Supreme God King

Chapter 1585: Hole cards VS Hole cards

Arrays emerge, pervading the world!

At the same time, the four sacred three realm beings stood on this sky with murderous intent, and the surrounding space was completely different from before.

Because an ancient formation appeared in the hands of the old woman, the countless ancient runes carved on this thing, mysterious and unpredictable, just appeared for a moment, which blocked the whole world.

"Junior, you can recognize this!"

Above the sky, the voice of an old man fell at the same time, expressing infinite indifference.

"This formation is called the Zombie Emperor Formation. It was created by an extremely old predecessor in my ancient forbidden area. From ancient times, I don’t know how many strong people have been killed. His strong name is the Zombie Emperor. Named after him, in order to deal with you, the old man and the four are fully prepared. Not only did I wait for the four to be dispatched in person, but I brought this for you specially, you can take it!"

Corpse Emperor Formation!

After these three characters fell, Bai Shui'er's pretty face suddenly turned pale, but he had heard of this, and it was recorded in ancient books and legends among the emperors. It is reported that once this formation appears, it will inevitably be accompanied by a **** wind, and it will slaughter everything. Even the peerless strong will be killed in this great formation. It has long been lost, and I can't think of it now. Is coming back to the world, targeting Meng Fan!

In this battle, the difference in strength was too great, which already caused Meng Fan and others to fall into absolute passiveness.

However, the women were all standing on the spot, staring at the field. Since they did not marry Meng Fan in the past, the four of them have been following Meng Fan's life and death, and they have kept their eyes open to see Yueming. In this case, he would not take a step back and follow Meng Fan.

Located in this big formation, Meng Fan was expressionless, his eyes looked around, and said calmly,

"Awesome, let me try the power of the big formation first!"

The voice fell, and the way he spoke with his mouth followed. The next moment Meng Fan stepped out, his body vibrated in an instant, and an overwhelming breath followed.

After the battle in Dadongshan in the past, Meng Fan had a deep understanding, but now he shoots again, he himself is a bit more aggressive than before. After just one step, it is accompanied by that kind of power that dominates the world, and is directed at Zhou Tianzhi. The large array between the time, crashed.

"God Slaughter!"

The three words fell, and the fist shot out like electricity, and a punch bombarded the sky.


At a glance, you can see that Meng Fan is extremely fierce and luminous, like a great demon **** who crosses everything, especially under this attack, he has exerted his hegemony to the fullest, a blow to the god, Only for God Tu!

After this punch fell, it almost caused the entire Zhou Tian to explode, but the four figures standing around the sky were more fierce than one. They naturally came from the coffin in the restricted area, making Taibaizhi Fate, awakened from a deep sleep.

All of them are ancient and ancient existences. They have existed in the world for many years. They are the real supreme killer **** level. At this moment, under Meng Fan's shot, there is sufficient preparation to set up this killing game when he is alone. Now even though Meng Fan is fierce, he is not afraid at all.

The fall of the four big hands, in conjunction with the formation between the sky and the sky, suddenly caused a Sanskrit sound to be heard from the whole world. This sound is like the call of death. The moment it spreads throughout the world, anyone will feel uncomfortable when hearing it. It feels like this sound is too harsh.

And in an instant, the four of them stood on the sky, their palms volleyed, and a seal struck. The force that suppressed everything was to resist Meng Fan’s Slaughter God. It was just the moment of collision, even if it was Meng Fan. The combat power is endless, but this blow was completely taken by the four.


An old man in the restricted area gave a low growl, and stepped on his foot, and the whole person was like a lightning bolt, and he grabbed Meng Fan with a palm.


Meng Fan was expressionless and raised his hand with a blow. The power of the two suddenly collided, causing the world to collapse. However, they were evenly matched, both of them were like mountains.

This scene seems ordinary, but it is enough to shock anyone in the world. What kind of person is the old man. If his name is spoken, it is enough to make countless existences in the entire ancient age tremble. I don’t know how much he is older than Meng Fan in his grade. , But now Meng Fan is a powerful enemy.

However, in the next moment, Zhou Tian flashed, a strange sharp claw appeared, and directly grabbed Meng Fan's back.

This blow was too fierce, almost reaching its extreme. From the moment it appeared, Meng Fan was not given any chance to react. Even if it was as powerful as Meng Fan, it would be difficult to avoid a sneak attack from behind this kind of realm powerhouse. The blood splashed all over, even if it moved into the void in an instant, it also caused the five fingers to tear apart Meng Fan's skin and punch through his back.

"Meng Fan!"

