Supreme God King

Chapter 1606: Forbidden place


A few words came out of Meng Fan's mouth, no matter how terrifying Meng Fan's mind was, there was much excitement and excitement in his tone.

In Meng Fan's mouth, there is always only one elder sister, that is. . . . . Ruo Shui Yi!

But the cold days of the past are eternity, and the woman who is fluttering in white clothes can only stay in Meng Fan's memory.

However, in this imperial palace, Meng Fan could actually feel a silhouette of a figure, which was the same as Ruo Shuiyi's aura, which was similar to the origin, which made Meng Fan not shake!

"how is this possible!"

A few words came out of Meng Fan's mouth, and the light in his eyes became more intense.

Ruo Shuiyi has long since disappeared between the heaven and the earth for thousands of years, but there is someone in this world who is so similar to her, which is simply extremely attractive to Meng Fan.

After a moment of silence, Meng Fan bit his teeth, and he strode out and headed directly to the forbidden place.

"What are you going to do, boss!"

Seeing Meng Fan's movements, Undead Linggen was shocked and hesitated.

"Go and see!"

Meng Fan responded calmly.

"You don’t want your life, do you know where it is? Didn’t I tell you before? Don’t step into this forbidden place. Throughout the ages, I don’t know how many sacred and powerful people have died here because of them. Just walk around randomly, in this imperial palace being only has chance, but more murderous chance!"

Undead Root hurriedly said, trying to stop Meng Fan.

But once the decision was made, Meng Fanke wouldn't look back even though the sword and the sea of ​​fire. He strode out, only decisiveness in his eyes, knowing that the place ahead was forbidden, he also strode over.

Ruo Shui Yi!

Only the latter’s aura is the same as it, and there is a strange connection, which is enough to make Meng Fan want to explore everything. At this moment, it completely disrupted the previous plan, ignoring the warning of the undead root, only to before.

In this regard, a bird and a tortoise only smiled bitterly, but it also understood Meng Fan’s temperament, if it weren’t something that would really mess up his relationship, according to Meng Fan’s method, he would never disrupt the original plan, and do something out of it. Things outside.

Step by step volleyed, Meng Fan strode out across the world.

In this underground palace, he is close to 70% of the place, that is, the world has been chaotic, countless secret realms have emerged, and he may die in it at any time. At this moment, after Meng Fan strode out, the more he moved forward, the more he could feel it. The horror of the breath, even at this moment, his whole body is upside down.

There is no need to remind the undead root, Meng Fan instinctively feels the horror of this space, with a big murderous opportunity, but his steps are not slow, and he still walks like flying.

After a full stick of incense, Meng Fan has completely set foot in the core area of ​​this forbidden place. At a glance, Zhou Tian is a huge mountain range.

The entire mountain range does not have that ancient vicissitudes of life and vitality, but a completely barren mountain, not even a trace of leaves, and there is only endless barrenness and depression in the entire mountain. The breath, full of the feeling of death!

This feeling is enough to make people crazy, even Meng Fan is a little unbearable.

"The air is wrong, don't stay here for a long time, it will hurt yourself!"

Grandpa Bird said nervously, using his means to feel the difference in this world.

"Don't worry, I have a token, and if it doesn't work, I have a chance to react!"

Meng Fan whispered softly, and at the same time sealed himself, the divine mind fumbled forward a little bit.

Yep? !

Just a moment later, what caught Meng Fan's attention was the depths of the mountains in this core area, and there was a vague sign of a stone tablet.

With one foot stepped out, Meng Fan's body swiftly passed, coming towards here, and falling around the stone monument.

Focusing on it, Meng Fan noticed that there were stone tablets erected here, and the foremost stone tablet was carved with a few large characters.

The fall of these four words caused Meng Fan's heart to be shaken. With his current cultivation base, there are very few people who can make him look bad.

In terms of martial arts alone, Meng Fan itself is a great master-level existence, able to fight against the strong under the heaven, earth and the gods, but now just after seeing these four words, it is already for Meng Fan Understand that the person who portrays this stele is no small thing, and the strength must be above himself.

The font is like a dragon, and there is a vague atmosphere of watching the world, so that Meng Fan can feel this person's powerful means through this font.

Looking at it again, Meng Fan saw countless runes along the stele, including many mysterious symbols. Just a few breaths of time has already benefited Meng Fan a lot. Every symbol is It contains a secret method change, in other words, what is placed in front of Meng Fan is a powerful god-level exercise method, various methods of change.

God level method!

Meng Fan's eyes flickered, and the brighter he became, he himself was a martial idiot, especially in the face of this powerful exercise technique, in the faint, he could feel that this strange eight methods were extremely domineering.

It is the method of the physical body, which completely stimulates the power of the physical body. The ultimate means of killing is portrayed here by the creator. It is not the three cuts he obtained from the Queen of Heaven, or even vaguely above it. !

