Supreme God King

Chapter 1584: Visitors from restricted area

Meng Fan's big wedding made a sensation in the world!

The gathering of countless powerhouses on that day alone was a rare event in the entire Medieval Region, and I don’t know how many people would pass it on.

Over the years, Meng Fan dominated the world, defeated countless powerful peers, and suppressed an era.

And now that he is married with the four wives, this kind of romantic affairs has become a joke, and I have to admit that the charm of the white-haired Shura is really unstoppable.

The entire dark alliance is filled with incomparable joy, and will last for a long time!

And after marrying the four wives, Meng Fan also announced that he would travel with them, leaving the chaotic valley and reaching the ten thousand realms.

Under this situation, countless people couldn't help but look sideways. For all four of Meng Fan's wives, all of them had met, so naturally they felt very jealous for his luck.

There are peerless beauties in the world, one person alone has four, and is still that kind of beauty who depends on life and death. I have to say that this kind of luck needs jealousy in this world.

Time passed, and it was two years in a flash!

Traveling around the world with Gu Xin'er, the empress, Ling Daiyou, and Bai Shui'er, walking around, seeing the famous mountains and rivers everywhere, Meng Fan looked very comfortable.

During these years, he seemed to have forgotten the things around him. He was with the four beautiful ladies, talking and laughing, and even a trace of vitality was never used. He just walked quietly between this world and admired Wanyu. The scenery between.

In two years, they have also traveled a small half of the Middle Ages, but now Meng Fan's gaze is to find that he has come to a huge mountain range.

"Further forward should be Tonggu Pass. Rumor has it that the former Destroyer God King once fought here, and felt that he was a god!"

Looking ahead, Bai Shui'er chuckled lightly and said calmly.

The years moved, but she didn't see any change in her watery appearance. On the contrary, she had a more feminine taste, which made her heart moving.

The empresses behind them, Ling Daiyou, Gu Xin'er and others are also the same. Following Meng Fan can be so leisurely. In these few years, she can't even think about it. Now she is naturally extremely happy, like a goddess family, forgetting everything.


Meng Fan nodded, his eyes looked far away, but there was an inexplicable smell.

"have a look!"

The three characters fell, and at the same time the figures of the five people also moved forward. In the past two years, they have become accustomed to this kind of place, but they have walked through countless historical sites in the past, but this place where the king of gods can be enlightened. There are still not many, so that the few women are curious.

Stepping into this Tonggu Pass, the breath emerges, the vicissitudes of the world, and the towering mountains make it seem to be connected together, giving people an extremely ancient feeling.

Many places seem to be able to see the shadow of the year, with the breath of the strong in the past. It was once rumored that Tongguguan was the place where the gods and kings became enlightened, and the sacredness was achieved here, defeating an extremely important opponent in his life, and starting a magnificent life.

It's a pity that such a person, with the passage of time, is now gone. I don't know how this is after eternity, myself.... So what!

Standing on this mountain range, Meng Fan couldn't help but show a sigh of exclamation, and said intently.

"How many heroes bend their waists, look through the ages without seeing their style, destroying the **** king..."

The voice fell, and there was an inexplicable smell in the tone. The four empresses behind them did not speak, but looked at Meng Fan with a smile. However, the next moment the void condensed, and the sky and the earth shook, there was a kind of A huge chill came, completely sealing the entire world.

"Jie Jie... After today, I am afraid that the hero who buckles here will have another name, called Meng Fan!"

The tone was sharp, spreading throughout the world, and suddenly the expression of the empress, Gu Xin'er changed, her gaze lifted, and she looked towards the void, only to realize that a figure appeared not far away at this moment. It was an old woman with a short stature and white. The hair was dancing and the wind was dying, but an extremely uncomfortable aura spread from all over the body, floating in this world.

With a glance, Meng Fan’s eyes suddenly showed endless murderous intent, coldly said,

"restricted area!"

"Yes, the old woman's name is Master Dugu!"

The old woman looked at Meng Fan and smiled sorrowfully.

"This name hasn't been mentioned for many years, and the old women have forgotten them. It is unexpected that there will be young talents like you in the future generations. It is good, good... It is even possible to feel the kind of power in you The painstaking effort, it must be good to absorb it!"

Seeing the sudden appearance of the old woman, the empress, Bai Shui'er, Gu Xin'er, and Ling Daiyou, the vitality immediately appeared, sealing the world, and was extremely nervous.


What kind of people are they? Except for Gu Xin'er and Ling Daiyou, now Bai Shui'er and the empress have already set foot in the realm of divine Dao, plus Meng Fan, a total of three sacreds are here, but the latter appeared silently. Here, this in itself has already explained some big problems, and this old woman is absolutely extraordinary.

Standing in place, Meng Fan was extremely calm, looked around calmly, and said calmly,

"There are a few sirs, since they have all come to Wanyu not far away, let's come out together!"


Around this Tonggu Pass, the wind and clouds suddenly moved, the world opened, and at the same time the void was torn apart. At a glance, I saw a few figures walking out from here. They turned out to be the three elders again. Old, I don't know how long it has been, it seems that it may fall into the soil at any time, but the breath emerges, but it makes all the sunshine between the sun and the sky eclipse, and everything is plunged into endless darkness.

