Supreme God King

Chapter 1670: Destroy VS Ruotian!

Too much deception!

Words are like thunder, the sky is shaking!

At the moment the sound fell, it was visible to the naked eye, and it was also seen that the palm of the hand fell, full of power, and directly slammed on the head of the **** of destruction.

Under this seal, there is simply a kind of hegemony that distorts everything. This kind of combat power is trembling when anyone sees it, because he is already. . . . Equal to God King!

The figure shows, it is the one who shot. . . . Ruotian!

The imperial palace was silent, and he followed Meng Fan to reach the dark alliance. For many years, Ruotian had not made any moves. Hundreds of thousands had passed, and no one knew his true strength!

And at this moment, between his shots, his power is running, and the aura of black death evolves in his hands. At this moment, he is not a sacred realm, but the combat power displayed has already surpassed the half-step God King. Arrived. . . . Comparable to the point of God King!

Those who were able to compete with the Destroyer God King in the past, who were only one-liner, naturally couldn't be far behind.

Especially when he was in a state of madness, it made Ruotian's whole person's strength burn, and when he fell with a palm, he felt like he would kill everything.

Even the Destroy God King suddenly changed his expression at this moment, volleyed, his breath exploded, and the whole person reacted quickly. Even though the opponent was aggressive, the whole person was comparable to a mountain, standing in the sky, and then. . . . . A punch!


The void burst, turning everything into a black hole!

The duel between the two powers of the **** king realm is a battle between this silent and silent. This scene is too amazing, no one can imagine that the two brilliant worlds in the past, the supreme power of the era turned out to be Will collide again.

In today's 10,000 domains, go on a battle!

With a punch, the King of Destruction resisted Ruotian's blow, his eyes flashed, his complexion suddenly became gloomy, and he said every word,

"Ruotian, it's you? You still exist in this world, dare to do it?"

Just a few words, revealing a kind of domineering, although the destruction of the **** king is not like Meng Fan's kind of inquiry, but for those who rashly shot at him, there is no good temper!

After hearing this sentence, Ruotian gritted his teeth and didn't respond. Now there is only anger in his mind, so. . . . Only fight!

Before Meng Fan's words still echoed in his mind, every sentence was pierced into the bone marrow. If it were normal, he would definitely not be like this, but it is different to the Destroyer God King. The latter defeated Ruotian personally in the past and allowed him to live forever in the shadow of Destroying God King. Under this situation, this It is Ruotian's Ni Lin, let alone irony, even if it is mentioned, it will make him uncomfortable.

And Meng Fan’s words were like sprinkling salt on Ruotian’s wounds, igniting his infinite anger, especially after he really found the King of Destruction through the coordinates given by Meng Fan, everything made Ruotian have one. Kind of feeling that is unspoken, at this moment, his murderous intent is simply overwhelming.

The breath exploded and the vitality burned, making Ruotian at this moment like a bloodthirsty Primordial Beast, full of breath, standing upright, handprints running, and attacking the King of Destruction again!

"Fantastic eight methods, prisoner!"

A few words were spit out, the words thunderous, revealing endless means of killing!

There is no doubt that Ruotian is too clear in the face of Destroying the God King, so this is the most powerful means to run his, and will not give the Destroying God King any chance!

A palm blasted out, and there were countless changes in it. At the moment when these five fingers fell, it was extremely domineering, to the extreme.

For many years, Ruotian has been constantly studying himself, even delving into the methods of destroying the gods, in order to defeat the gods of destruction, in order to crack the way. This strange eight methods are exactly the result of Ruotian. It was also his god-defying abilities that combined countless killing methods in one, completely using his physical body to the extreme.

Although Ruotian's realm is only a half-step God King, he has surpassed everything at the moment he performed the Qimen Eight Techniques, reaching an unprecedented level, allowing him to fight. . . . Comparable to God King!

Covered with vitality, Ruotian's fist contains the word Prisoner, which is more domineering and cruel than before!

With such a face, the Destroy God King’s face changed, and now there is no time to think about other things, because Ruotian’s combat power is equal to that of the God King, and even though he returns in his true form at this moment and returns to the Ten Thousand Realms, he is not actually In the peak state, to be precise, he did not completely lift his own realm.

With his current strength, if he were to deal with the dark alliance and deal with Meng Fan, that would be enough. A god-king power would be unbearable, but a single finger would be enough to severely hurt Meng Fan.

But now it’s not Meng Fan, but Ruotian who can fight the God King, so enough to destroy the God King is a big problem. It is not the peak he is facing an already crazy Ruotian. , Only full combat, even a chance to speak! No, there is only one battle!


The world is trembling, the void is torn apart!

A prisoner contains infinite power, and it explodes directly in front of the Destroyer God King. It is as powerful as him. At this moment, it is also shaken by the shocked blood and takes a step back.

And Ruotian is pressing step by step, suffocating, and at the same time the handprint changes, the way of verbal expression follows, and it strikes again with a palm.

"Fantastic eight methods, cut!"

