Supreme God King

Chapter 1669: Destruction strikes!

The entire chaotic valley, the dark alliance, is peaceful!

Over the years, the development here has already become a giant between the heavens and the earth. There is no such thing as the previous run-down of Meng Fan's first visit here, and the current level of prosperity can rank among the entire ten thousand domains!

After all, this is the base camp of the dark alliance. Except for the place where Meng Fan is located, there is not much change. The rest of the place has undergone constant rest. Rows of buildings stand up to the sky, revealing an ancient atmosphere. breath.

And everyone in the dark alliance is now busy everywhere, standing in the sky, and when Meng Fan's divine thought moves, you can feel Ling Daiyou dealing with things in various places, her eyebrows frowning.

The female emperor is in a quiet retreat, the vitality in her body is surging, surging to the extreme, she is about to break through to the point of reaching the three sacred realms. Gu Xin'er and Bai Shui'er are the parents. . . . . The entire dark alliance does not know that there is an immeasurable killing and robbery coming here!

Standing in the sky, Meng Fan looked cold and stood alone, without telling anyone.

Because the people who came are too powerful!

No one else, exactly. . . . Destroy the God King!

If these four words came out, it would be enough to make the entire Ten Thousand Realm into a horror. This supreme existence with the same name as the Zhongtian Divine King, the Heavenly Remnant Divine King, Renxiong and others, has proven himself in the ancient times. Now it turned out to be resurrected in these ten thousand realms, coming from the real body!

Previously, Meng Fan had a premonition of murder, but now it is the secret technique that makes Meng Fan’s eyes appear on the island, letting him through the endless void. . . . . Saw the **** of destruction!

That kind of terrifying breath, between heaven and earth, apart from him, no one can reproduce it again, nor can the **** king, any **** king has its own unique martial arts, and the martial arts of destroying the **** king is like A black hole swallows everything, raging and violent, no one can do it!

In the past, in the chaotic time and space, Meng Fan had an intersection with destruction, and even almost merged with the martial arts of the **** of destruction.

However, Meng Fan rejected it later, and there was naturally a cause and effect between the two parties. Obviously, the appearance of the Destroying God King must be in this dark alliance. . . . . Cause and effect!

Meng Fan understood that he learned the technique of destroying the **** king, but he did not obey the other party's arrangement, and even lost the face of destroying the **** king in a disguised form. The latter came into this dark alliance and must cut him. It was said before.

When the **** king speaks, every word of nature is law, and it will never be a lie.

Meng Fan was silent, standing in the sky, but after a few breaths, his gaze lifted, looking between the sky and the earth, an infinite and fierce expression surged in his eyes, and he slowly said,

"Niu Niu, now we are entering the second stage of learning, look carefully!"

Hearing Meng Fan’s words, although Meng Niuniu was young, she instinctively felt a burst of pressure, and she couldn’t help but asked with a milky voice.

"Grandpa, what is it, are you facing danger?"

"Not bad!"

Meng Fan nodded, a strange arc was drawn on his face, and he said with a smile.

"Niu Niu, do you know what I have been able to reach this level in the past few years? What is it that I rely on? It is nothing more than penance. In the long training time, I have no slack, day and night, I It is in the process of cultivating, but there is one more important point you must know, that is, you need to... outwit your strong enemies!"

The last few words fell, and there was an inexplicable smell. After a while, Meng Fan's body had disappeared in place, appearing in an extremely ancient hall in this dark alliance.

This hall was laid by Meng Fan many years ago, and he strictly ordered that no one is allowed to disturb it. It has always been in a state of desolation. There is only a lonely hall, and there is no vegetation around it. It seems to be An island.

But now Meng Fan personally broke the prohibition and came here!

After a while, in this originally extremely quiet hall, a voice slowly fell, revealing an inexplicable majesty.

"Boy Meng Fan, what do you want?"

In a few words, there was a lot of indifference that kept Meng Fan away, and even the people inside did not want to see Meng Fan. Although Meng Fan is an absolute belief in the entire dark alliance, the people who have lived in this hall for many years have not paid for Meng Fan at all.

But Meng Fan didn't care about this at all, smiled slightly, looked inside, pondered for a moment, but a sound of sneer spread throughout the hall.

"Ruotian, your old thing is still cultivating hard here, is there any progress?"

Words are like thunder, resounding around!

In Meng Fan’s tone, it can be said to be extremely arrogant and provocative, and the whole world is suddenly discolored. In an instant, a terrifying breath spreads from the hall, covering everything, penetrating the world, It directly suppressed Meng Fan and completely imprisoned this place.

