Supreme God King

Chapter 1574: Group of heroes

The sun is shining and extremely bright!

The door was pushed open, and Meng Fan's figure walked out, and beyond that, the old snake snake and Bai Shui'er had been preparing for a long time. After seeing Meng Fan, Bai Shui'er could not help but step forward nervously, and said ,

"Is it done?"

Hearing this, Meng Fan smiled and said calmly.

"I have some insights, thank you very much. In these six days, I have understood the six secrets of Emperor Immortal Avenue. Unfortunately, there is not enough time...

If it is sufficient, I can even understand the seventh secret method, which is worthy of what the ancient emperor immortal king left behind. There are a total of sixteen secret methods. I can only understand the sixth level. As for the seventh level, the immortal emperor becomes real. It's a bit difficult, but a very important stage! "


Bai Shui'er nodded, but he was already able to take a relief pill.

In any case, being able to control the six secret methods in this emperor's celestial scripture is already very helpful, especially in such a short period of time.

After all, this is the emperor immortal scripture, looking at the entire ten thousand domains, it is definitely the top inheritance, and only the white family elders in the past are qualified to practice.

"Let's go!"

Meng Fan spit out two words gently, looking away, leaving the residence with the old man Pan Snake and Bai Shui'er and heading straight to Dadongshan!


The mountain remains the same, leading directly to the sky.

And the difference between this moment and the seven days, after the news spread all over the world, now it can be said that countless powerful people have gathered together, coming from various forces, and the blood is condensed to reverse everything.

At a glance, I don't know how many people are standing around the Dadongshan Mountain now. It's just the sight of it that makes people feel unparalleled.

Because there are too many people here, not only the people of the Eastern Demon Race, but also the countless powerful people between heaven and earth. It can be said that there are hundreds of millions of people, so many creatures gathered in one place. Had to be called a feat.

And in the eyes of everyone, they even saw a few shadows that could not be seen forever, high above them, with extraordinary breath.

One of the middle-aged men stood with his face like an expression and blood like a sea. He was the lord of the Zhongtian Dynasty, Qin Mieren!

The same person beside him came from the same line, Yang Wudi!

One vein, one dynasty!

Everyone was amazed, and they didn't expect that the two unsurpassed powerhouses between the heaven and the earth had actually arrived. Since the great disaster of the heaven and the earth, no one has seen the figures of these two people.

And under the eyes of everyone, there was an old figure standing beside them, with white hair dancing. It was just... the temple, the beginning!

The Big Three!

There is no doubt that the three people in the field have stepped into the three sacred realms, and in their respective realms, they can be described as the powerhouses who are extremely close to this last step. Now they are all coming to this Dadongshan in person, only three people. His appearance is enough to set off a storm in the entire field.

Not to mention under the three, there are as many famous and famous powers as today, including the Bai family of the emperor, the Zhou family, and even the Xitian Gods, the Liu family, and many other supreme forces are all factions. People come, all belong to the ancient level, immortal, usually see one is a surprise, but now so many people gather together.

The gathering of so many powerhouses from heaven and earth is definitely a rare masterpiece in eternity, and it is also the most solemn time in these five hundred years!

On the top of the mountain, a figure sat quietly, Yuan Leitian, who sat on this rock for seven days. The latter was able to rule the roost forever, and in the same era as Qin Mieren and others, he naturally possessed sufficient strength. The whole person was like a sleeping old monk, indifferent, but in the next moment Yuan Leitian's eyes suddenly opened, looking far away. Place.

Three figures came, Bai Shui'er and the old man Pan snake behind, the person in the center was...Meng Fan!

Taking a stride out, Meng Fan moved in the void. Under the attention of all the people, he came to the field within a few breaths, causing a big shock.

Meng Fan!

In the past, the sound of the Middle Ages, the first battle of Tianleiguan, can be said to be famous in the world five hundred years ago, and no one knows it.

The latter was also mythological back then, and died due to the war. It was a miracle decades ago and the return of Nirvana!

But now that Meng Fan really appears in the field, both the older generation and the younger generation are a little excited at this moment, and even a large part of them have followed Meng Fan in the Tianlei Pass in the past, and have seen Shura. means.

In the World War I, countless people were saved by Meng Fan. This kind of kindness was naturally remembered by countless people. After seeing Meng Fan, they nodded frequently to show their respect!

Regardless of grievances or grievances, all the latter did for the world in the past is already admired by millions of people.

And now Meng Fan's strength is also sufficient, after his return, not only has not been abolished, but has also improved.

A few years ago, he killed the powerhouses of the Liu family, and now they are making a big wave among the Eastern Demon Clan. This kind of character is really terrifying, and wherever he goes, he must set off a **** storm!

However, seeing Meng Fan, Liu Family, Zhao Family, and Xitian Protoss tribe each made a cold snort, their expressions were extremely bad, but they did not speak.

