Supreme God King

Chapter 1588: Old friend visiting

The battle at Tongguguan was too violent, and the four deities and three realms were sacred to death, but there was no rumor.

Because Meng Fan, Yang Qing and others are not people who like fame and fortune. Although they have killed the ancient temples of the four restricted areas, they don't want to show off at all.

However, this news still cannot be concealed too much. After all, this battle has really spread too much, and was almost destroyed by the Tonggu Pass, attracting the attention of the strong between Zhou and Tian.

It was the news that spread all over the world, and it was rumored that Meng Fan, the leader of the dark alliance, might fight here, and also saw Yang Qing, Qin Hong and other strong men.

In any case, the appearance of these people alone is a big shock for Wanyu now, not to mention that there are people who have witnessed the black death in it, which has triggered countless people's speculation.

However, Meng Fan simply ignored the uproar from the outside world. He also gave up his own way of traveling the world. Instead, he returned to the dark alliance with the female emperor, Bai Shui'er.

There are rumors in the world that after Meng Fan's big wedding, it is not the same kind of looking at the world with a sharp blade, but immersed in the gentle country and enjoying the tenderness of the four ladies.

Only Meng Fan himself understood that everything he had was for the road of cultivation.

The promise of the past has never changed!

The sword of blood and blood can't erase his heart!

Meng Fan traveled around the world and left the dark alliance just to bring out a few ancient times, and now after he has frustrated the restricted area once, he will be safe in a short time.

Naturally, Meng Fan returned to calm and returned to the dark alliance.

Regarding this, the Empress, Bai Shui'er and others didn't have any opinions. Only this kind of beauty who had followed Meng Fan for countless years understood what was on her back.

From the beginning of his blood staining the sky, Meng Fan was destined to be a companion of cultivation for his whole life, without a trace of stay.

Everyone in the world has seen Meng Fan walk out the strongest path in the shortest time, but absolutely never saw how much blood and energy Meng Fan shed on this road!

In the Caolu, Meng Fan's retreat was three full years.

After another battle, Meng Fan naturally needed to consume his insights and merge himself.

For many years, Meng Fan has always been like this. If he doesn't advance, he retreats. Fighting to support the battle, the more this kind of breakthrough between life and death, the more he can stimulate his own progress.

Three years of silence!

Meng Fan's eyes opened, there were countless gleams of light faintly, and he said calmly.

"The next level is not easy!"

The tone sighed, with a hint of helplessness!

Obviously, when Meng Fan arrived today and merged with himself, he had already reached the mechanism in the second realm, and wanted to move forward one level, break through the second realm, and reach the third realm.

Although he sensed the secret of God King's change in advance, if he didn't have the capital to step into the three realms, even if he was proficient, it would be of no use.

Only in the level of the three realms, can we fully use the old monkey's learning and see a new world.

Holy Three Realms!

It took less than a thousand years to step into the second realm, but the combat power is comparable to the old monsters of the third realm, and even after these many years, it has been able to suppress it. If Meng Fan steps into the third realm, one can imagine , What will the latter be like?

This man who made the restricted zone and Wanyu feel terror, naturally has a certain truth.

But only Meng Fan himself understood that he wanted to make progress again, it was extremely difficult, as if he had climbed to the sky. And what moved Meng Fan was that his problems all the time finally broke out, becoming the biggest barrier blocking his advancement.

It is that Meng Fan’s progress has been so rapid since his practice, surpassing hundreds of millions of people in ancient times, and reached the stage of the second sacred realm in only a thousand years. Even though he has practiced in the sealed space, The time for cultivation is too short.

Rigid and breakable!

This sentence is also applicable to Meng Fan. Standing at this point, Meng Fan wants to go one step further and break through to reach the Three Realms. He can foresee that he will face a big threat.

This kind of threat does not come from the outside world, but comes from oneself. The supreme force created within a short period of time has already made Meng Fan's background insufficient. If he is forced to take another step, then this kind of problem It will be infinitely magnified, causing his own martial arts, physical body, and soul to begin to shatter, unable to support Meng Fan's footsteps!

Such a threat is not terrifying!

Once it happens, an inadvertent word may cause one's own power to lose control, and at that time it will be crippled and stay in this realm forever, but the most important thing will be the loss of soul and complete death.

If you want to make a breakthrough, you must face this big problem!

In the past three years, Meng Fanke has been thinking about it, but the more he realizes it, the more he feels shocked about his own danger, it is too difficult to break through it, it can be called Meng Fan has a history. The biggest difficulty ever faced.

If it is not resolved, he has no way to step into these three realms.

Either he has been silent for ten thousand years to supplement the problem of his own insufficiency, keep fighting, and have a chance after eternity, or Meng Fan finds a solution.

