Supreme God King

Chapter 1600: My teacher Xuanhuang!

The dragon fights in the wild, its blood is black and yellow!

In the past in this world, Meng Fan witnessed the death of the old madman with his own eyes. The moment he was scattered around the world, he was kneeling there, only watching the scene weakly.

And after this thousand years, he came back here again, but now he is holding it. . . . . King of Forbidden Zone!

Five fingers clasped the blood king's neck, Meng Fan expressionless, but in the depths of his eyes that everyone hadn't noticed. . . . . There are tears!

That scene is fixed in Meng Fan's heart. In the eyes of the world, Meng Fan is Shura, Meng Fan is the leader, and Meng Fan is the emperor who is rampant in the world.

But few people would know that he had faced the death of his favorite woman, but there was no way. He once saw his teacher die in front of his eyes, but he could do nothing!

The body of the fighting demon, show again, conquer the restricted area, collide with your body!

All of this, just for. . . . . Old madman, Li Xuanhuang!

"My teacher, open your eyes and watch me kill!"

Meng Fan spit out a few words in his throat, and then. . . . . The hand knife is like electricity, grabbing the blood king and starting. . . . Hand tear!

It is a real hand tearing, with the aura of all mothers and sons confining everything, forming an absolute space. Meng Fan grabbed the blood king and began to tear off a little bit of flesh and blood on his body. The blood spurted out and dyed the whole world!


The Blood King roared and made a miserable howling sound, but under Meng Fan's control, he couldn't move at all, only to withstand the fall of Meng Fan's handprints, and his body was slightly stripped away by him.

Moreover, the soul suffered from the tear of Meng Fan’s vitality, not just the body. At this moment, Meng Fan was merciless, and attacked the Blood King completely. Under every hand knife of Meng Fan, both body and soul It was torn apart!

Within a few breaths, the Blood King was ripped apart by Meng Fansheng's hands for dozens of pieces, completely turned into a piece of gunpowder smoke, only a piece of blood fell and scattered in the sky.

The supreme king in the blood forbidden zone was born. . . . . Torn it!

In an instant, seeing this scene made the whole world silent, countless ancient true demons, and the strong in the restricted area are completely petrified.

It is impossible to imagine that there is someone in this world who can do this step, step into this restricted area, and tear the king of the restricted area!

Including countless ancient monsters now can’t help but blink their eyes. They are shocked by the monstrous hostility on Meng Fan’s body. After several years of fighting, this group of people have seen countless murders, but they are so violent and grow so fast. Ever!

"Li Xuanhuang, you have one... Good apprentice, in the spirit of heaven, you can look down, the old man really envy you!"

In the distance, the formation flashed, his eyes looked at Meng Fan, and he sighed softly, his tone filled with emotion.

After that, the red elders of several temples nodded, clearly understanding that it is a great blessing to have an apprentice like Meng Fan in life, even if they would end up like Li Xuanhuang. Willingly.

A disciple should be like Meng Fan!

This sentence sounded in the hearts of many old people, but they shook their heads again.

It is a pity that there is only one Meng Fan in this world, there is no other number!

"Meng Fan!"

The female emperor, Bai Shui'er sighed softly at this moment when he faced the heroes in the restricted area.

Perhaps only the kind of people who know Meng Fan best can know how many times Meng Fan has stood in front of the cloaked mound in these thousand years, silently drinking alone.

The world only knows that Shura is ruthless, how can he understand that Shura is hurt!

Around the sky, there was a shock.

And after tearing the Blood King with his hands, Meng Fan turned his head. The previous scene only happened within a few breaths, and a king with a restricted area died.

But this is far from enough for Meng Fan. He just beheaded the immediate enemy who died of the old lunatic. He also understood that they were all his enemies here, and everyone deserved a million to die!

After a while, Meng Fan's gaze was already on. . . . . Hades!

After just a glance, he almost made Pluto's legs tremble slightly. He is also the king of the restricted zone, killing countless people, and slaughter is simply a pediatrics to him.

But it doesn't mean that he is not afraid of death, especially death is right in front of him. This man who can bring death to himself is watching him.

"Meng Fan, we... don't have much hatred, we are all misunderstandings, misunderstandings!"

Pluto said slowly, but he was desperately operating the secret method, trying to delay the time with Meng Fan, and break free from the suppression of the ten thousand mothers and children.

But Meng Fan didn't hesitate at all about this, only stepping out, punching out, shaking the mountains and rivers!

"You should go down and talk to my dead disciple of the Samsara Palace!"

The tone is concise, and at the same time the emperor fists move, smashing everything.


Pluto roared, restoring the majesty of the king, knowing that under Meng Fan's murderous intent, the other party would not have any kindness of women, let him go, only fight to the death.

Moved by the black death, the Pluto roared, and a powerful handprint also penetrated the sky, and grabbed Meng Fan fiercely, but under this blow, that kind of hegemony that distorted everything was filed out and slaughtered. all.

