Supreme God King

Chapter 1580: Defeat the demons!

Xiandi change!

The last three words came out from Meng Fan's mouth, resounding like a Sanskrit sound, resounding throughout the world!

These three words are like the laws of the world. At the moment they were spit out, Meng Fan’s whole blood was unexpectedly exploded like a fountain again, suppressing the Eight Wastes. That kind of majestic vitality surging, was even more powerful before this. Bei, at this moment, it was with the power of Xiaotian and Emperor Dao's two divine things, that flooded Yuan Leitian's power!

"Do not!"

With a long roar, Yuan Leitian roared, his eyes flashed with a strong shock, unwilling to... a trace of fear, but even though he had all kinds of thoughts, it was difficult to resist this powerful force, and he was shaken out. !

Standing in the same place, Meng Fan is like a phoenix reborn from Nirvana. The blood explodes, the body recovers, and the mark between the eyebrows has a domineering look at the mountains and rivers, making people even look at it with fear. Under this kind of operation, everyone is unable to say a word.

The previous Meng Fan was already exhausted, reaching the point of exhaustion. Yuan Leitian was already standing on the position of the winner, but after only a few breaths, everything seemed to be upside down.

And what made everyone feel even more shocked was that at this moment Meng Fan not only recovered his breath, but also had a shocking change in his whole person.

The previous model was old, with gray hair and vicissitudes of life, but between the changes, Meng Fan's qi and blood not only lifted his power to the top again, but also started his whole person. Become younger at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After a few breaths, he turned out to be like a scholar of less than twenty, with a gentle manner, just like the boy who had just left Wuzhen that day, except that his eyes were different, revealing endless vicissitudes and profoundness!

The breath emerged, and the eight wastes shook!

Under this kind of change of Meng Fan, it was almost like an explosion of thunder from the sky, leaving everyone in the entire field stunned. It is absolutely impossible to imagine this scene happening.

" succeeded..."

Bai Rong murmured a few words, just like the many white elders behind him, like being struck by a hundred thousand thunders, the mood at this moment can be described as complicated and complicated!

According to the truth, based on the relationship between Meng Fan and Bai Shui'er, they are very happy to see this scene, but now the emperor change that Meng Fan is running is the secret of the Bai family, and his cultivation has exceeded All the ancestors of the Bai family.

We must know that the bloodline of the Bai family is naturally suitable for cultivation. The bloodline of the emperor family is a god-level creature, and the natural divine language of the Bai family comes from the powerful force in this bloodline. It is extremely sensitive, but now, besides the ancestors of the Bai family who pioneered the practice, the most outstanding is an outsider who is still young.

This is absolutely unbearable for all the white elders, and my heart is simply... 100,000 grass-clay horses galloping past, love-hate entanglement, unable to extricate themselves!

"Who can kill the old man..."

"If the ancestors learned, it is estimated that you will be angry to death if you live, and you will be angry if you die..."

Ignoring the shock between the sky and the sky, standing between the sky, Meng Fan's breath climb finally stabilized. Under this forced implementation of the seventh change of the Immortal Emperor, it also brought him to an unprecedented level.

With a firm breath, Meng Fan waved his hand to put Xiaotian and Emperor Dao away and said softly,

"Thank you!"

The tone is calm, and there is no need to say more. For the two gods of Xiaotian and Emperor Dao, they are like the gods of the ten thousand mothers and children. They are also the brothers of Meng Fan. One sentence is enough, and one more sentence is more. !

Xiaotian and Emperor Dao were speechless, but calmly returned to their bodies. On the summit of the Great East Mountain, there were only Meng Fan and Yuan Leitian left!

Looking at it, Meng Fan said with a blank expression on his face.

"Do you still fight!"

With blood spurting out, Yuan Leitian was extremely embarrassed at this moment, even his now old face was full of incredible expressions, looking at Meng Fan, growled,

"Impossible, how did you do it!"

"I said, I didn’t really understand it before. This seventh change implies a change in the emperor’s martial arts. It’s really not easy to want Nirvana to become the emperor, but after fighting with you to the last moment, I am in desperation. , Is the more and more profound understanding of the palm immortal in the emperor immortal sutra, for the emperor's profound meaning, this kind of change is to surpass the previous six, let yourself be in a kind of Jedi, completely reversed, and the power appears !"

Meng Fan said solemnly,

"So I also want to thank you, if it weren't for the pressure you gave me, I really... can't get there!"

The tone was calm and very sincere, but it fell into Yuan Leitian’s ears, it was more uncomfortable than killing him, especially the last sentence of Meng Fan, co-authoring him spent so much hard work, but it was to help Meng Fan achieve nothing. The change, this kind of thing is naturally completely unbearable for him.

