Supreme God King

Chapter 1616: situation

The tone was calm, but the dragon and horse on the side shivered, feeling the endless gloom in Meng Fan's words, making people cold all over.

The various forces that came in the field all had enemies with Meng Fan, especially the Liu family, and the Zhao family was an endless enemy, but now they have encountered each other in this place where the birds do not shit.

Under this situation, if Meng Fan didn't slap their votes, it would not be Meng Fan at all!

However, although his eyes were cold, Meng Fanke did not act rashly.

After all, there are too many strong players gathered in the field, the four forces, many ancient, before the opponent's hole cards are unclear, if it is exposed, then he is undoubtedly the target of public criticism, and it must be targeted by everyone in the field.

Having figured this out, it also made Meng Fan tolerate it, and Longma and Longma had always been reclusive and motionless.

In such an extraterrestrial space, eternally estimated that there have never been so many figures, and they are still the top powerhouses in the ten thousand domains. Although the major forces are guarding each other and keeping a certain distance, they still continue to explore, toward the depths of this ancient land. Go.

After all, for everyone, the most important thing is this Sky Profound Tree!

Several people and horses moved at the same time, stepping into the depths of this small world, there was not much trouble along the way, and each other was in peace.

However, as the divine consciousness spread, many powerful people searched, and within two full days, there was no gain.

This is just a small world, not too big. With so many spiritual powers gathered, it is naturally extremely easy to deliberately find something.

However, what made the forces of the few parties dumb is that although the space here is not big and the space is stable, it is too ordinary, so ordinary that there is no strangeness. Even if everyone finally arrived here in search, it is difficult to find the mystery!

Between two days, the major powers of these forces had no gains, as if they had come to nothing.

Standing in the distance, the expression on Meng Fan's face became more solemn, and he said solemnly.

"According to the records of the Zhongtian God King in the past, here... I am afraid that the past was not like this, but a dead place, and there was a terrible space storm, enough to cause a large-scale space collapse, but why now Become so stable?"

"It's because of the years?

Long Ma hesitated when he heard what Meng Fan said.

"After all, after such a long time, no one can guarantee that everything is the same as before. In a hundred years, everything has been vicissitudes of life, not to mention that it has been tens of thousands of years since the arrival of the Zhongtian King. !"


Meng Fan shook his head and said in a deep voice.

"Even if the years have passed, the laws of heaven and earth will not undergo such astonishing changes. The space here even retains an unstable aura, and perhaps it should be the Profound Sky Tree that can make a fundamental change here. This kind of divine fetish is very against the sky, and the power spreads to the world. Only then can the entire world have such a big change. And where can he hide? So many people can't find it, unless it is... Yes, he may At the center of this space!"

The last few words fell, the tone changed suddenly, and there was a hint of excitement!

Looking at the people in the distance, Meng Fan said solemnly.

"Such a large group of people are searching everywhere, but they can't find it in this space. I'm sure that although the Sky Profound Tree is in this space, it's just an outside world. There is still something in this space. The universe must be the center of the entire world. The Profound Sky Tree is here to open its branches and leaves. It must be located in the world. Finding the center of this small thousand world may be the entrance to that universe. Place!"

Hearing Meng Fan’s words made Ryoma’s eyes surge and whispered,

"But it's impossible not to disturb the group of guys outside. We can follow him and keep silent, but once the space is opened, a breath will inevitably appear. With so many sacred powerhouses outside, a trace of aura may make them discover !"


Hearing this, Meng Fan was silent for a moment, and a faint smile appeared on his face. The curvature of his mouth was amazing.

"I remember this space should be unstable. Only the power of the Profound Sky Tree caused this space to maintain its balance, but what if we can make this space... unstable again?"

A few words were spit out in a calm tone, but Long Ma instantly understood what Meng Fan meant, and smiled.

"It's easy to disturb the space, but it's hard to mess up them!"

Meng Fan smiled slightly, looked at Xiaotian's space, and said calmly.

"Master Bird, Master Gui, how about it? After eating for such a long time, it's time to move your muscles and bones!"

The voice fell. In the space of Xiaotian, every bird and turtle stretched out, and after a while, the lazy voice also fell.

"The two of us are getting old, no way. How could we still be out of the mountain? We decided to retire. Now it is your young people's world!"

With such words, the corners of Meng Fan's mouth could not help but twitch, resisting the urge to hit others, coldly said,

"What's the gain this time? Except for what I particularly need, I will divide the account with ninety one!"

"We are sick and still unable to move!"

"Eight two!"

"Oh, Meng Fan, the friendship between you and me is so good, we really want to help you, but it's a pity that these legs and feet are a little inconvenient!"

"At most seven or three, don't overdo it!"

Meng Fan clenched his fist, gritted his teeth, his eyes were about to breathe fire at this moment.

After hearing Meng Fan’s last words, two streams of light flashed quickly, which were completely inconsistent with the laziness before. At this moment, a bird and a turtle seemed to be extremely spirited, full of vitality, and both eyes were panic. With a gloomy light, at the same time,

"Remember it's Qisan, lent me your ten thousand mothers and sons, as for everything you said before... just hugged our brothers!"

