Supreme God King

Chapter 1652: Snipe and clam fight

Just the beginning!

This sentence was extremely slight, but between the distant heavens and the earth, it was already cold and imprisoned, completely Ling Ran.

The four half-step **** king level powerhouses approached, occupying the void, covering the air, making it look like a battle is about to come. In such a scene, even if the king of the gods came here, he still had to weigh it, it was too hot.

After a while, there is no fear in the eyes of Ripple Tiger. His clan is the ultimate bravery, crushing the world, that is in front of these three half-step gods, and there is no backlash, coldly said,

"Why, do you want to bully the less?"

"Hmph, ripple, you and I were a little affectionate before!"

Standing in the sky, Fairy Toad said in a weird manner,

"It's better to call out what you have in your hand and share it with everyone, lest you get into a fight!"

"Yes, I think I should share!"

Nine days blood-eyed python also said coldly.

Regarding this, Ripple Tiger sneered, disdainfully,

"That's not in your hands. You are a lie to me. I am very clever. If you are in your hands, you are willing to hand it over? Share, share a fart, the treasure of heaven and earth, where the able live, whose fist is big Whose is it, why do you let Lao Tzu hand it over!"

The roar was thunderous, but at the moment it fell, a sharp sword like lightning appeared.

"Then see if you are capable!"

After a few words fell, the world was cold, and the sharp sword appeared. The person who shot it was the fairy Toad who was still smiling before. At this moment, the moment the sharp sword appeared in his hand, there were only endless murderous intent and the overwhelming venom. .

At the same moment, the True Demon Sparrow and the Nine Heavens Blood-Eyed Python did not hesitate, and they shot directly. The three figures are all half-step God Kings. How terrifying their respective powers are. At the moment they shot, they made the nine heavens and ten earth complete. Overshadowed, only three terrifying air waves swept everything.


Faced with such a murderous intent, the rippled tiger roared, and its body continued to expand, like a golden mountain standing in this sky, the sound fell, distorting everything, and at the same time the rolling power also emerged, blasted out with a palm, turned into a mountain, directly and three The means of the strong are intertwined.


The sound of thunder fell, shaking Jiuxiao, and in this kind of power, everything was about to be penetrated.

At a glance, the place where the four people crossed has completely become a black hole, the sea dried up, the sky was torn apart, and the entire domain was shaking under the hands of these four people.

A half-step **** king was furious, slaughtered, and moved with all his strength, enough to shatter a domain, let alone four.

At the moment when these four people met, I just don’t know how much they will be destroyed. In the midst of the weather and waves, the rippled tiger is standing on top of the sky, crushing the universe, its own eternal dominance, sweeping power completely burst out, facing the three realms The strong, shot again and again.

After just a few breaths, the entire space was in chaos. Among them, the rippled tiger did not let the wind fall. The main reason was that his battle was short and his strength was so powerful that he defeated Baiqiao with his physical body. The power is that the King Kong is not bad, and whoever kills whoever meets, even if it is between the three of them, can not help the ripple tiger in a short time.

However, Ripple Tiger is not comfortable either, his blood trembles, and he is always looking for fighters and fleeing at any time. After all, if he keeps on fighting, he will definitely not be able to beat three masters of the same level. Even if he can kill one, he himself Also fall!


The void hit, the handprint struck, and directly opened up the world. The next moment the ripple tiger roared, a strange rune surged between the eyes of the whole person, a golden piece, extremely small.

But at the moment of emergence, a god-level secret technique circulated around the rippled tiger, causing him to move in the void at this moment, quickly tearing the space, breaking away from the suppression of the three powerhouses, and toward one of the gaps. Among them went straight.

"Huh, I want to lie to Lao Tzu, I said, Lao Tzu is very clever!"

In a moment, the ripple tiger tore through the world, using the secret method, found the gap where the three strong men were besieged, the huge body was constantly weak and small, and wanted to shuttle away, so he fled.

However, at the moment when the rippled tiger was about to leave this space, the sky paled, and it turned out to be an invisible big attack, which contained it. . . . . The billowing black death air directly turned into a huge handprint, falling in the air, directly controlling the ripples firmly.


Suddenly, in the face of the sudden killing intent, Ripple Tiger was shocked, unexpectedly someone was lying in ambush in secret.

However, he was able to reach his realm, but he was definitely not an ordinary person, and his whole body exploded, like the same angry King Kong, his whole body was covered with a powerful and unmatched defense, and he crashed away.

Bang, bang!

Just for a moment, that endless black death air swept across the whole body of the rippled tiger, although the rippled tiger is also a golden light and undamaged defense, but in front of the black death air, the world. . . . Nothing is broken!

As the sound fell, Ripple Tiger's entire huge body also cracked layer by layer, even his golden armor was penetrated by countless black death air, and small holes were exposed on it, and blood spurted out.

