Supreme God King

Chapter 1576: Kill you today

Kill you!

Two words came out of Meng Fan's mouth, cold as an ice cellar!

At the same time, Meng Fan took a stride, turned his palm with one hand, and his blood exploded. At this moment, a golden palm print appeared in the sky!

The emperor of the world, a seal covers the sky!

The qi and blood in Meng Fan's body boiled, and the infinite vitality energy squeezed toward his body.

At this moment, his whole person was filled with this powerful force, his body expanded, like a god, his whole body was enlarged about three times more than usual, and his body had undergone endless changes, two great gods. The method moves at the same time.

"The Great Seal!"

Meng Fan’s palm prints struck, and he never lied, saying to kill you, he wanted to kill you!

A seal across the sky, all the vitality in Meng Fan's body erupted, but for a moment, there was no sunlight over Dadong Mountain. Only the handprint that covered the sky came, flooding the sky and falling straight down.


At the same time, Yang Wudi and Qin Mieren looked at each other, and the two said in unison, each other could feel a hint of horror in each other's eyes.

What they saw about Meng Fan five hundred years ago was not as powerful as it is today. The two of them regarded him as juniors, but they saw Meng Fan again today and absolutely couldn't do so.

Because the latter has already risen completely and its combat power is shocking, even though it is only a sacred monk in the second realm, the combat power it possesses is completely enough to threaten their realm.

The mere fall of this palm and the imprint turned out to be so that this kind of top powerhouse felt a powerful threat in Meng Fan's body.

At the beginning of the ether, Qin Mieren's eyesight was to discover that this threat came not only from his secret method, but also from his body!

That kind of secret technique works, the power burst out by the compatibility of the two great god-level techniques, tears the eight wilderness, suppresses everything, and has a fierceness that scorns any strong person between the world and the earth!

Thousands of miles apart, the countless powerhouses in Dadongshan all took a step back, feeling a powerful aura!

The martial arts show that today's Meng Fan is already separated from anyone and completely self-contained. Unlike any monk in the ages, he himself is the first master of the martial arts, based on the inverse **** seal. , And completely separated, unique!

Now that it has erupted, at this moment Meng's fan wants to fight and is crazy.

The power of the whole person is also tearing everything apart. He is invincible, and people don't even have the courage to look straight!

"Magic Guantiandijue!"

Between the sky, Yuan Leitian's expression changed suddenly, but only a moment later, his eyes were blood red, and the whole person stood in the sky, breath exploded, runes flickered, and a mysterious breath emerged from his body.

At this moment, he stood between the sky, like a great demon king, unparalleled evil!

The expressions of countless people in the entire Eastern Demon Race moved and couldn't help but shout, because at this moment Yuan Leitian's secret technique was one of the highest secrets of the Eastern Demon Race in ancient times, and it is difficult for anyone to understand.

And Yuan Leitian sits quietly in this Dadongshan for many years, but he fully integrates his profound meaning into himself, and cooperates with his demon bloodline, it will have unpredictable power!

One hand is the seal, the other hand is the sky!

At this moment, Yuan Leitian was also boiling with breath and endless changes. Facing Meng Fan's unparalleled blow, he also blasted out with a palm, turning into a mountain that covered the sky, from bottom to top, and Meng Fan confronted Meng Fan. together!

Two handprints, interlaced!

One by one, one by one, and the impact between such impacts is to completely cover the entire sky above Dadong Mountain. Everything is eclipsed, only the mutual impact between the two of them!


The thunder sound came out loudly, and under the collision of the two, the entire sky above Dadongshan was torn apart, and a huge mushroom cloud rose up, even if this is the supreme land of the Eastern Demon Race, it has many prohibitions. But it was also torn apart in this moment, torn apart countless!


Fragments of the sky filled the space, and two human figures flew out at the same time. Both Meng Fan and Yuan Leitian consumed a lot at this moment. The bones in the body collapsed and there was a lot of internal bleeding. Blood spurted out between the air waves, but Each is a top master, just a moment, it is already standing!

With two fists clenched, Meng Fan's body was like a gun, standing in the sky, the breath in his body revolved, and he suppressed his qi and blood, and restored his peace.

I have to say that Yuan Leitian is definitely his life enemy. Even though Meng Fan is invincible and confidently kills his opponent, he still understands that there is any intention, then it is extremely likely that he is the one who is beheaded. The latter is too strong. After testing, that kind of secret method was only revealed for an instant, that is, resisting the Great Emperor's Seal, and faintly making Meng Fan feel that this seems to be just the tip of the iceberg!

In the void, Yuan Leitian's body retreated, and after a full hundreds of meters, he fell in one step, crushing the entire ground behind him.

Such a collision, even though he is a giant of the three realms in the world, he felt extremely uncomfortable, his internal organs were burning fiercely, and at the same time Yuan Leitian looked at Meng Fan, and the murderous intent in his eyes became more intense.

"I looked down on you a bit before, Meng Fan, yes, indeed, he has the capital that disregards Ten Thousand Territories. The old man is far inferior to you in your grade, but...this is Dadongshan, in my Dongtian Demon Race In front of you, you will know that your background is still not enough. It is a pity that you are destined to die here today, but being able to let the old man use this secret method is enough for you to be proud. It is to show you what is called the Eastern Demon Race , What is called Moguan Tiandi Jue!"

