Supreme God King

Chapter 1702: Invincible


It was just a word, but it broke through the long sky and resounded through the sky.

Between these voices, it not only includes Meng Fan's voice, but also integrates the power of the soul, the fluctuation of vitality and it, and spreads in the field in an instant.

Before everyone could react, they could see that Zhou Tian collapsed and the sky and the earth shook. Countless strong men quickly retreated back to stabilize their souls. Even the many half-step ancient ancestors are no exception, and the ghost woman who is the first to bear the brunt of it is even more miserable, spurting out a mouthful of blood, and flying out like a tyrant cloud.


Accompanied by the sound of the spreading heaven and earth, this hag woman fell heavily on the ground, almost fainted, and lost her spirit. It was obvious that her soul had suffered severe damage.


Suddenly, the expressions of Ji Feng and others changed again, like pig liver. Prior to this, the hag had targeted Meng Fan and wanted to use the superiority of the ghost clan to crush the latter, attacking by spirits, and could not defend against it. What I didn't expect was that the spirits of the two sides blasted each other, and it was the hag who was seriously injured in the end.

In the way of the other, return to the body!

From beginning to end, Meng Fan stayed in place, using exactly the same methods as Ba Yuntian and Ghost Granny, but completely defeated them in the areas where the two were best at. Both the body and the soul were terrifying and beyond imagination.

Who is this!

In the face of this, the whole world was in an uproar, countless people looked at each other, thinking of what Meng Fan had said before, and could not think that this was not a big talk, but a manifestation of strength!

Meng Fan today indeed possesses this qualification!

Looking around, Meng Fan said calmly.

"How about it, do you still fight?"

A few words fell, calm and powerful, but it made the ancient faces of the six great emperors hot on their faces, feeling countless big slaps on their faces.

To be able to possess this kind of self-confidence, perhaps Meng Fan could not do it a thousand years ago, but after stepping into the end of time and space to return, Meng Fan felt that he was on a new level. What has gone through.

Half a step in the realm of God’s enlightenment, this state makes Meng Fan seem to have experienced countless centuries in this short thousand years, seeing all his past roads, understanding, feelings, and finally evolving his own martial arts. It was originally a conical martial art. At this moment in Meng Fan's body, an extremely mysterious mark has been formed. Although it is not yet formed, it is several times stronger than before. Only then did Meng Fan dare to say that. Words, just now have such overbearing power.

A blessing in disguise, under the creation of this kind of opportunity, Meng Fan really exceeded everyone's imagination, including himself.

Even though he has not reached the **** king now, Meng Fan is confident that his combat power is enough to face a current **** king, even if he is at the peak of...

After a few breaths, the old man of one of the six Eastern Demons who had been silent said slowly,

"I don't know if we can give it a try, but we are not moving alone, but we...six!"

The sound fell, causing a big disturbance in the field again.

Dongtian Six Demons, Dongtian Great Array!

This has already reverberated throughout the ancient times. No one knows, no one knows. Once these six people are united, they will be strong enough to trap the God King in the old days, and even A chance to besiege!

This class of killing formations have already resounded through the antiquity. Now that the Six Demons of the Eastern Heavens stand up and want to target Meng Fan, I have to say that even if Meng Fan had already demonstrated Wushuang's strength before, but once agreed, It must be precarious.

After all, it is six half-step gods, not as simple as one plus one. Before Meng Fan was just one person to one person, now he has to face the pressure of five more people. And these six people are in love with each other, and the combined killing array is terrifying, crushing everything.

"Hmph, you still have to be shameless, each of them is dozens of times the grade of my grandfather. It's fine to shoot one by one. Now I want to shoot together again. I really laughed out of my teeth. The six emperors rely on Are you still worthy of being called an emperor?"

In the dark alliance, Meng Niuniu spoke, full of mockery.

Hearing this, all the powerhouses of the six great emperors in the field blushed, although they were intentionally opposed, but the facts were so.

The six great emperors besieged the dark alliance, but the result was that Meng Fan fisted and roared directly to the two ancient ancestors, without even touching the corners of the opponent's clothes. This kind of ending is not what they had expected before. If that is the case, then the six great emperors will probably become a joke for the entire Wanyu.

But if you want to fight Meng Fan one-on-one again, even Ji Feng didn't say anything. There was only one reason. Although Meng Fan was young, his strength was too terrifying.

As the latter said, unless a **** king at the peak comes, no one can suppress him, and anyone in the field who wants to be one-on-one is simply not good. But nowadays, if you want to save face, you can only use more external power, so Dongtian Six Rubik's Cube will do it.

"Ahem, Meng Fan, you are indeed amazing, and I don't have that many demands. Since I am waiting for six people to shoot at the same time, I will naturally give you a chance!"

Dongtian Six Demon said in unison,

"You don’t need a trick to break it. As long as you can break through the big formation of the six people I’m waiting for today, no one else can control it, but our Eastern Demon Race turned around and left. The previous grievances were wiped out, and the Eastern Demon Race later Top and bottom still respect you, what do you think!"

