Supreme God King

Chapter 1555: The imperial family struck

Take the strongest path in the shortest time!

The voice fell, spread all over the week!

Under these words, countless people's hearts trembled and looked towards the sky.

Many of them had their eyes flickering, and there was a look of identification on their faces. This group of people naturally experienced the era of Meng Fan back then. They clearly understand that Meng Fan's rise was young and his realm improved rapidly, but between every realm They are all very solid, and they have the hegemony to suppress everything.

Five hundred years have passed, and the rise of his disciples is also extremely strong in the realm of Shinto. When encountering this kind of Tianjiao that has risen for a hundred years, it turned out to be a sweep.

There are high and low in martial arts, and high and low in Shenyuan!

This sentence is absolutely true. It is the martial arts and methods of everyone that really determines the combat power. This is the supreme foundation. Indeed, Meng Fan was born in the eternal age. Both martial arts and the speed of cultivation It is a terrible character!

The sky trembled, causing countless people who supported the dark alliance to cheer, but in the next moment, there was a trembling in the sky, and a cold snort came. It was just the moment the sound fell, that almost cracked the whole world.

"Young man, you are too arrogant, isn't your master already abolished!"

The tone rumbling, spread all over the week!

At the same time, one can see at the same time that an old man, dressed in a blue robe, expressionless, just appeared in this world at the same time, there is a kind of thundering power that swept through the wild, blocking everything, Countless people in the whole world held their breath.

The sacred powerhouse, and stepped into the second realm!

However, before everyone could react, and at the same time tore again around the sky, it was possible to see that there were ten powerful people emerging, each standing at one end of the sky, and a breath above everything was suppressing the surroundings.

Eleven sacred, shot at the same time!

Such a scene immediately caused an uproar in the field, and no one thought how it was possible that so many sacred powerhouses appeared at this moment. This level of existence is usually rare in the ages, but now in the edge of this dark alliance, once it appears, there are eleven!

And there are discerning people among them that can tell that these eleven people are not just as simple as the sacred and powerful, they are all from the ancient people without gods, and they have extremely background. And five of them are in the first realm, and the other six are in the second realm. They come from the three forces of the Xitian God Race, the Liu Family, and the Zhao Family!

The three emperors gather here!

Suppresses the breath and sweeps everything!

Only a moment later, Youyou spewed out a mouthful of blood, and the whole person went backwards, unable to control himself.

In addition, the three lives behind him, Han You and others were also completely suppressed by this at the same time, even moving their little fingers is laborious, this is the eleven holy figures appearing at the same time, let alone hands, the breath alone is too terrible, pressure Burst everything.

The crowd trembled, an uproar!

In the past few months, the border area of ​​this chaotic river basin has not been uneven, but now eleven sacred statues have emerged at the same time. This is really too shocking, making countless people shudder and look surprised. In the field.

If this battle broke out, it would be enough to shake Wanyu, which means too much!

What is the purpose of the three powerful emperors who have come to the border of the chaotic basin!

The breath is suppressed, the sky fades!

The body retreated, and Youyou felt pain all over the bones. Under the eleven sacred gazes, the whole person was about to be crushed. However, he bit his silver teeth, raised his stubborn head, and looked around. Coldly,

"I'm not telling the truth. When my master was walking in Ten Thousand Realms, that tianjiao dare to say that he could beat my master. Who in that era can beat him?"


Hearing this, one of the sacred eyes swept away, coldly said,

"In any case, that is also past. Today's times are not his. Although your master is back from the dead, but he dares to come out, is there any way to fight? In the past few months, just hiding Be his head-shrinking turtle in the dark alliance, and finally send you a few juniors to come out of the town, what, the strong in the dark alliance are dead!"

The tone rumbling, the voice spread all over Zhou Tian!

At the same time, at the next moment, this powerful man from the Liu family waved his hand and turned directly into a palm, heading towards the direction of the chaotic watershed.

We must know that the chaotic basin is extremely huge today. I don’t know how many people live in it. Under the construction of the dark alliance for many years, how many creatures and how many businesses there are. Now, in the sacred palm, all the discoloration may be ruthless by it. Erase a piece ruthlessly and completely turn into fly ash!

Everyone changed their colors and clearly understood how many people would die after this palm!

However, at the next moment when the handprint fell on the sky, Zhou Tian trembled, and a golden fist fell, facing the handprint between the sky, and suddenly burst out in the void, breaking everything!


Facing each other, Zhou Tian is crushed!

