Supreme God King

Chapter 1653: Kill out


The magic sky is over the sea, the heaven and the earth are pale, everything is shaking!

There was already a gathering of the four half-step gods of the Ripple Tiger in the field, but it was just a few dozen breaths, and there were five more people from the Xiangxi four ghosts and the Emperor Feng.

Among the five, all are... Half-step the existence of God King Realm!

Adding to everything like this, a full nine half-step gods appeared in the field, who would dare to imagine between heaven and earth!

From the age of vitality to open the sky, this kind of existence itself is one of tens of thousands of years. Even in the most peak era, two people who have risen and stepped into the realm of the gods have become supreme. It's a myth, and now on this sea area, there are a total of nine!

Such a scene is too shocking!

Anyone who saw it would be extremely dumb, but the Toad Fairy and others who were originally teaming up to deal with the Ripple Tiger in the field were furious and moved separately, cutting out with the most powerful means.

It’s not that they want to help the Ripple Tiger, but that the people in the restricted area are too strong, plus Emperor Feng and the Four Ghosts of Xiangxi, but there are five half-step God King realm powerhouses. The existence of such a scene is to occupy the field, then this If the war is not united, it will be a share to be defeated by each.

Therefore, as a last resort, the several powerful beasts who had killed before all started to attack the restricted area, including the ripple tiger, covered in blood, and was attacked by the restricted area. The injury was not light, but it was even more terrifying at this moment. Some, the sound of roaring like thunder, resounding throughout the world, maddening!

Boom, boom!

Many strong players in the field intertwined, and it was only a moment that the whole world was broken and the situation changed suddenly.

The news about the strong people of the ancient gods is enough to attract the attention of too many people. Naturally, there are countless old monsters who have stepped out of the gates that they can't go out forever and come to fight.


A word was spit out, and the rippled tiger roared. During this kind of battle, his own tiger body grew bigger again, like a mountain peak, with golden light flashing.

His family is born with supernatural powers, although IQ is very lacking, it is the biggest flaw, and even usually acts stupid, but in everything, there will be gains and losses!

Although the ripple tiger clan is stupid, one of the reasons it can be passed down forever is because the ancestors of this clan are in fact. . . . . Without IQ at all, one force is enough to suppress everything.

Only pure power!

The sound of the rippled tiger spreads all over the wasteland, its ferocity is aroused, and its own power seems to be even more terrifying. The power is running, and its claws are shot in a flash, volleying, and violent!

There is a change of breath between his handprints, and I don't know how many ancient secrets are blessed in them, but they are coming.

It was just a blow, even if it was the four ghosts of Xiangxi, Di Feng and others were disillusioned, and they even felt a force that pushed the world horizontally. It was too terrifying. Even if there were five people in the field, they would definitely not dare. Look down on this rippled tiger's blow.

This kind of fatal blow from the ancient prehistoric monsters is unrivaled!

"Ghost Seal!"

At the same time, the four ghosts in Xiangxi roared, each standing in the sky, blasting out with a palm, the billowing black death air moved, gathering the infinite power of the four of them.

On the side, Di Feng also changed his breath, the vitality and blood burned all over his body, the most powerful trump card revolved, the secret technique blessed himself, the five people joined forces, smashed with one palm, and fought the deadly blow of the ripple tiger.


The void is distorted and the weather is full of waves, just for a moment, it plunges the field into a black hole that swallows everything. Between this kind of powerful penetrating power, whoever sees who is dead, whoever sees who is broken! Even if it was Fairy Toad, the three True Demon Sparrows gave an exclamation and quickly backed away.

In this powerful vortex of power, space fragments spread across the sky, and blood was falling like rain.


In just a moment, the Ripple Tiger was pierced again, and his bones were all shattered. Even his body could not withstand such a fierce blow from the Lord. For the next moment, he did not know how many holes he had torn apart. The injury was extremely serious and bloody. Dripping.

However, looking at the Xiangxi Four Ghosts and Di Feng, they did not get much benefit. Although the five people combined their efforts and severely injured the Ripple Tiger, they also suffered the powerful counter-shock force of the Ripple Tiger. They were all shocked, blood surging in the body, blood overflowing from the corners of the mouth.

Taking advantage of this moment, the Ripple Tiger made a long roar, turning into a stream of light, and its body moved again!


The body traversed the sky and the earth, the Ripple Tiger directly moved the universe, allowing himself to escape from the five-person blockade, and went out quickly, extremely fast.

Seeing such a scene, Difeng, the Four Ghosts of Xiangxi and others did not wait to stop them. Three methods of killing have arrived in this sky. Fairy Toad and True Demon Sparrow seized this rare opportunity, and each launched a powerful blow towards this. The five people were cut down, just for a moment, and suddenly they couldn't avoid it, that was to make the two of the four ghosts of Xiangxi hit the trick, their bodies exploded, and they let out a miserable cry.

Even if the name of the forbidden zone suppresses the world, these four people are the famous big demon gods between the world, but it does not mean that they can withstand the half-step strong blow of the **** king realm, and the whole person's body bursts, blood The squirting, like a bunch of blood flowers, is extremely strange.

