Supreme God King

Chapter 1587: Suppress

Point straight to the restricted area!

Standing in the hall, at this moment Ling Xiaoxiao's whole body was trembling constantly, her pretty face was pale, half was angry and half surprised.

Looking at the whole river of vitality, who dares to target the restricted area, who dares to calculate the restricted area!

Since the opening of the sky, the vitality has gone through countless years.

Even in the eyes of countless imperial families in the restricted area, the people of Ten Thousand Territories are nothing but pigs. As long as the moment of black death is revealed, it is enough to make too many people feel terrified!

However, Meng Fan carried out anti-killing based on the killing of the restricted area. Not only did he understand that the restricted area would deal with himself, he also calmly laid down the killings, and instead targeted the restricted area!

According to what Meng Fan is doing now, the latter seems to want it. . . . But it is definitely not just as simple as killing a few people in the restricted area!

Suddenly, Ling Xiaoxiao's heart gave birth to such a strong feeling, and he couldn't help but feel cold all over her body. Even if she was standing at her current height, she felt that this matter was no small thing.

Because Meng Fanke is no longer the Wuzhen boy of that day, he has fully grown up, is a Shura-like enemy, and this Shura. . . . Unmatched cunning!

And in this void, Meng Fan’s green shirt was stained with blood, calmly, his eyes looked at the ancient temples in the restricted area around the sky, and said calmly,

"Don't leave one, kill all!"

Only a few words fell, but the chill between the lines in that kind of words was enough to shock the world.

What kind of characters are these people in the field? They came from the place where the bones are buried in the forbidden area. The top powerhouse before the ages, but in Meng Fan's killing game, it is the pig, like a fallen beast, waiting to be killed .

Forbidden zone vs Wanyu.

In ancient times, there was a hunter and a hunted character. Only that kind of supreme power was born, like the existence of the destruction of the king, and the form may have changed!

But this kind of character is too hard to come across, and I haven't seen one in tens of thousands of years.

But now in Meng Fan's place, everything is completely changed, leaving all the situation in the field under Meng Fan's control.


The sky trembled, Cao Qiushui, Qin Hong, Yang Qing, and Wang Hun's four great arrogances brazenly attacked, ignoring the majestic black death, and launched a fight against the remaining three ancients.

Meng Fan pressed everything even more, his body moved, and the emperor fist blasted out. Every shot down was the force that smashed the wasteland, causing the entire Tonggu Pass to vibrate. The air was overflowing, and the sky was stained with blood.

The five great arrogances of the world shot at the same time, united together, such a scene is too amazing.

Except for Meng Fan, that one has a strong background and supreme secrets, and has grown up completely and reigns over the world.

Looking at the world, it may be difficult for anyone besides Meng Fan to gather the four of Cao Qiushui together.

Although the four of them cannot be counted as the older generation, each of them is the most advantageous inheritor of the supreme power and represents too many people behind them.

This kind of characters, who can let them obey orders, who can gather, but Meng Fan did it, letting him use as his own secret method, instead of targeting the big powers in the restricted area.

I have to say that even if an ordinary person can deploy this plan, it definitely does not have the summoning power of Meng Fan. In a word, it is the most terrifying and greatest arrogant in the ages to work for it and suppress the restricted area.

"Do not!"

Under the joint efforts of the five Meng Fans, the situation in the field suddenly became repressive and prevailed. Even though the existence of the ancient level of the four restricted areas, they are now in absolute passiveness and cannot get away.

One of the elders roared, his face twisted, and the black death air surging from his body, and in a blink of an eye, a fierce look appeared in his eyes.

But before the old man made any movement, Meng Fan on the side had already killed him, sneered.

"Want to explode? It's a pity... You don't have this chance!"

The method of verbal utterance came along, the handprint fell, and in an instant, Meng Fan directly carried out the Six Changes of the Lai Di Xian Jing.

The secret method works, and the finger comes out. After years of fusion, under Meng Fan’s cultivation, this emperor’s celestial scripture has made considerable progress. Just a breath, six changes come out, let Meng Fan The whole person has an extraordinarily ancient breath, which has undergone a strange increase.

The breath was permeated, and it was just a moment that the entire week was trembling, Meng Fan's eyes were like electricity, and his hands fell, completely squeezing the whole world and the breath.


A punch was faster than lightning, and Meng Fan struck face-to-face, not giving any chance to the restricted area.

At the moment when the two sides intersected, it caused the ancient body in the restricted area to shake and retreat.

I have to say that even if Meng Fan is fighting against the three holy realms at this moment, he also has an unstoppable, overbearing power to kill everything.

