Supreme God King

Chapter 1592: Fine


The world changes color, the void shakes!

There is no sunlight in the sky above the chaotic valley. Dark clouds are rolling, and the breath emerges, like a slap on the sky, which may fall at any time.

Anyone who saw this scene was heart trembling, including many powerful people including God Monkey, because this was no longer a human means, but rather. . . . The law of heaven and earth suppresses all punishments!


It is the creation of the heaven and the earth. The laws of the world are integrated into the gods. The laws of the world are completely natural. Once integrated into the gods, they belong to the sky. Naturally, they are not allowed by the sky and the earth, so they will descend to the sky. Penalty.

The more powerful the artifact is born, the more intense the movement between the world and the earth.

And Meng Fan wants to reunite with the Ten Thousand Mother and Child Qi Ding, but he has reached the level of a tenth-order divine fetish. It can be said that he has reached the extreme of a divine fetish, and merged with Meng Fan’s natural martial art. How many.

At this moment, Zhou Tian's color changed, which was precisely the punishment for Meng Fan and Wan Mu Qi Ding!

Dark clouds are pressing down on the city, and thunder and lightning have been added!

Even though Meng Fan had already prepared for this before, the moment he saw Heaven's Punishment, his heart trembled.

This is really terrifying. It is formed by the natural forces of heaven and earth, so as to punish oneself, and in the face of oneself, there is a feeling of not giving up and not letting everything go.

The chaotic basin was boiling, and countless people stared at the field. And not just here, including in the countless corners of this ten thousand domains, among them are not knowing how many eyes are watching here, there is no lack of old monsters.

Today is different from the past, and every move of the dark alliance has already affected the actions of the entire world. Naturally, countless powerful people are always paying attention to the dark alliance, especially the direction of Meng Fan.

Emperor Clan, among the ancient land of Liu Family!

Many ancient eyes were looking at one of them. They were all the sacred and powerful men who had lived for countless years. After a while, a voice slowly fell.

"It can't be so strong, even if he refines a Tier 10 divine item, it won't cause such a big movement!"

"Yes, it's not that I haven't seen a Tier 10 **** fetish, but how do I feel that the anger of the sky earthquake caused by him is so terrible!"

Among the crowd, there was a rumbling, because they were all those eternal powers. At this moment, the tone was also full of weirdness. Obviously, it was aimed at the tool Meng Fan had forged, and felt a little weird!

Not only them, but the countless ancient powerhouses who have paid attention to this place between the world and the earth all have this feeling.

Because at this moment Meng Fan’s heavenly punishment is too terrifying, that kind of billowing black death thunder and lightning surges, not to mention ordinary sacred powerhouses, even those who step into the three sacred realms see it. To tremble, it is to make the whole week angry, the breath hits and destroys everything!

This kind of breath even surpassed the Heavenly Punishment brought by the tenth-order gods, reaching an unprecedented level of horror!

However, in it, facing this violent storm-like aura, Meng Fan was silent for a while, and a cold smile appeared on his face.

At the same time, grasping the hand tightly, with a movement of spiritual thought, a few words were spit out,

"Come on, my brother!"

In an instant, his own soul power was integrated into the embryo of this ten thousand mother and child.

The two are combined into one, like the same person!

Even if the embryo of the ten thousand mothers and children has just appeared, all its strength is stable and condensed little by little, like a newly born baby, it may even be destroyed at any time!

But at the moment Meng Fan's power merged, he also made a long scream in an instant, resounding like a huge bell, resounding through the world, with immense joy.

The Myriad Mother and Child Qi Ding was born because of Meng Fan, and died because of Meng Fan, and now it gathers again, with Meng Fan’s martial arts re-merging, through the method of refining, condensing all the divine objects, and re-engraving their own martial arts , Is to restore the little bit of consciousness that was incomplete in the past.

This kind of consciousness is different from human beings, because he is Meng Fan's natal artifact, so it is the easiest to break through reincarnation. As long as Meng Fan is immortal, it is possible to merge his consciousness a little bit.

However, the newly born 10,000 mother and son Qi Ding didn't have any memory, but that kind of vague feeling originated from his life!

At this moment, the mother and son were full of energy, and the runes flickered. Even though they were not successful, they were already connected with Meng Fan's mind and flesh and blood!

This feeling comes from countless lives and deaths in the past!

This feeling comes from too many **** battles!

This feeling comes from the thousands of escapes in the past!

It feels like this, even after the emptiness of vanity, complete silence, but Wanmazi Qiding still has a strange attachment to Meng Fan!

This is the brother of life and death, returning to the position where he used to fight together, just need. . . . . . In a flash!

With a big hand, Meng Fan held the embryo of the ten thousand mother and son Qi Cao, the breath exploded, shocking the world!

After a while, Meng Fan didn't retreat but moved forward. Under the gaze of countless figures, he headed towards the world where the punishment was!

At the same time, the sky shook, and the rolling power came. The majestic prestige made the whole world tremble, and this kind of terrifying power was definitely not a display, but the void condensed, and countless dark lightnings directed towards Meng. Fan brazenly hacked over.

Each of these thunder and lightning has that kind of hegemony that destroys everything. At the moment of this fall, it will open up the world and penetrate the universe!

Even if it is separated from the endless realm, it also makes the countless heroes between the world and the earth tremble, including the countless ancient three realms.

In the face of this law of heaven and earth, any strong person will give birth to a heart of convergence in his heart. Even if you reach the Xuanyuan realm, you can already control the law, but when you face the power of this powerful law, you will definitely be inferior.

Even the powerhouse of the **** king level dare not say that he must be able to break away from the law, let alone Meng Fan!