Undoubtedly, these four elders appeared to target Meng Fan and kill him. They were already well-intentioned, but once they were shot, it was a thundering method. The landmine collapsed, and it was just a moment to let this The column is completely imprisoned, and everything is an absolute domain for several people.

These four people must be the powerhouses who stepped into the three sacred realms, and they were able to have such power. It was only a moment to suppress everything.

"Meng Fan!"

The female emperor bit her silver teeth, stepped out, spit out a few words coldly,

"You take the three of them and go first. I will come to the house, and if you can delay one step, it will be one step!"

The tone is extremely decisive, facing the four great sacred three realm powerhouses, such a huge handwriting, it can be said that any powerhouse in this world is heart trembling, if this scene comes out, I don’t know how many people will be shocked. In the face of this kind of murderous intent, as powerful as Meng Fan, there is no chance of winning at all. What's more, there are Gu Xin'er and Ling Daiyou who will face a complete crisis!

"No need to!"

Meng Fan shook his head, narrowed his eyes to look at the four old men not far away, and said slowly,

"It seems that the four lords have been staring at the game for a long time. They actually waited until they got here before making the move. It was...well-intentioned!"

"Not bad!"

In the void, an old man in the restricted area sneered and said calmly,

"It's Meng Fan. I sent four people to deal with you. I didn't expect to be able to be in danger at this time. I admire and admire you. I want to kill your Excellency. I also spent a lot of time waiting for the four people. Two years ago, you have been targeted at you, but you have too many minions in the dark alliance to be able to kill, and I will also be in danger. What is unexpected is that you actually got married and chose to leave this chaotic valley. This It's really great, so well... I waited until I followed you here for two years, and now it seems that the beautiful mountains and rivers here can bury you!"

"Haha, what I said is pretty good, I really want to be here forever to ignore external affairs!"

Meng Fan smiled slightly, staring at the old man in the four restricted areas, saying every word,

"The cultivation of the four lords is so superb. Stepping into the three realms, it must be from the ancient existence in the forbidden area. It takes such a lot of effort to take care of me so much. You really deserve to be an old friend!"


Seeing that Meng Fan was still fearless, the expressions of all four of them moved, one of them said indifferently,

"Stop talking nonsense. Bring your life. I waited for it to come from the Forbidden Zone Temple. It was to get your life to wake up. After spending such a lot of effort, I didn't bring you back. How can I explain it!"

"Okay, want my life, give it to you!"

Meng Fan smiled slightly, but at this moment when the smile appeared, he also took a step forward, the whole person moved forward, suddenly like a magic weapon out of the sheath, the majestic vitality fluctuations circulated from his body, Suppress the world and cover the eight wilderness, a sweeping force is to directly impact the past, Emperor Fist, shot!

With a fist across the air, Meng Fan strode forward. Even under the crush of these four sacred and three realms, there is still no change. Only the ultimate power can dominate the entire world, like a mad man The Great Demon God, just the moment when the breath emerged, made the whole world tremble constantly.

Seeing Meng Fan's blow, the four of them looked at each other, each screamed, and suddenly shot, turning into four mountain-like handprints, and Meng Fan banged together.


When the void collided, Meng Fan used one enemy four, and at a glance, he could see the five forces intertwined between the sky, the billowing black death air filled the sky, and at the same time, one of the golden fists could be seen overwhelming the eight wilderness. Through everything, be together fiercely!

It was just a moment that twisted the whole world, and the vast Tonggu Pass was almost completely shattered around it, with voids and fragments overflowing, and between this violent storm and rain, Meng Fan was standing in the sky like this, without a single step. Retreat, punch out at the same time, crash down, and collide with the sacred life of the four great three realms!

Bang, bang!

The thunder-like noise continued to spread, resounding throughout the world, and the power spread by the four people alone was too terrifying, enough to crush everything.

With a beckon, the Empress and Bai Shui'er brought Ling Daiyou, and Gu Xin'er quickly retreated backwards, and gave the entire field to Meng Fan and others. This kind of strong players played against each other. There are not many qualifications to participate, which is too violent and terrifying!

In one breath, the two hands blasted a few punches, and the next moment the sky broke apart, a figure retreated, and the whole person was like a feather in the storm, even if the surrounding was infinitely fierce, it was difficult to hurt his body. , Stood still after a few breaths, it was Meng Fan.

With a steady foot, a trace of blood spilled between the corners of Meng Fan's mouth, but he smiled and said calmly.

"Great, happy!"

In the void, the four sacred and three realms also stood still. At this moment, on the faces of the four ancient existences, there was an inexplicable look of shock, because the four of them had joined forces before fighting against Meng Fan, but they did not It was terrifying that Meng Fan didn't lose too much. The latter is just a young generation!

After a while, the only old woman smiled sorrowfully, opened her hands, and her palm prints appeared, coldly said,

"As expected of Meng Fan, thanks to the preparation of the old woman, I came here this time and proudly prepared a present for you!"

The voice fell, and the verbal method followed, and an icy formation emerged in the old woman's handprints. At the moment when the world appeared, it was the whole week... . The spirit of black death Ling Ran, murderous intent appeared, and wiped out everything! <

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