Supreme God King

Chapter 1573: Emperor Xianjing

In the room, Meng Fan and Bai, two lovers who had not seen each other for more than 500 years, clenched their palms and talked to them.

They haven't seen each other for many years, but they don't need to say anything, just at a glance, they understand that each other's hearts are the same as they were in the past, and they have not changed.

After a few breaths, Meng Fan sighed softly and said slowly,

"Why did you come here? It seems that the Eastern Demon Race and the Bai Family don't have any friendship, and you are still the current Patriarch of the Bai Family. You need to pay attention to your influence in many cases!"

"Not because of you!"

Bai Shui'er glared at Meng Fan and said in a deep voice.

"According to Uncle Meng Fan’s current reputation, this stand has spread all over the world in half a day. Let alone people who worry about you, I’m afraid I don’t know how many powerful people from the major forces have come, and I suspect that some people are deliberately In planning this matter, under the circumstances that some people deliberately contributed to the flames, I am afraid that the battle between you and Yuan Leitian will attract the attention of the world. I don’t know how many strong people will come here that day. You don’t want to live or die. Fighting is no longer possible!"


Meng Fan's expression moved, as if thinking of something, he couldn't help but say,

"It seems that this should be deliberately done by the Eastern Demon Clan. The two sides have entered into a gambling agreement. This is to spread all over the world, but also because they are afraid that the little master will cheat? It is impossible, absolutely impossible... What a righteous man, Lord, they don't believe me too much!"


Looking at Meng Fan's serious and aggrieved look, Bai Shui'er suddenly smiled, and Meng Fan was so beautiful that she was stunned, and quickly lowered her head. And Bai Shui'er looked at Meng Fan with a smile, and if Meng Fan was considered an upright person in the world, there would really be no bad guys.

But after a while, Bai Shui'er's eyes were full of worry, and he whispered softly.

"In any case, this Yuan Leitian is not easy to provoke, Meng Fan, I know that your current cultivation is amazing now, but if you want to challenge the peak existence between the world and the earth so early, the heat may not be enough?

Especially in this battle, Yuan Leitian will definitely not keep his hands, and will crush you with all his strength. When the Dongtian Demon Race’s secret methods are used in a unique way, and his own realm is only one step away from his gods, you will inevitably be extremely dangerous. ! "

With a solemn tone, after Bai Shui'er heard about this, she immediately put aside all the official duties of the Bai family and went straight here, not for other reasons, just to be able to see Meng Fan and persuade him.

Looking at Bai Shui'er's eyes, Meng Fan sighed and said helplessly,

"Sorry, this battle is imperative for me. There are too many things that urge me not to wait any longer. If I lose this opportunity, I will not be able to reunite with my mother and son, and many things will be impossible. Slow down my path of cultivation, maybe you will not be able to see it, but I can feel that the world in the future will inevitably be more unstable and will be even more terrible than the last catastrophe, and the troubled world will be hard to come by. Bao, the old monkey and others took action last time, but next time you may not be so lucky!"

In the end, these words fell, and Bai Shui'er's delicate body trembled suddenly, knowing that Meng Fan must have felt something like this.

After a moment of silence, Bai Shui'er gritted his silver teeth, and the palm of his hand emerged, and an ancient scroll appeared in his hand and handed it to Meng Fan!

this is....

Meng Fan's expression moved, hesitated, he took the scroll, and after a careful glance, his expression suddenly changed and he lost his voice.

"Emperor Immortal Sutra!"

If the three words were to be heard by outsiders, it would surely cause a great uproar, especially for the ancient existence, these three words are absolutely extraordinary. The godless tribe can be immortal forever and call the supreme. Naturally, there is a reason for it to be called the supreme, not only because it has an immortal power, but also because it has an endless inheritance.

Including Yikei, Zhongtian Dynasty, Liu Family, Zhao Family, Xitian God Race, East Heaven Demon Race, and so on. Among the Godless Races, they all possess the most terrifying ancient methods of their own. Once the world is shocked and swept away Everything, in the past years, ruled the roost, and the most terrifying kind of inheritance in the Bai family of the emperor clan was written by the ancestors of the Bai clan.

These three words used to shock the ancients and helped the ancestors of the Bai family to lay down this huge country and cultivate for each generation of patriarchs. Rumor has it that they contain the supreme way to achieve gods and emperors. As far as the treasures of the emperor are concerned, then this emperor immortal scripture is undoubtedly one of them!

Such inheritance techniques only exist in ancient books and some myths, except for the heads of the Bai family of the past who are qualified to see them, but they are actually placed in front of Meng Fan.

Just the moment the palm touched this scroll, I felt the vicissitudes of life in this scroll, which made Meng Fan's expression move involuntarily, including the blood in his body that boiled, giving birth to a deep curiosity about this scroll.