At this moment, Ripple Tiger's body is already far away. Although it takes a short time, it is completely enough for a strong man like him. After the void moves, a few breaths have appeared. Thousands of meters away.

Regardless of the battle behind him, Ripple Tiger now has only one way to escape. Although he wants to chase Ripple Tiger, he is restrained by Fairy Toad and True Demon Sparrow, which also prevents the Four Ghosts of Xiangxi and others from being able to separate in this moment. You can only fight the enemy with all your strength.

For several breaths, the ripple tiger was used to flee, and the blood fell, and he didn't care at all, because the ripple tiger understood that the battle behind him could end at any time, and that group of people would inevitably chase him. A body that is seriously injured, not to mention dealing with so many powerful people, being able to save lives is a big problem.

So at this moment, there is nothing else in the eyes of Ripple Tiger, only the escape, his own vitality burns, and he rushes forward quickly. However, as the huge body of the Ripple Tiger flies across a sea area, the sky is shaking, and a... The golden fist dropped abruptly.


This punch was too fast. It was completely unexpected by the Ripple Tiger. It suddenly tore the space, as if it had been prepared for a long time, and calculated the correct route of the Ripple Tiger. Now the shot is so powerful that it hits directly. On the back of his head, even the Ripple Tiger did not see the figure, it was a shock in his mind, he fell into a faint, and his huge body fell from the void. The only thought before it fell was... Nima, has been hacked again!


The sea is splashing and the waves are flying!

While the rippled tiger's body fell into the sea, a figure slowly emerged between the sky, it was Meng Fan!

One step down, Meng Fan smiled and said,

"Old Mr. Pan Snake, after hiding for so long, he should have come out!"

Before the words fell, a gurgling sound came from the body of the rippled tiger. After a while, the huge mouth of the rippled tiger was opened, and an old man jumped out of it, the old man of the snake, covering it with one hand. With a flushed face on his chest, he roared,

"This **** guy.... The smell of bad breath is too big!"

Obviously, the ripple tiger sucked the old snake into his mouth before, but it did not kill the old snake, and it was naturally impossible to try to get the secret of the ancient **** from his body.

On the contrary, the old snake snake has always been calmly in the mouth of the ripple tiger, and even that kind of battle did not threaten him, but what he could not bear was the bad breath of the ripple tiger.... . Nowadays, the old face is full of indignation, full of helplessness.


Meng Fan laughed, but his movements did not stop, just for a moment, he grabbed the rippled tiger's body and confined the void!

Now that the rippled tiger is seriously injured, it was hit by a punch by Meng Fan, and he fainted temporarily, but he was not dead. The moment he caught the rippled tiger, Meng Fan's eyes were already surging. Endless chill,

"Follow the plan!"


The old snake snake snorted, resisting the complaint, and at the same time started working with Meng Fan.

Between a few breaths, the whole world is completely different, the rippled tiger's body is still in it, it's just that the world around it is already full of.... Endless murderous intent, I don't know how many ancient **** formations were sealed here by Meng Fan and the old man Pan snake, turned into invisible, merged into the void.

"Well, now the killing game has been laid, just wait...The bait got in by itself!"

Meng Fan sneered, his body stepped back, and the old snake snake quickly hid in the void. At the same time, in the distance, the space is already distorted, and five human figures are rushing here quickly. It is Di Feng and the four ghosts and five people in Xiangxi.

The collision with Fairy Toad and Real Demon Sparrow is only temporary. After all, in their eyes, this rippled tiger is the most important. There is a message in the body, so after a few fights, the two sides move separately. Follow the ripples.

There is no worry on the faces of the Four Ghosts of Xiangxi and Difeng. After all, they are half-step divine kings. Not only are they amazingly powerful, their ability to move the void is also unpredictable, and the ripple tiger is already. The injury is serious, and the combat power at this moment is less than one-tenth, and it is very expensive. It should not be a problem to catch him.

After a few breaths, Di Feng suddenly changed his expression, noticed a piece of sea in the distance, and couldn't help but sneer.

"Here, wherever he is, this idiot is hiding, **** it!"

The sound fell, and a few people moved. They stepped directly into the sea and landed in front of Ripple Tiger. However, to the surprise of a few people, Ripple Tiger fainted and fell on the spot.

"What's the matter, is it because the group of True Demon Sparrows got on the ground first?"

Di Feng snorted coldly, his expression turned a little ugly.

"I don't know, it may also be that his injuries were severe in the past and he couldn't bear it. First, let's see if there are any descendants of the ancient gods in his body!"

An ancient Taoism among the four ghosts of Xiangxi.

"it is good!"

Di Feng nodded, stretched out his palm, and landed on the body of the rippled tiger. The power was integrated, and he slowly took out an object from the rippled tiger's body, but the moment the object appeared, suddenly Let Di Feng's complexion freeze... His face was like pig liver, and at the same time, Zhou Tian... Everything is extinguished, the earth and the sky are falling apart! <

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