Each word means a supreme magical skill created by Ruotian, representing the ultimate means of killing and cutting. At the moment it emerges, it is infinite power, once again blasting towards the destruction of the **** king, letting infinite power pour out. The diffused breath alone is drying up the sea between the sun and the sky!


In the midair, the throat of the Destroyer God King was sweet, not only his body vibrated, even he could not restrain himself at this moment, even if it was the body of the God King, blood spurted out.

The blood spurted out, and endless rays of light emerged in the eyes of the Destroy God King. He is the current God King, he is the supreme being. Since ancient times, he has rarely encountered opponents, even if he is facing Ruotian, I don’t know what exactly. It was for some reason, but he would never allow him to be above himself.

So after a while, the King of Destruction stepped out, but the whole body flickered, emitting a bloodthirsty red light, comparable to a demon moon, standing in the sky, big hands blasted out, the secret method was working, and a few words were also loud. Through the whole world,

"Destroy God's law, against God's way!"

The sound is out, the world is cold!

Fighting like this, breaking the sky, thanks to this is a deserted area, no one is here, otherwise I don’t know how many people will suffer with the battle between these two people, just which one spreads The aftermath is too bursty, enough to break through.

A trace of strength, the earth and the sky collapse!

However, at this moment in this deserted area, in a place no one noticed, there is a figure standing, facing the atmosphere of the earth cracking mountains in the sky, it is calm and calm, with a smile on his face. , Not who Meng Fan could be!

No one knows that the instigator of the battle between these two great kings is. . . . The person in front of you!

Rubbing his temples, Meng Fan smiled.

"These two guys, which one is so powerful, are really beasts, beasts!"

Between the voices, there was an incomparably relaxed taste, but if the Destruction King and Ruotian could understand the secrets before this, it is estimated that a big mouthful of blood would be sprayed out, and they could not be restrained!

There is no doubt that when Meng Fan brought Ruotian back to the dark alliance before this, not only did he want him to protect the dark alliance in disguise, but he also meant to use him to counterbalance and destroy the **** king in the future.

But now it happens to be used, and Meng Fan's words were used to deliberately irritate Ruotian and let him fall into anger.

With the same smile, Meng Fan looked at Meng Niuniu and said solemnly.

"Do you understand?"


Looking into the distance, Meng Niuniu nodded her head, and in her big bright eyes, there was a look of excitement at this moment.

"Grandpa is using the contradiction between the two of them to restrain the two of them. Let's take advantage of the profit and make sufficient preparations. We must ensure that the two of them talk less, because once they talk, then It is very likely that it will be exposed, so grandpa deliberately stimulated which grandpa.

The more angry he is, the less he can speak and only hands, while the other one is also very powerful, occupying a high position, and quite confident.

Facing a slaying game will only be solved, and the two will directly get into the fight, the more fierce and the more difficult it is to separate, and then it will be cheaper for Grandpa! "

Hearing this, Meng Fan laughed, touched Meng Niuniu’s head, and said solemnly.

"Yes, that's the truth, huh, Ruotian, these two guys really lived up to a dog's grade, and even a six-year-old kid is not as good as a six-year-old kid, Niuniu, if you remember what I said, you are number one. The cultivation stage is to strengthen the background and read through the Taoism, and this second stage is to learn to outwit strong enemies. There is only one way to achieve this, and that is one word... pit!"

Regarding this, Meng Niuniu nodded her head seemingly, but she was obviously interested in it. Her white face was filled with excitement and anticipation, her hands clenched tightly.

Even at a young age, there is a great urge to show off and practice with Meng Fan.

In the distance, Ruotian and the King of Destruction, who are fighting fiercely, can’t notice here. Now the two of them have only each other in their eyes. The force of horror is coming out, suppressing everything and overwhelming. Any blow is amazing. Heaven and earth have eclipsed countless strong people in ancient times!

After thousands of years, the two big Tianjiao experts fought again, but the collision was fierce and bloody.

"Fantastic Eight Ways, Fight!"

Ruo Tian roared, his whole body was already bursting. Under the means of destroying the **** king, it was naturally difficult for him to get any cheap. The latter suppressed him for half of his realm, which was too far apart. However, Ruotian has become more and more courageous in the war, even if the world consumes itself constantly, it does not mean to retreat!

Another seal, more terrifying and violent than before!

At the moment it struck, the King of Destruction also roared and said indifferently,

"Seal of Destruction!"

The three characters fell, a seal blasted out, and the power was running, destroying the **** king standing in the heavens and the earth, his vitality swept across the mountains and rivers, raising his hand and Ruotian's strongest seal interlaced.

The two great **** king realm powerhouses blasted each other. Such scenes were rare in the ages. At the same time, everything in the sky was suddenly pale!

In the distance, Meng Niuniu was happier facing such a terrible air wave, and said softly,

"Grandpa, what should I do now?"

Hearing this, Meng Fan smiled slightly and said calmly,

"Of course it is... It was destroyed by a good blow. As the emperor of Wanyu, we must be very responsible to tell him that Wanyu is very dangerous, and he should go back inside the seal... !"<

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