Supreme God King

Chapter 1703: Inverse fist

Rebellious seal!

The three characters fell, and the imprint dashed across the sky.

In countless gazes, you can see Meng Fan's power sweeping across the mountains and rivers, colliding with the killing array power of the people of the Eastern Sky Six Demons. At the same time, the sky vibrated like a star bursting open, and countless sparks rose into the sky.

Located in it, all power is imprisoned at this moment. Among them, Meng Fan is alone in the sky, with his big hand outstretched. Under this imprint, his pure martial arts evolved, which is the one of Meng Fan's own martial arts. Force is born.

The big hand is in the air, even if the killing power of the Six Devils of the East is unparalleled, but it is actually resisted by Meng Fan's big hand. All the tide-like power is still at this moment, and the space seems to be full. It was sealed by Meng Fansheng!

Rebellious power!

This is what Meng Fan has been pursuing for some years, such power comes from the destruction of the **** king, but in the middle of this it is no longer a destruction.

Because Meng Fan went out of his own way and merged with hundreds of schools, including Sunset Change, Bai Family, Battle Emperor, Bloody Dragon Emperor, Demon Blood Emperor, etc. The techniques of those who are too old and amazing, all let Meng Fan concentrate. In his own martial arts, after constant evolution and exploration, countless opportunities and good fortune, finally created his own power against the gods!


It is the foundation of Meng Fan's martial arts power and the essence of his life. Since the beginning of his cultivation, he has been walking against the current and walking in the sky all the time.

If you are reduced to a crowd, if you lose your heart, then it is not Meng Fan, so the latter will categorically refuse in the face of several temptations, just walk out a path that belongs to him, and rely on Meng Fan all the way. !

Suddenly, under Meng Fan's palm, the entire sky became imprisoned. This power against the gods was absolutely extraordinary!

On the side, everyone was amazed. The more the powerhouses stepped on the top, the more they could feel the aura spreading from Meng Fan at this moment, including the ancient ancestors of the six emperors including Ji Feng, all of them are now dignified and staring. The martial arts of Meng Fan.

Even if they have lived for a long time and have seen too many strong men, they still can’t see exactly how Meng Fan’s martial arts are. There is simply no one in the eternal life like it, and they can only vaguely feel that one. The breath of horror.

This person... is even scarier than they thought!

Meng Fan didn't understand the thoughts of the people around him at all. Now there is only one thing in his eyes, that is, the six Eastern Demons in front of him.

Yiyin ran across the air, resisting the closing of the great formation, and after a while, Meng Fan didn’t stop at all. He clenched his fists and blasted out boldly. Suddenly, tide-like power poured out, turning into a rolling wave, shooting into the sky. Come.

Inverse God Fist!

The fist strikes across the air and suppresses everything. The moment Meng Fan throws his fist, his whole person is like a sun, the light is scattered, illuminating the sky, and the hot meaning seems to burn the whole world.

Previously, Meng Fan's strength was Emperor Quan, but after countless years of martial arts evolution and breakthroughs at the end of time and space, Meng Fan's martial arts finally reached a certain level.

This Nishen Fist is Meng Fan’s imperial fist after fusing his own martial arts. With one blow, it not only has the emperor aura of the former imperial fist, but also contains the meaning of Meng Fan’s own endless martial arts. The word itself blends into it, making this seemingly random blow even deeper and more terrifying!


After a while, Meng Fan had already launched a fierce attack, strode out, and his hair fluttered, like a great demon king. His two fists waved, and this god-defying fist leaned out like a tide, blatantly breaking through the air, and heading towards the six demon of the east.


Suddenly, the expressions of the Dongtian Six Demons changed. Unexpectedly, the six of them attacked at the same time and launched a large formation to suppress Meng Fan. Even a **** king was dangerous here, but the latter chose to attack.

And at the moment of the collision, the Dongtian Six Demons felt the power of Meng Fan. It is worthy of the existence of the two and a half steps of suppressing the king of the gods before. That kind of confrontation over power made them all six. Take the slightest advantage, and let Meng Fan find the initiative in an instant and attack.

"East Sky Great Formation, unite the power of heaven!"

However, the Six Demons of the East Heaven can live from the ancient times to the present, but they are definitely not given in vain. The six screamed at the same time, their handprints changed, and they blasted towards Meng Fan’s inverse fist, assembled a large array, and suddenly let The field was like thunderbolts staggered, sending out a terrible breath of tearing.

It can be seen from the naked eye that between the power of the seven people, there was a terrible collision of power. Meng Fan faced the six people alone, and the fist marks between the two sides were staggered. Any blow was issued instantly, but it contained destruction of the world. The horror, under this kind of fight, in one breath, it collided hundreds of times.

Bang, bang!

