Supreme God King

Chapter 1569: Suppress everything

Five breaths!

The rumbling voice spread throughout the world, falling at this moment, suddenly like a bolt from the blue sky, making everyone look at each other, extremely dumb!

The eyes of countless people from the Eastern Demon Race focused on Meng Fan. Many of them even thought that Meng Fan was crazy. This is really... too arrogant!

Dongtian Great Formation!

This formation method is passed down from the ancient times by the Eastern Demon Clan. It is presided over by the strongest among the past dynasties, each turning into a formation in the big formation, integrating its own ultimate strength into it. Initiating the destruction of everything has the power of earth-shaking, which is recognized by the world, and it is the pride of the people of the Eastern Demon Clan for generations.

However, under the eyes of all people, Meng Fan actually said that he would break it in five breaths. This is undoubtedly like a big mouth drawn on the faces of all the Eastern Demon Race.

Not to mention the younger generation, including many old ones, their faces became gloomy and gloomy. Among them, the hot-tempered people burst out with blood, like stars, roaring,

"what did you say!"

"It's not going to die!"

Around the sky, the sound came, causing the old snake snake to shiver, while Meng Fan smiled slightly and said calmly.

"I said, break through your Eastern Great Formation within five breaths, why... Don't you dare to bet with me?"

The voice is calm and falls again!

Creak, creak!

Standing between the places, the man of the Eastern Demon Ancestor who spoke before grasped his hands tightly, his veins violent, and he looked at Meng Fan with a grudge, almost crushing his teeth, and said coldly,

"Okay, okay, Meng Fan, since you are looking for death, then don't blame me, set up an array!"

The last two words are spit out, the world changes suddenly!

The twenty-eight people of the Eastern Demon Ancestor who followed the man before were all moving, standing around the sky, their vitality exploded, sweeping everything, turning into the most powerful streamer, illuminating the entire sky.

In an instant, the entire sky above the East Heaven City was lit up. It was the powerful aura from the twenty-eight people. The secrets of each faintly operated, motivating the ancient killing formations distributed between the heavens and the earth to move. one slice.

You must know that in this East Sky City, the power gathered to trigger this East Sky Great Formation is not only the power of these 28 people, but also the power of the entire young generation of the East Sky Demon Race.

Among them, there is the power of the entire Eastern Sky Formation that has been condensed throughout the ages. It has always been condensed in this Eastern Heaven City. Now it is triggered by a few people, and the whole world is boiling. At this moment, the great formation spreads and suppresses Zhou Tian. .

"Meng Fan, there is a kind of you come to break the formation, we are here waiting for you, don't you want to meet the patriarch, then enter here, if five breaths break open, I am willing to let you in, but if so Five breaths can’t break. Not only will you not be able to get in, but you may still have your life!"

The tone was indifferent and came from the big formation, causing countless members of the Eastern Demon Race to nod their heads.

Among the ten thousand domains, the strong is respected, and the same is true for the emperor!

Obviously this is a problem set by the Eastern Demon Clan for Meng Fan. If Meng Fan can't solve this problem, there will be no future. It can only be handled by Eastern Demon Clan. Any crime of trespassing is enough. Meng Fan drank a pot.

Accompanied by the voice, the Eastern Heavenly Formation was also full of suffocation, with a vast aura, and came straight to Meng Fan.

Many of the runes flicker, just at a glance, it is enough to make people feel scared, if you enter this big formation, it is not to be broken!

At this moment, countless eyes gathered between Zhou and Tian, ​​including the many ancient Eastern Demon Ancestors, with a sneer on his face, looking at Meng Fan.

For them, they may believe that Meng Fan can break open, but it is absolutely impossible to break open within five breaths, and he must be beaten in the face!

The aura was vast, covered by a large array, and the billowing waves of air forced towards Meng Fan, causing the whole world to be silent, only Meng Fan, the eastern sky array in front of him.

I have to say that under this confrontation, it is really exciting, even the sound of breathing is a bit still.

While standing in the sky, Meng Fan looked at the large array in front of him blankly. As his voice fell, he also stepped forward and said calmly.

"Okay, I'll break the line!"

While speaking, the verbal method followed, and at the same time, one of Meng Fan's palms was raised, but at the moment his palm appeared in the heavens and the earth, his whole body also rioted, and a swallowing force that absorbed the heavens and the earth came at the same time. Everyone felt the accelerated flow of energy between heaven and earth this week, converging in the direction where Meng Fan was!

Between a breath!

Meng Fan snapped his fingers and absorbed it, just for a moment, he absorbed how much energy from heaven and earth, and then stretched out his big hand and blasted out with a palm. At the same time, the infinite energy of heaven and earth absorbed by Meng Fan was completely integrated by Meng Fan, with two god-level skills. The Dharma is transformed, and then erupts from its palm prints, and at the same time a word resounds through the world,


Just one word, only one word!

