Supreme God King

Chapter 1571: Agreement

Don't you come to kill me!

The last few words fell. At the same time, Meng Fan's body was not retreating but advancing. Facing Yuan Leitian and the many strong men of the Eastern Demon Race between the world, he actually took a few steps forward and his eyes flickered. Face it calmly.

The voice fell and spread all over the world, immediately causing everyone in Yuan Leitian to fall into silence in the next moment.

Meng Fan's tone of these words was full of irony, but Yuan Leitian and the others had to accept it, because the Meng Fan in front of him was indeed not the Wuzhen teenager that day. He could trample and bully at will.

Today's Meng Fan is already the true controller of the dark alliance, and countless people follow him. In addition to the dark alliance itself, there is a strong relationship between the world and the earth. It is easy to kill Meng Fan alone, but it is too difficult to kill all the forces that have relationships with Meng Fan!

In order to deal with Meng Fan, Liu family and others also planned for decades, and the three emperor clans plus the strong men of the emperor gate gathered together, wanting to kill all the people of the dark alliance in one fell swoop, leaving no future troubles.

Everyone understands that if Meng Fan dies in this Dadongshan today and news comes out tomorrow, then I am afraid it will cause the madness of the entire dark alliance. According to its usual style, no matter who it is, this group of people will definitely go there. Fight to the death.

A group of people is not terrible, but a group of strong men who just want to die. . . . This is terrible!

Today’s dark alliance has become a towering thing in this Middle Ancient Realm without knowing it. There is only one way to deal with him, which is to use the means of thunder to uproot it completely overnight. Meng Fan's related direct powers were killed first, and then the others were discussed. This would have a lot of trouble.

After all, in the past between the world and the earth, Meng Fan had a great contribution to the common people. Countless forces and people were grateful for him. They regarded Meng Fan as his benefactor. If the forces of the Ten Thousand Realms killed him, he would definitely be hostile. , It’s not easy to pass the temple alone!

and so. . . . This is the trump card that Meng Fan dared to come to this Eastern Heaven Divine Realm alone. The latter walked the world, relying on more than just a dare!

Facing Meng Fan's indifferent attitude, he took a step forward again, actually suppressing the aura of the entire Eastern Demon Race, including Yuan Leitian, silently falling into silence.

A lot of things are like this. The stronger you are, the weaker the enemy is. In the face of battle, Meng Fan has never retreated for many years, even when facing the godless race!

With the dark alliance behind him as Meng Fan’s trump card, the latter just stands in place, but anyone who wants to make a shot at this moment has to think about three points, because it is easy to kill Meng Fan, but the price of really offending the dark alliance can be There is bound to be a war of extermination, even if it can destroy the current dark alliance, but I am afraid that the entire Eastern Demon Race will have to pay an unimaginable price!

After not knowing how long it has passed, Yuan Leitian finally spoke,

"Young man, you really... are very good at grasping the moment and tell me what you want to do!"

The tone was indifferent, but there was no longer the aggressiveness of the previous one. Obviously, under Meng Fan's hole card, Yuan Leitian couldn't help but compromise!

With a slight smile, Meng Fan arched his hands.

"This time the kid came to this Eastern Heaven Divine Realm, asking only for the gods, and wanting the old man to cut his love, it is indeed a bit wrong, but these two things are too important to me, I can only trouble the old man. I don’t dare to hope that the old man can be given away for nothing. I only ask the old man to give him a fair environment. No matter what the kid needs to do or what the price is, I don’t want to do too much or do too much. Everyone doesn’t look good on the face!"

The sound fell, and Yuan Leitian almost broke his teeth!

What kind of person is he, but now the supreme patriarch of the Eastern Sky Demon Race has the right and status to make the entire ten thousand realms tremble in one word, but now in full view, Meng Fan has a pair of people who don’t like you at all. Posture, keep yourself, neither humble nor overbearing.

It is amazing enough to be able to do this in the hinterland of Dadongshan. Once it spreads out, it must make the whole world shake!

Suppressing his own anger alive, Yuan Leitian had nothing to do, he could only quietly think about it, and silence the whole world.

