Supreme God King

Chapter 1575: Strong showdown


The sky trembled, fists were facing each other!

Dadongshan was boiling at this moment. This was the supreme sacred land belonging to the Eastern Heaven Demon Race, and a shocking battle broke out. At this moment, the entire tens of millions of eyes were focused on the sky, among the two figures.

There is no doubt that both Meng Fan and Yuan Leitian are the kings who have come out of all battles and survived to the end. I don’t know how many killings and opportunities they have experienced in their lives. Only then can they truly stand in this kind of position and possess So powerful.

The pinnacle of the sea of ​​people!

Such a description is definitely not an exaggeration, and the outbreak of this battle is naturally too dazzling!

Under all eyes, the fists of Meng Fan and Yuan Leitian slammed into each other, and their power slammed into each other. In just one moment, the entire Zhou Tian collapsed, and the group of heroes was terrified!

The aura that erupted from the two at this moment is too powerful, just like two great emperors who met the gods and killed the devil in the past, gathered together at the same time, competing for superiority!

The sound of thunder came out, and the sky in this Dadongshan was even more intense.

At this moment, the power of Meng Fan and Yuan Leitian collided, and at the same time they felt the overbearing power of each other's body, but the more they were like this, the more they let each of them growl, like two wild beasts. , Completely runaway!


With a single blow, Meng Fan and Yuan Leitian stood in the sky, without retreating one step, their blood burst out like two seas of blood. In an instant, each was a means of extreme killing, fast as lightning and as powerful as thunder!


The air wave tore, the void trembled, and under the eyes of the public, you can see two figures in the void.

One by one was approaching the extreme, each powerful means of killing came out, attacking the other side, under this kind of means, any blow would be terrible to wipe out everything.

With Emperor Quan, the most fearless thing in Meng Fan's life was close combat, but the same was true of the opponents he encountered today.

The Eastern Demon Race line started from the ancient times, and the physical means was earth-shaking, disregarding the ancient times, and the physique is amazing!

Especially this kind of close killing is unmatched, and Yuan Leitian is the patriarch of the entire Eastern Demon Clan. It is conceivable that his close killing means will reach the point!

The forces of the two converge, and they collide with each other. At this moment, Meng Fan is fully displaying what he has learned in his life, splitting, kicking, slashing, punching, palm, finger, printing... all of them come out, like a flood, Destroyed and run out like a rotten.

The same is true for Yuan Leitian. The two collided between several breaths. I don’t know how many times. The people on the side of them all have a feeling of fright, including such strong people as Taichu and Qin Mieren. Inside, the face was full of solemn expressions, and he could feel the horror between the two impacts.

Not to mention ordinary people fighting with two people, even if they are beside them, they are torn apart by their powerful waves in a flash, and there is no chance to react!


In the next moment, the void collapsed, and a figure appeared, blood spurting out, it turned out to be...Meng Fan!

The latter's body quickly stepped back, and a blood stain appeared on his shoulders, deep to the bones, and blood flowed out. Obviously, Yuan Leitian was hit before, the five-fingerprints fell, and he almost crushed his bones. When Meng Fan retreated, there was some blood that could not control the violent blood in his body.

On the other hand, Yuan Leitian, at this moment, is as steady as Mount Tai, striding out, and before advancing, his left hand transforms into shape like a Kunpeng, with the palm of his right hand imprinted like a tiger.

Between the interlaced hands, it formed the ultimate killing power, and once again grabbed Meng Fan.

And in an instant, Yuan Leitian’s aura burst even more than before, surrounded by vitality, pulsing blood, Kunpeng’s shadow, combined with the power of Tiger Howl, is to chop Meng Fan in this mid-air before less than a few breaths. among.

"Kunpeng change, tiger-shaped fist!"

The six characters fell, the words were powerful, and the utterances were easy to use. At this moment, the whole world was sealed. The two handprints went straight to Meng Fan, one left and the other right, with a great meaning of killing the universe.

God level secret method!

Reaching the level of Yuan Leitian, Shendao aspires to the pinnacle of the three realms with endless means.

Attacking Invincible at this moment, once it is displayed, it will be the power of the earth and the sky, and it turns out to be the fusion of the two god-level secret methods, and at the same time, it is necessary to kill with one blow, without giving the opponent any surplus.

Just grasping the skill of Meng Fan in such a neutral position, he has already made an unreserved move. No matter who sees it, he has to admire him. He is indeed an ancient monster and one of the strong men who stepped into the peak of the ten thousand domain.


The crowd was amazed, and everyone around them focused their eyes on this, and now they felt a horror for the battle of the supreme power in the world.

At this moment, the gaze of these billions of people is unpredictable. Is it true that between these few breaths, the winner is to be distinguished?

"Meng Fan!"

Bai Shui'er, the old snake snake, and the countless people who supported Meng Fan during this week and day all held hands tightly, secretly sweating for him.

I have to say that this kind of moment is indeed too tense now. The fight between the two parties is by no means simple, and no one can bear the backstop of failure. Once it fails, it is not only material things, but also possible. It will involve life and death.