So stressed!

Even if it is strong like Meng Fan, his heart trembled for a moment. That's right, what is silent in this hall is the supreme powerhouse in the forbidden area brought out in the imperial palace, Ruotian!

This person was the strongest person in the past to fight against the Destroying God King, and he has lived through many times.

If it were not for Destroying the God King, perhaps he was famous for moving the world, but it was a pity that he encountered the Destroying God King and defeated him, and he was sinking into ruin, and even sealed himself in the imperial palace for several times. This class of peerless ruthless people has killed not one hundred million or ten million people. How could someone say to him like this, including the Destroyer King of the year, who regarded him as enemies and friends. And know!

Now Meng Fan’s words ignited the explosive barrel, making Ruotian murderous.

"you wanna die!"

The three words fell, the words were cold, and even the joints of Meng Fan's body were a little bit painful, as if the strong in this hall could appear at any time, killing Meng Fan!

Unexpectedly, this person's strength has gone further. Although Meng Fan had seen the Half-Step God King before, and even beheaded himself, there is absolutely no such horrible sense of oppression as Ruotian. The latter seems to be out of it. A strong man in a realm!

However, the more so, the more the light in Meng Fan’s eyes became sharper. Under its pressure, it turned into a chest, sneered.

"I'm asking you, how is the strength of your old immortal? My master has already returned, and I plan to fight with you, but there are three questions I want to ask you!"

Hearing Meng Fan’s words, Ruotian in the hall snorted coldly. Obviously, Meng Fan’s words aroused his infinite anger, and he couldn’t help but spit out a word from his teeth.


Hearing this, Meng Fan nodded and sneered.

"The first question, Ruotian, I will ask you on behalf of my master. Back then, I beat you like a dead dog. You are not convinced!"

With a word, the world fell apart!

Undoubtedly, Meng Fan's words are simply to smash Ruotian's scar again, and it is simply a great insult to a peerless strong man.

The whole world suddenly collapsed, and Ruotian in it had already reached the extreme with forbearance. If anyone saw it, there was no doubt that Ruotian in this hall would brazenly attack and penetrate Meng Fan directly in the hall The violent storm contained in it has reached its extreme.

However, Meng Fan completely ignored the murderous intent between Zhou and Tian, ​​but became more confident and sneered.

"You don't need to answer, I'm just asking on your behalf. The second question is that there is already a world gap between you and me with your current strength... Are you ready to beat me again!"

The words were powerful, and accompanied by Meng Fan's voice, a rattling voice came from the hall, as if it were. . . . . The sound of broken teeth.

In response, Meng Fan smiled again and said,

"The third question is whether you have made some progress over such a long period of time, and are you not even qualified to let me take the shot? If you think you can, I will give you my coordinates and let you come over and try it. Try to see if you can resist one of my fingers now!"

After finishing all this, Meng Fan just reported a coordinate, and then stood between the sky and the earth, looking at the hall with contempt.

And the moment after Meng Fan finished talking about the coordinates, he could see the main hall. . . . . It crashed, and the majestic aura tore the entire island apart, a huge mushroom cloud rose up, and the entire island fell into a mess, and Ruotian was in this hall. . . . . The figure has already disappeared!

The sea breeze hits, and the figure moves!

Above this sky, a black-shirted youth strode out, its goal. . . . . It is the dark alliance.

"Meng Fan, you rejected Gu back then, but you have thought that today, although you have practiced the Inverse God scroll and it is not bad, there is only one result if you don't listen to Gu!"

The black-shirted boy said indifferently, with a calm tone, but his voice was like the law, indifferent.

The speed of the young man is extremely fast, and he walked quickly along the space between the world and the earth. On this road, even though he was still in shape, everything in the whole week was making way for him, as if he was a boy in black shirt. It is the only ruler between the world and the earth, and can override everything.

Such a royal breath sweeps everything!

Undoubtedly, the destruction of the **** king is naturally possessed by such means. Since ancient times, how many **** kings have been in this world? Any one of them is absolutely supreme being, such a top-notch people in the entire river of vitality!

However, at the next moment, all the discoloration suddenly changed in the sky above the Destroy God King, the space burst into pieces, and a huge handprint fell from the sky, and it came to suppress the Destroy God King.

Just between one seal, there is a kind of power that rages on everything and kills the incomparable, even if it is the destruction of the **** king, it is distorted. He raised his head and was extremely surprised.

And there was an indifferent voice from the whole world, full of endless anger and violence, <

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