Supreme God King

Chapter 1596: Enemies

The imperial palace in the forbidden area, in which the ancient true demons and the strong in the forbidden area are tens of thousands, including the seven sacred guards, but after just a few breaths, the only blood and residue left in this underground palace Body, everything is completely dead.

All the strong in the restricted area were killed by Yang Qing and others without any mercy.

Treating the forbidden area makes this group of people full of endless hatred. Compared with the crimes committed in the forbidden area in Ten Thousand Realms in the past, what they have done now is less than one billionth.

Taking a stride out, Meng Fan came to the side of a bird and a tortoise, looking at the imprisoned chains that penetrated into the two of them. At this moment, Meng Fan was also very emotional, and finally grasped his hands tightly He crushed it inch by inch and rescued the two of them.

"These years... I have suffered you!"

A few words were spit out from Meng Fan's throat. The man had tears and did not flick it lightly. Facing this, he felt a piece of cotton in his throat, which was extremely heavy.

A large part of the reason why the two of them were imprisoned here was also because of Meng Fan. If the dead wood alone was in their hands, there might be a way to escape, but it was left to Meng Fan to help him grow.

For hundreds of years, I don’t know how many times a bird and a tortoise have suffered from the previous pain, unable to survive or die.

This kind of kindness made Meng Fan feel extremely uncomfortable.

Just now the body was taken off the iron chain, so that a bird and a turtle were relieved. The two dragged the blood-stained body, and they did not have much strength. After a few breaths, two voices finally fell.

"It's okay... as long as you remember, just go back to Wanyu and give me a hundred beautiful sisters to defeat the fire!"

"Well, reconsideration, I want one hundred and one!"


With a clenched fist, Meng Fan didn't hate the restricted area, but was staring at a bird and a turtle with fire in his eyes.

If it weren't for seeing the two seriously injured and precarious, a big mouth would inevitably flash past.

For many years, these two guys were still like this, even in this kind of harsh environment, they would never change their rogue nature.

"Now is not the time to talk about this, the old man can feel a strong aura coming over, go!"

On the side, Taichu's eyes flashed and said suddenly, with a solemn tone.

With a word, the expressions of all the strong men moved, looking at Meng Fan.

"it is good!"

Meng Fan nodded, grabbed a bird and a tortoise, put the two of them into the space, and then directly tore the space, and went out quickly with everyone.

Get into the restricted area!

This is not the first time Meng Fan has done this kind of thing, but he absolutely clearly understands the danger of such a thing. Even if dozens of sacred powerhouses are gathered in the field, it is still a lifetime.

Seven restricted areas, a place of eternal imprisonment!

It is absolutely extraordinary to be able to disregard these ten thousand domains for many years. Any one of them has a shocking method, and the more powerful, the more Meng Fan knows. Naturally, he understands that not only the seven restricted areas are powerful. The threat also has a more terrifying and mysterious forbidden area temple, which can come to the strong at any time.

The passage between the forbidden area and Wanyu is completely closed. If you want to enter unless you forcibly tear the space, use Wanmazi Qi Ding as a medium to confine a space crack for a full instant, giving this group of powerful people shuttle opportunity.

And once it is targeted by the strong in the forbidden area, then this kind of behavior is impossible to perform, especially here is the forbidden area. Since the era of the vitality of the sky, it has been taboo by many strong people. Any strange thing will happen. Not surprisingly.

Once you succeed, leave immediately!

This was the plan made by everyone before Meng Fan. In an instant, Meng Fan and this group of strong men moved quickly, like thunder, and directly shuttled through the world, opening up the space in the underground palace, ready to flee immediately.

However, at the moment this space was torn apart, and the space was distorted, a pitch-black handprint was volleyed, containing endless black death, comparable to a huge mountain, falling from the sky.

"You are waiting...finding death!"

As the handprint fell, and at the same time, the voice resounded throughout the underground palace. The person who shot was absolutely terrifying. Thousands of miles away, he had already launched the ultimate killing blow and slammed into Meng Fan and the others.

Such a person, just because the breath fell, has already made everyone understand that this is definitely one. . . . . Holy three realm powerhouse, go to the ancient monster!

And not only in this handprint, the world is suddenly imprisoned, the underground palace is torn apart, and there are countless ancient gods surrounding this underground palace. They are launched together and turned into a monstrous black death air toward Meng Fan and others. Shot.

More than a dozen ancient killing formations, when activated, only a moment, the earth has broken and the sky has collapsed, and there is a terrible murderous opportunity, which does not give Meng Fan and the others a chance to react.


Above the sky, Taichu and other temple elders stepped out quickly. The twelve people stood in the sky, red clothes like blood, white hair dancing, and one palm blasted out.

The twelve sacred powerhouses move together!

This is the existence of the twelve statues stepping into the three realms, and they have lived for countless years since ancient times, and their strength is unparalleled. It is only one step away from the realm of the old monkey. Now that they shot at the same time, the golden light showed that the twelve people surrounded the sky, forming a strong vitality defense array, and blasted against the black death air that hit the sky.


The sky trembled, and countless fragments of space emerged.

