Supreme God King

Chapter 1679: The enemy!

Not worthy!

When the three words fell, Meng Fan had already punched out, moved with one blow, and fell blatantly!


The whole world trembled, and after a while, everyone felt a terrifying force tearing the world apart. In the eyes of everyone, Meng Fan moved forward alone, and the four half-step God King. . . . . That's right together!

In such a fight, the sound of thunder came out, causing the entire sky to tremble.

Even if there is a forbidden zone column to suppress the world and imprison the void, it also allows everyone outside the court to feel the power erupting in it, which is extremely terrifying!

The sound of the sonic boom spread all over the surrounding area, causing a black hole torn in the space. After a while, everyone's eyes could see that the four major restricted areas of the void that shot were all trembled in ancient times, even though the four people before them did their best. A blow, but it turned out to be unable to reach Meng Fan.

"The Supreme Budo!"

At the same time, one of the elders exclaimed, even his tone at this moment was full of a strong sense of surprise.

The fall of the four words caused a sudden change in the expressions of countless people between heaven and earth. The more top-notch the stronger, the more he understood what is called the Supreme Martial Dao in this world.

Martial arts have highs and lows, and gods have highs and lows. Otherwise, there will not be so many things of the same rank to kill each other, and when this world steps into the extreme, any **** king will multiply this own martial arts to the extreme. Among them, there will be some gaps, and it is rumored that the thirteen hall masters can really suppress the world because their martial arts are.... . Supreme Budo!

The supreme martial arts is to break through to the extreme of one's own martial arts, so that there is no way for one's own martial arts to go, that is, to reach the end of the martial arts, this kind of martial arts is already standing at the peak between heaven and earth, once it is able to have this A kind of martial arts means that you can suppress other people in martial arts, and naturally it is able to beat others in combat power!

In the world, there are not many people who have reached the ultimate realm of the gods, and among them, those who are the supreme martial arts are even rarer, and to everyone's expectations, Meng Fan has evolved.... . Supreme Budo!


Another strong man in the Forbidden Zone Palace gritted his teeth, his eyes were about to breathe fire at this moment, and his face looked incredulous. This kind of thing they have pursued for more than 100,000 years is a goal without any results, but Meng Fan has reached it. At this moment, the eyes of these four half-step gods are not only anger. ,even more…. . anger!

"Nothing is impossible, it's man-made!"

Meng Fan sneered, strode out, and blasted out another punch.

In an instant, the front of his fist fell, and it was a smiling proud mountain and river that suppressed everything. It was just a casual blow, but it was very different from him a thousand years ago.

In the old days, Lord Que and Lord Gui were a little desperate to face the King of Destruction and escape, but under that kind of situation, Meng Fan was not thinking about it, just saying that with time, there would be hope.

The words came out, and now every bird and turtle in this dark alliance is shocked, knowing that Meng Fan has indeed done what he said, and truly brought his own martial arts changes to the extreme, combat power... . Geometric growth.


A word fell, Meng Fan strode forward, blood erupting, even if he was facing the four restricted areas, the half-step God King Realm powerhouse, the only giant in the ages, he unexpectedly adopted a domineering and unmatched offensive method. The fall is to make the entire Zhou Tian tremble, and the fist is the wind and the cloud, which means that the entire void is blasted away.

On top of the Inverse God Scroll, it has undergone evolution. Thousands of years and thousands of years of forbearance have finally allowed Meng Fan to take his own unique path and form his own supreme martial arts.

The sound of the sonic boom came out, and at the moment Meng Fan made his move, even the ancient ancestors of the four forbidden area temples could not help but put away the look they had previously despised, and only went all out to fight Meng Fan.

I have to say that the latter is too powerful at this moment, surpassing their imagination.

According to the truth, now Meng Fan's combat power is just a little bit more than that of the Holy Three Realms, even if it is against the sky, there must be a limit. Therefore, the Forbidden Zone Temple had just sent out the four ancient forbidden zones, all of which were half-step God Kings. They wanted to be foolproof. However, what I did not expect was that Meng Fan was actually stronger than planned.

Including its forbidden world, that forbidden area pillar stood in the world, as if it was chilled at this moment, and a great indifference aura suppressed the entire field.

Bang, bang!

But the jealousy returned to jealousy. In an instant, the battle between this group of people in the field did not stop.

The four ancient restricted areas shot at the same time, each using their secret methods, and the monstrous black death air burst out, and in an instant it was constantly hitting Meng Fan's Emperor Fist.

Any blow is the ultimate domineering force, spreading the world, bursting into the void, and making the entire field unparalleled fierce!

In a few breaths, even people from the outside world didn’t watch it, but in the field, it had already gone through thousands of fights. That time it was extremely dangerous, as if it was possible to fall between that moment. Infinite killing changes.

Meng Fan alone vs. the ancient ancestor of the four restricted areas!

These four people are not the four ghosts of Xiangxi before, but they are already in their heyday, and as they go underground today, only Meng Fan is alone!

