Supreme God King

Chapter 1554: provocative

Dark alliance, chaotic valley!

After the return of Meng Fan, this place has undoubtedly attracted the attention of countless people in the world, especially in the past few decades, and it has been discussed by countless people. The most interesting thing is naturally the long-distance. It was the return of Shura Mengfan from the past, and there is still a lot of combat power left, so what point has it reached!

This kind of speculation spreads throughout the ten thousand domains, and it naturally attracts the attention of countless people!

And the more time passes, the more turbulent undercurrents can be felt, especially in the last ten years, people who challenge Meng Fan have even appeared in the border!

However, what this group of people did is not too much, because all the young people who came here are the young generations. The talents born in the last five hundred years are strong and weak, and the words they use are first to come and Meng Fan. Compare who is the real arrogant.

It caused Burning Tianling, Shenhou and others gritted their teeth, but there were not many ways.

After all, the dark alliance can be regarded as a big family, even if it is not an emperor, it is also a top power in the Middle Ancient Territory today. It is different from before and needs to pay more attention to its reputation.

If there is no air at all, and suppressing the juniors, it is definitely not good for the reputation of the dark alliance!

The latter and the others seemed to be more and more fierce, and more and more people came to challenge Meng Fan. They were all young generations. They were just young and looked like they hated the sky.

And faintly there are many old family members behind them, secretly instructing, making this form more complicated.

Above the sea, people are crowded!

It is on the edge of this dark alliance, at a glance, you can see countless powerful people from all sides, gathered around, countless, numerous, densely packed!

There is no doubt that in the past few years, the border of the dark alliance has not stopped, and this group of people has gathered more and more.

Some are to provoke, some are to watch the excitement, some are admiring, etc., but it makes the entire chaotic watershed edge area become extremely lively, and some even start business here, and it is quite popular.

"Hmph, so many days, I still dare not come out, really incompetent!"

Between the sky, a man sneered, standing among the crowd, his body was slender and extremely dazzling.

If there is a strong man in the past 100 years, it must be obvious at a glance that this person's identity is extraordinary, but he comes from a penance who has become famous in the past 100 years. If he is less than a hundred years old, he has already reached the level of quasi god. He is known as a god, named Lei Han!

Lei Han came here a few months ago, naming Dao surname to challenge Meng Fan, and did not leave, only a few days.

And where it is, naturally it has a large number of people who want to watch it lively.

Time goes by, Tianjiao emerges in large numbers!

In the past, Meng Fan was only at a young grade and challenged the elder generation of strong people who do not know how many in the world, but now there are new waves appearing, coming to challenge and attracting countless people's attention.

Lei Han stood in the field, like a star, as if it had been a few days before, as if he was pointing to the country.

And in the next moment there was a loud laugh among the crowd,

"Haha, Brother Lei Han, with your strength, it is already enough to surpass the older generation, he naturally dare not come out, he wants to live in the honor before!"

The crowd looked sideways, and a group of people could be seen walking towards here, causing a wave of waves.

Because the people who came here are also the people who have risen to life in these hundred years, all of them are not old, less than a hundred years old, and there are eight people, but all of them have powerful strength, and three of them have already touched the gods. , Some of them come from the supreme power, and some are cultivators from heaven and earth, all came here!

Looking at the few people who came here, there was a wave of waves in the crowd. The eyes of countless people were unpredictable and they felt shocked.

Because if you count these people on the field, the most outstanding juniors in Wanyu a century are already gathered here, no matter what it is for, it makes people feel tremors.

"Brother Tiansuan, I didn't expect you to come too!"

Lei Han's gaze swept away, looking towards the sky.

"Of course, I also naturally want to see how extraordinary is the No. 1 Tianjiao 500 years ago!"

Standing in place, the man called Brother Tiansuan smiled slightly, but his smile was a bit cold, which made people shudder.


Lei Han shook his head and said coldly,

"I've been here for almost three months, but no one came out. I still call the thirteen emperors and the Kaitian emperor. I think... I should change my name. You said the words "Haitou Turtle" are appropriate. Huh?"

The voice fell and laughed at the same time, and the same was true for the people around him, including those big arrogances, but also smiled playfully, revealing a sense of confidence.

Such a scene caused everyone on the side to shake their heads. The older the seniors, the better they understood the origins of Meng Fan, and the greater the accomplishment between heaven and earth. Even now Meng Fan himself is old, but he thinks he should not be humiliated. .

"Young man, it's better to keep a low profile. When Meng Fan, I didn't know how many people were killed!"

Among the crowd, an old man whispered, which was really unbearable.

"what did you say?"

