Supreme God King

Chapter 1701: Gesture

The tone is calm, spread all over the world!

But the moment it fell, it made the whole world boil!

Whether it is an old monster powerhouse or many onlookers, they have already understood the extraneous meaning of Meng Fan's words.

"This Meng Fan wants to challenge the half-step God King in the world with his own power? Does he really think he is invincible under the God King?"

In the distance, Qin Mieren said in amazement, slowly spitting out a few words, full of disbelief.

Obviously, Meng Fan is setting up a gambling game, and many strong people come one by one, no matter how ancient existence is, countless half-step gods are around him, then they are all crushing.

Not better than one move!

But it means that Meng Fan will have absolute strength and destroy everything, unless the **** king can shake him, otherwise he will hang all the strong under the **** king!

One stone caused a thousand waves!

After this sentence appeared, some people were amazed, some were shocked, some were angry... Countless emotions appeared around, countless eyes focused on Meng Fan's body, setting off an absolutely huge storm, but anyway, all People have to admit that Meng Fan is too arrogant.

After all, there are more than just a few half-step **** kings in the field, among them are from the six great emperors, many ancient existences, which one does not have their own cards.

In particular, there is Ji Feng, an ancient peerless great murderer, who is a strong man in the Divine King Realm. Even though he is not at the peak now, the means are there.

What's more, any one among this group of people will be taken out of the world, comparable to ghosts and gods.

But Meng Fan is not only confident that he can beat him, but he still wants, the words fall, it is undoubtedly like a big mouth drawn on everyone's face.

If Meng Fan is not allowed to pay the price today, I am afraid that this group of people will be shameless in the future walking between the world!

"what did you say!"

Ji Feng's eyes were cold, and he said coldly.

"Didn't you hear me clearly?"

Meng Fan sneered, looked around all the powerful men of the six great emperors around him, calmly said,

"This is what I explain to you. Strength is respected. This is the eternal law of Wanyu. I believe that you must also abide by it. Then it is better to have a real trick with the kid, and today I guarantee it. With your group of stinky sweet potatoes and rotten bird eggs, I’m afraid I can’t shake the next hair. It’s better to go home obediently and be an ancestor!"

A few words fell, extremely calm, but the meaning of it was comparable... a biting knife!

Between heaven and earth, there is a dead silence!

Countless people were shocked and speechless, including those from the Dark Alliance, the Bai Family, and the Temple. They never thought that Meng Fan would be so confident and choose this way!

And in this dark alliance, Meng Niuniu grumbled with a look of excitement,

"It's worthy of being grandpa, what ancient powerhouse, shattered, shattered..."

After a few breaths, Ji Feng standing in the field finally reacted, a smile appeared on his old face, and the corners of his mouth were followed by a twitch. This was obviously not happy, but was blown up by Meng Fan. Lung, angrily turned back and laughed, and finally said one word between the teeth,

"Okay, okay, okay... I can't imagine that after tens of thousands of years, a junior like you will appear between the world and the earth. Not to mention the means, the arrogant one is a must, who will go and explore , Let him know whether our group of old bones are really old!"

A few words, although calm, they are incomparably cold!

On the side, there are countless sword-like gazes on Meng Fan. They are all powerhouses from the six emperors. Now the existence of more than a dozen half-step gods has a thought, that is Torn Meng Fan alive!

"I come!"

A loud roar spread all over the surroundings, and the speaker was Ba Yuntian.

Before fighting with the old man Bailin, he didn't know the outcome. Stepping out, the terrifying body was twice as big as before, standing in place like a giant like a mountain.


This is one of the ten great emperors in this world, but after losing the battle in the past, it seems relatively lonely in this era. However, in the era when its supreme ancestor was rampant, it penetrated any enemy in the world, especially the flesh of this race, it was able to reach the heavens and the earth, shake the ghosts and gods, and compete with the demon ancestors in the ancient era, which is completely detached from mankind and blood. Strange, invincible in the flesh!

Facing Meng Fan, Ba Yuntian's body at this moment was nothing short of heaven and the other underground.

Under such a majestic body, Meng Fan’s thin and thin body was simply to be compared, while Ba Yuntian stood still and said coldly.

"Boy, I want to break all the bones in your body and extract them one by one. Only then will I be able to prove your arrogance and ignorance. I really think how powerful you are. I can tell you that In front of this kind of powerhouse, you are just an ant!"

Speaking of the method, the fist fell!

At the same time, Ba Yuntian's punch hits and heads straight to Meng Fan. In this moment, the sky is completely pale. Even the strong one 10,000 meters away can feel a strong energy. This is rolling towards Meng Fan.

Obviously this Tyrant Yuntian is the supreme powerhouse, his body is shaking the sky, and it seems to be a random blow, extremely reckless. But the expert watching the doorway, this Tyrant Yuntian has already used all his strength between this fist, and the secret technique is used, which contains the power of shaking the sky.

