Supreme God King

Chapter 1671: More familiar


The world burst into pieces, a ruin!

At this moment, the entire domain was almost shattered in the hands of the Destroying God King and Ruotian, especially under the last blow, shocking the world and sweeping everything.

The entire emptiness is full of space debris, and the endless waves of air spread, making the entire area full of gunpowder. At the same time, you can see the two gods and demons before. At this moment, one person has disappeared, leaving the Destroy God King on the sky.

Between the previous pair of booms, Ruotian and Destroying God King had already separated themselves, and Ruotian was completely defeated in the one seal of Destroying God King.

Even if the Destroy God King is not in the peak state, even if Ruotian has studied countless years of methods to defeat the Destroy God King, even if he has gone through countless years of cultivation, but after all, it is half a realm away from the Destroy God King.

It is comparable to the **** king, but in front of the real **** king, he is still not an opponent, leaving a rain of blood between the heaven and the earth. Ruotian's body is crushed by the destruction of the **** king Shengsheng, but the soul is It disappeared in this sea without a trace.

Between the sky and the earth, a vast expanse!

The emptiness destroys the **** king. At this moment, he is standing in the sky. That kind of king is over the world, but the aura of dominance is still unabated. However, after a few breaths, the King of Destruction covered his chest, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, including his black shirt, which was printed with blood and shed.


He coughed a few times, the Destruction God King just stopped, stabilized himself, and muttered,

"Damn it, it's not in the peak state in itself, and I encountered Ruotian, a lunatic, who actually severely injured me. The meridians in my body were damaged by 90%. I originally wanted to find that Meng Fan. , It seems that everything can only be forgotten now, only to raise oneself first, what a pity... what a pity..."

Between the few words, there is a sense of regret and anger.

God king and strong, invincible, almost immortal. But for this kind of powerhouse, although invincible, it does not mean that he will not be injured, and the more serious the injury, the more difficult it is to recover.

Once there is a major problem, you need to fall into a deep sleep before you can recover from Nirvana.

Although Ruotian confronted him and didn't defeat the Destroy God King, he did. . . . It was completely severely damaged. If the Destroy God King was at its peak state, it would definitely not be like this, but today's Destroy has just solidified the real body, resurrecting the world, and definitely did not expect to encounter Ruotian.

It was originally ten percent of the strength, but now there is only less than ten percent that can be left. I still need to stabilize my injury, which naturally makes the Destruction King feel extremely angry and embarrassed.

A volley, destroying the **** king and moving, is planning to leave this piece of world directly and find a place to hide yourself!

However, in the next moment when the Destroying God King moved, there was a sudden word in his ears. . . . The whistling sound was obviously a heavy object coming, pressing Wanjun!


In an instant, the expression of the King of Destruction changed drastically. Unexpectedly, there was still a shot at him. He couldn't help but let out a low growl and turned around to punch.


Above the sky, sparks are flying everywhere, extremely intense!

It was just a casual blow of the Destroying God King, but it was quite terrifying. At this moment, the great cauldron in the void was shaken, but only a moment later, the person who shot did not stop and punched directly. Outrageously!

Emperor Fist!

When the expression of the Destroyer God King moved, he could not help but let out a roar when he saw the incoming person clearly.

"Meng Fan!"

The two words fell, with a hint of shock and anger, the latter turned out to be here and sneaked on him. If it was at an ordinary moment, the King of Destruction would definitely feel amused, because this kind of behavior is undoubtedly looking for death, he still has to look for Meng Fan, but now he is seriously injured, and it is extremely critical, and Meng Fan is here. Break out at this moment!

The power of the two clashes, how terrible the power to destroy the **** king is. The force of the investment is to blow Meng Fan out, spewing out blood, just to fight against two blows, which makes Meng Fan unable to bear. Hundreds of meters away, there was a coughing, but after it settled down, he looked at the Destroy God King, but there was a hint of playfulness in his eyes.

"It's been a long time, Master Destruction!"

A few words immediately caused the Destruction King’s heart to sink. After thinking for a moment, he reacted and spit out a few words from his teeth.

"If the sky is arranged by you!"

"Not bad!"

Meng Fan nodded, without any concealment.

"I have prepared this hole card for a long time, just to keep it for you, Master Destruction. It should be... It feels good, right?"

"you wanna die!"

The eyes of the Destroyer God King became cold, and he didn’t think that Meng Fan dared to calculate him, causing him to fall into an incomparable passivity. In his eyes, Meng Fan was just an ant, who was going to kill him completely this time, but he did not It occurred to me that before he could make a move, Meng Fan had placed one!

"Hmph, why only allow Lord Destruction to kill others, and not allow others to calculate the destruction of adults? There is no such truth in this world!"

Wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, Meng Fan gave a sneer, and immediately stepped out. The power from all over his body exploded, blood surging, and another killing method came out.


A punch hit, Meng Fan's strongest combat power exploded at this moment, and after a hundred years of continuous enlightenment, Meng Fan's own combat power has stepped onto a new level. It's just that between this blow, that kind of destructive force runs through the entire world.

Seeing Meng Fan's punch, the look of Destroying God King was picked up. In his eyes, this punch was too ordinary. If it were in an ordinary state, a single blow would be enough to break Meng Fan's method.