Nowadays, many people of the Eastern Demon Race have become temperless. They understand that, as Meng Fan said, even if the latter is alone here, it is difficult for everyone to do anything about him, unless they plan to burn the jade and the stone. The ancient Mozu's complexion is ashen at this moment, no different from pig liver.

Unexpectedly, they targeted Meng Fan in a rogue way and wanted to bluff and deceive him, but Meng Fan was even more bachelor, even more rogue, and looked like a super rogue.

Lying here like a brown candy, under the attention of all the people, they hate the roots of their teeth, but there is not much way!

After a while, an old man of the Eastern Demon Race moved, stepped to Yuan Leitian's body, and whispered several times in his ear. After a few breaths, Yuan Leitian nodded, and at the same time looked at Meng Fan, saying,

"Meng Fan, if you want these two gods, the old man can faintly guess some of your uses, but... these two things are also very useful to the old man, and they cannot be easily given to you. If you insist on wanting, then there is only one way, which is... using martial arts, this is also the easiest way, that is, you and the old man have a match, if you can beat the old man, then these two gods The thing is yours, but if you fail... you must leave the old man in this big Dongshan, not only for my Dongtian Demon Clan for ten thousand years, the dark alliance behind you also has to listen to my orders, Until your time limit expires, what do you think, this method is fair!"

The rumbling voice spread all over the world, without any emotion!

At the same time, countless people shook, and they didn't think that Yuan Leitian actually said such a method, and countless people of the Eastern Demon Race sneered at the last two words of fairness!


There are high and low in martial arts, and high and low in Shinto!

Yuan Leitian was already a powerhouse in the Three Sacred Realms long ago, what a means.

Moreover, he suppressed Meng Fan for a full order in his current state, which was simply unfair.

Besides, he is more than ten thousand years older than Meng Fan. He is the patriarch of the Eastern Demon Race. In these years, he has used resources to grow and is proficient in countless secrets.

The opponent must be the strong of the older generation. Just like Qin Mieren, Yang Wudi is a level called fairness. What is fairness for Meng Fan? Whether it's realm or grade, means, etc., they are absolute. It's not fair!

There are really too many gaps between the two sides. If you discern it carefully, you can know it. It is simply a huge gap. The fairness for which is just a joke.

Yuan Leitian is definitely not Liu Sen, Zhao Lietian's existence, even though it is in the same three realms, is quite different.

If there is an ancient existence, you all know that the latter has the means to compete with Qin Mieren. In the past, it was Tianjiao. It also has the strong blood of the Eastern Demon Race, facing a younger generation. Even if Meng Fan is against the sky, he will die a lifetime without any chance of winning.

When the voice fell, Yuan Leitian stared at Meng Fan, fearing that Meng Fan would not agree, and then sneered.

"The martial arts competition is the fairest and the best way to resolve disputes between the world and the earth. There are a lot of old ladies, and you can compare them with you to determine the whereabouts of these two gods. How? Meng Fan came here and said After so many words, wouldn't dare!"

Obviously, at the level of Yuan Leitian, it is natural that everything is in his chest, and his strength is utterly complete. He is only the last step away from the rumored **** king, and he is also a 10,000-year comprehension. Naturally, he has no fear of Meng Fan. , Once Meng Fan agreed, then he would definitely lose!

For a moment, the world was still, and the whispers around Dadongshan were rare now, countless eyes focused on Meng Fan, waiting for Meng Fan's choice.

With no expression on his face, Meng Fan just stood there, facing Yuan Leitian's gaze, and after a few breaths, he spoke slowly.


It was just a word, there was no escape from the water, but it was comparable to a boulder smashing into the river water, and there was an uproar in the field!

Meng Fan vs Yuan Leitian!

These two people are the strongest people who have risen in the past thousand years. They are heard throughout the Middle Ages. I don't know how many myths are in the short thousand years. They are the most eye-catching one in the world today!

And the other is the representative of the older generation of powerful people before the ages, and Qin Mieren's age, living to this day, can reach the sky, is the figure who truly stands on the top of this world.

If these two collide, it can be called the pinnacle fight between the old and the new strong, then this battle is enough to be recorded in the entire river of vitality, it will be an epic collision!

