Supreme God King

Chapter 1601: Renxiong!

Forbidden area pillar!

The air of black death is like a tide, covering the world!

Just the moment this pillar appeared, it made the whole world tremble, completely losing its color, no matter how many heroes in the field, no matter how sacred and terrifying, but in front of this pillar that opened up to the sky, it was all. . . . Overshadowed!

how is this possible!

At the same time, everyone including Meng Fan was shocked and shocked.

Prior to this, Meng Fan and Tai Chu and the others discussed this plan, and they had already thought of countless possibilities, including many powerful people from the restricted area.

However, sufficient preparations have been made. The twelve elders of the temple are personally dispatched, and there are also many scattered powerhouses between this world and the earth. Those who have stepped into the sacred realm, plus many powerhouses in the dark alliance, are just now. Dare to enter this restricted area.

However, I missed a bit of calculation, that is. . . . Beyond the existence of this world, thirteen hall masters!

This forbidden area column fell, the air of black death was overwhelming, and it was full of endless majesty. Just looking at it, it was already shocking.

Including the hundreds of millions of ancient true demons in this restricted area, as well as a large number of experts in the restricted area, they all knelt to the ground quickly, afraid to speak.

No one can think of it, not only the arrival of many old monsters in this forbidden area temple, but also the most mysterious thirteen hall masters, so that countless forbidden area temple experts almost bit their tongues, because Once it was blamed by the palace owner and said that they were unfavorable, then I am afraid that he would not even know how to die.

The weapons of the strong in the sacred realm move personally, without speaking, it is already majestic.

Everyone understands that, as Meng Fan said, this day. . . . Make a hole out!

The heroes trembled, the world was pale!

That forbidden area pillar hangs like a waterfall between the world and the earth. Even if it doesn’t move, it has already caused Meng Fan and others to feel the tremors all over the world. It seems that there is a gaze watching them invisibly. Below, anyone is cold on the soles of their feet.

"You wait... Damn it!"

After a while, a few words echoed the sky in the restricted area, coming from the pillar in the restricted area.

Thirteen hall masters, speak in person!

There was silence between heaven and earth, only these four words echoed, suppressing everything, and anyone who heard it would tremble all over.

Even the people in the Forbidden Area Hall have never heard the thirteen hall masters speaking. Only in the past world wars, the thirteen hall masters personally voiced the dialogue between the king of the gods and the ten thousand domains. For the first time in 10,000 years.

However, under this kind of moment, the thirteen hall masters were actually speaking again, and the way they spoke, and at the same time the sky and the earth changed color, and the mist appeared on the forbidden area column, turning into a towering giant hand, toward Meng Fan and others. Caught it.

God king class powerhouse weapon!

Coming with such a palm, even Meng Fan felt a desperate mood in his heart. Even if the power of everyone was gathered, it was far from the thirteen hall masters. Even if this is just a weapon of the **** king, and I don't know how much combat power it has, but just the breath is falling, it is already scary enough.

Such pressure, I am afraid that everyone here will be completely wiped out, and they will not be able to leave this restricted area.

"Meng Fan, you wait for a quick retreat, and after the old man and others are cut off, you can resist but not resist. I don't know!"

Suddenly, Taichu roared, and there was a flash of determination in the eyes of the other temple elders, trying to resist the blow with their bodies.

"No, I won't allow the things of the past to happen a second time. Today, you all come with me. Although for revenge, they are also moved by my affairs. I will die together and live together and die together!"

Meng Fan coldly said, stepping out, even though his whole body was trembling under this kind of pressure, but he resisted it, and roared like a mad beast, bursting out at this moment. Unmatched breath.

Punch, blast!

Meng Fan was merciless, the emperor fist moved directly, beside him, the female emperor, Bai Shui'er, God Monkey, Burning Heaven Ling and many other powerful men also moved one after another, and the mortal spirit flashed in his eyes.

Follow Meng Fan and shoot together.

For many years, life and death have been shared. Although all the people of the dark alliance have encountered great suppression at this moment, they are not afraid, because beside Meng Fan, they are not afraid of death, and there is nothing to fear. , A big deal!


Under the influence of the breath of Meng Fan and others, many sacred powerhouses between heaven and earth also roared one after another, gathering heaven and earth, one by one like stars, and all the vitality also gathered at the same time, together with Meng Fan, Taichu and others, The strongest force burst out.


At a glance, you can see that dozens of sacred powerhouses in the sky close together, rushing towards the sky, against the black handprint.

The thunder broke out, and after a thought, dozens of powerful men such as Meng Fan in the field spewed out blood at the same time. The blood in each body rose up, unable to control it at all, and encountered a powerful disturbance.

Just like Bai Shui'er's cultivation level, her pretty face immediately turned pale, her body trembled, and she was in danger, and might fall at any time.

