Supreme God King

Chapter 1595: Kill!

A pair of eyes, infinite murderous aura!

The guard elder was shocked and looked carefully, only to realize that there was actually one more person in this underground palace.

A seat of simple black clothes, standing in place, with hair fluttering. If you look at the appearance alone, then this person looks like a gentle scholar. Only those eyes are like an endless abyss. At this moment, anyone can see it. The eyes will be shocked and feel the unparalleled horror.

Being stared at by his eyes, as if being stared at by a wild monster, even the guardian old man felt trembling from the bottom of his heart at this moment.

"who are you!"

Standing in place, the figure does not move, just calmly said,

"The one who killed you!"

The four words fell, and before the guardian old man had any reaction, in this underground palace, a bird and a turtle suddenly opened his eyes, even at this moment, his eyes are already muddy, but his eyes in that direction are suddenly Glow up.


Two trembling words spit out from the mouth of a bird and a turtle, very excited.

"Well, here I am!"

Standing in place, the figure nodded and responded, it wasn't Meng Fan who could be.

After a thousand years of absence, the friends of the past are finally goodbye to each other!

Looking at the blood-stained birds and turtles in the underground palace, especially when I saw the torture of the two with my own eyes before, Meng Fan's five fingers could not help clenching, and the whole person was shaking. Such a scene was engraved in his heart like a blade, making him completely violent at this moment.

"Meng Fan!"

Hearing the words of Lord Bird, the guardian old man's expression changed, and he immediately reacted and sneered.

"It turns out that it's you, a little bastard, I didn't think you would really dare to come here, but you just stepped into the restricted area and entered my underground palace on your own. It's really looking for death, come!"

The voice fell, and the old man waved his palm, quickly making a mark. At the same time, the underground palace trembled, and a majestic breath surged from all directions, coming towards Meng Fan.

Including a large number of ancient true demons, they are all guards in this underground palace, and there are six sacred powerhouses in the immediate vicinity. Although each is only one state, they look at any place in the world. This lineup guards the prison, I am afraid they are extremely luxurious.

At the same time, the emergence of the ancient true demon and the strong in the forbidden area are like tides, surrounding Meng Fan in groups, and the water is not leaking!

"Boy, you turned out to be the Holy Two Realm, but with so many people today, you are so qualified to fight me!"

The guard elder headed sneered, disdainfully.

Hearing the old man’s words, Meng Fan's face was expressionless, just spit out a few words calmly.

"Is it?"

The tone was slight, and the space behind Meng Fan was slowly torn apart. . . . . Dozens of shadows came out, and the moment each shadow fell on this world, it was to make the void heavy, because the people who appeared were really terrifying, and the qi and blood pressure controlled everything and reached the sacred level. After the figure walked out, the entire space was completely solidified, and anyone could feel it. . . . The force of a thousand Jun is suppressed on the body.

Yang Qing, Empress, Taichu and others arrived, dozens of sacred statues stood quietly after Meng Fan, without saying a word.

amount. . . .

Seeing such a scene, all the expressions on the faces of the guardian elders and the ancient true demons were frozen. The guardian elders came to tell triumphantly that they were numerous and powerful, but in this instant, everything became one. Big joke.

After Meng Fan, there are dozens of statues. . . . The sacred powerhouse, the appearance of this class lineup, without any hands, is already scared to the countless ancient true demons in the field almost crying, even the guardian old man has never seen such a scene.

"You said you have many people, now?"

Meng Fan said calmly and strode forward.

"But I won't bully you. Come here and I'll be alone!"

The words are like electricity, and at the same time a majestic breath goes towards the guardian old man, making the whole week completely still, only that kind of monstrous murderous aura.

Under this kind of murderous aura, the guardian old man swallowed fiercely, but there was a hint of strong cruelty flashing in his eyes. He is a strong man of the sacred two realms, and his mind is naturally quite extraordinary. Under a certain level, only when he kills out can he have a glimmer of life.

Otherwise, let alone the sacred group in the field, they would be able to spit him to death with a single spit. Fortunately, Meng Fan chose to fight him alone.

With one foot stepped out, the body of the guarding old man moved forward, and the air of black death swept across the sky and the runes flashed, and the whole person was comparable to a luminous star, dominating everything.

He was able to reach the point where he is today. Naturally, he is definitely not talking about it. In an instant, the guardian elder blasted out with a palm, opened the sky with his five fingers, and moved toward Meng Fan's fierce suppression. The strongest means broke out directly, thinking To catch Meng Fan, in exchange for a way out for yourself!

The air of black death is overwhelming!

Between this seal, Meng Fan was expressionless, only striding forward, at the same time. . . . . Emperor fist moves!

