Supreme God King

Chapter 1579: Emperor change

Xiandi change!

Standing in the same place, Meng Fan, who was already surrounded by the aura of silence, suddenly changed. At this moment, the aura exploded, and everyone in the field was stunned, with surprised eyes, looking towards the sky. The figure above.

Meng Fan!

Before this, everyone had felt that the qi and blood in Meng Fan's body had been completely depleted, and it was impossible to have the power to fight again, but unexpectedly, at this moment, under the operation of Meng Fan's secret method, although everyone did not know exactly It was that kind of secret method, but its breath turned out to start to improve a little bit. It was completely... beyond everyone's expectations!

After the battle was exhausted, it was like a dead tree rebirth, even if the strong players gathered in the field, they frowned one by one.


The most surprising thing is not the many powerful people in the world, but...Bai Rong and others, all the Bai Rong elders who have come to Dadongshan now have their eyes widened, looking at the field, It was like seeing a ghost one by one, and the eyes were about to fall off.

Maybe other people couldn't see what this change was, how could they not know the people of the Bai family themselves, the seventh change in the emperor's immortal sutra.

The secret of heaven and earth is the highest!

The more magical exercises in this world, the more difficult it is to practice. Even if they are obtained, it is possible that many people will not be able to understand them in their entire lives, let alone display them.

As one of the Bai family’s uninherited inheritance, this emperor’s celestial scripture records that the ancient secrets of the emperor’s Bai family are integrated. Among the people who have practiced in ancient times, there has never been a person who can walk like the ancestors of the Bai family. Its end.

And the more you belong to the Bai family, the better you can understand that this emperor immortal scripture has important levels. There are sixteen changes in total. In fact, it is divided into three stages, one is the first six changes, and the second is the beginning of the seventh change. It is able to increase the power of this emperor celestial scripture again several times, and this seventh change is a huge checkpoint in this emperor celestial scripture. Looking at the history of ancient emperor celestial scripture, the fastest person also takes half a year. It's time to break it!

And this is already a legendary record, so far no one has been able to break it!

And under the attention of everyone, Meng Fan unexpectedly started this kind of change. Once it succeeds, then I am afraid that he will be the fastest person in the history of the Bai family to cultivate the emperor's celestial scriptures. They all wanted to give themselves 10,000 big mouths, and then committed suicide!

This is more than an evildoer, it is simply creating a miracle!

"Absolutely impossible, he probably won't succeed..."

At this moment, Bai Rong's whole person was a little silly, his eyes fixed on the field, and the other Bai families were also petrified. But Bai Shui'er was extremely nervous. She herself was also a practitioner of this emperor immortal scripture. She naturally understood the terrifying and difficulty of this seventh change. There is no doubt that Meng Fan was fighting for her life again, letting go.

Once Meng Fan practiced this emperor’s celestial scripture, once it broke through the seventh change in such a short time, it also meant that it completely broke the record of the Bai family, and it would be the supreme practice of the Bai family. The truth burst out!

Between heaven and earth, a shock!

Accompanied by Meng Fan's move, it is simply affecting the hearts of hundreds of millions of people, including Qin Mieren. The powerhouses of this level at the beginning are a little short of breath now. I have to say that this kind of excitement is for them. For this kind of old monster, it is impossible for thousands of years to happen, but among the big Dongshan now, they can't help but not shake themselves!

Because this battle is really ups and downs, from the beginning Meng Fan passively arrived now, even if they were unable to predict the end of this battle, so... only then can this group of old monsters be watching closely. During the action, I am afraid I will miss a slight change!


Meng Fan stood in place, full of blood and water. At this moment, his body was completely extinguished. At this moment, his aura soared, his vitality surged, standing on this big Dongshan like a big Buddha, the whole body was filled with mist. The body moves around.

The seventh change of Emperor Xianjing!

This change was indeed impossible for Meng Fan to comprehend before this, but to the point where he was pushed to the limit under the battle with Yuan Leitian, he had realized countless insights, so he chose to let it go. .

Just a few breaths, an extremely powerful change is born from Meng Fan's body, allowing his whole person to reign over the world, like the same great emperor, anyone can feel that at this moment Meng Fan is on the tip of a knife , That kind of change in his body is extremely terrifying, once it succeeds, it is enough to help Meng Fan reborn, but once it must be the soul, martial art, and body all die together, completely dead between heaven and earth. .

Between life and death, breakthrough!


In the distance, Yuan Leitian's expression changed suddenly and was extremely ugly. In the next moment, endless killing intent surged in his eyes, stepping out, and heading straight for Meng Fan.

The breath exploded, and the big hand was empty. For a person like Yuan Leitian, he would not take anything upright, in order to achieve his goal. No matter whether Meng Fan was successful in change, he would not give Meng Fan this opportunity. To kill all its threats in the cradle.

The handprint appeared, comparable to a mountain peak, and it fell down with a murderous intention to interrupt all changes in Meng Fan. However, at the moment when Yuan Leitian's big hand was about to hit Meng Fan, two rays of light suddenly surged, and resistance was here. Above the sky.