Between the movements, it was as if the Supreme Emperor had come in person, and that kind of power made this ancient three realms bursting with blood, and the whole person seemed to collide with a mountain, unable to resist Meng Fan's power.

Between the volleys, he counted punches again, one punch was stronger than one punch!

At this moment, Meng Fan was already violent, and he strode out, every step was a force that was devastating, and even a little room for breathing was not given to the opponent.

He never had any mercy for the restricted area, and he didn't even want to leave the other side alive, only one word, kill!

Bang, bang!

The sound of thunder fell, and under Meng Fan's count of punches, that kind of god-killing power swept everything and completely tore the entire black death array.

It can be seen that the ancient forbidden zone is retreating. It is not Meng Fan's opponent, but resistance. However, at this kind of moment, everything can only be delayed for a while.

The last one was careless, this old man in the restricted area was blasted open by Meng Fan, penetrating his body and turning it into pieces, a piece of flesh and blood!

On the other battlefields, the same is true, Yang Qing, Qin Hong and others are even more fierce, like the sky.

But under the circumstances, the remaining two forbidden areas continued to retreat, and the few people became more and more unable to resist, and the outcome was naturally doomed.

Finally, the remaining three ancients in the field were completely desolate. Under the siege of Meng Fan and others, their bodies burst into pieces and blood stained the sky.

The remaining three halls of the Three Realm Forbidden Zone are ancient, all dead, and none of them can survive!

The entire Tonggu Pass was stained with blood, the sky was pale, and countless space fragments overflowed. After the whole world calmed down, only the incomplete traces of the world proved the battle here.

"Meng Fan!"

In the main hall of the restricted area, Ling Xiaoxiao's silver teeth were almost crushed, and with a wave of his hand, the light curtain was smashed to pieces, understanding her plan with Taibai. . . . . It failed again!

It's really a centipede that is dead but not stiff!

Ling Xiaoxiao's five fingers clenched and creaked.

Unexpectedly, in the past catastrophe, Meng Fan was given a chance to survive without killing Meng Fan, and after surviving, Meng Fan was even more fierce and reached this point. Including the four ancients resurrected in this forbidden area temple, they were not killed, and they were calculated by Meng Fan.

If you give him some more time, what a point it will be!

"Mu Xiuyu in the forest, the wind will destroy it, hum, even if your means can reach the sky, it seems... it is necessary to inform the lord!"

Ling Xiaoxiao snorted coldly, his eyes flashed with infinite evil spirits, and the whole person also stepped forward and disappeared between the halls, only that kind of cold air remained. . . . For a long time!


In it, Meng Fan stood between this world, covered in blood and expressionless. Even after the four major restricted areas were suppressed and died in the past, it is impossible for him to have any emotions now.

If this kind of thing were to be reported, it would be shocking to the world. After all, this is the ancient history of the four forbidden area temples. That name is all shining on the world, glorious for an era, but now it is quietly dying in this Tonggu Pass!

Aside, Cao Qiushui laughed and said solemnly.

"Happy, happy, this action really reduced the fire in the heart of the young master a lot. In the past, this group of beasts slaughtered wantonly. It is probably unexpected that today, Meng Fan, thanks to you, came up with such an idea. , And taught me the mystery of waiting for the king of God, I can't think that you, a fellow who keeps promises, can really teach me everything!"

When the voice fell, Yang Qing, Qin Hong and the others also looked at Meng Fan, with a complex look on their faces.

There is no doubt that although the five people in the field have joined forces several times to suppress the penalty area, they seem to be good friends with each other, but only a few people understand that this is only because of the penalty area.

If there is no life-and-death enemy in the restricted area, perhaps the five talents in the field are the real opponents. The five great arrogances born under the golden age are all proud and arrogant generations. Something no one does.

Once it is quiet, there will inevitably be countless fights, and several people have also jointly targeted Meng Fan.

However, now that Meng Fan has ignored the previous suspicions, and even passed on the secret of the change of his own **** to these people, this is really unimaginable. It is Qin Hong and Yang Qing that are both talented and unimaginable in the world. Understand, I don't know why.

Seeing the eyes of the four people, Meng Fan smiled and said calmly.

"I said that now what I have pictured is not just this place, but my gaze and the place I look at is not only Wanyu!"

The tone was calm, but it shocked Yang Qing's body, and felt something vaguely. After a while, Yang Qing said in a quiet voice,

"Next...what are you going to do?"

Hearing this, Meng Fan smiled slightly and looked around the sky, his deep gaze seemed to see through the whole world, while slowly spit out a few words,

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