Supreme God King

Chapter 1593: The picture is not small

The Twelve Red Elders of the Temple!

The crowd was amazed, and countless people looked at the sky, like a huge rock smashing into the arena, and suddenly a big wave was set off, not only in this dark alliance, but also in many places of heaven and earth.

If only the Dark Alliance and others take action, it is understandable, but what everyone can't think of is that Yang Qing, Wang Hun, Cao Qiushui, and Qin Hong have all arrived.

And not only that, the twelve red-clothed elders in this temple that were immovable have arrived here, and they are not just one person, but.... . Twelve people are here together!


If someone in the Ten Thousand Territories can be called the Thirteen Emperor Clan, then the temple is definitely worthy of its name, and it is even far superior to other emperors in terms of status and history.

In recent years, the temple has always been neutral. The elders in red seldom even walked among the ten thousand realms except for the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth, but now they are in the chaotic valley and twelve people helped Meng Fan take action. What does this mean!

The sky trembled and there was an uproar, and there were even more discussions.

"It is rumored that the temple has rules when many gods leave. If there is a forbidden zone for manpower warfare between the heaven and the earth, if they sacrifice their lives for themselves, then this type of person can become the master of the temple!"

"Really? But no one in the eternity can call the temple, this time they shot because of Meng Fan!"

There were voices in the crowd, and the countless old monster-level powerhouses between the world and the earth were even more strange.

They understand that even if they reach the level of Qin Mieren and Yang Wudi, it is impossible to order the twelve people in this temple, unless these twelve people are willing, I am afraid that in today's world, no one has this qualification. Come and call them.

"Too early, you are too much!"

At the next moment, the sky above the chaotic valley shook, and an old voice traversed thousands of miles, coming from nothing.

This sound came from the Liu family of the emperor. In an extremely ancient place, there was an old man sitting cross-legged and lying still, but the sound penetrated everything and arrived here.

Everyone was horrified, countless eyes looked at it, and after the next moment, there was already a strong reaction, this voice should be. . . . . The former head of the Liu family, Liu Mang!

These two words can be heard rumors among the older generation of strong men. In the past, they were famous all over the world. They are definitely the strong men who dominated the era. There are many paternal patriarchs in the Liu family, but if one of them counts as true As for the supreme figure, then this Liu Mang is one of them. In the age of his activities, few people in the world dare to stand opposite him!

It was just before the eternal age that it was rumored that the Patriarch of the Liu family had encountered major problems in his own cultivation, so the silence continued, and it was already tens of thousands of years.

But at this moment it turned out to make his own voice again, and it spread throughout the world, shocking the crowd, and countless older generations of power are unimaginable.

This ancient figure is still alive and has lived through countless times. At this moment, he is dissatisfied with the dark alliance and the temple!

The crowd was amazed, as far as they could see, they looked at the twelve people of Taichu above the sky.

I understand that this is not only what the Liu family wants to ask, but also what other emperors want to ask.

After all, the temple's rules are only neutral, and do not interfere with any forces in the Ten Thousand Realms, and will not attack anyone. This is the order of the gods in the past.

To help Meng Fan in this way is already out of the rules of the temple. Even if Meng Fan has done great work on the heavens and the earth, he is not recognized by the imperial palace.

According to the ancient rules, if you want to become the Lord of the Temple, you must pass the Divine King Seal left in the imperial palace by several great Divine Kings, otherwise you don't have this qualification.

If Taichu and others helped Meng Fan solve his private affairs, it would be a violation of the rules of the temple and the rules of the **** king.

At this moment, Taichu and the others were sitting cross-legged in the sky, all around them were like stars. They just snorted coldly at the beginning and did not answer Liu Mang. Instead, the handprints appeared, the vitality merged, and they tried their best to help Meng Fan who was fighting against the punishment. .

There were many more masters such as the Twelve People in the Early Days and Yang Qing. How terrible it was.

The moment the vitality merged into Meng Fan's whole body, it also caused him to shimmer with golden light, comparable to the sun, and burst out with hot light.

Moving with enthusiasm, Meng Fan held the large cauldron, blasted out, and directly broke through the mountains and rivers with force, and continued to blast towards the core of punishment on this day.

Obviously, under the shots of Taichu and others, it also inspired the change of Heaven's Punishment. That kind of black thunder was even more terrifying. It became as thick as the waist of an ordinary man, coming in the air, and constantly blasting towards Meng Fan. The feeling of blasting Meng Fan into bones is not left!

Bang, bang!

The void is intertwined, and the world is shaking.

Between this kind of force confrontation, Meng Fan was expressionless, only the most powerful means came out, and he was in the midst of endless ruining punishment, using his strength to fight against the destructive thunder between the sky!

The sound of such a collision kept falling, spreading throughout the chaotic valley, shocking countless people.

The Heavenly Punishment triggered at this moment is really terrifying, rare in eternity, between this kind of Heavenly Punishment, a little power is enough to destroy the sacred.

Unexpectedly, in the field from Meng Fan's single forging to this point, the gods work together to fight against the punishment!