Dozens of sacred powerhouses vs **** king weapons!

It was just a moment, but it was unable to stop the resistance against that kind of thunder, but fortunately, this was only the appearance of the forbidden area pillar, it was the palace master's weapon, not the real body, and there was a difference between heaven and earth.

Let the power of everyone gather, and finally it was time to resist that handprint for a moment.

However, only a moment later, the handprints struck again, and did not dissipate. Instead, they suppressed the void, bursting apart every inch of the bombardment of Meng Fan and others. Under this irresistible pressure, they kept retreating, and the body burst slightly. .


Seeing such a scene, many of the strong in the restricted area could not help but sneer again and again. Finally, the spirit of Meng Fan and others suffered heavy damage. With the Lord's personal action, everyone today is going to smash and sink the sand here, without any Opportunity to comeback.


Meng Fan roared, a deep and unwilling look flashed in his eyes. After that, the Empress and Bai Shui'er gritted their teeth, their bodies pressed against Meng Fan, their faces fearless.

Such suppression was just a few breaths, which meant to completely penetrate the defenses of Meng Fan and others, crushing them to death under this mark.

However, in the next moment behind Meng Fan and others, suddenly. . . . . The light flickers, and you can see a figure standing there, not moving, but like the same sun, the light of the whole person spreads, becoming bigger and bigger, shining the world, making this piece of void tremble, even here under this breath It is a forbidden area, a barren, but it also seems to be changed, full of endless surging aura.

Without Meng Fan's action, in this light, all the power of the forbidden area pillar was already dissolved and melted into invisible.

"It's you!"

Under the shadow of this figure, the forbidden area pillar exploded, making a sound again.

"it's me!"

In the sky, the figure walked out, so that everyone could see his appearance. His upper body was unclothed, his muscles bulged, his figure was extremely strong, with a piece of animal skin under his body, it looked like a wild man with extremely beard. Long, coming slowly.

And between every movement, every step is like a big earthquake. The sky is undulating following his movement. The moment that emerges, everyone feels the sun is coming!

"Master Renxiong!"

After seeing this figure, Tai Chu Waiting for the temple's ancient look suddenly changed, and immediately wept with joy, extremely excited.


These two words fell into Meng Fan's ears, his eyes flashed, and he thought of several names in this temple.

It is rumored that in the past, the temple was founded by several gods and kings in this world, and one of them was called Wei. . . . . Human male.

The reason for this name is that this person has said one sentence and killed thousands of people.

When the latter was rampant in the past, he killed many powerhouses that the world didn't know. Tianjiao frowned when he met him, and went on rampage for 40,000 years.

In that era, no one was his opponent, even in the restricted area, he avoided it by three points. The latter scorned the era and was called a hero, which made the entire ten thousand domain worship, even people have forgotten. His name back then was just called a male character!

Because it is actually too terrible, the power dominates everything, conquered all domains, never failed, and achieved the power of the king, and later opened up the forbidden zone with several kings, indeed. . . . The hero of the male, in terms of strength, the ancient world powerhouses are one of such top-notch people.

It is rumored that it has long since disappeared between the world and the earth. In the past, he received wounds from the gods and kings, but he was not dead, but disappeared, but now he appears in this restricted area, standing like a big Buddha, standing in Meng Fan. After waiting.

The sacred realm powerhouse, the top existence belonging to Wanyu has arrived!

The sky trembled at this moment, not only in the forbidden zone, but also felt this kind of surging power in the ten thousand domains. In Renxiong, the aura belonging to the power of the **** king realm could not stop, cover the whole world, and suppress Eight Desolation, making the entire Ten Thousand Realm tremble for it.

No one can think of it, this one who has traversed many times, is still alive and coming.

Attracted countless races of people in these ten thousand domains, countless forces bowed to the ground, looking in this direction. Because their ancestors used to be helped by human beings. When human beings were rampant in the past, they made many contributions to this world.

The sky and the earth are still, even if the forbidden area pillar is in front of it, it is not that kind of control.

This is definitely a living **** king. Although I don't know how his combat power has recovered, it is quite terrifying!

After a few breaths, the forbidden area pillar finally slowly said.

"You can't save them. You must die when you step into the restricted area. I know you have recovered 50% of your strength, but if you dare to move, I will worry about other people and kill you. It is not difficult!"

The tone was calm, but it was full of murderous intent.

Renxiong is a powerhouse in the Divine King Realm. Looking at this world, who dares to say to kill him, who is qualified to say to kill him, but this sentence comes from the mouth of the palace master of the restricted area, but it is a taste.

Renxiong was silent for a while, but he said,

"They, I am in Baoding, unless you want to... Fight now, then... Fight!" <

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