If it were in ordinary times, Meng Fan could indeed solve it, he could practice in this dark alliance, but in the world today, there are Liu Family, Zhao Family, Xitian God Race, Emperor Sect, which is supreme. The forces are staring at them, and they have the forbidden zone, a sharp sword that hangs over their heads at all times. The time given to Meng Fan is too little. At this moment, Meng Fan can’t wait for himself to be the king of God, able to bless the dark alliance, if not absolutely The strength of, then just a careless, the whole dark alliance, the one he loves. . . . . The blood will flow into a river!

With a faint sigh, Meng Fan had nothing to do at this moment, and a sense of powerlessness was also born in his heart.

Between the world and the earth, there are too few people who can help him. They can only walk alone and shoulder the responsibility of the entire dark alliance. In this grassy cottage, no one can see the face of Meng Fan at this moment. A look of loneliness appeared above, and the figure was a little lonely. . . . .

And at the next moment, a voice came,

"Brother Meng Fan, someone wants to see you, but I don’t know..."


Meng Fan's expression moved, and he heard that the person outside was Lin Tang.

In the dark alliance, Meng Fan has been in retreat for many years, practicing meditation, everyone understands, so if there are no major things up and down in the dark alliance, I am afraid that he will definitely not bother Meng Fan. Bother him.

But at this moment Lin Tang personally came, then I am afraid something is wrong!

Mind retreated, Meng Fan also stepped out of the grass cottage, came outside, and said solemnly,

"who is it?"

"I don't know either!"

Lin Tang scratched his head and said helplessly,

"But this person... No, this beast is very strong, it's a very grumpy horse, and it has a human head and speaks like a hooligan..."

With a word, Meng Fan's expression immediately moved, an inexplicable smile was drawn from the corner of his mouth, and he walked toward the dark alliance hall.

Dark Alliance Hall!

Very brilliant, carved beams and painted buildings.

Now that it has developed in this chaotic watershed for many years, the entire dark alliance is no longer the same as before. There is a kind of imperial demeanor in the faint, and this kind of hall for receiving distinguished guests is naturally cultivated very well. And there were four little girls standing around, all the maids in the dark alliance, but now all of them were blushing, secretly looking at a figure in the center of the hall.

This figure is like a mountain. To be precise, it is a tall horse, but it has a human head, all white, sitting on a chair with four legs, and is eating the offerings from the dark alliance. Plant fruits, and said in a deep voice,

"Come and come, let me tell you, I have a life-long friendship with your boss. I saved him hundreds of times in the wind and fire. Who can compare this friendship? You have all the treasures of heaven and earth. Come out and enjoy it for the uncle!"

"Also, you, you, these four girls are not enough for the uncle to sleep, uncle will live here tonight, a hundred!"

"Remember, don't be fat, don't be short, don't be beautiful, I heard that Meng Fan also has four beautiful ladies..."

The voice fell, making the four maids blushing pretty, really felt a little embarrassed, but at the next moment a voice fell, extremely calm,

"Do you want a hundred mules to sleep for you!"

Hearing this, the humanoid horse sitting on the chair immediately nodded excitedly, then reacted again and roared,

"Fart, the uncle wants a beautiful woman, she is a human beauty, who is so bold, dare to talk to the uncle like this!"

The sound fell, like thunder, and at the same time, an aura of dominance broke out around this humanoid horse body. Obviously, he is a strong man who has stepped into the divine way, and he is definitely an ancient alien. He has such a sea of ​​corpses and blood. breath.

"Your Grandpa Meng Fan!"

Outside the hall, Meng Fan walked in and was extremely calm, but between strides, he had suppressed the aura of humanoid horses.

Arriving in the field, falling quietly, Meng Fan took a sip of tea and said calmly,

"Ryoma, I heard that you still miss the four people behind my house?"

There is no doubt that the nature sitting in the field is the dragon horse that Meng Fan encountered in the imperial palace that day. This true ancient alien species, like a divine monkey, is itself a monster of a monster, but it is an anomaly. It even broke away from the power of Warcraft itself and reached an extremely terrifying point.

Seeing Meng Fan, Longma's eyes turned straight, his attitude changed drastically, and he smiled.

"Where, where, I mean coming from afar, disrespectful, ready... to give you four ladies some respect!"

On the side, the four maids widened their eyes. Looking at Ryoma who was still a big gangster before, he immediately became gentle and gentle. The whole person seemed to be very polite, all dumbfounded. Ryoma came here before. In the dark alliance, he almost fought with Lin Tang because of his swear words and extremely arrogant attitude. If it hadn't been for Longma to say that he knew Meng Fan, it might have really aroused the anger of many powerful people in the dark alliance.

But now in front of Meng Fan, Long Ma Ke immediately took a hundred and twenty big turns, looking like a good baby, really surprised everyone. This means of changing face. . . . . It's really staggering! <

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