Supreme God King

Chapter 1680: Jedi

The blood flies, the figure falls!

Seeing the moment Meng Fan's body retreated, all the people of the dark alliance were clenched, and countless people couldn't help but once again attacked the forbidden area pillar that sealed the world.

I have tried many times before, but not only did it have no effect, but it will encounter a big backlash.

After a while, a large number of dark alliance powerhouses were spewing out blood, and the figures flew horizontally, without any effect at all!

"Meng Fan, I... It's useless!"

A few words were spit out between the teeth of the **** monkey, his eyes were bleeding at this moment, and he hated it.

Unexpectedly, in this dark alliance base camp, Meng Fan was sneak attacked, and now millions of dark alliance strongmen are around, but Meng Fan can only watch as one of them meets the enemy. This feeling is simply letting All the dark alliance strongmen are crazy, but there is no way.

The one responsible for sealing the void is the supreme existence between heaven and earth. The thirteen hall masters and the pillars of the forbidden area are here. Coming from the air, who can break through?

Even if countless people in the entire dark alliance have gone mad, but the waterfall in the restricted area enclosed in the sky is an insurmountable gap.

"Jiejie, Meng Fan, now you kneel down to the old man, maybe the old man can give you a whole body and stop torturing you, what do you think!"

After a while, one of the old men in the restricted area said coldly, and his tone was full of playful abuse.

The other three also stood firm and looked at Meng Fan disdainfully. Before the battle with Meng Fan for many years, the restricted area had lost face several times, and they had fallen in the hands of Meng Fan. But now that they are in control and control everything, they naturally want to embarrass Meng Fan.

Therefore, the few people stopped killing and attacking methods, but looked at Meng Fan coldly, using words to humiliate Meng Fan, hoping that Meng Fan could lose his fighting spirit.

For them, making an enemy desperate is more uncomfortable than killing an enemy!

"Yes, kneel down for me now and tell everyone that you are a dog in the restricted area!"

Another old man also sneered, saying every word.

To this, Meng Fan in mid-air did not respond. At the moment his body stood firm, blood spurted out, and the white bones all leaked out, but without any hesitation, he stepped out and punched again. !

The fighters are speechless, no need to say more!

A single blow, penetrates everything, and facing Meng Fan’s domineering blow, the four powerhouses in the forbidden area are coldly hummed, expressionless, only their handprints appear, and the black death air revolves, making the black death once again The light turned into Dao Dao Jian Qi, slashing towards Meng Fan!


Just for a moment, even though Meng Fan was powerful and fierce, he was blocked by countless black death lights at the moment of his advancement. It was like facing a black hole of Yiwang, with a powerful force in it. It was also ineffective, and being swallowed by it also caused Meng Fan's body to be broken again and suffered heavy damage. The whole person was about to be refined by a few people in the restricted area!

"No, you bully the less with more, just fight my grandfather!"

Meng Niuniu said loudly, but in the scene where Meng Fan was covered in blood and his body was flying again, it seemed so desolate!

"Jiejie, girl doll, what are you talking about?"

Hearing this, an old man in the restricted area sneered, disdainfully said,

"Meng Fan is a sinner. It's damned to die. Don't worry. I will not only kill him, but also kill you. Even if he is dead, he will not be peaceful. Meng Fan, I will ask you one last time. , If you kneel down, I might consider killing fewer people in your dark alliance?"

The tone is gloomy, full of endless mockery!

And at this moment in the midair, after several joint attacks, Meng Fan almost has little power to fight again. His flesh and blood, hair flying, and a generation of great emperor-level powerhouses appear to be heroic at this moment. , The whole person's vitality was hollowed out, as if he might fall down at any time.

Such a scene caused too many people to cry, not just the strong in the dark alliance, including the many existences between this world and the earth.

In the old days, Meng Fan swept the world, leaving countless prestige, and even with his own power throughout the Middle Ages, leading a group of heroes against the restricted area.

However, under the methods of this restricted zone, the innocent is to be attacked to death, causing countless people's hearts to give birth to a sense of sadness.

"If he succeeds in making that step, there may be hope!"

"In any case, he is the hero of Wanyu. He once saved the world, the emperor shouldn't be killed like this!"

Among the ten thousand domains, some people yelled and expressed their dissatisfaction, but it was difficult to achieve any effect and could not affect the battle situation at all.

Some people are happy and others are sad, and there are countless strong men who are enemies with Meng Fan already ecstatic. At this moment, it was even more turbulent in the border wilderness of the Dark Alliance.

The Eastern Demon Race and Zhou Family already gathered a large number of people, even in the barren land here, it was already like a sharp arrow that could be shot at any time, ready to come to the dark alliance!

There is no doubt that everyone understands that as long as the news of Meng Fan's death comes out, the two groups of people in this wasteland will immediately be dispatched.