Between the world and the earth, there was an uproar, and a single stone caused a thousand waves. I don't know how many people look and feel different!

On the other hand, Yuan Leitian, who was sitting on the top of the mountain, raised his brows, his eyes flashed with indifferent murderous intent, and said calmly,

"Okay, this is what you said. Since you have agreed, then the battle will be determined. You have just arrived in the Eastern Heaven Divine Realm, and the old man will not bully you. You can stay here first and take care of it. Fan, and after seven days, you and I will be here in Dadongshan... a decisive battle, the gambling agreement is as mentioned before, life and death are fate, no regrets!"

The last few words spread around, causing the world to move, and the heroes tremble!

Seven days!

Meng Fan and Yuan Leitian fought!

In just half a day, the news had spread throughout the Middle Ancient Regions and even the Ten Thousand Regions, and a huge storm was immediately set off!

This is definitely not a normal battle, but a duel between the top powerhouses of the two eras.

No one can think of it. A few years ago, Meng Fan just killed the two elders of the Liu family and the Zhao family. However, it has not been a few years before, and now he has climbed this Dadongshan to challenge Yuan Leitian's existence. .

Battle of life and death!

The news came out, absolutely appalling, it shocked countless people unparalleled, it is unimaginable, all the major forces are frantically asking, what is all this for!

Meng Fan!

These two words reverberated throughout the Middle Ancient Region, and no one would have imagined that after only a few years of calm, the latter would set off such a big storm again.

"Meng Fan is Meng Fan, he is indeed the number one arrogant of the Ten Thousand Realms, the warriors are speechless!"

"But this battle is not the same as before. The ancient monster, the contemporary patriarch of the Eastern Sky Demon Race, once it fails... all the previous efforts were wasted!"

In Wanyu, there was a voice of discussion.

After making an agreement with Yuan Leitian, Meng Fan was also extremely calm, moving with the old snake snake and staying in this big Dongshan.

In the palace!

Meng Fan sat quietly on a futon, his eyes closed, and his whole body was still. He was like this all the time of the day, and he kept his eyes closed.

However, on the other hand, the old snake snake on the side was walking around in this room as if his buttocks were on fire, and there was no leisure time for a moment.

Seeing Meng Fan's calm look, the old man Cockerel was out of anger and said helplessly,

"I said my little ancestor, when is this, you are still so calm, are you really sure about defeating that old guy?"


Meng Fan opened his eyes and sighed softly.

"This person is extremely strong and has countless hours of cultivation time. It is definitely not Liu Sen, Zhao Lietian and the like. I can feel that he is only a short distance from the old monkey. Although he is not yet in the Divine King Realm, I will face him now. There is endless pressure, it can be said to be... nine deaths!"

Nine deaths!

The tone is calm, but anyone will change their color after hearing it. With Meng Fan’s confidence to say this, it is enough to prove that the battle seven days later is beneficial to Yuan Leitian, but to Meng Fan it is simply a battle. Kill robbery.

"Then you promised!"

The old man coiled snake was almost crying, and roared.

"Some things...can't be avoided!"

Meng Fan smiled helplessly and said softly.

"If there is no pressure, there is no possibility. My way is to search between life and death. I also walked like this back then. Many times I was only one step away from body death. I was really dead. Mr. Panshe, you too Knowing that the tree wants to be quiet and the wind keeps on, if I don’t work hard, what will happen to the dark alliance in the future!"

When he said that, the old man Pan snake fell into silence. Looking at Meng Fan, looking at his vicissitudes of life, he couldn't help but feel distressed.

Everyone in the world has seen Meng Fan's domineering, unparalleled domineering side, but they don't know what Meng Fan paid after that.

Even if it is in Meng Fan's current position, the latter does not have any relaxation for himself, only cultivation, only fighting with his life, and strengthening himself!

To walk the most powerful path in the shortest time, Meng Fan wants to accomplish this, but in many cases he just needs to fight for it with his life!

Many years ago Meng Fan did this, many years later Meng Fan. . . . Still so!