After a while, Lei Han's gaze swept away, and he stepped out in one step. The monstrous aura immediately locked the old man in the crowd and slapped it directly.


The handprint opened the sky and the vitality exploded. In an instant, it was covering the sky and the earth. A sweeping force struck. The old man was only in the Profound Origin Realm. How could he resist it? The moment his palm appeared, he hit it At the same time, it was a spurt of blood, flying out.

A palm split the old man, Lei said coldly,

"There is a kind of you say it again!"

From the back of the body, the old man spouted blood. He himself was not a member of the dark alliance, but a casual cultivator. He just followed Meng Fan in the battle at Tianleiguan in the past, but now he is not afraid of the imposing thunder cold. , Coldly,

"Some don't know awe, and some people want to be stunned. It's ridiculous. I just know that those people with ulterior motives are not here, and what I'm telling you is the truth. Meng Fan has become a **** in your grade. You are still far away!"

The sound fell, causing the people of the sky to tremble, and countless people were meditating and silent.


Lei Han's eyes flashed, he stepped out, and he stepped over. Its breath is domineering, this Lei Han obviously wanted to step on the old man with one foot in the most humiliating way to relieve his anger.


When the soles of the feet fell, Lei Han had already come to the old man's side in an instant, but the moment he rubbed it on the old man, a jade hand suddenly appeared between the sky.

The handprint appeared, turned into a fist, blasted out brazenly, and bombarded with this Thunder Han!


When the two collided, the sky trembled. At the next moment, Lei Han let out an exclamation and stepped back. At the same time, he looked into the distance in shock and found that a woman appeared beside the old man.

She has a beautiful face, a black leather jacket, outlines an exquisite figure, and at the same time she has stepped into a quasi-god state, with a fierce and indifferent expression between the flying hair. After that, two people appeared, a man and a woman, the man was an ape, and the woman was equally beautiful, but with a different temperament and a faint scroll!

Three Masters of the Dark Alliance!

After seeing the three people, the people who supported the dark alliance suddenly exclaimed, showing a look of joy, clearly understanding that the three people in the field are the three disciples Meng Fan accepted 500 years ago, Han You, Faint, Sansheng!

The person who shot before was Youyou. Standing alone in the sky, unlike the year before, she has grown up a big girl with a weird personality. After she grows up, she looks like Meng Fan, with a fierce energy. The shot is Thunder.

Lei Han's body was firm and he looked at the three of them and couldn't help but growl coldly.

"Are you disciples of Meng Fan? I just came here, I happened to defeat you first, hang you around this dark alliance, and then challenge Meng Fan!"

The voice fell, and Lei Han shot at the same time. In one blow, an overwhelming breath came, and the quasi-sweet breath broke out.

But at the same time, Youyou's body did not retreat but moved forward, striding out, and at the same time the jade hand slapped, turning into countless cruel handprints, and volleyed against it.


The two fought each other again. I don’t know how many times in an instant, but after a few breaths, you can see the faint body of the sky suddenly flash, the secret method is revealed, a slap is drawn in the past, and a big mouth is volleyed. Pump Lei Han away.

As he approached his body, Youyou pumped another seven or eight big mouths, and immediately beat Lei Han into a pig's head.


Tian Suanzi and others suddenly became angry, their expressions changed drastically, and they stepped forward one after another.

However, before he came forward, he saw two peaks, one was Han You, and the other was Sansheng. The two were expressionless, but they were the strongest means to kill.

Including Han You, his own temperament is mild, a bit similar to Bai Shui'er, but at this moment, he understands that someone has insulted Meng Fan, and he didn't hesitate to make a shot. It was the most powerful attack!


The sky burst, Sansheng and Han You played against Tiansuan and waited for seven or eight Tianjiao, causing the void to collapse, and Youyou on the side was also killed. The method was ruthless and the speed was extremely fast. After a few breaths, a few people in the field fell into trouble.

And Youyou is even more fierce, kicking one away, and at the same time stacking several people like arhats, and then photographing a handprint, vitality covering the sky, and directly crushing several people between the ground. The fingerprints fell, suppressing everything.

After just one seal, the people who beat seven or eight of them were ignorant, and the crowd was suddenly amazed. Numerous eyes looked at this place. You must know that the three are not sacred, just quasi-god, but they are so terrifying. Many of the most prestigious Tianjiao have been beaten up violently, and there is no place to fight back.

While standing in the sky, Youyou was expressionless and coldly said,

"Shinto has highs and lows, combat power has highs and lows, there are still many differences in the same realm. Not everyone is like my master. In the shortest time... embark on the strongest path!"

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