Supreme God King

Chapter 1558: Kill!


Such a beautiful and indifferent woman is naturally the empress. The moment she appeared in this world, except Meng Fan, everyone was shocked and thunderous.

Before, under the eyes of the public, the empress was cut off by one of the sacred and ancient gods, but now she has appeared again and is safe and sound. Good can't be better!

Not only Liu Sen and others, including Burning Heavenly Order, Yan King, Spirit King, Amethyst, and the entire Dark Alliance, were a little dazed and didn't understand what had happened before. Could the female emperor be like Meng Fan, come back from the dead? !

"how is this possible!"

In an instant, the faces of the three Liu Sen were almost as if they had eaten a dead child. It was hard to see the extreme, staring at the empress, even trying to see whether it was a human or a ghost!

"Master Female Emperor!"

Youyou, Sansheng and the others were also dumbfounded, froze in place, in disbelief.

In this world, there are people who can bring back to life, but they seem to be by Meng Fan's side, but they have appeared twice, making countless people look at each other and don't know what to say.

"Why, surprised?"

Meng Fan's gaze swept away, looking at the three Liu Sen, with a smile on his face, slowly saying,

"If that weren't the case, how could you three old guys make a move, right?"

The tone was calm, and the three Liu Sen gritted their teeth and could not speak.

Stepping into the three sacred realms, the one who is not an old monster powerhouse who has lived for a long time, one by one is definitely not an exaggeration, and he is naturally very cautious in what he does. The reason why it took decades to make the layout is to see clearly Meng Fan’s true strength. What is left is geometry. Once Meng Fan is in the most peak state, then maybe the three of them will choose to forbear temporarily. , Does not compete with Meng Fan against the strong, after all, the latter is not the weak Wuzhen boy at the beginning. Everyone understands the terrible Meng Fan during the **** catastrophe, like killing a god, sweeping everything.

However, in the past few decades, Meng Fan has never been seen in the world. The latter has remained in this dark alliance without doing anything, and has an aging appearance, which makes people continue to speculate, including Liu Sen and the three. .

That’s why there was the previous scene. The three of them continued to test and finally killed the female emperor. The real confirmation is that Meng Fan has been seriously injured. The three talents appeared together, and they came out boldly, preparing to kill the dark alliance, but they were unexpected. Yes, Meng Fan actually appeared again, and it looked like everything. . . . It's definitely not that simple!

"This is your game!"

Luanhandian stared at Meng Fan and spit out a few words between his teeth. If the look in his eyes could kill Meng Fan at this moment, the look of Luanhandian alone would be enough to kill Meng Fan 10,000 times.

"Not bad!"

Meng Fan nodded and said calmly.

"When I returned to the Dark Alliance, I already knew that you would definitely target me and want to dominate the world. This blocker of mine is too obtrusive, so... I also used this plan decades ago. I’m starting to prepare. If you want to test me, I will let you test. Don’t worry, I’m not in a hurry, so I haven’t taken any action before, and I have already found Yan'er to discuss the plan with her, just for today !"

"She has obviously disappeared, and her soul has been beheaded. We have seen it with our own eyes, how can you do it!"

Zhao Lietian spit out a few words, still a little unbelievable.

The voice fell. Before Meng Fan could answer, a milky voice fell in the next moment.

"Ama, Abba..."

While talking, you can see a bare-bottomed doll emerge and fall next to the empress, cuddling her, looking like she is about to cry, at the same time, said,


Seeing this doll, especially so called, suddenly made the look on everyone's face slightly weird, and the female emperor's pretty face turned red, even if she was as indifferent as her, under this kind of crowd, I am also a little embarrassed.

However, like Liu Sen, Zhao Lietian, such a peerless powerhouse as Luanhandian, he naturally has amazing eyesight. He saw the clue at a glance, and said in shock,

"Chaotic Ancient Infant!"

The four characters fell down and spread all over the sky, making everyone react, and it was extremely shocking. This kind of thing was only spread in ancient books, and it was extremely rare, and it contained the chaotic divine way.

Five hundred years have passed, and they are already like dolls, and so are their minds, but their skills are definitely not back then.

Undoubtedly, after knowing that the three emperors were planning for himself, Meng Fan was also planning for the three emperors. This Chaos Ancient Infant was left by Meng Fan by the female emperor during the catastrophe of the past, and the female emperor herself to cultivate.

I don't know how many treasures of the dark alliance after eating, it also makes its own chaotic divine way more powerful.

So before, the empress was simply stealing the dragon and turning the phoenix. During the battle, she bought a flaw for Liu Jiaguo to attack, and she moved the space in an instant, replacing herself with Chaos Ancient Infant. The one who was killed was Chaos Ancient Infant. .