Meng Fan also didn't look at these three families at all. He just walked into the field and bowed to Qin Mieren, Yang Wudi, and the three of them in the early days.

"I have seen you seniors!"

"Ha ha!"

At the beginning, he smiled slightly and said in a deep voice.

"You don't need to be polite, I am waiting to join in the fun, and to witness the fairness of the field. After all, if some people rely on their trump cards to falsify, then the old man will disagree!"

The tone rumbling, all the members of the Eastern Demon Race frowned, but they did not dare to talk nonsense. After all, where the strength and status of the early days were placed, not everyone could talk! On the other side, Qin Mieren and Yang Wudi both looked unpredictable and nodded.

"Stop talking nonsense, Meng Fan, come up!"

But at the next moment, a voice came from the void, with a rumbling tone, containing a biting chill. It was Yuan Leitian who interrupted this place!

Raising his head, Meng Fan's gaze was opposite to him, expressionless on his face, and immediately... stepped out.

One step, trembling in the void, Meng Fan's body suddenly stood on the top of the Dadong Mountain, standing with Yuan Leitian.

The two figures standing on the mountain peak suddenly made the atmosphere between the whole week and the sky condensed.

Even though there are hundreds of millions of people gathered around the entire Dadong Mountain at this moment, countless people hold their breath in an instant, without saying a word, including such peerless people in Qin Mieren and Taichu. There was a solemn expression on the face of the strong man.

Meng Fan vs Yuan Leitian!

This battle is not just a match between the top powerhouses of Wanyu today, but also the first person to rise from the ages to fight the older generation of powerhouses before Wangu.

In the past era, the most terrifying thing that eternally killed was undoubtedly Qin Mieren and Yuan Leitian, who had ancient qualifications and reached the summit of the imperial family by their own means. Only then can they master the position of patriarch, except That kind of peerless old monster like an old monkey is the most powerful of this group of people!

In a disguised way, Qin Mieren, Yang Wudi and others came here not only to watch, but also to know how Meng Fan’s real combat power is, because Yuan Leitian is a good measure of what Meng Fan is now. The power of the war.

Especially Qin Mieren’s face showed a complex look. Many years ago, when he faced Meng Fan, he basically regarded him as a younger generation, but only after giving Meng Fan five hundred years of time. However, the latter is standing on the peak between the world and the earth, and there is a faint meaning of sitting on an equal footing with him. This feeling can't help but make his mind extremely complicated, his face is expressionless, and he doesn't know what he is thinking!

In the eyes of countless people, under such circumstances, the battle between the two is extremely rare, and it is too exciting!

Obviously, Meng Fan is fighting against the sky, ignoring time, ignoring blood, and using his own strength, he wants to defeat the top powerhouse before the eternal age.

Such a battle felt quite shocking for everyone, so people including Qin Mieren, Yang Wudi and others all came in person and gathered together to witness this battle with their own eyes. There are countless strong people. I want to prove myself by observing the martial arts of the two, and I have sentiment.

Between heaven and earth, there is utter silence!

And at this moment on the Dadong Mountain, only Yuan Leitian and Meng Fan were standing together, looking at each other, even though they were not moving, they could feel the breath of each other... the extreme horror!

"Yes, it looks like you have some changes. It seems that you have some feelings these days!"

Yuan Leitian's gaze was like a torch, and he could see at a glance that Meng Fan was much stronger than before, but his complexion remained the same, on the contrary, it revealed an infinite sharpness.

"But it's a pity that you found the wrong opponent. Maybe you can challenge me in ten thousand years, but can't!"

The last three words fell, and Yuan Leitian blasted out his big hand at the same time. It was just a seal, crossing the sky and coming from the void, and immediately wrapped Meng Fan's place completely, and came with one palm, covering the sky!

Sacred Three Realms powerhouse, brazenly shot!

There is no doubt that Yuan Leitian has reached the limit in this realm. It is definitely not what Liu Sen and Zhao Lietian can compare. Only one step away, he is an old monkey. In the old days, Yuan Leitian had also participated in the battle of Tianleiguan, the restricted area of ​​World War I did not die. This kind of powerhouse has lived a long time between the world and the earth, and how powerful it is to control the secrets of the Eastern Demon Race The moment it fell, the whole world was completely annihilated, only that palm hit!

Really face the top powerhouses like today!

The breath struck, Meng Fan's whole body's hairs exploded in an instant, but there was no fear in his eyes, and some...only fighting spirit!


Meng Fan's body is like a gun, standing in the sky, moving with his fingers, the emperor fist blasted out!

Fists are facing each other, the sky is shaking!

Under the sudden encounter between the two, two fierce and unmatched forces were also gathered in the sky, and the entire Dadongshan was trembling suddenly, the void collapsed, and the group of heroes was terrified!

Everyone understands that a terrifying battle has begun!

Wish everyone a happy National Day.

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