Only at the moment of this impact, the entire underground palace space was completely shattered, and was completely swept by this monstrous air wave, smashing everything into ruins.

Under the force of this impact, the Twelve Sacred Ancients in the early days all snorted, and a trace of blood appeared at the corner of their mouths, but they survived the attack of more than a dozen ancient gods and strong in the restricted area.

However, in this piece of gunpowder smoke, the entire world is covered by the air of black death, and hundreds of millions of horses can be seen in the distance, countless ancient true demons are like sea water, moving towards here, among them the first I don't even know how many strong people there are, all of them are gathering here without stopping.

At the same time, a powerful prohibition fell, completely confining the entire world, and a figure of an old man walked up, and it was the person who shot it before.

He was dressed in black and gray-haired, but his eyes were extremely dark, which made people shudder!


Seeing the old man, he couldn't help but squinted his eyes before spitting out two words.

The ghost cold blood cuts the sky!

Headed by You, the old man who appeared in front of him was the real supreme king of this forbidden area, the contemporary You King.

"It's not just me!"

Youhuang sneered and looked at the side of the world. In the next moment, you can see that in the distance of Meng Fan and the others, there are three more figures appearing, all of them are torn out. They are all three elders, dressed in luxurious clothes and full of breath, with the majesty of dominating the world.

"Ghost King, Hades, Blood King!"

An old man in red in the temple said coldly and directly recognized the three.

If this sound fell, if it were to be heard, it would be enough to shake the world. I would not expect the forbidden area to react so quickly. It is only in these few breaths that not only the Youwang has arrived, but the contemporary kings of the other three forbidden areas have already come to this world.

In an instant, all imprisonment surrounded the whole world.

While standing still, Meng Fan's body was shocked, his eyes turned towards the Blood King, his eyes suddenly reddened.

In the past, he broke into the restricted area of ​​blood and rescued Ruo Shuiyi's body. The last thing he encountered was the contemporary Blood King. He had to say that the restricted area was a bit careless that day, and the old madman had lost his life in exchange for Meng Fan's vitality.

Kneeling and tears to thank Shien!

How could Meng Fan forget that scene, but the old madman died in the hands of these blood kings.

And not only the Blood Emperor, but the Pluto and him on the other side are also old acquaintances. In the past, it was unknown how many disciples of the Samsara Hall in the northern group died in his hands.

At this moment, I saw the two enemies with my own eyes!

The corners of Meng Fan's mouth raised slightly, and a few words slowly spit out from between his teeth.

"It's really good to be able to see you... very good!"

The voice fell, as if talking to an old friend of his own, but everyone understood that the meaning in Meng Fan's words was definitely not a greeting.

The youth of Wuzhen in the past has grown up to the present. For Meng Fan, there has always been revenge and grace.

As for the two in the field, it is estimated that Meng Fan even had the thoughts after eating them. What he could do for his whole life is to tear the restricted area and kill these kings.


The Blood King sneered, staring at Meng Fan, saying every word,

"Unexpectedly, your little beast is still alive. If it hadn't been for the old Dingxi desperately to stop him, you would have already died, and there would not be so much trouble. If you dare to come back, you are really looking for death!"

The voice fell, and the words were like a knife in Meng Fan's heart, but after a few breaths, Meng Fan was so angry that he laughed back. The whole person had already returned to an extremely calm state, and said calmly,

"Now you still have a chance, why don't you give it a try!"

As he spoke, Meng Fan took a step forward, but only one step fell, which caused the sky to tremble, and the breath of slaughter and slaughter all flew toward the Blood King.


In an instant, the Blood King couldn't help but slapped a wit, and involuntarily took a step back, because Meng Fan's own monstrous evil spirit was directed at him, making his whole person tremble at this moment.

Thousands of years have passed, and the Blood King has already reached the stage of the second sacred realm. He is also the controller of the endless frontier of the blood forbidden zone. In his eyes, Meng Fan was just an ant. He died when he died, but in this moment, Meng Fan had already let him. . . . Unmatched fear!

Between one step, the Blood King was scared to step back, causing all the strong players in the field to look at him, especially the existence of many in the restricted area. This already shows a problem, that is, the Blood King is not Meng Fan's opponent. Unexpectedly, in just a thousand years, Meng Fan has already grown up. . . . This kind of point!


You Wang sneered and said calmly.

"In any case, today it is impossible for you... to leave alive!"

When the four characters fell, the world was abrupt, and the endless black death air surging between the sky and the sky filled the world, and the hundreds of millions of Marcos in this secluded forbidden area were quickly arriving, surrounded by rows of rows between the world and the earth. You can't see the end, there are countless ancient true demons, one by one watching the dozens of people like Meng Fan in the field.

In such a scene, anyone is afraid to see it at a glance, let alone an action, and even dare not even speak. The breath of the billions of true demons alone is enough to scare the sacred powerhouse.

However, standing still, Meng Fan just swept around calmly, but grinned, saying every word.

"It seems that it is impossible to leave quietly, so everyone... If you don't enter, you will break a blood path and make a hole out of this restricted area!" <

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