Supreme God King

Chapter 1591: Reunion

Dark alliance, chaotic valley!

Located in the most central place, three days after Meng Fan's voice came out, it was already extremely lively.

Zhou Tian's seal covers the big array!

At this moment, the entire world can be seen to be suppressed by a powerful formation, and among them are people like waves, but they are all. . . . . The top figure in the dark alliance.

Including God Monkey, Burning Heaven Order, Amethyst, Yan King, Spirit King, Empress, Elder Pan Snake, Fatty Bai, Bai Shui'er, Gu Xin'er, Ling Daiyou, etc. Between this world, quietly waiting.

Not long after, Meng Fan's figure had already walked out of the depths of this dark alliance, moved towards the surroundings, and nodded.

With so many powerhouses, this lineup can not help but amaze countless people!

It is impossible to imagine that in the millennia, the Dark Alliance was only the poor brothers of Meng Fan and Lin Tang.

But in this day, there is already a gathering of so many top powerhouses, there is no lack of the existence of the gods, and the aura burns, shocking the void.

"I have seen Brother Meng Fan!"

Between heaven and earth, countless dark alliance men arched their hands and resounded across the sky.

Meng Fan smiled and said indifferently to the many brothers who followed him all the way.

"No need to be polite, please help me protect the road today!"

The tone was calm, but there was already a fierceness in Meng Fan's eyes. It has been many years since he got the three big gods of the Eight Dragon Stones, and he has remained still.

I haven't done it for many years, just for this moment!

As soon as he raised his hand, Meng Fan no longer hesitated. Located at the center of this dark alliance, he immediately took out the three major gods, and only one word fell.



As Meng Fan uttered a single word, the entire sky trembled, and countless runes flickered. With Meng Fan as the center, it spread with unparalleled heat.

This kind of temperature is almost like the sun, it wants to evaporate everything, and the moment it falls into the sky, it will cause the heroes to take a step back.

There is no doubt that Meng Fan had made many preparations for this before, but he did not use any cauldron at this moment.

Instead, Lin Tang and others have already planted countless ancient gods formations in this core place. At this moment, his vitality fluctuations caused Zhoutian **** formations, which made this whole world different, and countless ancient gods formations burst out. The shocking power suppressed the world and became Meng Fan's absolute domain.

One person, control the field!

Outside of it, the Bahuang trembles, and the runes flicker, like a volcanic eruption, completely isolating it from the outside world.

Among them is not just an ancient **** formation, but more than a dozen of them provoke together, and its breath is overwhelming, even if a strong **** stepped into it, one of them could be wiped out by accident!

If it were not for Meng Fan's amazing strength, he would definitely not be able to control so many ancient divine formations alone.

Located in it, Meng Fan took a deep breath, using his methods to refine the natal artifact, he didn't dare to have any carelessness, his eyes were extremely cautious.

This kind of refining natal god, any error may put him in a dangerous state.

With one foot in the air, Meng Fan stepped on the void, suppressing the riot of the whole world, and at this moment, between his fingers, beams of light flew out, all of which were divine objects that he and the old snake snake were looking for before. That one is a treasure in this world, and now it is turned into a streamer, flying into this world.


At this moment, everyone felt the atmosphere riot in the field. With Meng Fan as the center, there was a hot sea of ​​fire, and the divine objects merged into it and began to refine a little!

The palm of his hand flew, controlling everything, Meng Fan's movements were extremely smooth.

This has always been the case since his childhood. He didn’t have the help of powerful gods. He only relied on his own hands to refine everything a little bit, so that he could accumulate ample experience in refining the world. , Now it is difficult for anyone to be able to leave him around.

The handprints fell, and they were in order. Since Meng Fan was planning to start at this moment, all his movements could be described as fluent and swift.

Between the week and the sky, there was silence, with the **** monkey, the female emperor, the Burning Tianling and others suppressing the surroundings, plus the confidants in the countless dark alliances, it can be said to have created the most powerful environment for Meng Fan, so that no one would interfere with it. Meng Fan.

One breath, two breaths. . . . . Between the sky and the earth, there is silence, only the core place's power spreads and moves.

After a full two hours, Meng Fan among them finally closed his hands together, and at this moment hundreds of divine objects were fused in his handprints.

It can be seen to the naked eye that the most primitive embryo is formed, like a baby, although it is not spiritual, it is full of power and surrounded by chaos.

This kind of thing was refined by Meng Fan's collection of hundreds of cherished divine objects at this time, and the power of it was imagined.

However, it took a full two hours, and drops of sweat could also be seen on Meng Fan's forehead, dampening his clothes.

However, at the next moment, Meng Fan's expression remained unchanged, except for a loud roar, surging with blood, like a prosperous sea, and at the same time, when he spoke the law, voices fell.