At the same time, the four empresses shook their palms, and a worried look appeared on their pretty faces.

And at this moment in the forbidden area, inside an ancient hall, a gaze was also looking at it, and a thick smile appeared on the charming face, it was Ling Xiaoxiao. All of this was instructed by Taibai and arranged by Ling Xiaoxiao himself. Such a killing was aimed at Meng Fan, and her calculations played an absolutely key role in it. This Tonggu Pass was the place she chose.

"Meng Fan, Meng Fan, let you be a hero, and you will have another evildoer, but if you want to deal with someone who deliberately calculates you, I am afraid that there will be loopholes in the end!"

Ling Xiaoxiao sneered.

"Today, I want you to repay all the debts you owed before and give me... Die!"

The tone was harsh, and at the same time there was a hint of pride!

Under this situation, it can be said that Meng Fan fell into absolute passiveness. Not only was he injured instantly, but also had four sacred three realms, which would not give Meng Fan any chance. It was just the moment Meng Fan's body retreated, the void burst, and the air wave hit, and at a glance, he saw two elders brazenly attacking them, preparing for a lore against the retreating Meng Fan.

If it is a one-on-one situation, Meng Fan has the power to fight a battle, but one person faces four people, and they are all higher than Meng Fan. It can be said that it is impossible to fight against him. Under the two big hands between the void, Meng Fan's body quickly retreated, but everything was still exposed to the opponent's power, and after only a minute, it was possible to completely die.

Between the lightning, the fingerprints fell.

Divided into two directions, it is to cut the Meng Fan in it, but at the next moment, Meng Fan's body stood still, instead of moving, and at the same time, a trace of Meng Fan appeared above his face. Smile indifferently and look at it confidently.

His body was motionless, there was no defense, and the moment the two handprints were about to smash Meng Fan's body, he was behind him. . . . . It turned out that there were two handprints falling, and they were born and collided with them!


The sky burst, the air wave impacted, and the two handprints were shot at the same time against the two big three realms. The sky and the earth exploded. You can see two tall figures appearing behind Meng Fan. Very young, one is. . . . Qin Hong, one is Cao Qiushui!

The two great arrogances of the former golden age turned out to be beside Meng Fan!

Without waiting for the four ancients in the restricted area to react, at the same time, the other two ancients in the void each screamed, a mouthful of blood spurted out, their bodies retreated, and they encountered a sneak attack. Because after the two, two people appeared again, and one of them was in the same vein. . . . Yang Qing, one is the soul of the temple king!

The five great arrogances of the year, gathered together at the same time, appeared in this Tonggu Pass!

The fall of such a scene caused everyone to be in an uproar. Not to mention the old people in the restricted area, including the female emperor, Bai Shui'er and others, were stunned, because they didn't know that these people were around them before, obviously. All this seems to be not accidental, but. . . . . As early as Meng Fan's plan.


In the restricted area, the hall, Ling Xiaoxiao’s pretty face suddenly changed, staring at the court in disbelief, how can it be unimaginable, this itself was a killing game against Meng Fan, but how could there be four people, and still The existence of four sacred two realms!

"Why, don't believe it!"

In the sky, Meng Fan stood, looking at the four old women, and said calmly,

"You can count me, and I can count you, right? Don’t think I don’t know you. I actually felt it a few years ago. It seems that there are some clues. I have to say that what you do is secret, but there are some The clues were caught by me, so I am not sure, so... you have a killer game, so I naturally follow the trend and use you to calculate me to calculate you!"

The tone was calm, spread all over the sky, and fell into the ears of the four old women, one by one, their complexion could be described as ugly and ugly.

After a few breaths, one of the elders did not believe,

"We set up this round several decades ago. Everyone in the Dark Alliance was monitored by us. How could there be their arrival? Was it the clues I left when I was tracking you? Then you notified me. they?"

"Do not!"

Meng Fan shook his head and said calmly.

"I naturally understand that if you want to target me, you will definitely find a perfect grasp. What is perfect is naturally not in the dark alliance, and the strong one is not by my side, so I want to target you, dark The strong in the alliance is definitely not good, so I have to ask for foreign aid. When I was married that day, it was actually when I invited the strong in the world, you just thought they were here to celebrate my wedding. Naturally, I don’t know that this group of strong men is what I invited to target you. This game was actually laid out when I got married that day!"

The tone was indifferent and spread around, making the look on the faces of the four old women even more ugly. One of the old men had a very bad temper. Now he is even more affected by his own injuries. A mouthful of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth and roared,

"Meng Fan, your mother, you shameless person, even your marriage is used in calculations... Do you still... want a face!" <

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