A few words fell sharply, Yuan Leitian spit out blood, and at this moment, the blood spit out from the corner of his mouth turned into nails and went straight to Meng Fan.


The air waves rushed, causing Meng Fan's pupils to shrink, and quickly stepped back, clearly feeling the power contained in this blood nail with his spiritual thoughts.

It comes from Yuan Leitian himself, and its power is covered on this blood, so that this blood is like alive, possessing a strange magical power!

In just a moment, Meng Fan reacted. He has survived on swords for many years, and this kind of immediate change is about to be extreme.

The whole person moved in the void and reacted quickly. At this moment, those blood nails flew past Meng Fan's face, only a moment before they could penetrate into his body.

Once this blood nail enters the human body, it will inevitably produce great power. Meng Fan can feel it, even if he can't bear it!

And there was not much time for Meng Fan to react, Yuan Leitian, it was here again!

At this point in the battle, there is no doubt that Yuan Leitian has a strong will to kill. Whether it is his bet with Meng Fan, and under this kind of attention, it is a reason why he cannot fail. , So at this moment, all the means broke out, even including the highest knack of the Eastern Demon Clan, were used, just to...kill Meng Fan.

The palm of the hand appeared, and a print volleyed. At this moment, the aura appeared in Yuan Leitian's handprint, almost to the extreme.

And Meng Fan punched out with a single hand, and at the moment he collided, he felt that the vitality fluctuations in Yuan Leitian's handprint had strong penetrating power, even his vitality power was all shattered by it. .


Meng Fan’s body receded, and he already felt the earth-shattering change in Yuan Leitian’s moment. The latter’s body turned out to be an abnormal change in vitality, which was stronger than before. I don’t know how much it was. The vitality fluctuations he displayed contained nothing. The strong corrosive force penetrates everything and is hard to resist!

The magic is everywhere!

Before this kind of change, Yuan Leitian hadn't possessed it. Obviously, it came from this mysterious technique. It turned Yuan Leitian up to a new level in an instant, and the whole person was like a great demon, slaughtering everything.

That is, Meng Fan, replaced by someone else, at this moment, even if it is close to ten meters from Yuan Leitian's body, without waiting for a shot, the whole person...has been corrupted!



At this moment, all around Dadongshan, countless members of the Eastern Demon Race roared, unparalleled excitement.

At a glance, so many people of the Eastern Heaven Demon Clan could see that the exercises performed by Yuan Leitian was one of the highest unique skills of the entire Eastern Demon Clan. It was once again shown on the Great Eastern Mountain, naturally allowing them His blood is boiling, roaring to the sky!

Thousands of people from the Eastern Demon Race roared loudly at this moment, targeting Meng Fan with the most powerful murderous intent!

On the side, the expressions of all the powerhouses are terrified. Even if they are not standing in the field, they can clearly feel the terrible in the field. Under Yuan Leitian's use of this magical heaven and earth decision, everything is completely complete. different.

"Meng's dangerous!"

A few words came out from the corner of Taichu's mouth, his tone was solemn, and he stared at the court.

And this moment in the center of the sky is even more dangerous and dangerous. In an instant, Yuan Leitian's thunder means blasted out, tearing the sky, aura rising, and at the same time running countless secret methods.

Under this kind of vitality fluctuation with powerful corrosive power, the suppressed Meng Fan stepped back, even if he confronted with his martial arts, it was extremely difficult.

After all, the time for Meng Fan to merge the two god-level exercises was short. It was the way he walked out alone, and it took countless hours to explore. On the other hand, Yuan Leitian took the road of the **** king of the Eastern Demon Clan. His own practice has already been verified by peerless experts. He just walked it by himself. The comparison between the two is indeed as Yuan Leitian said, it seems Meng Fan. Some backgrounds are insufficient and are completely suppressed.

Yuan Leitian strode forward, the strange aura in his body became stronger, and at the next moment his five fingers spread out and he roared,

"Five Absolute Seal of Heaven!"

When a few words fell, his palm changed, and at the same time he could see the entire sky trembling. Under everyone's eyes, Yuan Leitian's figure turned out to be... five servings, five Yuan Leitian standing in full. In the midair, suppressed the world and moved towards Meng Fan.

And every seal is fast to the extreme, bursting that kind of strange aura to the top, and coming straight to Meng Fan!


Suddenly, Bai Shui'er let out an exclamation. Under the imprint, Meng Fan responded quickly, shifting the space, and avoiding the three seals.

But no matter how fast Meng Fan was, it was difficult to avoid the direction of the dance at the same time, being caught by Yuan Leitian's two palms.

This kind of imprint is inevitable. Thanks to Meng Fan's physical limit, avoiding the three realms is already shocking.

And under the other two palms, one of his arms and one leg was instantly torn apart, and all the muscles on it disappeared, revealing the white bones in it. It was as strong as Meng Fan, and he couldn't help but feel bored at this moment. With a grunt, the body retreated, suppressing the injury!

In response, Yuan Leitian just smiled indifferently, his hands gathered, and another secret method emerged in his hands.

Forever, dominate the world!

Yuan Leitian was able to get to the point he is today, but only relying on his own earth-shaking ability can he survive such a long time, sitting in Dadongshan for many years and no one can shake his position!

Moreover, the Dongtian Demon Race can be called a magic word, even more because of its own practice methods, that is... standing by the magic, known as weird!

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