Even if it is now Burning Heavenly Order, Yun Feiyang and a large number of powerful people have already rushed here, but if you want to stop it, you must pay a very heavy price!

The supreme power that has risen in the millennium is just about to perish!

The hearts of countless people are sad, if this is the case, then the dark alliance is really a pity, it just bloomed in the middle ages!

However, in this void, Meng Fan's body stood up with difficulty, covered in blood. At this moment, let alone movement, his whole body was trembling, and the blood was about to flow clean, but in the next moment Meng Fan stepped out. , Forward again, like a blade, only one word spit out,


It's just a word, even though the injury is serious, even if it's in danger, Meng Fan completely interpreted one sentence, that is, the warrior is speechless, and his punch is directly penetrated into the sky and the sky!

The human form moves forward, and the speed and strength are still completely unable to reach the peak moment before him. It caused countless people to cry and couldn't bear to see this scene.

"It's really looking for death!"

Above the sky, the strong men of the four forbidden area halls snorted, and immediately raised their hands together, and the four black death lights fell, directly cut down, and collided with Meng Fan's body.


In just a moment, the sky burst and the soul was wiped out!

Suddenly, under the gaze of countless figures, one could see Meng Fan was suppressed and died. That kind of powerful force penetrated it, making his whole person completely annihilated in this restricted area at this moment. In the light, it becomes invisible.


Meng Niuniu exclaimed, her face pale.

"Meng Fan!"

The female emperor, Bai Shui'er, Gu Xin'er and others were unbearable, staring at the sky, unable to believe it.

The entire dark alliance is boiling, and the shadows move forward, rushing forward like a tide, turning into the strongest vitality fluctuations, bombarding the barrier of the forbidden area, even rows of silhouettes are bombed out, blood Spouting, the five internal organs are hugely cracked, and there are countless people moving forward like moths, trying to break the defense of this forbidden area pillar.

Unfortunately, everything is just in vain!

Under the light of this black death, that kind of power was not merciful at all, completely turning Meng Fan in it into an invisible.

Under the eyes of everyone, Meng Fan died. Such a scene is too tragic and unacceptable!

On the other hand, those who are looking forward to this scene are all happy now. If there is no Meng Fan in this world, then too many people can do things, and too many people can want to do what they didn’t dare to do before. Things, their people can go to the dark alliance, how can they be unhappy.

"Jie Jie, this is.... Offending me the end of the penalty area!"

In the sky, an old man sneered and looked at the many dark alliances. He already felt that Meng Fan could not die anymore. Naturally, he was very proud. The biggest opponent in the restricted area in the ages It was buried in their hands, and even the four of them showed satisfied smiles.

"Now, do you have anything to say? Two ways for you, either surrender or die!"

A few words fell, fell from the sky, and spread throughout the field. Obviously, the ancient words in this restricted area were full of threats. Now the dark alliance has no Meng Fan, and it is bound to encounter a great crisis.

However, in the entire dark alliance, beyond everyone's expectations, no one spoke, including the Empress, Ling Daiyou, Gu Xin'er, Bai Shui'er, and all the high-levels left in the dark alliance, including the millions of dark guards. He gritted his teeth and looked at the field, even if it was the supreme being, but he didn't back down in any step, but hated Lingran.

It seems that once these four ancients leave the taboo space in the forbidden area pillar, then this group of dark guards is not retreating, not surrendering, but choosing.... . Revenge for Meng Fan in World War I!


Seeing such a scene, I couldn't help but let the ancient snorted in the restricted area, disdainfully,

"Since you are looking for death, then I have nothing to do. Today, I just want you to see what an ant is, right in front of me!"

With the verbal method, its majestic black death surging, turned into a handprint of the sky. It can be imagined that this handprint will fall and hit among the crowd of dark guards. It will undoubtedly cause death and injury, but there is no People took a step back, all the dark guards were standing on the spot, the sword light flashed, preparing for a battle!

This is the dark guard who has followed Meng Fan for many years, and this is the brother who has gone through life and death. The aura of the entire dark alliance is in the same line, and it will always be.... . Follow Meng Fan, live and die together!

However, at the moment when the palm of her hand was about to fall, Meng Niuniu, who had always been standing in place, suddenly murmured, with a pretty face.

"Grandpa.... He's not dead yet, he's still... here!"

A few words fell, very slight, but they fell in the ears of everyone, and everyone was suddenly taken aback, extremely surprised, and an ancient forbidden area even sneered, disdainfully said,

"Girl, why, you are still crazy, Meng Fan, this beast is already dead and can't die anymore. If he can be resurrected, then the old man will kneel in front of you, haha, you really think he... …"

Before the old man's voice was finished, the expression on his face suddenly froze, because beside him, there was a breath of life moving, and he was gradually awakening, filling the world! <

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