Supreme God King

Chapter 1605: Re-enter the imperial palace

Imperial Palace!

In the endless space, the predominant aura overflows!

This place is completely different from the outside world, and there is a vague feeling between the world and the earth.

Located in it, a figure moves forward, it is Meng Fan.

Thousands of years ago, he set foot here to compete with the world's arrogance, suffered from the enemy, and encountered endless threats.

Now that the millennium has passed, he is completely different from before.

At this moment, Meng Fanke didn't need to wait for any time. He could walk around freely in this imperial palace. He could leave as he wanted, and enter as he wanted. This was the right of the red elders of the temple.

With this right, it can be said that Meng Fan's actions are too convenient. He doesn't need to be sent by anyone at all, and he can resolve the crisis he encounters at all times. However, unless he is a top player and imprisoned everything, he can use it. The red elder in his hand quickly left.

"Imperial Palace, Meng Fan, you are now developed!"

"Yes, yes, where are the hundred virgins who promised the old man!"

In the next moment, two figures came out at the same time, and fell into Meng Fan's ears, it was a bird and a turtle.

After following Meng Fan out of the restricted area, these two guys have been recuperating. They themselves are sacred masters and have reached the three realms. Although the restricted area has been suppressed for thousands of years, the problem is not too big to be repaired, so in these few days, he has also begun to regain his spirit, from the beginning of dying to a lively level.

Hearing this, Meng Fan couldn't help but smile. Thousands of years ago, the most annoying thing about him was hearing the sound of a bird and a turtle. The mouths of these two guys were too cheap.

But now that the thousand-year reunion has made Meng Fan full of misses for the two, hearing the dialogue between the two at this moment, it also feels less annoying, so he won't bother.

However, at the next moment, the voice made the expression on Meng Fan's face freeze, and it was so dark and black in an instant.

"Boy Meng Fan, the old man heard that you married four daughters-in-law, so happy and amazing, but what about so many women you molested before!"

"Yes, yes, you guys are merciful and irresponsible, too unreasonable, so let's go, Lord Bird will help you clean up all this, and you can wipe your ass. Give me what you don't want, all beauties! "

Standing in place, Meng Fan's teeth were torn, and he finally fully understood the meaning of the phrase Qianshan is easy to change, and his nature is hard to change.

He wants to treat friends with peace, no matter how. . . . . Friends are too cheap!

With five fingers clenched, Meng Fan didn't say a word, and at the next moment it was as direct as it was a thousand years ago. . . . Let's fight!

Suddenly, the sound of miserable howling and flying feathers flew everywhere, resounding between the imperial palace space. Although a bird and a turtle are powerful in the three sacred realms, the previous injuries were also suppressed too severely.

My own strength has not recovered much. Under Meng Fan’s thunder attack, the two of them flew around and fleeed everywhere. Between a few breaths, they had been beaten to the sky, and honestly followed. Behind Meng Fan, like a thousand years ago, he looked pitiful and pitiful!

"Heaven, earth, sorrow, when will the old man rise in front of you!"

"Yes, Master Turtle must rise again, rise again!"

A bird and a turtle followed behind Meng Fan silently, muttering in his heart. . . .

Such a scene was only a brief episode in the imperial palace, and it was also a bit relaxed because the road ahead did not put much pressure on Meng Fan.

Reentering the imperial palace, although Meng Fan has the token of the red elders, he also needs to move forward on his own, walking out of this imperial road, unable to cross space.

Meng Fan is also happy about this. The most important level of his cultivation today is the lack of foundation, which cannot be compensated, and the cultivation speed is too fast. and

If you want to solve this, you can only truly step out by yourself, experience the world, and feel the common people.

After going through the vicissitudes of the world, only then can I understand the law of vitality best and the true meaning of Wanyu!

Therefore, after walking toward the depths of the imperial palace, Meng Fan became more serious. He had no joy or sorrow, and he walked along the imperial palace step by step.

For two full years, Meng Fan spent the entire journey on his way, and he walked down every step of the way, passing through this endless dangerous place in the imperial palace.

The wind and frost and the rain fell, leaving Meng Fan's clothes torn and fluffy, and even his shoes were worn out. It was this way across everything, quietly feeling the changes in the prehistoric space.

This kind of behavior is completely a kind of ascetic, that is, Meng Fan's strength is now suppressing everything, otherwise it is because other people have already died in the imperial palace.

In this way, Meng Fan's eyes were deeper, as if there was a world in it, and it was unique.

The imperial palace, 50% of the land!

It took two years to finally get Meng Fan to this place. He interrupted here at the beginning, but is now returning and taking the path of the emperor.

His eyes flashed, standing here, Meng Fan seemed to want to see everything, without the vicissitudes of the ascetic monk before, but the blood began to explode, infinitely fierce.

At this moment, let Meng Fan's whole person be an emperor of heaven and earth, watching the common people, ready to fight.

Undoubtedly, once he stepped into this imperial palace, even he was not sure about it. He had to be careful, otherwise he couldn't use it even if he had the temple token.

"I'm not dead, come out and talk!"

Meng Fan let out a few words with a cold snort.