Under countless gazes, one could see fists facing each other in the void, Meng Fan's emperor fist and a seal of the guardian elder instantly collided.

Both of them are strong in the sacred second realm, tearing everything between their throws, destroying the world and destroying the earth. At the moment of this impact, the whole world trembles and the void is distorted. And at the next moment there was a horrible howl, and the figure flew out directly, yes. . . . Guard the old man.

In just a moment, the guardian old man flew out, and under Meng Fan's punch, his arm burst and blood stained the sky!


All the ancient true demons and the strong in the restricted area had their expressions suddenly changed. It was unbelievable that they had stepped into the second sacred state, but the guardian of the old man was not Meng Fan. . . . The enemy of one!

Suppress everything with one punch!

Meng Fan was expressionless, strode forward and fisted out, breaking the world!

Under this punch, everything was torn apart, and the whole mountains and rivers were constantly trembling with Meng Fan's movements. Under the impact of this kind of imperial fist, Meng Fan stepped forward for five steps. The fist completely bombarded the old man's body.

Facing such a fierce Meng Fan, the guardian old man could not resist even if he was in the same state as him, his handprint stretched out, and his eyes burst into pieces. Under Meng Fan's five punches, all the means of looking at his body had been exploded, only a big mouthful of blood sprayed, and he kept moving back.

In the next moment, Meng Fan had already arrived in front of him, his breath was imprisoned, suppressing Zhou Tian.

"What are you doing, I warn you, this is a restricted area, don't move, otherwise you must die, there is no chance!"

The guardian old man's discoloration changed, and under Meng Fan's eyes, the soul in his body trembled. He wanted to resist, but he was completely powerless.

In the previous confrontation, Meng Fan's overbearing power completely shattered his body and was seriously injured.

The two sides are not at the same level at all, and the guardian old man feels that the other side seems to have more power, but he doesn't want to kill him!

"Whatever you did before, I will do it!"

Meng Fan smiled, but anyone who saw his smile shuddered, because Meng Fan at this moment was too much like Shura.

It stretched out with one hand, as fast as lightning, just for a moment, he had grabbed the shoulders of the guardian old man, suppressed his breath, and sealed all the meridians of the guardian old man.

At the same time, Meng Fan's palm began to exert force, and the force eroded into the body of the guardian elder, and it suddenly spread from the underground palace. . . . The horrible howl like a pig!


Under Meng Fan's power, the guardian old man's face was distorted at this moment, his body was imprisoned, and his roar was full of endless pain.

Because Meng Fan's power penetrated through the meridians in his body little by little, crushing the bones in his body little by little.

It was not a moment, but it started to burn inch by inch. Under Meng Fan's meticulous power, the body of the guardian old man was crawling like thousands of ants, starting to burn every meridian in his body!

Moreover, Meng Fan has practiced the Inverse God scroll, absorbed the world, and when he fell with one hand, he extracted the soul of the old man a little bit, let him enjoy the feeling of his own soul being drawn little by little, that kind of feeling. It's worse than death.

The double blow of soul and body, such torture, Meng Fan rarely used it in his life, but at this moment, he did not need to be unable to resolve his anger!

In the past, one bird and one turtle must have encountered countless such treatments by guarding elders, but Meng Fan just used the way of the other, and also treated the other body!

At this moment, there was a dead silence in the entire underground palace, only the voice of the guarding old man resounded around, extremely stern!

It was so scared that countless ancient true demons peeed their pants at this moment, and it was only through the voice of the old man that one could imagine how much pain the guardian old man was suffering at this moment.

Not to mention this group of ancient true demons, including Yang Qing and others, were a little bit overwhelmed. Turning their faces away, Meng Fan's punishment method was 10,000 times more severe than murder.

Between several breaths, Meng Fan's five fingers used harder, and the more the guardian old man was miserable, he even tried to commit suicide several times, but unfortunately his whole body was completely imprisoned by Meng Fan. He wanted to move his little finger. It is impossible.

Finally, Meng Fan's palm stopped, raised his hand, and threw the guardian old man into the space of Xiaotian, and said calmly.

"Don't worry, I will hand over your life to Lord Bird and Lord Turtle to end. I won't let you die so soon!"

The tone was calm, but it was comparable to the law, and it was full of chill, enough to conclude that the days of the guardian old man would be miserable in the future.

"What about the rest!"

Yang Qing asked.

Lifting his head, Meng Fan glanced at the ancient true demon and the strong in the restricted area in the distance, only one word was spit out.


The voice fell, the vitality exploded, and Yang Qing and the others also shot forward in an instant, blasting forward.

Dozens of gods moved together, and in just a moment, the majestic vitality swept across the entire underground palace, causing the ancient true demons and many forbidden zone powerhouses in front of Meng Fan to die! <

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