Supreme God King

Chapter 1568: East Sky City

Dark alliance, Meng Fan!

A few words spread throughout the week, like thunder!

At the moment of falling into this world, all the guards of the entire East Sky Demon Race changed their expressions, and countless eyes looked over, with a hint of shock and amazement.

There is no doubt that even the godless race have heard of the name Meng Fan, and it is absolutely impossible to ignore it.

Because in these five hundred years ago, the two words Meng Fan created too many legends, spread all over the world, this name means the myth of Wanyu!

Between the sky, a figure came, wearing a blue shirt, hair flying, and his face calm. I don't know how many vicissitudes he has experienced.

An old man followed behind him, and he stepped into the East Heaven City. The moment he entered here, the entire East Heaven City suddenly boiled, like a torch still in the pyre, completely igniting the place.

Countless gazes gathered, including the guards of the East Heaven City, and the large number of strong men in this East Heaven City, all suddenly awakened and looked here.

Needless to say, at the same time, countless elders of the Eastern Demon Race walked out of their respective places and gathered here, because this person is enough for them to attach so much importance to, although young, but in that kind of countless legendary Accumulated, already has this qualification.

Taking a stride out, Meng Fan walked between the sky in this way. After he left Tianhe City, he went straight here without any hesitation.

Eight dragon stones, ancient water spirits!

These two gods are here, and this one reason is enough for Meng Fan to come, but the way he chooses is not stealing or snatching, but just walked into this east sky city in such a big way and came to this godless race In the core hinterland.

The old man who followed him is now pale and his teeth are shaking, but without the demeanor of Meng Fan, he is naturally the old man.

As he walked, the old snake snake muttered,

"My little ancestor Meng Fan, you really want to enter here!"

"Let me tell you, they have a lot of strong people!"

"Even if you want to die, don't drag me, the old man hasn't lived enough... There are still a lot of girls waiting for the old man!"

The murmur of the old snake snake continued to be heard, but Meng Fan completely ignored it. In the eyes of everyone, only step by step, coming from the void, walked into this East Heaven City!

Within a few breaths, you can see that the defensive formations surrounding this East Sky City are already full of figures, including young and old, all from the strong blood of the East Sky Demon Race People, gathered in the sky, at a glance, cover the sky and the earth, densely packed, just sensing the kind of qi and blood like the ocean, which makes the scalp numb and the whole body tremble.

And Meng Fan was fearless, just came before the crowd, swept away 10,000 people, and said calmly,

"In Xia Mengfan, I have met all friends of the Eastern Demon Race!"

The tone rumbling, like thunder, spread throughout the world!

With Meng Fan’s current strength, although it seems to be just a report, a single word has been heard by the entire East Sky City, and tens of millions of people are looking at this direction in horror. , I am afraid that even the most common Eastern Demon Race has heard of this name.

"Young man, what are you doing here!"

After a few breaths, a voice finally came from the East Heaven City. The person who spoke was an old man, his expressionless face, he had already stepped into the second realm of existence.

He is one of the supreme worships among the Eastern Demon Race. He is only in retreat on weekdays and will never appear. However, when Meng Fan’s breath appears, this ancient statue naturally moves space, quickly and quickly. Come.

But even if he faced Meng Fan, he couldn't help but show a trace of caution on his face.

The name of the person, the shadow of the tree!

The words Meng Fan can reach the world so shocking as they are today, but they are definitely not resonating with words to resound in the world.

With a slight smile, Meng Fan said calmly.

"The kid didn't dare to make any trouble, but wanted to see the patriarch of the Eastern Demon Clan... Yuan Leitian!"

The tone was calm, spread all over the surroundings, let the old man who had spoken before moved his brows and looked around. At this moment, many other ancients in the East Sky City are also coming, but facing Meng Fan who is not hostile, he frowned. .

After a few breaths, one of them was humane,

"Our patriarch is cultivating, for many years, we have not seen outsiders!"


Meng Fan said in a deep voice, not moving.

"It's true that I have something to see the original Leitian Patriarch, so I would like to ask you all to relax and give me this opportunity!"

While speaking, Meng Fan gave a deep salute to the ancient demon ancestors of the East Heaven to show respect!

Seeing that Meng Fan's attitude was so polite, many members of the Eastern Demon Race nodded. The latter was able to reach this point in such a grade and still maintain a normal heart, which is really rare.

If it's a revolving grade, then Meng Fan's presence is just a younger generation, and he doesn't even have the qualifications to speak!