In the extraterritorial space, divine thoughts are surging, and figures are noisy!

At this moment, several great emperors began to search around in this entire space, searching for traces of the Profound Sky Tree, but what disappointed them was that they had always been fruitless. And the more so, it made the great emperors and Yue Han and others more vigilant, not only searching for them, but on the contrary, they still breathed and stared at the people around them.

After all, there are only a few competitors today, and they can’t do it themselves, but they have to wait for the other party to find them!

However, just at the moment when these great emperor clan ancient people were vigilant and jealous of each other, at the same time their expressions moved and their eyes looked at one of them. Before everyone could react, a loud bang broke out, the space was distorted, and the world shook.


Accompanied by this thunderous sound, the entire space was constantly trembling at this moment, the earth cracked, and the sky turned pale.

Anyone can feel that there is a kind of power affecting this space, so that the original space law is not particularly stable, but the law collapses, and the space vortex appears and begins to tear apart.

This space vortex is extremely terrifying, even if the sacred powerhouse falls into it, I am afraid it will be deeply trapped!

This kind of momentum was felt by everyone in just a moment.

"who is it!"

Suddenly, the ancient Liu family roared, looking around, his vitality exploded, and the sky was stabilized.

Not only them, but everyone else acted immediately. They acted separately. The powerful vitality fluctuated out of the body, and they were unparalleled vigilance. After all, there are too many strong people in this whole world at this moment. Under this kind of space burst, it may be natural or man-made, and everyone suddenly becomes like a frightened bird!

The sound came, not just from this place, but at this moment in all directions, as if a powerful space burst open, fragments overflowed, with a scene of extinction, people had to tremble.

"Retreat first, watch the changes, don't panic!"

In a flash, an ancient statue of the Zhou family of the emperor clan said in a solemn voice, expressionless, with a body in the sky, a sword opened the sky, and quickly led the people of the Zhou family to retreat, avoiding the space vortex between the world. However, at the moment when everyone in the Zhou family retreated, one of them suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood, his body was torn apart, and the whole person was completely penetrated.


The blood overflowed, causing the crowd to marvel, while a voice roared,

"Little **** of the Liu family, how dare you play a black hand!"

With a word, the expressions of the Zhou family suddenly changed. They looked at them, unable to discern where the previous voice came from, but it was already a disciple of the Zhou family. . . . . The arm was cut off, screaming in the end.

And for a while, in the direction of Liu's family, a few sword qi suddenly came here, tearing the space and destroying everything!


In just a moment, the ancient people of the Zhou family were furious, their vitality exploded, and their handprints rushed away, and they furiously bombarded the Liu family.


The void burst, and for an instant, the members of the Liu family were ignorant, trying to avoid this mighty spatial vortex.

But seeing that a large group of people in Zhou's family are sending out killers, they couldn't help but change their colors, and they shot at the same time, fighting with him.

There are two great emperors between the two sides, the strong gather, and the one who can come here is the weak, but the moment of the fight, each feels the other's tricky, but the more the opposite, the more murderous in the bones. Was excited, after all, this is an extraterritorial space, no one has jurisdiction. There is only one rule here, that is, if the flesh eats hard, whoever has the big fist is the real king and can get the chance!

In an instant, around this world, many masters from the Liu family and Zhou family collided together, causing the entire field to become extremely intense.

On the side, the same scene happened between the Xitian God Race and the Zhao Family. The two people were also in a panic. The black hands who didn't know where they came from directly collided together and a big battle broke out!

The four great emperors were still peaceful before, but only after this moment, they fought together, making the whole scene out of control in an instant, and the burst of space is even more terrifying!

Standing not far away, the people of the Emperor Immortal Clan looked at all this coldly, Yue Han's expressionless face, said solemnly.

"Let them fight, we can sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight!"

The tone was calm. Obviously Yuehan wanted to stay outside and take advantage of the fisherman’s profit. However, at the next moment when the emperor’s gate did not react, the void flashed, and a figure was about to be extremely electric. He came directly without waiting for everyone. Seeing exactly what it is, this figure came to Yuehan's side, and the wings fell, like a thunder!


The sound was extremely crisp, a big mouth was drawn on Yuehan's pretty face, and after a clear five fingers dropped on his snow-white skin, it suddenly disappeared, and a triumphant voice resounded in the midair. ,

"Smelly lady, Zhao Tianlei, I have already seen you upset, hahaha..."

With a slap and flew out, Yuehan was beaten badly. Not only him, including Zhang Qixian on the side, did not react, because the person who shot seemed to have been planning for a long time, and he was in the crowd of the emperor. Suddenly moved, and thunder flashed away again, just took a slap and left, people have no room for reaction, only a few feathers floating in the air!

A trace of blood spilled over the corners of his mouth. By the time Yuehan reacted, it was already too late. The figure went straight to the Zhao family's crowd, making Yuehan's lungs about to explode at this moment, and her pretty face was pale. How white is white, and the clear five-fingerprint that had fallen before seemed even more red and swollen. After a while, Yuehan’s crazy and stern voice came from the whole world, like a ghost, <

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