Supreme God King

Chapter 1597: Blood path

The sound fell, rumbling!

At this moment, it spread throughout the world, causing everyone's look to change slightly. In front of the many old monsters in the entire field, Meng Fan's grade was the smallest one.

They are not in the same era at all, but even if they are hundreds of millions of true demons, they are not afraid of being trapped in the restricted area. On the contrary, they arouse a blood and evil spirit in their bones!

At this grade, he has grown up to now.

Unable to let the kings of the restricted area change their colors, this is definitely their mistake. This is not the first time they have faced Meng Fan. No one would have thought that after just such a short time, Meng Fan was already standing here with them. . . . . . Sit on an equal footing!


A punch was blasted out, and the breath rose. At this moment, you could see a blade-like figure rushing forward, it was Meng Fan. At the moment his voice fell, Meng Fan also acted outrageously. He was like this in any battle, never afraid, and always shot at the front.

The emperor fist blasted out, breaking the ground!

At the same time, it was not just Meng Fan, including Yang Qing, the Empress, God Monkey, Burning Heaven Order, Taichu and many other gods masters who worked after him.


Between the world and the earth, billions of true demons roared. Although Meng Fan and others in the field are all powerful people in the sacred path, there are many ruthless people in this secluded forbidden zone. They all see Meng Fan and others with their eyes flashing and turning. For Meteor, before You Wang commanded him, he rushed up like a tide.

Enemies all over the world!

It is definitely not an exaggeration to describe Meng Fan and others like this now. Looking at this piece of heaven and earth, at a glance, there are ancient true demons everywhere. Not counting the masters among them, the ancient true demons alone are hundreds of millions, what a huge force this is.

Just the moment Meng Fan rushed forward, one could see the millions of true demons right in front of him, the air of black death engulfing everything.


However, at this moment, Meng Fan's face was expressionless, only one word was uttered.

At the same time, the utterance of the method followed, that golden light pierced through the entire world, hitting between the ancient true demon.

With just a punch, a man turned his back on his horse, and the ancient true demons within a kilometer were smashed into flesh and blood, and corpses were everywhere.

However, this ancient true demon is an absolute war machine, only the moment the person in the front row died, the person in the back row had already stepped on their bodies and rushed up, and at the same time, it was transformed by countless black death air. The torrent came toward Meng Fan and swept the world.

Both fists shook, Meng Fan shook his emperor fist and strode out, only to move forward.

Although his aura penetrates through the world and dominates everything, under Meng Fan's open and close style of play, there are still countless strengths falling on his body, and the smashed Meng Fan clothes are torn apart. Come, revealing the flesh underneath.

Even though countless black death auras fell on his body, Meng Fan's whole body remained motionless, like a great Buddha, unable to shake!

The countless hard work he has spent over the past few years is definitely not just talking.


The countless black death air in the crowd is ineffective to Meng Fan, but his emperor fist is a real means of killing. Every fist hit requires thousands of ancient true demons to burst on the spot, like crushing an ant. Generally, that kind of power cannot be stopped at all.

At the same time, many other sacred powerhouses are the same. Now everyone understands that if you enter this restricted zone, you can no longer leave safely. There is only one battle.

Everyone in the field is able to come here, and that one is a peerless strong man who has experienced hundreds of battles and has experienced countless lives and deaths. At this moment, it is naturally impossible to have any timidity, vitality bursting, and opening up the world. In this moment sweeping the world, count The unclear ancient true demons were all split apart.

Dozens of sacred riots at the same time, just a few breaths, the whole world is stained into a river of blood, I don't know how many ancient true demons have fallen.

The most shocking thing about this scene is that in the ten thousand realms, countless ancient forces are petrified at this moment, and they can't believe it looks at the crack that is already closed.

Now everyone understands that Taichu and others have entered this restricted area together with Meng Fan. In the ages, who dares to do this, who is qualified to do so.

Including emperors like the Liu Family and Zhao Family, when the Great Tribulation of the past came, they all retreated madly, not daring to face the restricted area.

But in this world, there are people who dare to step into the restricted zone. This is true. . . . How courageous!

The countless powerhouses between Taichu and other people and heaven and earth arrived in the dark alliance not to help Meng Fan, but instead. . . . . The restricted area of ​​World War I, to repay the revenge of the world!

Suddenly, countless top powerhouses among these ten thousand domains are trying to find ways to surging with their spiritual thoughts, wanting to pass the barrier between the forbidden zone and the ten thousand domains and see them and leave.

