Supreme God King

Chapter 1570: Don't you come to kill me!

Much attention!

In the East Sky City, at this moment, the East Sky Demon Races stood in rows, watching the Meng Fan and the old snake coiler walk in, at this moment, the ancient world was completely sealed off.

Millions of people from the Eastern Sky Demon Race stood on the sky, without saying a word, just focusing on Meng Fan. Under this kind of murderous breath, it was enough to make countless people in the world collapse.

Not to mention targeting one person, even a million iron-blooded army would have to be afraid of it. After all, these are the Eastern Demon Races. Among them, the militants are unambiguous to eat people, and the hands are contaminated with blood, and the murderous intent is comparable. substance.

But among the countless gazes, Meng Fan walked so unhurriedly, as if spreading, and he was even in the mood to look at the scenery in the East Sky City. He admired some of them for pointing and pointing. !

Seeing Meng Fan’s reaction, I couldn’t help but let the many ancient Eastern Demon Races sigh in secret. I have to say that Meng Fan’s name, the number one arrogant of the Ten Thousand Realms, is indeed true. It is only the calm of the latter. Kung Fu, I am afraid that ordinary people will never be able to find them for a lifetime!

One person is in the godless race, even if the whole world is enemies, but there is no fear, this is. . . . . How courageous!

Silent all the way, under the ancient leadership of the Eastern Demon Race, Meng Fan also followed the Eastern Heaven City and stepped into the most central zone, Dadongshan!

The mountain stands upright into the clouds, like a giant hand, as if it penetrates the sky, majestic and shocking the world.

Even after Meng Fan glanced at it, he couldn't help but get a heartbeat. He had long heard of this place.

This Dadongshan is the foundation of the Eastern Demon Race. It is rumored that in ancient times, the ancestors of several Eastern Demon Races came out from here, conquering the world and sweeping the wasteland, only relying on their own six people. Power is to lay down a big Eastern Demon Clan for future generations, and look down upon the world.

It’s just a pity that the six sacreds that created the Eastern Demon Ancestor in the past have all disappeared inexplicably, and it is also a secret between the heavens and the earth. No one knows exactly why, and the Eastern Demon Clan did not say that they became Headless case!

And the six people who created the Eastern Demon Race back then all had the means comparable to the king of gods. It is said that when the six people joined forces in the past, even the ordinary king of gods had to give in, otherwise they would inevitably bleed. The sudden disappearance of the strong between this world and the earth also made countless people curious. The rumors are related to the restricted area, but they are only rumors!

With the soles of his feet falling, Meng Fan also truly stood in front of this big Dongshan.

After that, it can be said to be extremely lively, followed by millions of people, all of which belong to the Eastern Demon Race in the Eastern Heaven City. There are strong and weak, men and women, but they all come here to watch the fun. After all, in this kind of moment, everyone understands that it is impossible to want peace!

At this moment, the many ancient people of the East Sky Demon Clan are now silent, standing in the sky, lined up in rows, quietly looking at Dadong Mountain.

When the sun fell, its mountain peaks stood upright into the clouds, hidden by countless clouds, but in the next moment, the clouds around it began to disappear little by little, and among them, a light figure appeared, and there was a person sitting still. On the rock above this mountain, he was still, with white hair and shawl, and was extremely old.

But at a glance, anyone can instinctively produce a kind of awe, and can feel the monstrous power in this person.

The latter is impressively the patriarch of this Eastern Demon Ancestor, Yuan Leitian!

Like the Bai family, the Eastern Demon Clan, a godless clan, although its clan leader may not be the strongest among the entire emperor clan, but it is an extremely dazzling banner, which must be in the entire emperor clan. With a strong influence, he can only be the head of the God clan.

This is how Yuan Leitian exists. The latter is now more than 30,000 years old. During these years, one of them was sitting on this huge boulder, motionless, and the whole person fell into retreat, quietly feeling. It had already entered the three realms of existence before the eternal age.

Although it is rumored that there are still many ancient three realms among the Eastern Demon Clan, Yuan Leitian can serve as the patriarch among them. It can be seen that his methods are average. Among the previous generation, the latter is a well-deserved myth.

Looking away, Meng Fan's eyes flashed, and immediately arched his hands.

"In Xia Mengfan, come to meet the patriarch of the Eastern Demon Clan, Mr. Yuan!"

The tone rumbling, spread all over the world.

At this moment, Yuan Leitian, who was on the mountain peak, slowly opened his eyes and looked at Meng Fan. After a few breaths, the sound of vicissitudes of life also spread throughout the world.

"Meng Fan, the old man has heard of you. The old man is Yuan Leitian. Now the patriarch of the Eastern Demon Clan generation, what do you have!"

Upon hearing this, Meng Fan nodded and said in a deep voice.

"This time I just want to come to think of the old man and ask about two gods!"


Yuan Leitian said calmly.

"Eight Dragon Stone, ancient water spirit!"

Meng Fan arched his hand and said solemnly.

"I heard that there are these two things in the hands of the old man, but these two things are urgently needed, so I took the liberty to come here, just wanting the old man to give me these two things, and the boy dare not expect old man The gentleman can give, but I hope that the old gentleman can cut love and set a condition. The kid must do his best to complete it. It is a matter of the kid's cultivation path. I hope the old gentleman can fulfill it!"