However, just at the moment when this word fell into the world, it was like the thunder of the Eight Desolations, and the sea of ​​anger shook, and a large golden hand in the void fell, coming from the sky, and directly slapped on the great eastern formation.

Cut the water with a knife, and cut it in two!

This style is the supreme method used by the Queen of Heaven in the past. It was used by Meng Fan's finger and has never been shown in the world during these five hundred years. The moment that emerged at this moment, that kind of tearing everything, The overbearing intention of cutting off the world is to cover all at the same time, making the crowds in an uproar!


The moment its breath emerged, it changed the ancient look of countless Eastern Demon Races. Even if there were many sacred powerhouses among them, they all instinctively took a step back, because the intention of the palm was too domineering, so The implied power is even more so, the artistic conception in it is the ultimate killing.

The moment when the breath emerges, there is a power to distort sentient beings. This is.... What kind of hand!

The crowds were in an uproar and backed up!

At the same moment that was visible to the naked eye, Meng Fan's big hand came out, fell from the void, the mark was towering, and the volley hit, that kind of overbearing intent that swept through the wilds also completely penetrated the eastern sky formation.


After two breaths, all the defensive power of the Eastern Sky Array between the sky was completely destroyed by Meng Fan's palm, and completely collapsed. The power penetrated and the entire defense between heaven and earth was Completely shattered and turned into sky fragments.

Among them, the 28 members of the Eastern Sky Demon Race who were standing separately spewed out a mouthful of blood, and the whole person flew out in the void, falling on the ground like sandbags.

The big formation of the east sky shattered suddenly, with a palm... and broken!

Broken, and just a palm!

Looking at this scene in the field under countless eyes, everyone couldn't believe it.

Including the ancients of many Eastern Demon Races, it is impossible to admit this. It is their supreme killing formation guarding the mountain gates. The entire generation of young powerhouses from the Eastern Demon Race has gathered, but in Meng Fan’s hand Under the force, it turned out to be broken.

In a disguised way, all the young generations of the great Godless tribe lost to Meng Fan!

As far as his eyes could be, looking at the thin figure between the sky, it made countless people swallow a deep slobber, incomparably shocked.

What is this person... What a monster!

But the body did not move, among the fragments of the sky, Meng Fan's breath recovered, and his handprints were retracted. Indeed, as he said, it took less than five breaths from his shot to the end.

Looking at it again, Meng Fan stared at many elders of the Eastern Demon Race, and said calmly,

"Everyone, do I have the qualifications to enter it and meet the patriarch now!"

The tone was calm, without any sarcasm, but now all the ancient Eastern Demon Races, including the many ancients, can't wait to find a place to get in.

Before, most of them were doubting Meng Fan's strength. After all, the rumors are only rumors. Meng Fan's realm seems to be between the two realms. Whether there is any kind of combat power is still unknown!

But under this palm, the majority of the people in the field did not have any temperament, and there was no vain person under the reputation. The latter reached the point of being terrible.

Even if there are many people from the Eastern Sky Demon Race who are dissatisfied with Meng Fan, they still need to weigh themselves whether they can withstand the overwhelming palm of Meng Fan before.


An ancient Second Realm of the Eastern Sky Demon Clan snorted coldly, his gaze swept the many ancient gazes around, and finally said,

"Since I promised you before and you broke in, then our Eastern Demon Race is also trustworthy, but only shows you to the patriarch. As for you and the patriarch, it depends on your own ability!"

While talking, the old man turned around and left. The Eastern Demon Race around this world also gave Meng Fan a way, and the mountain gate opened to allow Meng Fan to enter it.

But at this moment, although the road is open, it leads directly to it.

But the people standing around were all members of the Eastern Demon Race. Under the eyes, there were many murderous people, especially the behavior of Meng Fan before that was undoubtedly hitting the entire Eastern Demon Race in the face.

This tribe itself is extremely militant. In the past, it was famous for killing and slaughter, rising from the ancient times, and possessing great military exploits. How could it be possible to endure this!

At this moment, millions of people are staring at Meng Fan, just standing on both sides, but the gathered eyes are almost like knives, tearing everything apart, and the void is full of absolute pressure!

Standing behind Meng Fan, the old snake snake felt that his body was about to be torn apart and whispered.

"Meng Fan, do you really go in? Once we go in, we won't even have a little room. Here we may move the world and leave, but the exercises in this East Heaven City can be imprisoned again, and I may wait a little to leave. No, it's better to... Think about it again?"

Hearing the words of the old man, Meng Fan was expressionless, as if he had not heard, only.... . Stepping out in one step, in the eyes of millions of murderous people, slowly stepping into the East Heaven City!

One step down, the crowd marveled!

The entire East Heaven City was boiling at this moment. Looking at Meng Fan who walked into it, he clearly understood the East Heaven City... . But there must be a good show to be staged! <

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