"The left hand is Yin and the right hand is Yang. In my name, use my weapon!"

A few words fell, sonorous and powerful, like thunder!

At the same time, two rays of light can be seen between Meng Fan's fingers. . . . Eight Dragon Stones and Ancient Water Spirits!

Both of these things are the world's most treasures, and have the attributes of extreme coldness and masculinity, but they have reached the extreme power and were selected by Meng Fan.

The embryos refined before this didn't have any attributes, it was chaos, but at this moment, under the fusion of the two gods, suddenly it boiled, and a shocking force broke out!


The whole world almost shattered, yin and yang are incompatible, and water and fire are different. This is the law between heaven and earth. What's more, these eight dragon stones and ancient water spirits are their respective ultimate things. Once these two things are merged together, one can imagine what will happen!

Suddenly, there was a sudden explosion, and the chaotic embryos previously refined by Meng Fan appeared one after another at this moment. They were shocked by it. It was just a moment, and it could be completely shattered at any time!

However, at the next moment, a big hand came, traversed the world, and controlled everything at the same time. It was Meng Fan!

At this moment, Meng Fan used his own powerful means to completely merge these two forces to stabilize the embryo and prevent it from bursting. And this incompatibility between yin and yang is itself the law of this ten thousand realm heaven and earth. Meng Fan wants to merge the two, is against the sky, violating this strong law, only the moment the palm falls, in this embryo A kind of terrifying counter-shock force also struck.

Bang, bang!

At a glance, you could see that between Meng Fan's body began to explode, blood spurting out.

This has been separated from the refiner itself, but is creating something against the sky, which is naturally dangerous for the refiner itself. It was just a breath, that was, blood spurting out from Meng Fan's chest. The counter-shock force in that kind of embryo penetrated everything and antagonized Meng Fan's power.

Even though Meng Fan didn't have any changes in his expression, he could see that the bones in his body were shattering and his body was constantly being worn away!


Youyou, Sansheng, Han You and others were extremely nervous and looked towards the sky.

The entire dark alliance was boiling, and countless people focused their eyes on the spot, staring at this man whom they regarded as faith. Even though everyone believed in Meng Fan's strength, they were still extremely shocked.

The two most extreme things are forcibly merged. This kind of act against the sky is probably only Meng Fan who dares to think and do.

Among them, the more powerful the most powerful thing, the more terrifying the backlash, and Meng Fan is ready to change these two laws with his own great means, but in an instant, the damage to himself has become huge!

However, Meng Fan had no fear at all, letting the blood in his body fall without any reaction.

And supporting a few breaths, Meng Fan just stood on the sky, and the vitality rolling in his body fluctuated out, merged into the embryo, and forced the power of these two divine things into the embryo. Constantly reconcile.

One person in the sky, in control of everything, reversing the world!

It is absolutely not an exaggeration to describe Meng Fan in this way. He is reversing the laws of heaven and earth, relying on his own power to let everything be under his own control.

Including the divine monkey, Burning Heavenly Order, the Empress and others all had a hint of shock in their eyes, and what they sensed faintly, they obviously understood the changes in Meng Fan's control!

As of today, Meng Fan's methods are very, already called the Great Master, but it is so, the price paid at this moment is also very great, it consumes his own strong energy and blood to forcibly merge these two extreme forces.

After a stick of incense, finally Meng Fan's expression moved, a finger popped out, and a stream of light appeared after a while, exactly. . . . . Tianmiao Seven-Colored Flower!

The two ultimate gods merged and gathered in this embryo. What Meng Fan waited for was a fire, confining it with his own power, and constantly refining it. At the moment when the fire came, he was blended into it with the Seven-Colored Flower of Heaven. , It is possible to completely complete the fusion without strong collisions.

Suddenly, Meng Fan controlled the Tianmiao Seven-Colored Flower and fell into it, and immediately as he thought, the power in the cauldron became quiet.

The collision of the two extreme things has been forcibly suppressed by Meng Fan, and after this kind of heaven and earth gods are integrated, it forms a permanent imprisonment, allowing the two forces to completely neutralize!

In a flash, more than a dozen ancient gods roared, and the power in it was also completely integrated. Between Meng Fan's palms, the embryo gradually took shape, and the runes flickered slowly. . . . . It formed the appearance of a large cauldron. Although this cauldron was only a vague atmosphere, it had a kind of dominance that suppressed the world. It only appeared, that it had already revealed its appearance, and it was shocking.

However, at the moment the cauldron just transformed into shape, Meng Fan suddenly changed his expression, looked towards the sky, and burst out a bright light in his eyes, wanting to break through the long sky. At this moment, his whole body was covered with hair. It's all about to explode and feel something.

Aura descended in this void, and the world changed, it seemed to be. . . . . Curse! <

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