The vitality exploded, like an angry dragon, making everything pale, this is the true absolute power, even if the current **** king is here, it will be absolutely uncomfortable to resist this attack.

"Meng Fan, it's dangerous!"

Around the sky, the crowd was amazed, including Qin Mieren and Yang Wudi. This kind of existence from the beginning is now full of shocking expressions, staring at it unblinkingly.

"This Meng Fan, is it a bit too big to say!"

The more you are the top power, the more you can feel the horror of this punch. It is simply destroying and suppressing everything. Using the supreme secret method of the overlord, the combat power of the overlord is increased by three points stronger than usual. .

In this case, no one is afraid!

However, under these countless dumb gazes, Meng Fan's body still stood in place, his clothes fiercely, even though the world seemed to be bombarding him, he was still motionless, looking at the distance blankly, calmly Spit out two words,


Just two words, then Meng Fan slowly raised his hand, folded his five fingers, and punched the same!


The void burst, the sky collapsed, and at this moment a brilliant spark formed between the sky and the earth.

Under this kind of overflowing power, countless strong people felt their chest shake and retreated.

The power in it is too overbearing, and the sparks splashing around are bursting into the void without knowing how many layers, splashing around.

The sound of the explosion was even more deafening, even if it was a half-step God King powerhouse, it was unbearable, looking at it with shock.

After a while, the sky burst into pieces. In this kind of chaos, one of the figures can be seen flying out, falling from the void in this piece of space fragments, and the huge body is directly blasted away, **** and very embarrassed. , It is Ba Yuntian.

one strike!

In the previous collision, Ba Yuntian's body was torn apart, and Meng Fan flew out.

When this scene fell, countless people opened their mouths and stared at the court. No one would question the power of Ba Yuntian. Everyone looked at the power of that punch, but it was just like Meng Fan’s bombardment. .

Especially Meng Fan was still standing in place, except for the wiggling of his clothes, the whole person seemed to be a mountain, undaunted!

With such an absolute force collision, the ancestor of the Tyrant Clan, Ba Yuntian, lost to Meng Fan with a punch!

Not to mention the people between heaven and earth, even the many half-step ancient ancestors including Ji Feng in the distance are still a little dazed, and it is difficult to understand this scene.

Finally, after a few breaths, the calm was broken by a sound, from the millions of dark guards between Zhou and Tian, ​​their eyes flickered, and the tiger roared upward,

"Brother Meng Fan... mighty!"

"Brother Meng Fan... mighty!"

. . . . .

The sound of the sky, gathering the sky and the earth, this kind of sound and waves are almost drowning everything, countless secret guards are full of conviction in their eyes, this is the one they follow, this is the entire dark alliance For many years, countless dark guards have put their lives in the hands of this person, and Meng Fan has never. . . . . Let the dark alliance disappointed!

Looking up to the common people, watching the past and present!

Today's Meng Fan, even scornful of the older generation of strong, what he said before is definitely not false.

Under this kind of roar, it can be said that the momentum of the previous six great emperors was completely suppressed. Before Meng Fan appeared, the attack of these six great emperors can be described as dark clouds rolling, aiming at everything and letting all dark alliances. All of them have a feeling of speechlessness, and now it seems that after Meng Fan appeared, everything is already. . . . . Completely reversed.

"Old man, try again!"

After a while, a hoarse voice fell, it was the ghost-clan ghost mother-in-law, her eyes were sharp, and she understood that if this continues, the six great emperors today would be ashamed.

With one step out, an endless stern breath emerged from the body of the ghost mother, surrounded by the ink mist, which made people shudder. Among them, the ghost mother was flying her handprints and the secret method was operating, even if there were countless strong people in the field. There was also a strong fear in my heart.

The mysterious method!

Everyone reacted and saw the ghost mother-in-law's movements, they already realized that the latter did not intend to attack with Ba Yuntian's method, but chose to attack.

After all, the lesson of Ba Yuntian is already there. Who would dare to say that the body of a generation of tyrants surpassed, and its power is so terrible, but it was directly punched by Meng Fan, so this ghost woman used his strengths and avoided weaknesses, and targeted Meng Fan. , Launching a spirit attack.

In just a moment, countless phantoms appeared in Meng Fan's sea of ​​consciousness, like a hundred ghosts walking in the night, a piece of purgatory, among the secrets of the ghost woman, making Meng Fan as if he was himself, in an endless **** In the middle, there are horrible ghosts killing him everywhere!

Such a scene, just emerging in the sea of ​​knowledge of a person, is enough to scare him to death, even if it is sacred, it is no exception, not to mention that the powerful one is not a phantom, but from a ghost. The supreme secret method of, a kind of murderous and invisible soul attack, once the ghost is brought to the side, it is enough to tear its soul and swallow it completely!

The unification of reality and reality, killing the souls, this is the dominance of the ghost race!

While standing in place, Meng Fan's whole person was also completely isolated from Zhou Tian, ​​facing the power that came quickly from the sea of ​​knowledge, but his soul was still, his blood merged, and he uttered a word.


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