However, according to Meng Fan's strength, he is indeed qualified to meet the patriarch of the Eastern Demon Race, and he is already a friend of the same generation. His combat power is there, even if he is in the second stage, he kills the two great and three ancient sacreds, how extraordinary , This has nothing to do with friendship, but with strength.

However, in the next moment, without waiting for many elders to speak, a voice came from the land of the Eastern Demon Race,

"What kind of thing are you, you will see you when you say you see it. You don't pee and take good pictures of yourself. I really think you are a character. In the land of my Eastern Demon Race, you are nothing!"

When he said it, the surrounding was in an uproar!

Obviously, the hostility in this sentence was very obvious, causing many of the ancient Eastern Demon Race to frown and want to speak, but they were stopped by another group of elders.

The opinions of many powerful people in this Eastern Demon Race are not unified, because the ancients that have come here today are not just one, but countless ancients are resurrected and come here.

The people of the Eastern Demon Race have always been fierce, and most of them did not respond to this sentence, but looked at Meng Fan indifferently.

Undoubtedly, even if Meng Fan possesses amazing combat power and reputation, the Eastern Demon Race also has its own pride and confidence, and does not agree with it, and even despises it.

Under countless gazes, Meng Fan was also expressionless, looking in the direction of the person who spoke before, calmly said.

"Being is really nothing, but can you give him a chance to help me pass on ancient times!"

"I have already said that you are a kind of dog thing, you dare to talk about

While speaking, one of the figures came out, looking like a middle-aged man, about two thousand years old, but he has already reached the point of sacred realm, this kind of grade can be regarded as a sacred state in the whole world. Younger, and the most important thing is that this person has a kind of unpredictable aura, and his status in this Eastern Demon Race is also very high.

"Yes, I heard that you are the number one arrogant of the Ten Thousand Realms. Many times before, our Eastern Demon Clan was not born, and I don’t know if your name is not worthy. If you want to walk into this Eastern Heaven like this, I’m afraid It's impossible!"

In the crowd, there was another man who said coldly, who was also more than a thousand years old in his grade, looking at Meng Fan with disdain, with a sense of provocation.

As the voices of the two fell, Meng Fan's eyes finally flashed. It seems that the Eastern Demon Race is going to weigh himself, coldly said,

"According to your excellency, how should I walk into such an eastern city?"


The man who spoke before gave a sneer and said slowly,

"If you want to enter here, it's okay, so just follow the rules of our East Sky City, and a large formation of 28 people including me, you break into it, if you can pass, then you will be qualified!"

The voice fell, and at the same time a group of people appeared around it, with blood and blood, and murderous intent.

If you look carefully, you must be able to know that this group of people are not very old, about a few thousand years old. Among them, there are eight sacred realms, two sacred two realms, full of vitality and blood. The most terrifying collection of the young generation in the entire Eastern Sky Demon Race. There are males and females standing in the sky, all looking at Meng Fan, faintly full of provocation.

The first arrogance of the Ten Thousand Regions, the title of Meng Fan has been spread all over the world, and he has not met him in the past years, but today Meng Fan broke in, which also caused this group of Eastern Demon Clan people to refuse to accept it. Have a try!

The entire East Heaven City was amazed, countless eyes looked over, all with a shocking look, the more people who have been in this East Heaven City for a long time, the more they know the terribleness of the Supreme Array in this East Heaven City.

It is a collection of the most outstanding young generations of the East Sky Demon Clan in the past, and all the strong elites of the East Sky City are among them.

There are a total of twenty-eight people, ten sacred, once this big formation is opened, the power of these twenty-eight people will be integrated into it, and it will create the power of the earth and the sky, even if it is a sacred three-level powerhouse without a defense If it is good, it may also be bloody!

Countless eyes focused on Meng Fan's body, many of them sighed softly, knowing that I am afraid that Meng Fan will also be swept back today. The Eastern Heaven Array alone is too terrifying. It is impossible for him to be with him. The confrontation of the entire Eastern Sky Demon Race must be faceless!

However, among countless gazes, Meng Fan was extremely calm, just stretched out a hand, spread it out, and turned it into five fingers.

Seeing Meng Fan's movements, the man of the Eastern Demon Race who spoke before sneered.

"Why, does it mean surrender?"

"Do not!"

Meng Fan said with no expression on his face.

"I mean...I can't break your big formation within five breaths, turn around and leave, never come again!" <

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