Supreme God King

Chapter 1561: Great secret

Two sacred, dead!

The rain of blood falls, making the world red!

Hundreds of millions of eyes are focused here, everyone can hardly utter a word, only looking at the scene!

In this round, Liu Sen, Zhao Lietian and other emperors personally laid them out for themselves, hoping to kill Meng Fan and completely eliminate the dark alliance in this Middle Ancient Region. But now, instead of getting rid of the dark alliance, it has paid the price of two sacred and three realms!

Such a scene is amazing!

No one can think of it. Megatron, the Middle Ages, and the great emperors who have suppressed Wanyu for so many years, may have buried themselves a tomb, two sacred three realms, the master of the family, just died like this. Between this sky!

At the same time, the Middle Ages vibrated and Wanyu vibrated!

The sacred influence of the three realms is really too great, and that one is famous and famous in this world.

In the past, when the Tianlei Pass battled, there were only a few hundred statues from the Ten Thousand Territories, and it was unexpected that two statues were completely removed from this world. What a big event!

In the Zhongtian Dynasty, Qin Mieren stood in front of the palace, looked at this direction, and was silent!

In the same vein, Yang Wudi was the same, his expression faintly dignified, extremely unpredictable.

The temple, the Bai family, the Zhou family, the Eastern Demon Race and so on. . . . . The many supreme forces between this world and the earth now have fierce reactions, with joys and worries, each is different.

Of course, the most important thing is the Xitian Protoss, Liu Family, Zhao Family and other places. At this moment, at the same time, I don't know how many roars and broken things sounded, which set off a huge riot, and was extremely angry!

A sacred statue in the three realms, from birth to enlightenment, is too difficult. Looking at the whole vitality, only one of the hundreds of millions or even tens of billions of people may come out, and it still takes a long time. Only in the end can it have that kind of power.

But now this kind of existence is dead, cut into his own hands by Meng Fan, destroying it, and killing it. . . . Two!

Such a loss is too great!

In the chaotic watershed, Meng Fan could even feel the majestic murderous intent of Liu Family, Zhao Family and other places, but he smiled slightly and looked at the chaotic cold electricity aside with indifferent eyes.

The chaotic cold electricity was entangled by the **** monkey, and the two manpower fought, and the waves of air flew across the world.

And the **** monkey already had invincible means hundreds of years ago, comparable to the sacred three realms.

And during this year, I followed Meng Fan to realize the pains of the old monkey, and I don’t know how much it has improved. Therefore, in the two attacks, the monkey also has the absolute upper hand, killing and attacking step by step. At this moment, Han Dian was full of blood, his body collapsed, and he kept moving backwards.

Whether it is Meng Fan's hands or not, the battle is set, and the chaos will be defeated. It is only a matter of time!


The blood spurted out, the cold and the electricity screamed, the whole person retreated, but there was a palm torn off by the monkey.

Under such pain and humiliation, the entire face of Luan Handian was distorted, and the sword of backwards was extremely embarrassed. However, looking at the murderous monkey and Meng Fan who had already walked by the side, his face turned green and roared. Tao,

"You dare to kill me, but you know that there are still strong people in my family. Once we stay here and all the strong people in the three families move, even if you are now terrible, can you resist?"

The tone is gloomy, spread all over the world!

But Meng Fan came in stride, just smiled indifferently, said indifferently,

"Don’t think I’m a fool. Five hundred years ago, you disobeyed the king’s order. During five hundred years, you ruled the world and did many bad things? If there is an ancient supporter in the middle, and if the ten thousand domain powerhouses have fallen a lot, I am afraid that the temple has already taken action.

Therefore, in today’s battle, you are already the most powerful force. Once all of you are moving, I believe that it will be accompanied by the temple, the mid-heaven, and the powerful from the three places. Who do you think will win?

They will not take action in the battle between you and me. Who wins and loses cannot be controlled, but if you dare to use the power of the entire emperor clan, then you will set off a catastrophe of ten thousand domains, I believe. . . . There are many people who are unhappy with you! "

The tone is rumble, sonorous and powerful!

Under these words, countless people's expressions were immediately gloomy. The more people who understand the Ten Thousand Realms, the more they will understand that both the emperor and the dark alliance are in fear of each other.

Although the Dark Alliance is known as the thirteen emperor clan, it is only a name.

Compared with the eternal emperor clan of the Liu family and the Zhao family, the dark alliance is still too weak today. Although Meng Fan and the **** monkey are both sacred to the three realms, no one knows who they are. How many three realms exist in the Liu Family and Zhao Family, who are ruthless and profit-oriented.

And the three who are dispatched now are only revealed. I don’t know how many have not been revealed. Compared with them, the dark alliance’s background is too weak. If the three emperors really do their best to fight In the dark alliance, even if it has Meng Fan and the monkey, it is bound to die and lose!

But on the contrary, Liu, Zhao, and the three families of the Xitian Protoss also have many enemies, especially the supreme forces that suffered heavy losses during the Great Tribulation, and they really want to eat them. It's just that the three families have always been extremely mysterious, no one can see clearly, so naturally they won't move rashly. After all, this is an emperor. Once a war starts, it is life and death, and it affects the hundreds of millions of creatures behind them.