It was comparable to a thousand knives falling on the corrugated tiger at the same time, making its huge tiger body just a moment. . . . . It must have been blood stained!


The rippled tiger howled miserably, retreating crazily, unable to break through, more embarrassed, more embarrassed, the body was instantly torn open with countless wounds, it is absolutely uncomfortable for anyone else, not to mention it penetrates everything The black death air, while tearing the wound, the billowing black death air turned into a river, following the corrugated tiger wound directly into it, hurting the soul.

Seeing such a scene, it was originally the real demon bird who was chasing the ripple tiger, but the three fairies of Toad did not have any happy expressions. Instead, their faces sank, and endless guards surged over their faces.

Everyone in the world understands that once the air of black death comes. . . . . But it means that the strong in the restricted area has arrived!

Between the sky and the earth, a figure flashed, five full lines, unexpectedly appeared in this mid-air, so that the entire sky was completely enveloped, the standard black death air, like the black tide, let everything die!

"Jiejie... Ripple Tiger, your growth is still not great for so many years, the means of escape is still the same as before, waiting for you for a long time!"

The speaker was a middle-aged scribe, dressed in a long gown, looked polite, but his complexion was quite pale. . . . . The master of the Emperor's Gate, Emperor Feng!

After all the difficulties, it was obvious that Emperor Feng's injury had also recovered, but his expression was a little unnatural. Behind him are four elders, obviously from the restricted area, that one is all a gray shirt, extremely thin, with no expression, standing between the sky.

"Four ghosts of Xiangxi, you...resurrected!"

After seeing these four elders, the expressions of Fairy Toad and True Demon Sparrow were greatly changed, and they lost their voice.

"Yes, it's a little eye-opening. Walking out of the tomb, the first deceased you met was actually the trash of you, who are still robbing the descendants of the ancient gods here, Jie guys. Do you have this qualification?"

Between the sky, one of the four elders laughed strangely, with an extremely hoarse tone, which made people feel absolutely uncomfortable.

"Why, don't you still run? This is your usual style. If you don't run, there will be no chance. Ripple Tiger, put down the things you got before, and roll obediently from the crotch of the old man and the others. The old man did not look at it. To you!"

Such words are full of irony. It is hard to imagine that this was said to the four half-step **** kings, but if they existed in ancient times, they might not think so when they heard the name of the four ghosts in Xiangxi.

These four people came from Ten Thousand Realms. They were originally four twin brothers. They were extremely villains in Ten Thousand Realms. They had no principles. They were known for killing them. Later, they joined the forbidden zone and practiced the law of immortality. The talent is amazing, and it has been valued by the thirteen hall masters. From then on, there have been four more evil demon gods between the world and the earth, who specialize in torturing and killing women. I don't know how many peerless beauties were brutally killed by these four people.

In the ancient times, he committed many blood debts. He was one of the most representative executioners in the forbidden area. He helped the forbidden area to kill the ten thousand domains many times. Later, the king of the gods among the ten thousand domains personally took action. The four people were killed by the pit, but the souls were immortal, and the world was reappearing.

Indeed, as the Four Ghosts of Xiangxi said before, whether it is a ripple tiger or a real demon bird in the field, they dare not really participate in the battle between Wanyu and the forbidden area. They just want to survive and face Xiangxi. The four ghosts, the supreme killer **** in the former restricted zone, really only had to see and run.

After all, once it is against the penalty area, it means that you will always face the latter infinite master. Just like Meng Fan, the penalty area has not let him go for many years, and he has always survived on the tip of the knife.

Even if it is a half-step God King, it does not mean that he will not be afraid!

Between the arena, under the suffocating aura of the four ghosts of Xiangxi, the look of people like the rippled tiger or the real demon bird changed again. However, after a while, the four vitality handprints suddenly appeared, crossing the world. , Struck in astonishment, directly transformed into the most terrifying handprint, moving towards the four ghosts of Xiangxi.

The people who took the shot were the Ripple Tiger, True Demon Sparrow, and Toad Fairy. Although they fought with each other before, it only took a moment to unite. They moved separately, and the most powerful means came out. Time has always been afraid of the strong in the restricted area, but in front of the secrets of the source of the heavens, there is no hesitation, only one battle!

In the distance, the figure stood, Meng Fan's eyes had been staring coldly at this scene, and finally said slowly,

"Plus Emperor Feng, the top five half-steps of the **** king realm, this should be the hole card of the restricted area, and is it also the support of the Liu family and others?"

The tone is calm, but anyone who is familiar with Meng Fan already understands that the more calm Meng Fan is, the more he wants to make a move. The squinting look has already explained that he at this moment... Become Shura, ready to kill! <

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