The sound fell, spread all over, and suddenly a stone caused a thousand waves!

Countless eyes looked over, and no one would have thought that Meng Fan was here for these two gods, and countless people could not help but shook their heads. These two gods are too precious, I don’t know that Yuan Leitian will be there again. What are your plans?

On the mountain peak, after hearing Meng Fan’s words, Yuan Leitian’s expression moved, several respiratory tracts,

"Your news is good, these two things... I do have them!"

When he said that, he made Meng Fan's palm lightly squeezed. It seems that Tian Ji Nu did not lie to him. The strong man who reached the level of Yuan Leitian generally disdain to lie. If he admits that there is, then in all likelihood Really have!

However, without waiting for Meng Fan's answer in the next moment, Yuan Leitian changed his voice and said coldly.

"But...why did the old man give you this? Meng Fan, do you really think you can run wild? Even if you used to contribute to Wanyu, this is not a place where you can be presumptuous, and you dare to step into me In this place of the Eastern Demon Race, in any case, the old man can catch you, even if you have the identity of the temple, it is not good. To tell you the truth, I will not give you these two things, and I will return them today. I will catch you, hum... If you are in the ten thousand domains, you may be able to negotiate terms with the old man, but in this East Demon Clan base camp, it is absolutely not possible. The old man will let you. The blood is coming to burn all over my Dadongshan, my people... It's not for nothing!"

The voice fell, and the tone was harsh, spreading throughout the world!

Suddenly, countless Dongtian Demon Races who have resentment towards Meng Fan became excited. Obviously, under this sentence of Yuan Leitian, it means that the entire Eastern Demon Race is fighting against Meng Fan. The astounding ability is useless around Dadongshan. Unless it is the powerhouse of the Divine King Realm, there is no way to get out with Meng Fan's strength!

Between heaven and earth, gazes struck, looking at Meng Fan, countless people's eyes were ill-intentioned, making the entire scene precarious.

However, Meng Fan did not panic, just looked at Yuan Leitian and said calmly,

"It seems that the old man is not planning to trade with me, but also planning to play a rogue, and wants to force the kid to stay here!"

"Yes... so what!"

Yuan Leitian snorted coldly and said word by word.

"The blame is that you are too arrogant and dare to step into the hinterland of my Eastern Demon Race alone. Why should the old man trade with you? Do you have any capital to negotiate with the old man? Although you have the strength, Can resist a few sacred sacreds, now the old man only needs to move his finger to kill you, right?"

The fall of a few words caused the entire Eastern Demon Race to boil. At this moment, many sacred eruptions. The latter is the Godless Race. There are as many as several sacred powerhouses around this Dadongshan. At the same time, the breath explodes, With monstrous hostility,


A word fell, targeting Meng Fan, suddenly making the atmosphere in the field absolutely cold.

The tension between the world and the earth is several times more tense than before. The people of the Eastern Demon Race just used their eyes to kill Meng Fan, but now they have to pay for action. The two have completely opposite feelings. The rolling pressure came, spreading across the entire world, causing the void to condense like an iceberg, surrounding Meng Fan. I don’t know how many vitality fluctuations there are. As long as it is the next moment, there will be countless powerful shots directly crushing dead Meng. Where!

amount. . . .

Standing in place, the old man Cockerel was sweating profusely, but he was too nervous to say a word even now.

But at the next moment, in this kind of murderous intent, Meng Fan turned out to be. . . . Smiled, and the smile is particularly brilliant!

Seeing Meng Fan’s smile, Yuan Leitian frowned and said coldly,

"Why are you laughing!"

"I'm laughing at the strength of the Eastern Demon Clan. Today, when my Meng Fan came here, it is indeed as you said. As long as the old gentleman waved his hand, even if my combat power doubled, it would not be your opponent. , Sure to die!"

Meng Fan spoke extremely sincerely, without any deception in his tone, but it caused everyone around him to frown, a little puzzled. Since Meng Fan understood, why was he so calm.

"what do you want to say!"

Yuan Leitian snorted.

"What I want to say is... Since you are so strong, why not do it?"

Meng Fan's smile remained the same, but at this moment, there was already a hint of coldness on his face. At the same time, he stepped out one step at a time, and the words were powerful, spreading everywhere.

"If you kill me Meng Fan after you do it, I believe my **** monkey brother will be furious, and then take revenge for me, believe my dark alliance brother will be a shock, take revenge for me, believe me Meng Fan is here Many friends between heaven and earth will be angry and avenge me.

I believe that the group of people saved by my Meng Fan in the tribulation of the past will take revenge. The blue-colored clothes seniors who owed me a favor in the past may also do it. The seniors in the temple will definitely do it. The Bai family will definitely do it, and there are some friends who have me, Meng Fan, who will do it. . . . . . . . With so many people taking revenge for me, thinking about it carefully, I really feel that I am worthy of death. I don't know what the Eastern Sky Demon Race will face then, so many benefits, it can be said. . . . . Don't you come to kill me! "<

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