Such a slaying of the game made the hearts of the entire dark alliance hang up, and the atmosphere was afraid to breathe.

Between the world and the earth, countless powerhouses followed a tremor of heart. This battle is crucial, and it is destined to enter the annals of history. Looking at the entire world, in the hundreds of thousands of years since ancient times, who is qualified to let the thirteen hall masters personally shoot, it is only this kind of standard killing treatment, it is different.


At the next moment, everyone saw that Meng Fan was still fierce and fierce in the fierce battle. Even though there are four and a half steps of the ancient ancestor's power, the power of each blow is to penetrate Meng Fan's physical body and cause his physical body to collapse, but with blood, Meng Fan is pressing every step, and the four are teaming up. There was still no fear below, and at the moment of finding a gap, a punch was blasted, and it hit the abdomen of one of the forbidden area temple gods!


A mouthful of blood spurted out, and the old man immediately flew out. The blood spurted out, and the abdomen was almost beaten by Meng Fan.

Such a scene amazed everyone. At this moment, some people even had to admire the foresight of the Forbidden Area Temple. You must know that Meng Fan is not a true half-step **** king, and he is still stuck in a special level. An extremely embarrassing state, but it is so terrifying. Faced with the siege of the four half-step gods and undefeated, if it continues, then it is too dangerous. Once Meng Fan truly achieves the half-step gods, Then looking at the world, who else can check and balance him, who else can restrict him, I am afraid that only the power of the **** king level can be born, and then all this can be solved!

But now that the forbidden area temple has spent such a lineup to come, naturally it is not for nothing, or to kill Meng Fan at the last moment when he is weak in the way of achieving the king.

That's why it is the thirteen hall masters who personally acted to confine the void!

"Meng Fan!"

The old man in the forbidden area that was knocked into the air let out a low growl, his eyes flickering, and endless cruelty was surging in his eyes, stepping out, his own blood made him look incredibly hideous.

"Don't hesitate, start the secret method together and kill him together!"

The words of the old man caused the other three ancient ancestors in the restricted area to nod their heads and glance at each other, their palms changed, and they made a mark with one hand. The moment this mark appeared, it was the void that completely solidified. There was no more vitality in the sky and the ground, only four shadows that seemed true and illusory.

this is. . . . .

Seeing this scene, the ancient powerhouses between countless heavens and earth were shocked, their expressions petrified, the older the existence, the more it seemed to remember a certain kind of nightmare experience, and finally someone shouted,

"The light of black death!"

A few words reveal endless fear.

Forbidden area secret law, conquer the world.

Since ancient times, I don’t know how many powerhouses are slaughtered in the entire Ten Thousand Realms, and it is rumored that the most iconic method in the past is the light of black death. This kind of secret method is the performance of the extreme operation of the black death, and it will fall. The light of black death, once this light falls, it is possible for the king to be strong. . . . Fall is the supreme slaying of the forbidden area in ancient times. In the last great catastrophe, the light of black death was not seen, but now in this piece of heaven and earth, it has actually landed!

The four people are in the sky, each standing in a corner, holding handprints. Aiming at Meng Fan, that kind of whirling spell is also falling one sentence after another, resounding through the world, making people scalp upset, and you can see the four people at the same time. While the power is running, it also makes the whole world become extremely gloomy. The big hands of the four people stretched out at the same time, and when they grabbed to the sky, a beam of light directly impacted Meng Fan!

Suddenly, the hairs on Meng Fan's body were standing upside down, which kind of threat between life and death was unparalleled!

In just a moment, Meng Fan had all the blood surging in his body, strode out, his vitality revolved, and the Great Emperor's Seal blasted out.

One seal opens the sky, unparalleled domineering!

However, at this moment when the ultimate force touched the light of black death, there was a surprise change. That kind of light covered everything and distorted everything. Even Meng Fan's power was a little bit by him. Corroded away, and completely vanished, even if the power of the Great Seal resisted some black death light.

But there are still a small number of people penetrating through here and penetrating Meng Fan's chest, directly making his chest bloody. Even if it is as powerful as Meng Fan, it still snorted and backed away!

However, the ancient ancestors of the four restricted areas have absolutely no intention of letting off Meng Fan. His handprints fluttered, and the rays of black death slashed towards Meng Fan like a sharp sword. Each of the rays of black death light contained There is a terrible horror that swallows everything and turns into nothingness. The most extreme incapability in this forbidden area is definitely not just talking. It is presided over by the four and a half steps of the **** king realm. It is simply killing all people in the nine heavens and ten earth. Including the powerhouses of the God King Realm, even if they arrive, they are not dead or injured!


After a while, everyone's eyes could see that this was another two black rays of death falling on Meng Fan's body. It was just a moment that they almost wiped out Meng Fan, causing him to retreat back, full of blood. Flying, the bones are exposed, and the vitality is constantly being worn away. It is already severely injured, and it has reached the most critical moment! <

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