Supreme God King

Chapter 1567: Fight hard

The world is boiling, the heroes are shaking!

At this moment, even if it was Qin Mieren, Yang Wudi and many other powerful players, they were all shocked by the battle in the field.

Such a battle is because they stand in it, and there is no certainty that it will win, let alone other people!

The real battle between the Heaven and Earth Emperor, one emperor before eternal age, one is the newest rising emperor, the two collided across the air, this battle... there must be competition!

And under this kind of extreme hegemonic force, it finally made the matter of Meng Fan's insufficient background to be exposed. Compared with this kind of strong man who has been in the world for tens of thousands of years, Meng Fan's own defects are quite obvious, because of his The training time is too short!

If facing the same generation of Tianjiao or a strong man in the ages, Meng Fan can still deal with it, but Yuan Leitian is more than 40,000 years old and has been the patriarch of the Eastern Demon Clan for many years. Don't know the geometry!

At the moment when the two sides fought, the suppressed Meng Fan retreated again and again, and the whole person was in a passive defense.

It has nothing to do with Meng Fan's enchanting and not enchanting, this battle itself is not fair, Meng Fan is in a passive state.

Under the eyes of the public, there was a magical energy in the sky. Yuan Leitian's phantom expanded. Under his continuous suppression of Meng Fan, it also made him at the absolute peak. One-handed imprinting, the breath boiled, and once again turned towards Meng Fanyi The seal blasted out, but at this moment, his whole person's power was expanded by a number of times, a god-level secret method, blasted out!

"Heavenly Devil Palm!"

With another palm, it turned into a mountain peak covering the sky, and went straight to the backward Meng Fan, with a breath overflowing, as if under this seal, it was to make Meng Fan completely die and turn into sky fragments!

The blood in the body rushed, and at this moment Meng Fan retreated, and blood spurted out of the whole body. Before that, I never thought that Yuan Leitian still possessed such a secret method. The latter dared to dig a hole to let Meng Fan in. Naturally, he really had suppression. All means, and so strong!

With a low growl, Meng Fan closed all the acupuncture points in his body in an instant, and his mind was united. At the same time, the whole person stood in the air forcibly, facing that kind of overwhelming palm, only the vitality in his body gathered, two great gods. The evolvement of the exercises came out one word,


Cut off the water, cut everything!

Meng Fan pointed his hand, jedi counterattacked, and blasted out with a punch. With one blow, the hegemonic force that suppressed everything had already come out, bursting out of his body, and Ling Kong and Yuan Leitian's palm hit together. .


The sky burst again.

Countless powerhouses were amazed, just Meng Fan’s reaction of breaking and standing, fighting in a flash, is enough to make countless old monster powerhouses ashamed, if it were not for rolling out of the pile of real dead, I don’t know how many back and forth, where With this kind of reaction!

The impact of the two forces directly completely destroyed the space in which they were in nothingness. Under this kind of impact, Meng Fan was finally able to stabilize his body and resist Yuan Leitian's stormy attacks, but just The moment his body stood firm, his whole body collapsed, and there were several acupuncture points, even though Meng Fan used great means to seal them, but at this moment, blood could be seen flowing out of them, and he couldn't restrain it!

"Meng Fan!"

Bai Shui'er bit her red lips and couldn't bear to look again!

The same is true for the old snake-cockering man on the side. The world has seen Meng Fan dominate the world. I don't know how many times Meng Fan has fought with his life, including today's Meng Fan.

If it wasn't for the dark alliance, if it wasn't for countless people who needed Meng Fan's blessing, if it wasn't for Meng Fan's own responsibility, perhaps Meng Fan didn't have to fight like this, so tired!

But on Meng Fan's shoulders, he resisted all the responsibilities, so even facing Yuan Leitian, a peerless powerhouse, he would be a brazen battle and never retreat!

The heroes were shocked. At this moment, the whole world was boiling. Countless people couldn’t even speak. They couldn’t think of seeing this battle with their own eyes. Among them, there were many strong men who could see that at this moment, Meng Fan It seems to have reached the point where the mountains are exhausted.

Although the two previously injured the enemy by 1,000 and suffered 800 damage, Meng Fan’s injuries were far heavier than Yuan Leitian, and he himself was one level lower than Yuan Leitian, even though Meng Fan’s combat power was shocking. However, the gap in this realm of sacredness is definitely a chasm and it is difficult to bridge!

For Yuan Leitian, the two injuries are the same, perhaps just need to breathe, but Meng Fan has at least five, or even six!

This is the gap, for this kind of battle, then it is fatal!

"It's a shame, Meng Fan!"

Between the sky, Yuan Leitian stood firm and said coldly,

"The old man said that if you give it a period of time, maybe you can really resist the old man, but now with your current strength, I am afraid that this is not possible. I am afraid that you are not at the peak now, even if you are running The secret method can be maintained for a period of time, but for the old man, it is easy to resist, and when your injury becomes more serious, let alone a battle with the old man, it will be impossible even if you want to move. , Hum... Now the old man can give you a chance. You promised the old man’s previous conditions to help my Eastern Demon Clan for ten thousand years. Today, the old man will give up and will treat you kindly in the future. , How about giving you all the resources that can be used by the East Sky Demon Race?"