So these three companies were dispatched to deal with Meng Fan. Although it seemed that there was no one around this chaotic watershed, but in reality, there were not many pairs of eyes watching here.

If Liu, Zhao, and Xitian really exposed all their hole cards, then there is no doubt that the corresponding other forces will also move at the same time. Now they do not move because they don’t know how the three players’ hole cards are. , But once you understand your opponent, there will naturally be thunder moves.

Not to mention the temple that has a very good relationship with the dark alliance, the Bai family and other places, if the three families move, I am afraid that only a few three three families offended the second stage holy to enter their hinterland, the three families are enough to drink a pot.

Although the imperial clan has a great deal of power in the world, they also have a big family and need to protect too much, including now Meng Fan. In the past, he was only himself in the world and did not worry about it, but now he must protect the darkness. League, because it involves too many relatives and friends!

When Meng Fan said it, the cold and electricity almost bit his tongue. There is nothing to check Meng Fan, which means that he will step into the footsteps of Liu Sen and Zhao Lietian, follow his death, and disappear completely.

Thinking of that feeling, I couldn’t help making Luanhandian’s face pale, and there was no human appearance at all. Just after Meng Fan and the monkey approached, he immediately shouted.

"I surrender, I surrender, don't kill me, I am very useful to you!"

The tone trembled and panicked. This kind of posture is absolutely impossible to appear above a three-level powerhouse, because it is actually too terrifying, but under the certain murderous intent, it completely defeated the repair of chaotic cold electricity. Heart, let him give up his dignity as a strong man, turned out to choose to surrender.

"Hmph, what use do you want!"

The **** monkey sneered, his breath sealed the world and did not give the chaotic cold electricity any chance to escape.

"Useful, useful!"

Up to now, the chaotic cold electricity is too much to worry about. He clearly understands the cruelty of Meng Fan and others. If he hesitates again, he will definitely die.

"I know the secrets of the three clans and what they are planning. If you leave me, you can understand all the secrets. I can guarantee that even the Zhongtian dynasty will not know them in the same line, and once they are The spread is enough to shake the world!"

After saying this, Meng Fan and Shenhou suddenly hesitated, and the tactics and behaviors of chaotic cold electricity were enough to cause him to die 10,000 times, but the latter had to make them think carefully.

The Liu Family, the Xitian Protoss, and the Zhao Family are indeed the bane of existence, and they are constantly acting, and the plans are very big. Once they have a thorough insight, it will definitely be of great benefit.

"Your strength is too strong, I am not at ease!"

Meng Fan said coldly.

"I can abandon my body and be covered in the shackles of my soul, just ask you to give me a way to survive, don't let me die, don't let me die!"

Luan Handian tremblingly said, where is the majesty of the strong, only that kind of begging for mercy, even planning to abandon his own cultivation base, just to survive.

However, while he was speaking, before Meng Fan and others could answer, the void suddenly changed, the world was twisted, and a terrifying force came, possessing a kind of hegemony that destroys the world.


Meng Fan and God Monkey violently broke out at the same time, and their respective auras exploded like the sun, blasting out with one palm, and colliding with the powerful force of the void.


The sky shook, and the mountains and rivers changed color under one palm, while Meng Fan and Shenhou retreated at the same time under the joint hands. After dozens of steps, each blood spilled from the corners of their mouths. Obviously, the injury from the shock was definitely not small. .

On the other hand, even though that force was resisting, it only resisted most of it, and there was still some spare force passing by, impacting on the body of this chaotic cold electricity.

He himself was a seriously injured body. Unprepared, he immediately broke his body and his soul was severely injured, turning into a rain of blood at this moment.


Meng Fan strode out, not worrying about the mysterious power that the void had drawn away. Instead, he came to the place where the cold electricity was, and grabbed it with his big hands. However, that power was too domineering, not only had a blow. The power of the two of them blasted away, and the cold electricity was completely destroyed. Even if he was in the Three Divine Realms, he wouldn’t work. His body was shattered and there were not many souls left. Even if it was not completely vanished, it was almost the same. Up!

The monkey came, seeing this, couldn’t help but feel sorry,

"It is completely abolished, even if there are a few traces of soul power left, but if you want to wake him up, I am afraid that there is no chance, one in ten thousand!"

"It's better than nothing!"

A few words were spit out between Meng Fan's teeth, and he looked at it at the same time, his sharp eyes seemed to look into the void, looking at the person who shot through endlessly.

And in the void, the previous power has disappeared, and no more shots, but at this moment in the faint, the whole world seems to be still, and the sound of breathing can be clearly heard.

Only the top strong can feel it, as if there is a gaze watching here, the person who shot before is also him, a mysterious and terrifying existence, a palm of the flying **** monkey and Meng Fan, forcibly killing the chaotic cold electricity . . . . . What a force!

Such a person, looking at this place, just thinking about it is creepy, knowing that it must be a terrifying figure.

While standing in the sky, Meng Fan held his hands on his back and stared at the void quietly, not knowing how long it had passed, and finally uttered a few words.

"In this round, there is no difference, but next time... Not necessarily!" <

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