Supreme God King

Chapter 1615: Forward

After Xue Lao was rescued by Meng Fan, Meng Fan and Long Ma did not hesitate to bid farewell to Xue Lao and walked toward the depths of this extraterritorial space.

However, compared with the previous year, the actions of Meng Fan and Longma are extremely planned, and they can even know the many changes and spatial scenes in each place.

There is only one reason, and that is because Xue Lao gave Meng Fan a map of extraterritorial space.

This kind of map is too precious, and both Meng Fan and Longma are extremely excited. For them, it is simply a gift in the snow.

You must know that their line of business intends to set foot in the depths of this extraterritorial space to find the traces of the Profound Sky Tree. Although they have a jade card, everything needs two people to explore, and they may fall into many traps in this extraterritory space at any time. In the environment.

This place is too dangerous, completely different from Wanyu.

The map in the hands of the two is an ancient map recorded in the past where the King Zhongtian fought here. This thing is simply too important for the two of them. It is simply a beacon for walking in the dark. Being controlled by the two, the walking speed is not only greatly increased, but also countless dangers are reduced.

"Sure enough, good people are rewarded!"

Meng Fan grinned. With this ancient picture and jade card, he was much more confident about finding this heavenly mysterious tree.

Originally, he went to see Old Xue, just to help him get out of trouble, but he didn't expect to get this kind of thing because of it, and he couldn't help not being excited.

However, at the next moment, two untimely voices suddenly came from its space.

"Then what about those wicked things you did?"

"Yes, what did the person you just cheated on, say?"

Those who can say this are naturally a bird and a turtle, flicking their teeth in the space of Xiaotian, while a little confused!

Regarding this, Meng Fan only had a black line on his face, and he pulled them out... once again he trained the accuracy and strength of his old boxing.

Silent all the way, the speed of Meng Fan and Longma's advancement in this extraterritorial space has been greatly increased. They have a sense of jade brand sensitivity. The map indicates the most accurate path in each place. The difficulty of traveling is ten times lighter than before.

After a full two months, Ryoma was exhausted, but his expression became excited, and he said in a concentrated voice,

"The light on this jade card is getting stronger and stronger. It seems that the Sky Profound Tree should be here... not far away!"

Hearing that, Meng Fan's five fingers squeezed, and there was a trace of excitement in his heart.

It took such a long time and a huge cost, after several years, but just to be here.

After all, this is the eleventh-order divine object in the world, detached from the world, self-contained, it is like a ten thousand ancient monster, extremely terrifying.

Once you get it, it will be a huge gain for yourself.

To reach the point of Meng Fan, it is too difficult to improve oneself by relying solely on hard cultivation. Throughout the ages, I don't know how many old monsters have never made a breakthrough.

It is because reaching the level of the divine way, it is no longer possible to rely on penance to progress, only to compete for the supreme good fortune between the heaven and the earth, this heavenly mysterious tree is naturally one of them!

Such good fortune is enough to make any strong man in the world go crazy.


A word was spit out, Meng Fan's face was expressionless, and Longma strode forward, crossing the dangerous layers of this outer space and passing through it.

It took a few more days to finally bring Meng Fan to a strange space, which is different from the world they had encountered before. There is no silence, no loneliness, and no snow mountains. It is like a paradise. .

The sun is falling and the vegetation is overgrown. It is extremely prosperous in this small world. The ancient trees are one by one. Under the hot sunlight, it seems that everyone is dense.

Looking at the mountains in front of you, even Meng Fan and Longma gave birth to an illusion, this is not the way to the ten thousand realms!

They came along this way but experienced countless difficulties. The collapse of space is just a trivial matter. They endured countless loneliness. The bitter cold has only come to this place, but the world before them seems to be the real world, with stable laws and peace. It even gives people a comfortable taste.

Rubbing his eyes, Ryoma looked at the jade plaque again, before finally murmured,

"It should be here. In this little thousand world, the jade card has the strongest reaction. It has never happened before. The whereabouts of this Sky Profound Tree must be here!"

Hearing this, Meng Fan nodded and looked at each other. In an instant, the two of them were hiding themselves, covering all their breaths, and stepping into this ancient space like air.

But for Meng Fan, he is more vigilant. If things are abnormal, there will be demons. This place looks so peaceful, but the more it is, the murderous intent in it may be more terrifying, but anyone in this world can kill. Something, but it was not stated in advance.

Hidden aura all the way, Meng Fan and Longma moved quietly and stepped into this ancient space.