Just a few breaths, the thunderbolt in the field, it can be described as unpredictable and distorting everything. Under this kind of suppression, countless people in the entire Ten thousand domain are shocked.

Although the power of Heaven’s Punishment is incomparably terrifying, there are more than 30 sacred-level powerhouses gathered in the field, and there are also sacred powerhouses that are not ordinary in the beginning, and the power gathered is beyond imagination. Even if it is as powerful as a punishment from heaven, it is impossible to shake Meng Fan at this moment, and he becomes weaker and weaker.

However, at the next moment, the sky shook, the sky changed, and at the same time the aura rose in the center of the black thunder. Obviously, Tianchao was unwilling to let Meng Fan go. In the next moment, the thunder rolled and converged at the same time. A more powerful breath gathered.

Raising his head and looking into it, Meng Fan was expressionless, only his eyes seemed to pierce the long sky, and he grabbed the tens of thousands of mothers and sons in his hands, and said at the same time,

"Life and death together!"

Four words, sonorous and powerful!

The moment Meng Fan said this, while Lin Tang around the world, lonely and proud, Yunfeiyang, God Monkey, Burning Tianling and others all roared, their vitality exploded, helping Meng Fan.

All the dark alliance men around the world also rose up, moving with their own strength, and countless strengths gathered, and went towards Meng Fan's direction.

Just four words are enough to make the entire dark alliance resonate up and down. This is a belief that Meng Fan gives to everyone, and it also makes the entire dark alliance willing to live and die with him!


My mother and son’s Qi Ding trembled, making a weird sound of instrumental sounds, matching with Meng Fan, resounding through the world. Although he was only in the shape of an embryo at this moment, the runes were obvious and clearer under the power display. It made Wan Mu Qi Ding even more terrifying, reaching an unprecedented level.

One person, one weapon, and at the same time, to gather the vitality fluctuations of countless strong people behind him, and strike to the sky!

The heavens moved, thunder blasted, and the blow from Meng Fan and others smashed together!


The sound of thunder fell, resounding throughout the world, and the moment the sound burst, it also caused the chaotic valley to be in constant shaking, the earth shook the mountains, and the world faded.

This level of power impact is too terrifying, making countless powerhouses in the entire ten thousand domains feel terrified, knowing that such impacts unless they are a powerhouse at the God King level, no one can stop it.

In one blow, all the sky fragments!

The whole world was full of gunpowder smoke. After a few breaths, everyone could see the gradually clear picture of the sky. In this thick gunpowder, a figure stood, the blue shirt was broken, blood dripped down, holding a statue. Dading, it is...Meng Fan!

There is no doubt that at this moment the punishment has disappeared, and it has been completely blown away by Meng Fan!

After living through the punishment, Meng Fan held the qi cauldron of the ten thousand mothers and sons and looked at it. At this moment, the qi cauldron of the ten thousand mothers and children was completely reborn and undergone a qualitative change.

The more intense the punishment, the stronger the power condensed after the ten thousand mother and son Qi Ding has passed through, the black and all-body cauldron, with clear runes on it, reveals a faint luster under the sun. Letting anyone in the world see it will produce a sense of fear, because in this great cauldron itself seems to have a kind of supreme majesty.

The tripod itself is a thing that suppresses the mountains and rivers, and can only be worn by the emperor. With the aura spread, it is already telling everyone in the world that there is an extra tenth-level divine object in this world!

Holding the qi cauldron of myriad mothers and sons, Meng Fan stood in the center of the sky, and was looked up by the people. But at this moment, after he only breathed out, there was no relaxed look on his face. Instead, he looked towards the void, faintly. His eyes are even sharper.

After a while, Meng Fan said slowly,

"Liu, since you want to know why the elders came from the early days, then open your dog eyes and take a look!"

When the sound fell, Meng Fan strode out at the same time, holding the big cauldron, and smashing the void, a force of mountains and seas suddenly burst out of the ten thousand mother and son Qi Cauldron, his fingers smashed the void, tearing its life and life apart into a huge Space rift.

At the same time, Meng Fan changed his handprints and controlled the qi cauldron of myriad mothers and sons. A mysterious space aura emerged, sweeping everything, expanding this space rift, and faintly forming a passage for the entire Zhou Tian. Through... Endless nothingness.

"What is he going to do!"

"Open up the void and forcibly twist everything!"

The crowd was amazed and in an uproar, and countless powerful men looked at it, and finally understood what kind of power Meng Fan made these ten thousand mothers and sons more powerful, and why the previous punishment was so terrifying because of Meng Fan. Forcibly merged in this tens of thousands of mothers and children... . The power of space!

The attribute of Meng Fan itself is nothingness, and he is not good at the power of this space, but before that, when Meng Fan was refining tools, he forcibly made this ten thousand mother and son Qi Ding have the power to distort the space and penetrate all the spaces, so it led to it. Even more terrifying punishment!

But now that Meng Fan has connected this tens of thousands of mothers and children, obviously not only for this, but for.... . A bigger plan! <

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