The sound came and shook the sky and the earth, and you could see the shadows of a tower and a ling appearing. The vitality was like a wave. It was Xiaotian and the Emperor Dao who had resisted Yuan Leitian's blow.

These two have the same mind and spirit as Meng Fan. Naturally, they don’t need Meng Fan’s instructions. They just took action after a thought, but they did not choose to attack. Instead, the vitality was distributed and spread around, forming a powerful defensive formation that would bring the entire world. They are completely imprisoned.

Two gods, shocking the world, infinite power!

However, it is also a comparison. In front of Yuan Leitian, an old monster powerhouse, Xiaotian and Emperor Dao's power are insufficient.

Although Yuan Leitian was seriously injured at this moment, it does not mean that his combat power is gone. On the contrary, the fierce beast arrived at the last moment, but it was more terrifying than usual, so Xiaotian and Emperor Dao did not take risks at all, but concentrated their strength. , Completely guarding around Meng Fan, forming the strongest defense!


Seeing this scene, Yuan Leitian's expression moved and sneered.

"Well, you do the first year of junior high school, I do the fifteenth, and you smash the nine gods of the old man, then the old man will destroy your two great weapons!"

The voice fell, and the utterance followed. At this moment, Yuan Leitian suppressed his own qi and blood, and blasted out with a palm. All his injuries were turned into violent, and the power of the Great Emperor also came out again, traversing the sky and going straight to Meng Fan. Come!

The ultimate strength, one seal opens the sky!

At this moment, Yuan Leitian was as expected by Xiaotian, with unmatched power. In a flash, he had come to the defensive formation of the two gods, shaking everything under the impact!


After just a palm, you can see countless cracks appearing on the two gods, Xiaotian and Emperor Dao, and under the cracks above, even if the two gods have reached the tenth order, But it is still unable to resist this blow!

And between the fingers, two palm prints struck again, Yuan Leitian was like the same ancient killing god, his breath soared, suppressing everything!

Under such power, you can feel the defense between the sky and the sky is constantly breaking down, even with the combined strength of Xiaotian and Emperor Dao, they are still retreating!

"Huh, isn't it broken?"

Yuan Leitian sneered, folded his hands together, and the strength of the whole person was increased several times during the change, the secret method operated, and fell again.

"Sky Demon splits his palm!"

A few words are spit out, called thunder, handprints are like a mountain, and they fall. Under everyone's eyes, you can feel that kind of power penetrates everything, with an aura of destruction!

"These two gods can't resist! Yuan Leitian, the old man's blow is too terrible, it is already a sacred method, once these two gods are used to survive, even if they can protect Meng Fan behind him, it will be broken. Split, I'm afraid these two gods will also be shaken!"

Qin Mieren said coldly.

A strong man at his level naturally does not speak lies. Tai Chu and Yang Wudi also nodded. Both of them predicted this scene, and the gods are spiritual. At this moment, it may even be possible. Flee.

Because once it was destroyed by Yuan Leitian, then I really thought that the smoke had disappeared. It is impossible for Xiaotian and Emperor Dao to fail to see this, they can only choose between life and death!

However, at the next moment Qin Mieren's expectation, Xiaotian and Emperor Dao, who protected Meng Fan, did not retreat at this moment, but each screamed and shook the wasteland, like weeping blood, burning their strength. Do not retreat but advance, each of them mobilized their most terrifying power to form a defense and protect the entire week!

The choice between life and death was made so easily, without any hesitation at all, Xiaotian and Emperor Dao chose to spare their lives for Meng Fan, just to buy a moment!

A moment!

Only fight for a moment for Meng Fan, and only fight for a glimmer of hope for Meng Fan, even if it is the true fall of himself, there is no backlash, no hesitation!

Seeing this scene, I couldn't help moving everyone, how difficult it is to make such a choice in a blink of an eye, the gods are spiritual, just like a human being.

This is a kind of incomparable trust in those who control it, and it is also a kind of fierce loyalty. Even if it is death, it is to indulge and face the face. The fetish is like this, but looking at the world... I am afraid that most people are basically Can't do it!


The void interlaced, at this moment, under countless eyes, the power between the sky and the sky gathered and collided with each other.

However, there was no one-sided situation. Instead, the power of Emperor Dao and Xiaotian confronted with the power of Yuan Leitian. Everyone was shocked. He immediately discovered the trickyness of it, because at this moment, it was not only Xiaotian who shot Heaven and Emperor Dao, there is another power... from Meng Fan!

Standing in place, the mark between Meng Fan's eyebrows was completely formed at this moment, one of his hands stretched out, vitality emerged, and the originally lonely body turned out to be alive at this moment, constantly rising.

Between a few breaths, it became stronger and more terrifying. With the recovery of qi and blood, Meng Fan was standing on the sky, and the vitality fluctuations that it circulated became more and more terrifying. ,

"The immortal emperor's change, the palm of the immortal, the emperor, the Nirvana for a living, the Jedi every spring, is for... the immortal emperor's change!"

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