The vicissitudes of voice, resounding everywhere!

Although this condition seems to be fairer, it is natural to believe in their own Dongtian Six Demons. Their divine formations are constantly tempered, and they have been supremely prestigious since ancient times. They even faced off against divine kings in the past. Today they naturally want Attract Meng Fan into the game to suppress Meng Fan.

Hearing the words of the Dongtian Six Demons, everyone's eyes were focused on Meng Fan's face, waiting for the latter to speak.

After a few breaths, Meng Fan spoke, but everyone was dumbfounded again.

"Yes, but okay... Since I said that anyone could hurt me and I would admit defeat by one point, it would not change, including the six of you who shot together. The Eastern Six Demons, I was not afraid a thousand years ago You guys, after a thousand years, I even... don't think you can do it!"

Words are like thunder, resounding through the world!

In just a moment, I could see that the complexion of the Dongtian Six Demons, who were originally calm, turned red in an instant, and each of them was rushing directly above their heads, and had to be irritated by Meng Fan’s arrogance. Both eyes breathed fire and roared at the same time, and their blood exploded, rising around Meng Fan.

The six phantoms, just in a breathing time, have already surrounded Meng Fan in groups. The bodies of these six people seem to be true and illusory, but they are terrifying vitality and are aimed at Meng Fan alone.

At this moment, the void where Meng Fan was located was completely imprisoned, the world was cold, and it could be felt that the whole world was trapped in the absolute realm of the Six Demons of the East, and the six people each occupy a corner. , The power exploded, as if to tear the world to pieces.

"Meng Fan.... You must regret what you said today!"

The tone is sharp, coming from all directions, making the eardrum tingling!

Dongtian Great Formation!

In the ancient times, it was the famous Supreme Killing Array, once again appeared in the world, and six people shot at the same time, targeting Meng Fan.

Obviously, under Meng Fan’s previous words, the Dongtian Six Demons were already frenzied. In the eyes of the public, if Meng Fan were not defeated, the six of them would simply feel that it would be meaningless to live. The vitality is like a tide, blending into the big formation, making the chill between heaven and earth thicker and thicker, and ice blocking the sky.

Meng Fan VS Dongtian Six Demons!

Everyone was amazed. They didn't expect that under this kind of killing, Meng Fan didn't frown, and he was still invincible, disregarding the ancient powerhouses.

Who is this person who can possess this kind of self-confidence, this kind of style!

Located in it, letting countless horrified gazes between Zhou and Tian, ​​Meng Fan just smiled, arched his hands, and said calmly.

"Please enlighten me!"

The three words fell, calm and proud!


Just for a moment, before everyone could react, the Eastern Sky Formation surrounding Meng Fan had already moved. This great formation was able to disregard the ancients and besieged the King of Gods, naturally possessing a shocking power. During this movement, it can be seen that the layers of killing formations surrounding Meng Fan are attacking him. Every rune in it is extremely mysterious, containing the universe, and it turns into a moment of impact. The deadly force, the Dongtian Six Demons in the field were all handprints shot, completely sealing all the outlets where Meng Fan was, and at the same time, the vitality was rolling and murderous intent.

The pupil shrank and was located in between, Meng Fan suddenly felt the whole person's hairs exploded, a kind of overwhelming pressure hit.

It has to be said that this Eastern Sky Formation is too terrifying, and the six people's action together to make their power soared exponentially, which poses an extremely terrifying threat to Meng Fan.

But the more so, the brighter Meng Fan's pupils become. He spent thousands of years in martial arts at the end of time and space, fell into enlightenment, and improved martial arts. When he left, Meng Fan felt that his body was full of strength, and he was extremely eager to fight to prove himself.

Especially in this kind of moment when facing the ancient powerhouse, that one in the field is a character of the amazing era, with its own advantages, secret method, that one is unique, even if it is not a **** king, it is very close.

Normally, it was difficult for Meng Fan to gather them, but now they are all here.

So when seeing this group of people, maybe others are afraid, but Meng Fan's heart is...excited!

Born to be war mad!

These four words are definitely not an exaggeration to describe Meng Fan, and what he has always wanted is to look at all the strong, ancient and modern, and there is a difficult road to go in the future.

Now that there are so many top existences in the world gathered here, its martial arts show, and the killing is an absolutely huge opportunity. Meng Fan just wants to try one by one and sense the power of all races in this kind of confrontation. Come to realize yourself!

I want to do all the strong, look up to the sky and be undefeated forever!

This is Meng Fan's creed, and even more of his rule!

In just a moment, Meng Fan's body soared into the sky, facing the killing formation of the Six Demons of the East, the martial art in his body evolved and turned into a rolling force, and in the next moment, a blast of light penetrated the sky.

"Inverse God Seal!"

Third, there will be more updates tomorrow. For the grassroots, two changes a day are actually exhausting and the writing is slower.

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