Occasionally a trace of the picture fell into his eyes, it was tragic and unmatched, and it was clear that there was a terrifying battle in this secluded forbidden area, and countless ancient true demons died, like ants, by Meng Fan, etc. People beheaded!

The enemy can, me. . . . Yes too!

In the silence, Meng Fan and others have already told the entire world that what they did was not just limited to defense, they even dared to take the initiative to open the barrier between the world and the earth and enter this restricted zone!


Covered with blood, Meng Fan's hair is fluttering at this moment, he is an Asura.

After he took a hundred steps forward, Meng Fan could no longer remember how many ancient true demons he had killed. The blood on his body was all left by these ancient true demons. With his movements, he continued Dripping.

Before Meng Fan moved forward, even countless ancient true demons were already scared.

Just these few breathing efforts, under the joint efforts of Meng Fan and others, I just don’t know how many ancient true demons died, and they couldn’t hurt them at all. The people behind Youwang and others were shocked and distressed. .

With such a large number of ancient true demons dying, at this moment Meng Fan and the others did not hesitate at all, making everyone fearful.

When did the forbidden zone descend on the Ten Thousand Territories, people in this world looked at the ancient true demon's eyes like this, but now everything has completely changed, and the eyes of the billions of ancient true demon looking at Meng Fan are full of fear!

With another punch down, Meng Fan once again shot the endless ancient true demon to death, without a group of heroes, only one word.


A word, comparable to a bolt from the blue, resounded through the world.

In this word, there is a kind of arrogance, as if oneself is the sacredness of disregarding Bahuang, watching everything.

However, countless ancient true demons were shocked, including many masters in the restricted area, feeling a huge depression in their hearts.

Even the bloodiest restricted area has to admit that at this moment Meng Fan is a great demon king, who wants to slaughter the common people, sweep everything, standing in front of him, as if everything in the world will be beheaded by him!

The fall of such a scene can be said to have won an excellent opportunity for Taichu and others. In an instant, Taichu waved his hand, and a scroll of space was taken out and roared,

"Don't fall in love with war, I set up a big formation, forcefully teleport, let me wait to leave!"

Meng Fan and others nodded their heads when they heard the words from the beginning. However, in the next moment the sky was torn and the galaxy changed color. It can be seen that in this void, the coffins turned into meteors. Up and down.

Each coffin seems to be completely sealed, with countless runes carved on it, but just a glance at the past is enough to shock people.

"Forbidden area hall!"

Taking a look, Meng Fan uttered three words, cold to the bone.

Sure enough, the powerhouses of this forbidden area really arrived, and he had already calculated it when he discussed with Taichu and the others.

The seven restricted areas are actually only the places where the ordinary restricted area powerhouses are located. In this restricted area, those who can truly dominate and dominate in the past will eventually step into this restricted area temple. The real core of the seven restricted areas is this restricted area hall, and even the 13th hall of its restricted area.

Each of these coffins is equivalent to a sleeping powerhouse in the forbidden area, and they should be the source of cholera in the entire forbidden area. Although they are asleep on their own, in the countless years of time, there have been many forbidden zone masters who have come to the world, grabbing the countless humans between this world and offering them with blood, so that they can get enough in their sleep. power.

Although this group of people seldom slaughtered the Ten Thousand Domains directly, the Ten Thousand Domains humans who absorbed the blood in their hands were all billions. Since ancient times, I don't know how many people died because of their need.

Without them, there would be no penalty zone!

But now that the restricted area was openly offended, this group of people naturally couldn't sit still, and finally made a bold move.

There were only four strong men that Meng Fan faced that day, and now there are more than fifty coffins used under the entire galaxy, and one by one burst in this sky, and then a very terrifying figure came out of it!

The strong man in the forbidden area has come!

The people in the forbidden zone boiled and were extremely excited, but it made the Taichu and others appear solemnly, knowing that today there must be a bigger battle.

Even for their kind of eternal sacredness, life and death are only in a flash.

"According to the old Mr. Taichu's plan, they will set up the big formation, and the rest will cover. If you want to fight today, just fight it!"

Meng Fan said indifferently, looking towards the sky, and at the next moment his palm moved, a sonic boom came out, and at the same time, under everyone's eyes, a large cauldron could be seen rising into the sky, like a meteorite towards the sky. Smashed it, and hit a coffin directly.

Before this coffin burst open, it was already colliding with Meng Fan’s great cauldron. The great cauldron that came out was naturally a ten thousand mother and son gas cauldron, its whole body shimmering, comparable to a mountain peak, gathering Meng Fan’s own power at this moment , Dominating the world, directly caused the coffin to burst open in the air, suddenly turned into a fire, scattered all over the sky! <

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