"No, no, that old guy is too terrifying. I'll leave the green hills. Don't be afraid that there is no firewood. You should run first!"

The old snake snake looked at Meng Fan, a trace of determination flashed in his eyes, and he said solemnly.

"If it doesn't work, the old man will be your queen, Meng Fan, now you are not his opponent, but after this one hundred years, after a thousand years, everything may be possible, when you come to the old man's grave, remember to give the old man a glass of wine!"

Hearing the words of the old man Cockerel, Meng Fan felt a touch in his heart, but he shook his head and said solemnly.

"It's useless, Mr. Pan Snake, since I agreed, I am afraid they will not forget it so easily, especially since this news is probably now spread throughout the world. I don't know how many people know it. The war is even more impossible to avoid, there must be a break between me and him...

The tone was calm, but it was murderous Ling Ran.

I know that this battle will be dead for a lifetime, but for Meng Fan, it has never been so, fearless and fearless, and the warriors are speechless!


The old man with snake clenched his teeth and said helplessly,

"What the **** is this? Your road is still long, and there are many people who care about you between the world and the earth. If you die, what will they do!"

"Hmph, when did Uncle Meng Fan take care of this? As far as the uncle is concerned, as long as he is happy and happy, he won't care about anything!"

Before Meng Fan could finish speaking, a cold voice suddenly came out in the room, and at the same time, a beautiful figure came from the outside world, dressed in a white shirt, dancing with blue silk, and her face full of tenderness. It is... . Baishuier!

Looking at each other, Meng Fan's whole body shook at the next moment. How could he never imagine that he saw Bai Shui'er in the land of the Eastern Demon Race.

Similarly, after seeing Meng Fan, Bai Shui'er was also a little excited, with a faint mist appearing in her eyes, she came to Meng Fan's side, stretched out her delicate hand, and gently stroked Meng Fan's face with endless expressions in her eyes. Love.

"You did that back then... Have you ever thought about me!"

The tone was whispering, full of resentment and intertwined with endless love.

Seeing this scene, the old snake snake coughed, then he shook his head, turned around, and said in a deep voice.

"The old man has a stomachache, let's go one step ahead!"

"Old Mr. Pan Snake!"

Meng Fan's expression changed. He just wanted to catch the old snake snake who had slipped away alone, but it was a pity that Bai Shui'er grabbed it and didn't let go. Only those watery eyes stared at Meng Fan. , Tearful eyes whirling, caused Meng Fan a guilty conscience.

Indeed, many times Meng Fan was equally selfish, and between that kind of life-threatening choice, he did not hesitate the feelings of Bai Shui'er, the Empress and others, only his own choice.

This is also the reason why Meng Fan has not dared to go to Baidi Mountain for many years. In his bones, Meng Fan feels that he is owed to the group of beauties around him. Bai Shui'er, the female emperor, and Gu Xin'er have been for many years. He was waiting for him alone, his beauty was easy to grow old, and despite the countless suitors in these years, he never saw him. It was only for Meng Fan, but he was worrying about them again and again.

Facing Bai Shui'er's eyes, Meng Fan felt ashamed, and couldn't say much, let alone rebuke!

Seeing Meng Fan's evasive gaze, Bai Shui'er gritted his silver teeth, and said coldly.

"Why, Master Meng Fan is also embarrassed. It's not the time for you to kill Tianleiguan with a single shot. Was there any embarrassment at that time?"

"Okay, okay, am I still there!"

Meng Fan spit out a few words between his teeth. There was really no way to deal with Bai Shui'er. He couldn't beat him or scold him.

"Hmph, I'm afraid you will be gone again!"

Bai Shui'er glared at Meng Fan fiercely. At this moment, he really wanted to beat Meng Fan fiercely.


Meng Fan sighed faintly, but he understood that his words could not be used for any purpose. He would only follow his own path and never change anything.

Bai Shui'er also understood this, facing Meng Fan’s gaze, and finally all complaints turned into worry, her palm and Meng Fan squeezed, and she whispered.

"I'm really worried about you. Do you know how I spent the five hundred years? Now I feel terrified when I think about it. When I knew I didn't have know what I was thinking ?"<

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