

Although Meng Fan was reborn from Nirvana, the whole person was already abolished, his face was old and his figure was haggard. I am afraid that the peerless and powerful man who suppressed the world no longer exists.

Such a statement has caused the entire Wanyu to fall into controversy. On the one hand, some people suspect that the former Meng Fan was too shocking, leaving countless people with an invincible image, but not more people have seen Meng Fan that day. Fan, it was confirmed that Meng Fan had already fallen into old age, and his whole spirit had dried up.

And in the faint, there are the shadows of the Xitian Gods, the Liu family, the Zhao family, and many other families. In them, the rumor spread quickly, especially during the 20 years of Meng Fan. If it doesn't move, there are more and more rumors in the world that the former emperor was abolished, and now he is a ruin!

People are awesome, and under constant rumors, the whole world is like this!

Ten years later, this kind of rumors have become more powerful, and some people have begun to say that Meng Fan has become a thing of the past. In the new era, only the real strong will emerge, and the new Tianjiao will rise. The number one arrogant of Wanyu in the past is just history!

Even in the borders of the chaotic watershed, some people began to provoke Meng Fan, saying that they wanted to fight Meng Fan alone, and give him a statement of war! <

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