Walking along the mountains, the surrounding scenery is pleasant, and the birds and flowers are fragrant!

Just about half an hour later, Meng Fan and Longma were suddenly frozen, looking far away, each with a strong chill surging from the depths of their eyes, because of the distance. . . . . There is actually a figure!

And not just one person, but a group.

With a strong breath, separated from the void, Meng Fan can feel that there must be a large group of sacred masters among this group of people. It is extremely terrifying. Thanks to the timely discovery of Meng Fan and Longma, they will surely be discovered by them. .

"Someone, it seems that the news about the appearance of the Sky Profound Tree is not only known to you!"

Meng Fan said solemnly, his expression gloomy.

On the side, Ryoma nodded, his face became solemn, his eyes penetrated the void, and finally said,

"And it's the emperor, it should be... the two groups of people from the Liu family and the Zhao family. Among them, there are at least six sacred three realms, plus a few other sacred ones, damn, how did this group of guys find here! "

Liu family, Zhao family!

Meng Fan was speechless. He was really an enemy on a narrow road. He didn't expect that he would be able to meet his two old opponents when he came to this extraterrestrial space. The latter gathered a large number of people here, and it must be for this Heavenly Profound Tree. There is a fierce battle, and it is absolutely impossible to be kind!

"Follow them, don't worry!"

Meng Fan slowly said, moving with Longmacha, like two ghosts, following them behind.

It is not surprising that such a thing has attracted such a large group of powerful people, and if the information of the mysterious tree has not appeared today, it is naturally impossible to expose itself.

Therefore, Meng Fan and Longma followed the Zhao family and the Liu family of the two emperors, following along and moving forward.

However, after a few breaths, two waves of figures came from the void. Among the leaders of the wave were several ancient statues, all reaching the sacred level, with powerful blood and energy. This group of people is... . Xitian Protoss!

Another wave of people and horses also shook the sky and passed by with the same breath. It came from the Zhou family of the emperor. One of the twelve emperors between the world and the earth also appeared here.

The four emperors are here!

If there are people of ten thousand domains at this moment, it must be extremely shocking. In ordinary times, you can't see so many ancient emperors, but now in this outer space, they are actually out of the nest. I don't know how many strong people have spanned several years. After going through hardships and dangers, I came to the depths of this extraterritorial space only for the Profound Sky Tree.

Such a scene can be said to be a gathering of heroes. It was originally an ancient and silent space, completely broken, and they were all top powerhouses who came here.

And that's not even counted. What made Meng Fan dumb was that not long after, he saw a group of people coming in the void. The leader was a majestic woman, dressed in white, with a cold breath, and aside There was a man standing, handsome, one man and one woman, who looked like the perfect biren in this world, and it was Meng Fan's old acquaintance, Yuehan, and Zhang Qixian!

People of the Emperor's Gate!

In the past battle, Meng Fan defeated Zhang Qixian in the Shenyuan Tower, but he had to admit that the latter was indeed very powerful, and he deserved to be chosen by the emperor’s gate, comparable to one of his most terrifying opponents. The body, without blood, was killed from the ten thousand realms, and now the body is full of majestic divine aura.

After so many years, Meng Fan also discovered that the cultivation level of these two people is no better than that of him, especially Zhang Qixian, his face is gloomy and unpredictable, surrounded by a layer of chaotic fog, it looks like he is It's even more terrifying and daunting.

Even Meng Fan couldn't see through the other party. Obviously, Zhang Qixian had gained various good luck in these few years, and went up several floors.

The five major forces collided together, looking at each other in the air, and each other aura intertwined, and the space was instantly frozen, but they didn't do anything.

Just separated by the void, keeping a certain distance between each other, and the eyes are full of a cold feeling.

There is no doubt that no matter how the news flows, there is only one Profound Sky Tree, and even people who are close to it cannot share it.

What's more, there are still so many strong men. Now that this group of people has got the information, and when they come here, everyone understands that there are no eternal friends in the field, only eternal interests, and each other may be opponents of each other.

Standing in the distance, Meng Fan's body was like a gun, hiding in the endless void with Longma, standing in a position where everyone could not see.

Unexpectedly, there are already six waves of people gathered in this ancient space, each of which is a powerful force in the ten thousand domains. Under such interlocking, the form here has become extremely complicated.

I am afraid that at this moment a brick is thrown down, and the people who smashed at will are the famous and powerful people in this ten thousand realms. Without expression, Meng Fan's eyes looked at everyone and said calmly,


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