"The refining of the tenth-level divine object itself is an act against the sky. After nine deaths, I can't think that Meng Fan is still not greedy!"

"Yes, although I don't know what he did, but it seems that he has gone through some means outside of the fate of the gods, which has caused the punishment of this day to be more intense, purely looking for death!"

In the countless corners between this world and the earth, the voice of negative test sounded at the same time, and countless people stared at this place, waiting to see Meng Fan's joke!

At the same time, Meng Fan didn't care about the rest of the world at all, only strode out and moved forward alone.

Thunder slashed and killed everything!

And Meng Fan just lifted the tripod by one block, did not retreat at all, his own power merged with the entire ten thousand mother and son Qi tripod, and it blasted against the countless thunder and lightning above the sky!


In just a moment, it was like opening up the world, making the world where Meng Fan was located completely burst!

However, among the fragments of the sky, Meng Fan completely ignored it and fought a hard blow. Holding the big tripod, he walked forward in large strides.

Bang, bang!

Similarly, the power of Heaven's Punishment is unmatched horror. After a single blow, the Void is smashed by countless lightning bolts towards Meng Fan. Each slash is the same as before, destroying everything, beheading anything!

Under this kind of thunder, if it succeeds, this 10,000 mother and son Qi Ding will be considered complete, if it fails, then Meng Fan and Wan Mother and Son Qi Ding will die together. The Heavenly Punishment brought down by the ordinary tenth-level fetish is already too terrifying, not to mention that at this moment, Meng Fan is operating his power to increase the effect of the ten thousand mother and son Qi Cauldron, and it is already out of this tenth-level fetish. The punishment is even stronger!

In this way, every split is enough to kill Meng Fan, walking in it, Meng Fan is like at the tip of a knife.

With just ten breaths, even though Meng Fan above the sky is still advancing, he has already reached the center of the thunder, but both he and the ten thousand mother and son Qi Ding have encountered powerful attacks, making Meng Fan’s body a I don't know how much it started to fall apart.


Located in the center of this thundering world, Meng Fan let out a roar, his eyes turned blood red in an instant, holding a large cauldron, his breath exploded, like the same ancient monster, bloodthirsty and crazy.

Yiding blasted out, and Meng Fan did not retreat at all under this situation. Instead, all the strength of the whole person was gathered in this great cauldron. The two merged, bursting out a breath of indomitable progress. Let the entire sky be twisted.

"God's punishment? Since you want to punish me, I will...

A few words, like thunder, at the same time, you can see Meng Fan holding a large cauldron, the strength is gathering, and the vitality in his body is running in an instant. The two god-level exercises complement each other. At the same time, the various changes in the emperor immortal scripture are directly controlled by Meng Fan. Blessing is above oneself.

In just a moment, Meng Fan let his combat power explode to the top, the great cauldron fell, and with a blow in the void, he slammed into the center of punishment on this day!

Such a scene caused countless people in the whole world to be dumb, especially those old monster powerhouses.

Fortunately, the younger generation and others said that they didn't know much about this kind of insight, and they didn't know how terrifying Meng Fan's move was, and the longer people lived, the more they understood.

Looking at the whole river of vitality, the strong from the past and the present who refining tools will not be surprised and not afraid of the punishment of heaven!

In this kind of natural punishment, countless people are passively defending in principle, constantly evading, praying for the natural punishment to disappear quickly, but at this moment Meng Fan not only abruptly walked to the center of this punishment, but also Using his own strength to counter-defense as an offense, he bombarded towards the core place of Thunder's punishment, wanting to use himself. . . . . Break the gods!

Not to mention this kind of behavior, just this kind of courage. . . . . That's shocking enough!

Suddenly, with Meng Fan's move, the entire world of Heavenly Punishment was boiling. Countless lacquered thunders smashed towards Meng Fan and became stronger and stronger, as if Heavenly Punishment was also furious at this moment, and the thunder turned into waves, instantly In this center, Meng Fan’s mothers and sons are intertwined.

The two forces that suppress everything crashed, causing the sky to be distorted!


And at the moment when Meng Fan collided with the punishment power of this heaven, there were countless roars around this heaven and earth, coming from. . . . . The countless masters in this dark alliance such as the God Monkey, the Empress, the Burning Heaven Order, the Old Man of the Snake, the Amethyst, the Flame King, the Spirit King, etc., all at the same time!

More than a dozen sacred and powerful men shot together, and the vitality was like a tide, turning into a billowing torrent, standing towards the sky, and bombarding away.

Under this kind of shot, traversing everything, suddenly turned into a huge wave, helping Meng Fan and this day of punishment!

It's just that the moment this power blends in is to make the world of punishment boil this day, where the power changes, and there is a more terrifying smell of world extinction. There are rules between the heaven and the earth. Once the refining fetish descends on the heavenly punishment, the others are unstoppable, but the person who can overcome the robbery is one person.

Because once it is blocked, it will cause dissatisfaction with the rules of heaven and earth, and even a more powerful and terrifying natural punishment will appear. Therefore, the moment when more than ten sacred shots in this dark alliance made everyone tremble, and the faint punishment that collided with Meng Fan's power was even more terrifying!

However, before everyone could react, four more voices were heard between the world and the earth.


Just a word, the four people flashed, and power came out, but yes. . . . Yang Qing, Wang Hun, Qin Hong and Cao Qiushui are the four great arrogances!

With the appearance of the four people, twelve human figures appeared above the sky. These twelve people were extremely old. The moment they raised their big hands, the whole beings were lost in color, power emerged and suppressed everything. ,they are. . . . . The twelve reds in the temple are ancient! <

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