At the same time, you can see several figures walking out of the dark alliance. The person who shot is the divine monkey. Behind him is a group of strong men, all of whom are sacred, including the female emperor, the burning sky, amethyst, and the ancestor. , Zhan Mokong, Liu Qianhua, Yan King, Spirit King, Ice King, Elder Pan Snake!

Seven or eight sacred sacreds appeared together, comparable to a star, illuminating the entire world and appearing above this dark alliance.

Many years of experience, countless cultivation!

After Meng Fan's death created vitality for the dark alliance, this group of people did not disappoint Meng Fan's hopes. Over the past few years, they used the powerful opportunities of the dark alliance to cultivate themselves, and finally reached where they are today. . . . Holy place!

One shot, there are several sacred statues, today's dark alliance is definitely not comparable to that year!

Looking at each other, the entire void was immediately ignited, and now there is no need to speak, just the appearance of so many powerful people in the sacred realm is too much!

The three great emperors are old and gather vs. the dark alliance!

Countless eyes came out, among which the voice of discussion came out, resounding around.

Undoubtedly, while the news of Meng Fan’s return spread all over the world a few years ago, the reactions of the various forces must be absolutely different, and one thing is certain, it is the Western Heaven God Clan, the Liu Family, and the Zhao Family. It was the thunder shaking, murderous Ling Ran, and absolutely didn't want Meng Fan to return.

And after Meng Fan's return, there was very little news. The whole person was in the dark alliance, and the whole outside world was constantly guessing. For decades, it has never stopped!

But now that several great emperor clans are attacking, and the appearance of such a coincidence, everyone can think about it and know that everything is definitely not that simple. I am afraid that the old and new hatreds of the past are counted!

After all, the Liu family today is not the Liu family of that day, and the dark alliance today is not the dark alliance of that day.

Regardless of whether it was Meng Fan who suppressed Liu's border town alone, or the suppression of Meng Fan's childhood by the latter's great emperors, these hatreds are all deadly hatred, endless!

"It seems that it is just as rumored, this group of Tianjiao juniors are provoking here, it is the emperor's instigation that forced Meng Fan to take action!"

"Yes, I don't know how much Meng Fan in the legend has recovered. If it is really like a rumor, then everything will be abolished!"

Among the crowds, the whispers continued to fall, causing the whole place to boil. At the same time, when the news came out, the eyes of how many forces would be concentrated.

This already involves the battle between the older generation of emperors and the new generation of emperors. Once a battle, even if it is not as good as the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth, it will have a huge impact on the structure of the entire Middle Ancient Region, and it will involve too much. , So everyone has to pay attention!

At this moment, the sky is opposed, and it is extremely tense!

The breath confronts, everything is blocked!

In an instant, a total of twenty sacred deities were gathered, and only this kind of top power confrontation between the world and the earth has such a big hand.

The **** monkey stood alone, looked around and said coldly,

"With you, do you dare to come over and look for death?"

The tone was rumbling. Over the years, the **** monkey's domineering still remained unabated, even in the face of several sacred, godless tribes, but also disdainful.

Hearing that, several sacred faces were darkened at the same time, and one of them was humane,

"What are you, you are still in this dark alliance, Shenlong does not work with ants, so many years have passed, how is it, how much of your divine power is left!"

The tone was full of sarcasm, and the next moment the **** monkey snorted coldly, stepped out with a big hand, and turned into a billowing force.

"How much I have left, you will know if you try it!"

When the voice fell, and the mouth was casually spoken, you could see the body of the **** monkey like a golden mountain, with a punch, suppressing everything. In the present scene, not only the people between the world and the earth, but even the countless people in the dark alliance take a breath of air. The violent temper of the **** monkey is the same as the rumors, and it is not in line with the rumors. No matter who the opponent is, it will It was a direct fight.


The sky collided, and at the moment when the monkey and the Liu family sacred in the explosion, it completely ignited the aura between Zhou and the sky, and no one could ignore it. At the same time, the female emperor, the burning sky, amethyst and many other dark alliance strongmen also shot , The majestic vitality traversed the sky and the earth, volleyed, and collided with the sacred power of the three emperors.

Between these fights, in an instant, the sky over the chaotic valley changed color, and nearly twenty sacreds fought together. How terrible is this scene!

The thunder sound spread all over the world, but in the corner where everyone did not see, at the same time, there were three eyes focused here. These three people disguised extremely terribly, reclusive, and even the Empress and others could not detect it. Any breath of these three people.

After a few breaths, one of them frowned,

"What to do, they look confident, that man... is still on top?"


After a few breaths, one of them said coldly,

"Wait a little longer...find the opportunity, and then take the shot. Just try to find out how far he has reached!" <

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