The tone rumbling, spread all over the world, causing countless people's look to change!

This Yuan Leitian deserves to be an old fox who has been between the world and the earth for many years. This general rhetoric can be described as quite sharp, not only to coerce it, but also to lure Meng Fan into submission. I have to say that at this kind of moment, Yuan Leitian’s words can be described as quite conscientious, so that anyone in this world will consider it. After all, the two sides have fought until now. For Meng Fan, it is a life of nine deaths and wants to win. The probability is minimal.

In the void, Meng Fan stood quietly, blood continuously flowing from his body, smiled at Yuan Leitian's words, and after a few breaths, calmly said,

"Not bad, but well... it seems to have no effect for me, because there are only two ways to return, one for victory and the other for ... death!"

The last two words fell, sonorous and powerful, spread all over the world!

Hearing Meng Fan’s words, the hearts of countless people around Dadongshan were shocked. There are now hundreds of millions of people here, and there are countless strong people from heaven and earth. Many of them have participated in the past. Man of World War I.

Looking at the figure above the sky, many of the older generations are even a little excited at this moment, as if they were dreaming back to the past, as if they saw countless scenes, as if they were reappearing in front of their eyes. Come on that **** road to pass.

Indeed... just as Meng Fan said!

Five hundred years ago, it was this shadow of the human being, sounded throughout the Middle Ages, opening the way with the body!

Five hundred years ago, it was this figure who fought for the domain and abandoned itself!

Five hundred years ago, it was this figure, blood stained the world, and the body shattered!

For Meng Fan, there was no such thing as surrender. If so, he did it five hundred years ago!


"Kill, kill!"

Between the heavens and the earth, the Dongtian Demon Clan shouted and killed endlessly, all cheering for Yuan Leitian.


And yet another word suddenly came out between the world and the earth, and after it fell, it was one after another, in an endless stream.

At a glance, the people who speak are countless powerful people from these ten thousand realms. Some of this group of people have followed Meng Fan in the past, some have fought in Tianlei Pass, and some have just heard of Meng Fan’s legend. , But at this moment, their qi and blood are rising, helping Meng Fan, and at the same time spit out a word,


"War, war, war!"

This word is only for warriors, because warriors are speechless, only one word explains everything!

Around the sky, there is an instant boiling, one side is the word killing of all the Eastern Demon Races, and the other side is the word of war of countless powerful people gathered in the whole world. The two figures merge together, making the whole world like countless Dao Lei Ting is bombarding, constantly shaking, tearing apart the wasteland!

Under the interlocking of the two, the void also has a feeling of collapse!

Located in the very center, the surrounding sounds kept coming, making Meng Fan smile at this moment, revealing a mouth full of blood and water. After a while, he strode out, and the whole person flew forward and moved again, at the same time The vitality changes in his body, an astonishing mutation also came into play.

"Earth Immortal Change!"

The three words fell, causing a trace of chaotic mist to emerge in Meng Fan's eyes, which seemed to be bright but not bright, but dark but not dark, and at the same time, he fisted across the air and came directly.

Under this blow, Yuan Lei couldn't help but change his face. From his insight, he naturally saw what kind of exercise it was. It came from the Bai family of the emperor and came from its supreme exercise, called... .. The emperor's fairy tale!

In the past, the Bai family ruled the world, and a generation of ancestors fought for hegemony in the world, and ultimately formed the supreme foundation of the Bai family, relying on this emperor's celestial scripture.

Rumor has it that there are sixteen changes in the emperor immortal scripture, and each change is earth-shattering. Through these changes, the fusion of the universe and the power can instantly increase oneself and reach an unprecedented level, so that the whole person will be affected. The increase of the Emperor Xianjing, the combat power skyrocketed!

And at this moment, what Meng Fan is running is the Emperor Xian Jing. He was sent to his room by Bai Shui'er before. After six days of comprehension, it is now unfolding, and the changed Earth Immortal Change is the Emperor Xian Jing. The third change among them!

With a punch, Meng Fan is still Meng Fan, but the whole person is already hugely different from before!


In the midair, Yuan Leitian blasted out with a palm, and he was a little flustered when he was caught off guard.

Before that, Yuan Leitian was confident that he would win against Meng Fan, especially under the combination of grace and power. There are a few people in this world who can resist, but what is unexpected is that Meng Fanfei did not waver, but caused countless numbers between heaven and earth. The support of the strong, and is... even more fierce!

The stronger the enemy, the stronger I am!

This sentence is easy to say, who can do it, who can persist!

Between the electric light and flint, between the sky and the sky, Meng Fan's fist and Yuan Leitian's handprints collided, and the impact of the power of the two immediately caused a big wave in the entire Dadong Mountain.

Under this punch, Meng Fan’s power tilted like a flood, and the change did not stop at this moment, but the whole person shouted again, suppressing all directions, and at the same time, the voice was spread all over the world.

"The gods have changed!"

"True fairy!"

"Hong Xian changed!"

In a flash, the three major changes in the Emperor Xianjing were completely merged by Meng Fan, bursting out of his body, flashing runes, blessing his body, and then... with a punch!

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