"Awesome, awesome, I didn't expect someone in this world to be able to cultivate the physical body to this level. It turns out that the palm of a fist can still be produced like this!"

Meng Fan muttered to himself, he saw a big treasure.

It has to be said that these eight strange methods are a treasure house of physical killing methods, and even many of them are unheard of in the operation of physical secret methods, but they are portrayed here, giving him an eye-opening feeling.

In just a moment, it made Meng Fan fascinated, frozen in place, carefully watching this amazing eight methods!

However, Meng Fan didn't wait for long to stand in place. The next moment his body freezes, a layer of cold sweat broke out behind his back, and he suddenly turned around, because Meng Fan felt... . Someone behind!

Suddenly, the blood in Meng Fan's body erupted completely, and he gritted his teeth. He was attracted by this strange eight methods before, and even forgotten that he is now in a dangerous place. This is the imperial palace. Of taboos.

When he came back to his senses, it was for Meng Fan to discover that it was too late, because at this moment he felt the Zhoutian imprisonment, all blockades, and could not leave at all, even the red elders of the temple were impossible!

With blood burning, Meng Fan looked at him, knowing that there is only one battle now, and his eyes flashed with murderous intent, and at the same time he was facing the eyes of the people behind him.

In the distance, a figure stood, dressed in a yellow shirt, with hair flying, standing between the sky above the sky. Although his face looked like middle-aged, it had a sense of incomparable vicissitudes, only eyes facing each other. For an instant, Meng Fan felt a tingling sensation in his pupils.

At the same time, a calm voice came from heaven and earth,

"Very well, you are the 458th in the past few years. Do you have any last words!"

The tone is calm, but the moment it falls into the world, it is already comparable to the law, making the whole week of life cold, as if this person is the supreme emperor, whoever wants to live will live, whoever wants to die will die!

This kind of breath shocked Meng Fan, and the breath alone made Meng Fan understand. No wonder this is a taboo place, because this person has already surpassed the three sacred realms and arrived. . . . . Half-step **** king.

Half-step God King Realm!

This kind of realm is undoubtedly equivalent to the old monkey of the past, ruling the world, slinging all the gods in the world, and even having the power to fight the gods.

Only half a step, it is already a difference between heaven and earth!

The whole body was tensed, Meng Fan faced unprecedented murderous intent, how could he not imagine that he would encounter such a strong person in this kind of place, including a bird and a tortoise, immortal roots, Xiaotian, and Xiaodi are extremely nervous, instantly And moving around Meng Fan.

However, when Meng Fan's gaze fell on the face of the man in the yellow shirt, the whole person was taken aback, and his complexion became extraordinarily weird.

"Why, is there nothing to say?"

The middle-aged man calmly said, and immediately stepped out, just in one move, an overwhelming aura pressed towards Meng Fan.

No need to speak, it is already blocking the entire week.

But in the face of such murderous intent, Meng Fan just sighed faintly and said slowly,

"You are... Ruotian!"

The last few words were uttered, extremely calm, but Meng Fan understood what this name really meant. Although this name hadn't appeared in this world for nearly 300,000 years, the latter was in the past. . . . . It is here that the supreme powerhouse who has shocked the world and the one who competes with the Destroyer God King is actually here.

This kind of peerless murderous person unexpectedly came across!

Meng Fan smiled bitterly, no wonder he and his sister had the same breath, the same origin and the same clan, which attracted him to use it, because the Ruotian in front of him was Ruo Shuiyi's ancestor, a strong senior.

Faced with this kind of existence, there really is no chance of winning.

It is not the first time that Meng Fan has seen the person in front of him. In the mood of destroying the **** king, he has seen this person make a shot with his own eyes, and now he is colliding together in this imperial palace. Although the current Meng Fan is not comparable to that of the day, there is still a considerable gap between the two sides.

"you know me!"

Ruotian was also slightly taken aback when Meng Fan uttered his name, but after just a bit of effort, he came from the kind of aura that suppressed the world, quietly said,

"It's a little unexpected. No one can mention my name for the person I killed 100,000 years ago. It's really interesting that you, a junior, know me, but... between you today If you can't leave here, you must die!"

Hearing Ruotian's words, Meng Fan gave a wry smile. He and him are more than just acquaintances, and have a great relationship.

But now everything is useless, can't say that I know your granddaughter.

With a sigh in his heart, Meng Fan's fists clenched tightly. Even if the pressure of the sky is infinite, the joints all over his body are hurt, but at this kind of moment, he can't avoid it, and he can only go all out.

Half-step God King powerhouse, this is indeed the supreme mountain, but Meng Fan has never had the habit of grabbing with his hands, only one battle.

At the moment when Meng Fan’s breath erupted, Ruotian’s expression suddenly moved when he stood there, staring at Meng Fan, and then slowly spit out a few words, which contained an extreme chill.

"You are... the disciple of destruction!" <

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