And hearing Meng Fan's words, in the ears of Qin Mieren, the first-awaiting expert, he felt something, his expression moved.

Undoubtedly, Meng Fan did not fully understand the meaning of the seventh change in the previous enlightenment of the emperor’s immortal scripture, but in the battle before this, the potential exploded, and in the desperate situation, he understood the way of the emperor’s change. Although Meng Fan was already prepared, especially the battle with Yuan Leitian was in line with the changes in the Emperor Immortal Change!

But looking at this world, who can be comparable to Meng Fan, so persistent and so calm in despair!

"We might... get old!"

Yang Wudi sighed lightly, but the moment the words came out, it made countless people around him pale.

Who is Yang Wudi, the master of the pulse, the world is invincible, the world's top powerhouse, but he said this in public, because Meng Fan, this must be jealous of his earth-shattering combat power, and what kind of Terrible perception.

The evaluation of this sentence alone is enough for Meng Fan to be respected in this world. Who can make Yang Wudi say this, and make a real human emperor bow his head and recognize Meng Fan's toughness!

"Do not!"

Yuan Leitian roared, his eyes were full of violent meaning, facing Meng Fan, his vitality exploded and he was ready to fight again.

With a glance, Meng Fan gave a cold snort, expressionless, only... stepped out!

It was just a step, and an overwhelming breath spread from Meng Fan's body, covering the entire space, and pressing towards Yuan Leitian.

Before Yuan Leitian had any movement, he could clearly feel the weight of the whole body, covering Meng Fan's murderous intent as the substance!

"The old man is not convinced, old man, I..."

Yuan Leitian bit his teeth, blood surged, trying to break through Meng Fan's pressure, and at the next moment, Meng Fan took another step, and that kind of rolling pressure became even more intense.

"If you were at the pinnacle, you might still fight me, but now... you have no chance to recover!"

Standing in the sky, Meng Fan said coldly, like the Great Emperor is coming,

"If you still don't admit defeat, then I will kill you without ten breaths!"

I will kill you!

The words are thunderous, extremely clear, falling between the world and the earth, anyone can feel the extreme murderous intent at this moment. At the same time in the void, Meng Fan takes another step, and the third step falls. One hand is already raised, and one finger stretches out, as if it will fall with overwhelming means in the next moment, tearing everything apart!

Between three steps, Zhou Tian trembled!

Creak, creak!

At this moment, Yuan Leitian’s whole body was trembling. Facing Meng Fan, he wanted to resist, but under such a strong murderous intent and aura, the violent expression in his eyes finally disappeared a little bit, clearly understanding Meng Fan. What is said, their distance now!

The immortal emperor's transformation has allowed Meng Fan to Nirvana again and reach a new world. If it was at the beginning, Yuan Leitian might be worthwhile, but now his injuries are quite serious. It is natural to deal with the severely injured Meng Fan. At this moment, in front of Meng Fan, who was like a wild beast, he just had more than enough energy!

And Meng Fan will not give him any chance. As Meng Fan said, ten breaths, the latter will inevitably come out as a killer to end everything. Even though this is Dadongshan, the name of White Haired Shura used to shock the world. Nor is it just talking!

"Old man..."

Staring at Meng Fan, Yuan Leitian’s teeth were about to be crushed, and at the moment Meng Fan’s fingers were about to fall, he finally uttered two more words.


The sound fell and spread all over the sky. At this moment, everyone around Dadongshan heard it. It was suddenly like an earthquake, causing a big wave!

The patriarch of the Eastern Sky Demon Clan lost to Meng Fan in a public battle!


Bai Shui'er, the old man Pan Snake and the others finally breathed a sigh of relief. They had always been hanging a heart in Meng Fan before, but now they finally let go. On the side, Qin Mieren, a top-notch powerhouse at the beginning, is One by one fell into contemplation, silent, but still able to see their shock to this battle.

The two sides can be described as a duel between the top powers of the two eras. The difference is more than long live. It is unimaginable for people in the world, but Meng Fan turned out to be able to defeat the top powers of the older generation with his own evil means. Yuan Leitian, such a battle must be spread all over the world and shake the world!

Countless people are boiling, looking at the sky above, it is really incredible. Countless people staring at the slender figure in the void, clearly knowing that this is definitely a great emperor-level figure between the future heaven and the earth, and it is already. It is a complete rise.

Meng Fan, who is less than a thousand years old, is already comparable to Qin Mieren. In the beginning, this level of power will inevitably reach an unprecedented level in terms of reputation and strength. Starting today, looking at the world between the earth and the world. People who can shake Meng Fan's edge... I am afraid they are rare!

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