This is a natural feeling of the vitality monk, just like a person who has walked in the desert for countless days and saw the water, it is even a hundred times stronger than this feeling. But at the next moment, Meng Fan took a deep breath, but reached out his hand to push the thing against Bai Shui'er, and said in a deep voice.

"I don’t believe it, this thing should be the secret practice of your patriarchs of the Bai family. Only one person has been passed on in the ages. Only the family patriarch is qualified for cultivation. If I am not mistaken, if you are an outsider, you will be The big accusations in China, even the harshest punishment, I can't harm you, you put it away!"

The tone is calm, but beyond doubt!

Looking at Meng Fan's steadfast face, Bai Shui'er's heart warmed and said softly,

"Actually... it's not just the patriarch who can practice cultivation. There was a precedent for this in the family before..."

"Not the patriarch?"

Meng Fan raised his brows and looked at Bai Shui'er hesitantly, knowing that the Bai Family must be extremely tightly guarded for this kind of uninherited emperor family, even if it is impossible for the Bai Family to take a look!

"Yes, it has something to do with the patriarch... it has something to do with..."

Bai Shui'er's pretty face showed a hint of blush, and she matched her fat-like skin, at this moment it was simply indescribable, and there was a variety of grace in the purity.


Meng Fan was still puzzled and looked at Bai Shui'er hesitantly.

"It's...that is, there was a patriarch in the previous generation of my clan who was also a woman...married to a strong man...and that one..."

Bai Shui'er exhaled like Landao, and even didn't dare to look up at Meng Fan. In the end, she stomped her jade leg and said helplessly.

"Forget it, you can cultivate anyway, I have no problem, you just practice, and the elders of the Bai family have come here together, I'm going out!"

While speaking, Bai Shui'er stood up, stepped out of her jade legs, and quickly walked outwards, ignoring the stunned Meng Fan behind him.

Looking at the general Bai Shui'er fleeing, Meng Fan touched his chin, hesitated, said in a condensed voice.

"What's going on.... Hesitating..."

However, Bai Shui'er kept the emperor's immortal scripture here and definitely let Meng Fan practice. Holding the scroll tightly in the palm of his hand, although Meng Fan hesitated a little, he still believed in Bai Shui'er. Since she is fine, she is fine!

With a palm of his hand, Meng Fan opened the scroll, and suddenly a majestic breath came and swept the space. If it weren't for Meng Fan, it would have been completely imprisoned here, fearing that the whole world would shake.

At a glance, there are a series of runes in this emperor immortal sutra, each of which is extremely mysterious, as if it contains an endless road in the world, suspended in this scroll. This kind of thing should have been left behind by the power of the Bai family immortals. Just by feeling this breath, Meng Fan could discover the terrible power in it. Once it changes, it will be endless.

Dixian Avenue!

"The ancestors of the Bai family are the former emperors, immortals and kings. I leave a volume here. Even if I can't practice according to his martial arts, the many true meanings in it can also prove myself. It is really important to learn from it. Up!"

Meng Fan sighed faintly, and could clearly feel Bai Shui'er's deep affection for him. He came as soon as he heard of his own danger, and he also brought the most important treasure among the Bai family's emperor clan, but he repeatedly frightened the beautiful lady!

After a few breaths, Meng Fan’s eyes closed and he no longer hesitated. Instead, he sat down cross-legged. The beautiful woman treated him like this. If she didn’t cherish it, she would be too much of a human being. When the whole person’s divine mind moved, it was also integrated here. In the volume.

With the combination of the two, Meng Fan also fell into enlightenment, as if he had entered concentration as a monk.

In an instant, his divine mind and this emperor immortal sutra were completely integrated. Although this emperor immortal sutra was extremely cumbersome and contained the avenue of strong vitality, for today's Meng Fan, there is no other world he sees. I don’t understand the exercises, the breath is compatible, and the whole person is completely obsessed with it!

In addition, the old snake snake, Bai Shui'er was quietly defending Meng Fan, knowing that he was in retreat, and would not disturb him.

In six days, passing by!

Meng Fan has always been in the room, and there has been no movement at all during these six days. However, the entire Eastern Heaven God Realm is boiling. The news of this battle has become more and more intense. Now it can be said that it has spread throughout the entire Middle Ancient Realm. In these few days, I don’t know how many people have come here. The major forces, All the powerhouses gathered in this big east city, waiting quietly.

Finally, when the agreed date arrived, the morning sunlight entered Meng Fan's room and fell on his face.

His eyes quietly opened, and a dazzling light appeared in Meng Fan's eyes like a star burst.

At that moment, his whole person did not change much from before, but if you carefully compare with the top powers, you may be able to find that there is a strange aura in Meng Fan's body at this moment, which he did not have before. Extremely domineering and ethereal!

At the same time as the divine consciousness was restored, Meng Fan looked towards the outside world, trying to break the long sky, and at the same time let out a breath, slowly said,

"Is it time? It should be... it's time to fight!"

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