But now. . . . . Not an ordinary state!

Ruotian’s strength is not given in vain. His combat power can be against the King of God. Before the two sides fought desperately, although Ruotian was destroyed and defeated, it also left many scars on him. Now he is seriously injured. He used to fight Meng Fan. The two methods have already affected his own discomfort. Now that the vitality is running, that very strength is already less than one point.


The two sides fought against each other, even though the King of Destruction was still overbearing, swallowing the mountains and rivers with anger, but facing Meng Fan's thunder and popularity, he could still only be on the defensive, and his face was extremely gloomy.

"Meng Fan, you despicable villain, when you are waiting for my complete victory, now sneak attacking me, designing me, what a hero!"

Destroy the God King word by word, chilling.

But Meng Fan sneered, his fist left by the violent storm was not merciful at all, just like this bombarded away, constantly falling on the body of the **** of destruction.

"Why, Master Destruction intends to bully the small with the big, is it a hero to deal with me?"

When he said it, the King of Destruction was immediately silenced, and before he could react, he saw an even more angry scene, because Meng Fan’s voice spread between the world and the earth.

"Fantastic eight methods, sleepy!"

A few words represent. . . . Ruotian's exercises, this ultimate physical power, were revealed in Meng Fan.

In the past, Meng Fan followed Ruotian to condense this kind of strong method between heaven and earth. Although he could not integrate it, it still had a great influence on Meng Fan. Now it is taken out by him. The combat power is greatly improved, and a punch is dropped, and it is extremely fierce, as if the sky is recovering!


With one blow against Meng Fan's fist, the Destroying God King overwhelmed everything with a terrifying breath, but after a while, his throat was sweet, and Meng Fan was caught. . . . . Boom!

A **** king in the world made Meng Fan fly!

Such a scene, if it is spread, will cause a big disturbance!

What kind of person is the Destroyer God King, a person who is eternally respected, once it is revealed, it is enough to shock the entire world, wherever he goes, everything is majestic.

However, what he didn't expect was that Meng Fan's reaction was so sharp, and his methods were so sinister and harsh.

He also underestimated Meng Fan. Originally, the Destroyer God King was not in his heyday and should not be born. At the first moment of his return to the world, he should first cultivate himself, but it is a pity that the Destroyer God King showed murderous intent to the dark alliance. Meng Fan felt it, so he designed it all the way, and now he has fallen into this passive moment of battle.

It’s not that the Destroyer God King doesn’t want to use power, but at this moment he has no power to use. It was because of serious injuries and depleted meridians in his body. Now it’s even facing Meng Fan’s powerful external force that makes him unable to support it. But it was Meng Fan's suppression and a punch, and at this moment, the Destroy God King had the heart to commit suicide!

And Meng Fan definitely didn't plan to just let it go. Since he had already shot, no matter who he was against, he was extremely cruel.

In an instant, you can see countless phantoms appearing in Meng Fan between the sky. Every shadow that falls, has a power to tear everything down. It fell from the sky and smashed toward the Destroyer King. , Even kicking and kicking, the speed is extremely swift, does not give the Destroy God King any chance to exert force, just like Meng Fan!


Poor Destroyed God King generation of supreme powerhouses, in this kind of chaos, Meng Fan was kicked three times, and he suffered another big mouth!

"Meng Fan, you!"

At the moment of Destroying God King, Ruotian's mood was completely realized, and his teeth felt a bit of crunch. However, when his mind moved, he stepped out in a flash and moved the world in one step. Now his injury is too serious, and he is in a period of extreme weakness, so he can only go to heal his injuries.

It is definitely not Meng Fan to fight Meng Fan so hard. After all, Meng Fan's combat power is weaker than Ruotian, but it is not too bad, and the consumption is simply not able to fight it, so the Destroy God King can only choose to escape!

The body is horizontal, like a Kunpeng!

However, at the moment when the Destroying God King was about to leave this world, Meng Fan waved his hand. At the same time, Xiao Tian, ​​Xiao Di, a bird, and a turtle all appeared, sealing the void.

"Don't go, leave it to me!"

Meng Fan roared, his eyes were red, and he really planned to kill a **** king at this moment, because this is the best time to destroy the **** king in an absolutely weak state, and hundreds of thousands of years may not be so good. The timing, once it is to let the latter go, then it is a big trouble, so at this moment Meng Fan's murderous intent is more intense than ever.

Imprisoned in the void, the King of Destruction saw a bird and a tortoise, could not help but change his expression, roared,

"You still know me, help me resist the little kid behind me!"

Hearing the words of the Destroyer King, they looked at each other, and they nodded. They had fought with the Destroyer King in the past for a while.

"Indeed, we are very familiar!"

Hearing the words of a bird and a tortoise, the heart of the **** of destruction was immediately relieved. Now Meng Fan is chasing after him, but he still has some fear. His power is too insufficient, and it was almost spent on dealing with Ruotian before. All the power, with the help of a bird and a turtle, is enough to give him the opportunity to flee immediately.

However, in the next moment, before the smile on the face of the King of Destruction was put away, he saw the two big mouths in the void volleying in the air, mercilessly, and at the same time the voice resounded through the world, <

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