On the other side, the various powerhouses of the Eastern Demon Race are all very excited. If Meng Fan loses so quickly, it will be a huge help to them, enough to spread the name of the Eastern Demon Race throughout the world. , Stepping on Meng Fan's body to reach a new height.

Everyone around the sky was horrified, and this moment was the most critical moment where Meng Fan retreated. Between the two major killing methods at the same time, Meng Fan was in absolute danger.

The breath hits, all murderous!

All around it were Yuan Leitian's powerful means of splitting the heavens and the earth. He came in the air and suppressed the Eight Wastes. He didn't give Meng Fan any chance to escape at all. In the midst of the suppression of his air waves, he... will definitely die!


Just a moment later, two of the handprints could be seen to fall, and the sky quake opened, completely tearing Meng Fan's body in it. Even though it was a powerful method, it seemed to be broken at this moment!

Everyone was dumb, countless strong men were a little bit unable to control themselves, staring at the field with their eyes firmly!

No one can imagine it. After just the first few breaths, Yuan Leitian controlled everything and came with absolute killing power to suppress Meng Fan and smash his body into pieces. Moreover, Yuan Leitian struck another step at this moment, and the soles of his feet appeared, and he stepped directly toward the heaven and earth where Meng Fan was in the sky, just to annihilate his soul in the sky, without any sign of leaving his hands!


A word fell, Yuan Leitian stepped on the soles of his feet, tearing everything apart. However, the moment his feet fell on the fragments of Meng Fan's body, he did not smash his soul, but was torn apart by the wave of air before. The body also turned into a dust...disappeared!


The crowd was amazed, including Qin Mieren, Taichu and the others, with their expressions flashing. Before that, they hadn’t seen that the figure was fake. They used their eyes to see everything and perceive everything, even if they were within 10,000 meters. The moment the blood dripped can be controlled by them, but at this moment, they did not realize that the figure before was not Meng Fan's real body!

This is really terrifying. Obviously, it was Meng Fan's layout at the most critical juncture to transform his shape, but who Yuan Leitian was, it was already a huge means to fool him, and it was shocking enough!

You must know that for Yuan Leitian's existence, there is no way to achieve the general illusion.

"Di Xian Nuo Kong change!"

Among the crowd, many of the ancient Bai family have arrived, including Bai Rong, watching the scene nervously, especially after seeing Meng Fan’s secret method, his brows can't help but lightly jumped, looking like a smile. The white water on the side.

Bai Shui'er's pretty face blushed when he noticed Bai Rong's words, and said softly,

"Grandpa Rong...I..."

"It's okay, if Meng Fan wins this time, it seems that the Bai family has asked him to talk about it. As for the content of the talk, cough cough... you know!"

Bai Rong smiled indifferently, shook his head, and looked towards the sky, ignoring the white water that could drip blood on his pretty face.

Yep! ?

One blow failed, and Yuan Leitian's expression changed, and he turned around in the next moment, but it was too late, and in an instant, it was completely enough for a top expert like Meng Fan!

A figure came to him, tearing the sky apart. It was already prepared. It was Meng Fan. At the same time, it was a fist front that penetrated the void, golden body, and the emperor fist arrived!


The imperial fist struck, Yuan Leitian instinctively blasted his fist, and in the next moment his fists faced each other, resisting this mortal blow, and at the same time, it could be seen that it was Meng Fan who struck behind him.

Blood spurted from his shoulders, but Meng Fan was expressionless. At this moment, he could only take a stride, just like Yuan Leitian before. Once he had the upper hand, even if it was a little bit, he quickly expanded this advantage.

The sky was torn apart, the emperor fist struck, Meng Fan strode out, and the terrifying fist front was already falling like a storm, blasting out endlessly!

Fist punches through the air, the trick is cruel!

As Meng Fan strode forward, the intention of tearing apart the eight wilderness surging, every step was earth-shaking, the emperor fist roared, thunder circulated, and finally fell on Yuan Leitian's body.

Unprepared, Yuan Leitian had only his palm prints blasted out, and at the same time, his body flickered, comparable to the stars, but at a moment, eight defensive treasures surged all over his body, each of which reached the ninth-order god. To the point of being surrounded by stars, Yuan Leitian surrounds it.

Bang, bang!

With fists breaking through the air, Meng Fan kept moving forward. In just a moment, hundreds of fist fronts fell on Yuan Leitian's body.

With a low roar, Yuan Leitian imprinted with one hand, ran the secret method, and retreated back in an instant. However, at a glance, there were nine defensive artifacts in Yuan Leitian's body, which were turned into sky fragments before...

Fragments are real fragments!

Yuan Leitian's body stood still, and when he saw the surroundings, his complexion suddenly turned pale, and a mouthful of blood came out. Half of it was beaten by Meng Fan, and half was mad at Meng Fan. This is the nine great nine gods. Even the Emperor Clan is not that easy to handle, but it was all broken by Meng Fan in a flash, although it was defended. Own, but the value of this loss is absolutely huge!

Looking at Meng Fan, Yuan Leitian spit out a few words between his teeth.

"Yes... but if there are only these, you must die!"

Hearing this, Meng Fan smiled lightly and said calmly.

"My method is nothing but mud. I can't do it without me. How about the eternal giants, today...cut you!"

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