At this kind of moment, it is clear that the cruelty of Pluto was also completely aroused. The last fight, the ancient runes surging, is comparable to the ancient gods and demons singing, sealing the entire world and the handprints, which is the most powerful of Pluto. Hole cards, Shinto means, cover the world!


Under the endless black fog, after Meng Fan glanced at it, he just spit out a word, and at the same time lifted his palm and punched out, the kind of hegemony that cut the water and cut everything came again.

This ancient and middle ancient sage queen method was used by Meng Fan again, but the same method was completely different from the previous method when dealing with the mad corpse Taoist.

Because the moment Meng Fan shot, there was a kind of hegemony that sweeps everything out of thin air, like the same human world, looking at the world, I am the only one who is the only one in this world to cut off anyone who resists!


The sky changed color, and under the eyes of everyone, the two powerful imprints blasted together, the power intertwined, and the void was distorted. The power transmitted in this way deterred everything and set off layers of shattered space.

After a while, a figure appeared, covered in blood, and his body was completely split, scattered across the world, it was just... . Pluto, under Meng Fan's single-stroke tactic, his body was completely torn apart, and countless traces of blood began to scatter, and only one soul power rushed back crazy.


When his pupils shrank, how could Meng Fan give Pluto this opportunity to take a step forward, move the sky, and under the cover of his big hand, he grasped Pluto's soul alive.

"Are you afraid too!"

Meng Fan sneered, his palms squeezed at the same time, and while his power was running, the Pluto soul in it became weaker and cracked continuously. No matter the Pluto soul in it was constantly struggling, it was a pity that he could not escape Meng Fan's control. Between the breaths, was Meng Fan. . . . . Completely crushed!

In an instant, kill the kings of the two restricted areas!

Countless strong people in the forbidden zone are terrified. These two people are not just ordinary sacred two realm powerhouses, but can represent the contemporary patriarchs of the two forbidden zone royal families. Even if its status is not a big deal in front of the true core of the penalty area, it is shocking enough.

Because in the 100,000 years of viewing this world, no one has ever been able to do this kind of thing. The king of the contemporary forbidden zone has fallen, especially the most important point. . . . . Is dead in this restricted area.

"Meng Fan, for generations to come, the restricted area will definitely kill you!"

In the sky, an ancient roar in the restricted area was full of endless anger.

While standing in place, Meng Fan was full of blood, and he was extremely indifferent to this sentence, just calmly said.

"My teacher, disciples of the Temple of Reincarnation, you can rest for a while, but rest assured, I won't give up!"

The tone is calm and powerful!

After these thousand years, behead the Blood King and the Pluto to avenge the old madman and the hatred of the Divine Emperor's Domain. And Meng Fan also understands that these two people are just tools in the restricted area. The real thing is after them in the hall of the restricted area. If they don't get rid of them for a day, then the same thing as that day may happen again at any time.


At the next moment, a voice came from around the sky, from the beginning.

Standing between the place, the whole person was golden, with white hair dancing, and working with many temple elders to operate the secret method. That kind of golden ancient formation, surrounded by heaven and earth, breathed majestic.

The temple has been standing in the common people for countless years. After an unknown amount of time, the secrets known and possessed are naturally beyond the imagination of the world. So even in this restricted area, Taichu and others have a way to forcefully break through the space and leave here.

Just for a moment, that kind of golden formation enveloped the surroundings, letting all ten thousand domain experts understand that they should not love to fight, retreat back, and gather in the direction of the old man from the beginning.

Glancing at the restricted area, Meng Fan's eyes were filled with endless murderous intent, but he was not impulsive. He stepped out in one step, moved the space, prepared to leave with the old man and others from the beginning, and forcibly teleported out of the restricted area.

Such a battle is too critical. It has been enough time for a stick of incense since they stepped in. If they are in love with the battle, there may be even greater changes. Meng Fan is naturally not a fool. Although he is brave, he never Don't do reckless things, only temporarily suppress the murderous intent, can you have revenge in the future!


Suddenly, the tens of thousands of domains moved, and they retreated, and the ancient **** array laid down by the temple elders who were too early to wait was too terrifying. It turned out that the power spread around, spreading to the world, under that golden light. , Tearing open countless black death air, suppressing all strong players in the restricted area, blocking their footsteps.

After a few breaths, Meng Fan, God Monkey, Empress, Burning Heaven Order, Amethyst and many other tens of thousands of domain experts have completely gathered around the old man in the early days, just waiting for the space to transmit and leave the world. However, at the next moment, what everyone did not expect was that the sky faded, and a powerful breath enveloped it. It was visible to the naked eye that a pillar fell from the sky, like a waterfall, and fell in this restricted area. This black pillar Meng Whoever has ever seen it, he is. . . . Forbidden area pillars belong to the thirteen hall masters! <

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