After the ever-strength chaotic divine way, although the ancient infant of chaos does not have strong combat power, the chaos is immortal, he will not die, he will be completely beheaded, but it will hurt for a moment, and then the chaos avenue will close, and everything is everything Restore as before.

Today, if you want to really kill this ancient chaotic infant, you need to kill the life and refinement.

This scene took place between the electric light and flint, deceived everyone, including Liu Sen and others. If they were not so anxious to kill the dark alliance, maybe Meng Fan could not bear it if they insisted for a while, but three People are still careless, especially after seeing the death of the empress, confirming that Meng Fan is not strong, and making a strong shot, and this moment also fell into Meng Fan's trap.


After reacting to all this, the three Liu Sen's expressions suddenly changed, and they uttered a word, and the whole person was about to tear the space, turned and left.

However, in the next moment the world was imprisoned, the sky changed color, and infinite pressure came from all directions, completely sealing all the void.

Even the powerhouses of the three sacred three realms were blocked between this big formation. Obviously there was a strong who laid a shocking killing formation and pressed the formation, and Liu Sen was backhanded in this big formation. .


"Hmph, with your grandfather and the emperor's grandfather, how could you escape!"

At the same time, an extremely arrogant voice came from the sky, the void collapsed, and a tower and an order emerged, which were the heaven and earth Xuanhuang Pagoda and the Emperor's Road.

The two gods around Meng Fan in the past shot again, after a few years, their strength was only stronger than that day, not weaker than the day.

Undoubtedly, since it was Meng Fan’s layout, everything was calculated. Naturally, Xiaotian and Emperor Dao were between the outside world, laying down this ancient killing formation, and forming a powerful and unmatched one with the strength of the two. The formation method, itself as the formation eye, confines the entire world.

Array in the Array!

The sky changed, and the moment Meng Fan appeared, everything was completely different!

From the past incomparably passive to the present, the world has reversed, and the situation can be described as a complete change. Previously, eleven ancient emperors laid down a killing array to besiege Meng Fan and others.

But under all the changes now, it is Meng Fan and others who control the big formation and oppose the formation, and what kind of gods Xiaotian and Emperor Dao are. The carefully laid killing formation penetrates the sky and the earth, and there is a way to destroy everything. Overbearing!

In this way, the entire world is completely imprisoned, everything is blocked!

There was an uproar between heaven and earth. At this moment, I don't know how many powerful people gathered around this chaotic valley. They come from all the major forces. Now they are all petrified, and I can't believe it.

Meng Fan, the dark alliance, has not made a move for decades, but once it is made today, it is the layout of the powerhouses that besieged the three emperors, including the three sacred and three realm beings, which are deeply trapped and unable to go out.

What a means, what a scheming is this.

"Okay, okay, it's Meng Fan, what, what do you want now!"

Liu Sen laughed in anger, his breath was magnificent, and his anger was very strong.

Hearing that, Meng Fan was also extremely calm and said calmly.

"Of course... I'm sending you on the road!"

A few words fell, and punches out at the same time. At this moment, Meng Fan stepped out one step at a time, with a punch. Only a moment later, it twisted the void between the entire sky and reversed everything. A golden fist pierced through the sky and went straight. Liu Sen is here!

Years of preparation, just for this moment, once it is going to do it, Meng Fan has no mercy!

Fist like electricity, suppress mountains and rivers!


The monkey spit out a word indifferently, stepped forward, and went straight to the chaotic cold electricity. Under the order of Meng Fan, many people of the dark alliance, the female emperor, the burning sky, the flame king, the spirit king, and the war demon sky, The old snake snake, Xiaotian, Xiaodi and others all moved one after another, turned into the most powerful means, and began to besiege the three emperors.

The emperor fist moved and headed straight for Liu Sen. With his strength he couldn't help but change slightly, and he slashed out with a palm, and brazenly collided with Meng Fan. Zhao Lietian on the side also had a backhand with a palm. At this moment, there are two holy three realms The powerhouse is also the strongest method that broke out in an instant. Now he is already in Meng Fan's game. He is naturally very angry and wants to get out of trouble, so he naturally uses the thunder method.

It can be seen to the naked eye that two mountain-like handprints hit, suppressing the entire world, and a kind of overbearing tyrannical coming oncoming, covering everything completely.


Meng Fan one person vs two sacred three realms!

At the moment of this impact, it was like the stars colliding with each other, bursting out endless sparks, how extraordinary the combat power of these three people, bursting out with all their strength, shattering everything.

The weather was overwhelming, but Meng Fan's whole body was motionless, comparable to a big Buddha. Even the existence of the two sacred and three realms did not shake him at all. Only the clothes hunting, expressionless, looking at the two, Indifferently,

"If I haven't taken any action for decades, I will kill you two first... Come and tell the world that I am still there and I still have power!" <

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