Lightning and thunder, heaven and earth trembled!

It can be said that after countless baptisms, the entire world was almost swallowed. In the next moment, you can see the light flashing, the sky bursts, and everyone can see the surrounding sky. The imprisoned space between...

The absolute realm of the Eastern Sky Array itself was actually blasted away by Meng Fan!

how is this possible!

Seeing this scene, the corners of countless people's mouths suddenly widened, especially the older generation of strong men who looked at them in disbelief. They knew too much about the power of the Eastern Sky Formation, but what they didn't expect was that after a few breaths, the absolute realm that had besieged Meng Fan was completely turned into ashes, in Meng Fan's powerful force. Next, blast away his life.


In the middle of the air, the Six Devils of the Eastern Sky all retreated back, and the corners of their mouths moved and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

At the moment when the formation broke open, the six of them also encountered backlash to varying degrees, and naturally they could not restrain themselves.

On the other hand, in the sky, the arrogant figure in this void is still standing still. The clothes are fierce, still standing in place. It is Meng Fan, even if it has gone through that kind of bursting method before, there is no sign of it. Any changes.

And after a while, Meng Fan pointed a finger in the void, and a sword energy that reached the extreme flowed from the fingertips and fingers, rushing across the world, fierce!


After a short while, one could see that this fingertip sword energy penetrated everything, and it actually fell directly on the chest of an old man of the Eastern Six Demons, piercing his chest, spreading blood!

One palm resisted the Eastern Heaven Divine Formation, several punches smashed the defense of the Eastern Heaven Formation, and then one finger hit one of the Dongtian Six Demons.

All this just happened in less than a stick of incense. Meng Fan’s movements were so eloquent, fast to the extreme, and even too many people didn’t realize what Meng Fan did. Just at this moment It is for him to occupy an absolute advantage. Under this kind of siege, one finger is wounded!

"I'm waiting to lose!"

Before everyone between heaven and earth could react, an old voice spread all around, coming from one of the old men of the Eastern Six Demons.

Between the week and the sky, the breath slowly dissipated, and the body of the Dongtian Six Demons was stable, and a sense of death appeared on each of their faces. Even if they were full of confidence before and wanted to deal with Meng Fan, but now under Meng Fan's thundering methods, they had no confidence in the six of them.

"No, you still have the power to fight!"

On the side, Ji Feng roared, full of doubts.

"Little friend Meng Fan has kept his hands before!"

The old man, one of the injured Dongtian Six Demons, sighed, covering his chest, but his gaze at Meng Fan was full of gratitude.

"My little friend's finger is just right. It happened at the moment when I waited to retreat. If the little friend runs at full strength, it can hurt my soul. If the six people like me are missing one, this big formation in the east is all powerful. At least it has dropped several times. Before, it was able to make the little friend break open. It would be even more unbearable if I were one less. Although I still had the strength, I was already defeated, and...very thoroughly!"

There was endless helplessness in the tone.

Although the Eastern Six Demons and Meng Fan didn't meet each other and didn't want to fail, they were able to get to this point because they each possessed the dignity of the supreme power.

Especially since Meng Fan had been merciful before, if he really had a murderous intent, then at least that old man would now hurt his soul and he would have to rest for at least a few years when he returned.

Hearing the words of the Dongtian Six Demons, the whole world was in an uproar. There were countless eyes, staring at the field, no one would have thought that these six great emperors were besieging the dark alliance, and the final outcome turned out to be like this. Including the Dongtian Six Demons, they all lost, so who can stop Meng Fan?

"Little friend Meng Fan, if we lose, we will leave immediately, and the Middle Ancient Territory will be in the future for thousands of years, and the Eastern Demon Race will respect you!"

Dongtian Six Devil sighed again, the previous promise had already been made, and now it was really defeated by Meng Fan, there is nothing to say.

Hearing this, Meng Fan smiled and nodded. He was alone in the sky, his eyes squinted, and he looked around again, and finally fell on Ji Feng's body, slowly saying,

"Who else wants to enlighten me, the six emperors are here, is there enough explanations they want today?"

The tone was calm and spread all over the world, but it was no longer angry and mighty, a kind of emperor's bearing that encompassed the world came out, making the whole world become silent at this moment.

Before so many ancestors failed, including the six-man siege, they were no longer Meng Fan's opponents. Even if there were other ancestors in the court, such as Zhou family ancestors, they couldn't say a word. Standing in place, under Meng Fan's gaze, Ji Feng's mouth twitched and wanted to speak several times, but in the end he gritted his teeth and did not speak.

After a few breaths, apart from Meng Fan's voice, there was no other sound in the entire world.

Finally, Meng Fan smiled with satisfaction and said slowly,

"That being the case, then everyone... this Middle Age Lord is the only dark alliance!"

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