A moment later, a spirit root-like guy rushed out with a smile on his face. It was the immortal spirit root that Meng Fan had obtained in the imperial palace before, and was handed over to the female emperor by Meng Fan before the catastrophe. In hand.

"Brother, what do you want to know!"

Undead Linggen's attitude is quite good. If it's not good, it won't work. With the two lessons of a bird and a tortoise, he understands Meng Fan's temper too well. This elder brother beats him if he refuses to accept it.

In order to avoid becoming the next black eye, it is better to be honest.

"After all, you live in this imperial palace, talk about your opinions, what can help me!"

Meng Fan was satisfied with the attitude of the undead root, but his eyes were staring at him, intending to dig deeper.

"Brother, stop making trouble!"

The undead root swallowed and spit out a few words,

"I am just a melon baby. What can I help you? I don't know anything. I was a child when I lived here..."


Meng Fan nodded and said seriously.

"Yes, you are a child. I don’t have to embarrass you and don’t know anything, but... I don’t raise idlers. After raising you for so long, do you have it? Then I have to It's so good!"

Hearing the first half of Meng Fan’s sentence, Immortal Gen still breathed a sigh of relief, but his face suddenly turned green after the second half. Seeing his casserole-like fists clenched, Immortal Gen screamed.

"Brother, don't do it. If you have something to say, it's also useful for children, I have great use!"

"Uh, what a great use!"

Meng Fan squinted and said, his fist was placed on the head of the Undead Root, as if it was like a thunder, it could fall at any time.

"Of course it's useful!"

The undead root changes its face faster than imagined. At the same time,

"I know this imperial palace best. I have lived. Now that you are here, you must have a grand plan. This is the case in the imperial palace. Everyone will walk out of his own imperial road here. As for how far it is, no one can know. No one in this world can see the end of the imperial palace, including Renxiong and others. According to your current strength, you should It is possible to go to about 70%, but don't step forward anymore, because the future is unpredictable, and there are all kinds of changes suppressed in it, and there is one more thing, don't step into a forbidden place!"

"Forbidden place!"

Meng Fan raised his brows and asked hesitantly.

"Not bad!"

Undead Root nodded and replied,

"There are too many dangers in this imperial palace, but in the old days, there were many people who did not know how to come here. They stepped into this place to improve themselves, so they will also summarize some experiences. For example, some places are really taboo places. , After any powerhouse steps into this world, it must die, especially after this 50%, there will be many places, and there are even some old monster powerhouses rumored to be there for life. Stay in this imperial palace and never leave!"


Meng Fan's expression moved, and he understood that what the Undead Linggen said was definitely not a vain. Indeed, he came here only to experience himself, not to fight. The imperial palace is full of dangers, so there is really no need to fight with him. .

Taking a stride out, Meng Fan also walked towards this imperial palace, with a breath overflowing, divine consciousness spreading, and extreme caution.

After all, this is about 50% of the space of the imperial palace, and it is already under the pressure to obliterate everything. Any sacred strong man in this world who is not careful here will inevitably die.

Even Meng Fan has encountered a powerful threat. There are too many ancient places in this imperial palace. Many creatures that he has never heard of, come from time to time.

On this road, Meng Fan spent fifty years, and he actually encountered three life and death traps, almost all died in this imperial palace, thanks to relying on his own strength to reverse it. Only survived, but anyone saw it was absolutely shocking.

In this way, it can be said that Meng Fan is living on the tip of the knife. The more forward, the greater the possibility of death, but Meng Fan never chooses to leave. He keeps walking along the road of Emperor go with.

The tenacity in the bones of Wuzhen teenagers has not changed in the past, and it is even more unchanged today!

And it took so long and so much energy that Meng Fan gained a lot. The more he was in the fight between life and death, the more help he experienced for the monks.

Let Meng Fan continue to hone himself, like a magic weapon, sharper.

And with this effort, Meng Fan also came to this imperial palace with as many as 60% of the land. The Zhoutian was extremely complicated, even if Meng Fan survived in this environment, he felt extremely difficult.

Just as Meng Fan passed by a strange world, the undead roots also spoke suddenly.

"Boss, don't move forward anymore, there is a big danger ahead!"

When he said that, Meng Fan's brows were raised, and he asked in confusion,

"what happened!"

"The front is a forbidden place, I have said before, and I remember this forbidden place is called the Celestial Burial Collar. When I was here, people who came to me were shunned by this place. In the most dangerous place in Chengzhi, any strong person who steps into this place will have no return, and there is no doubt that he will die. In the past, including the seven gods and three strong persons stepped into this place together, the result... all blood!"

The immortal spirit spoke out, with a solemn tone, and extra vigilance.

Hearing the words of Undead Linggen, Meng Fan nodded and was about to turn around. However, at the moment when his figure was about to turn, he suddenly freezes, looking at this forbidden place, his eyes flashing brightly, wanting to break. Long days.

"what happened!"

Seeing Meng Fan's face changed greatly, every bird and turtle was shocked, and curiously said, there are definitely not many people in this world that can give Meng Fan this look.

While standing in the void, Meng Fan didn’t move, but he was like a magic weapon, he could be out of the sheath at any time, and at the same time, he said, <

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