Supreme God King

Chapter 1704: Lord of the Middle Ages

In the Battle of Chaos Valley, the six emperors retreated!

This is definitely a result that everyone did not expect. Prior to this, the six emperors were menacing, but Meng Fan alone made it all over. Even the Bai family, the temple, the first line, the Zhongtian Dynasty and other forces who came to help just need to watch from the sidelines.

The name of Meng Fan spread all over the world again.

However, before this, it was just an unborn tianjiao. However, when Meng Fan’s name spreads to the world again today, he has truly become a great emperor, and the limelight has even overshadowed the former Zhongtian dynasty, etc. It seems that now it has become the recognized head of the ten emperors.

Not convinced, under the circumstances that the highest ancestors of the great emperors have not returned, Meng Fan’s combat power is simply unprecedented, and the six great emperors have no temper, and as a last resort, they can only lead the dark alliance. .

The name moves the world, and the sound is in the past!

This name has not been extolled for thousands of years, but when this sounded, everyone was already surprised to find that this Meng Fan was the emperor of this Middle Ancient Realm, and he was already qualified to command the heroes.

To become the king of this Middle Ancient Realm is undoubtedly the master of the entire universe. Although I don't know how long Meng Fan can maintain, even occupying this position for a moment is the dream of too many people.

In ancient times, I don’t know how many people wanted to reach the extreme of this world. However, in less than ten thousand years, Meng Fan has transformed from the old Wuzhen boy into today’s great emperor and powerhouse, disregarding the world. This is a myth in itself. Those who say nothing, at least despise the ancients.

Even in the past, the two great existences of the Heavenly Remnant God King are somewhat inferior to them, only dating back to more ancient times, perhaps there is still comparable.

Its legend can be said to be resounding across the world, being praised by countless people, and it has become the dream of any young Tianjiao.

Be like Meng Fan, cross the eternal life, only this one!

This sentence can be said to have caused countless people to chant and spread word of mouth, and after this battle, the world has once again calmed down.

After all, the status of the various emperors is already determined. Before there is enough strength to shake Meng Fan, then the latter occupies the first position in the Middle Ancient Region, which is worthy of the name, even if the six great emperors are not satisfied, there is no way!

In this regard, Meng Fan was so happy, and in the second year after the war, he ordered the reconstruction of the chaotic valley and the establishment of countless palaces.

Moreover, the materials needed for this palace turned out to be from the great emperors. After hearing this news, many of the emperors were violent, because Meng Fan’s mouth is a huge number. For this group of emperors For the clan, it is very painful.

Although the dark alliance is directly suppressed by the army, and the previous great emperors have personally admitted that they have regarded the dark alliance as their respect during these ten thousand years, and it is difficult to break the trust in the world. In the end, they could not hold back their anger. Hand in the necessary materials and materials.

With the tribute of several great emperors, the entire chaotic valley has also been renewed and become extremely luxurious.

There are a total of nine great emperor clans enshrined, plus the dark alliance itself, one can imagine how terrifying resources it is. With so many resources, it is simply enough to create a paradise on earth.

In just ten years, the land of the dark alliance has become the rarest sacred land between heaven and earth, and the chaotic valley can be described as magnificent at first glance, encompassing the world.

Of course, although every year he contributed a lot of natural treasures to Meng Fan, it also made the other six emperor clans continue to criticize Meng Fan.

The three words Meng Laozie are quite familiar in these ten thousand domains, and they all come from the people of the six great emperor clans. Many children of the emperor clans hate these three words at all.

However, in the next few years, even though the emperor clans continued to abuse Meng Fan, the old Meng thieves in this world's population sat high in the palace, enjoying the resources that many emperors paid tribute.

And with these many resources, the dark alliance's development speed is also several times faster than before, and for the top powerhouses, the progress is huge.

Twenty years later, the sacred monkey broke through in the dark alliance, and his blood stunned the world and reached the point of half a step as a sacred king.

After another full ten years, Burning Tianling and Elder Snake also made breakthroughs, and the two of them also followed the footsteps of the **** monkey, ascending to the **** king for half a step, surpassing themselves.

In the entire dark alliance, in just a hundred years, there were three more half-step gods. This news came out. For several great emperors, it is simply more uncomfortable than their own disaster. Rumors do not know how many emperors. When Gu was in retreat, he sprayed out blood and fainted.

The three half-step **** kings, apparently under the breakthrough of this strong, for the dark alliance, there are three more powerful assistance, making the arrogance of the old thief Meng even more arrogant, and the background is more substantial.

In addition, the dark alliance is now even more powerful and talented. After the emergence of the three great gods, the female emperor, Meng Niuniu, Yan Wang, Ling Wang, Yun Feiyang and so on have also merged with themselves, and have made great progress.

Especially Meng Niuniu, who took the lead, not only reached the three sacred realms at the same cultivation speed as Meng Fan, but she also realized very quickly, and even began to try to break through and set foot in this half-step God King realm.

It has to be said that as long as you see the many powerful people in the dark alliance today, you have already made countless people who oppose Meng Fan despair, because after going through countless crises, the dark alliance has also grown into a towering tree with Meng Fan. Now, even if it is a **** king who wants to shake the dark alliance, it is probably not easy!

As for the turmoil and many things between heaven and earth, Meng Fan does not deal with it, only retreats in the palace of cultivation, but sometimes he will accompany Xinlan, the empress, Bai Shui'er, etc., and others. Nothing can bother him.

And only the people closest to Meng Fan can understand that although the dark alliance has won an absolute victory after this battle, Meng Fan has no slack. On the contrary, he is more hardworking if he sits in the palace every day. , There is often a horrible atmosphere that makes the world pale.

Moreover, there will often be some instructions that will invisibly increase the strength of the entire dark alliance.

Obviously everyone understands that in the outside world, it is only rumored that Meng Fan is greedy for pleasure, relying on his power to exploit other emperors and build his own palace.

But the real Meng Fan is always cultivating hard, and too many treasures collected from the great emperors are used for the people in the dark alliance, obviously Meng Fan wants to quickly strengthen the whole Dark alliance!

In the ancient palace, it won't move for decades!

This place only belongs to Meng Fan, and although the latter is the present co-lord of the Middle Ages, he has always been in retreat here, quietly practicing alone.

In the past few decades, besides dealing with things, Meng Fan put more energy on his own martial arts. Although he had fallen into an epiphany before and had grown tremendously, he wanted to really take that step. , Is still too difficult.

Sitting cross-legged in meditation, Meng Fan has been doing this for many years. During these decades, he has always been able to maintain his original heart and remain unmoved by foreign objects. Although he has not gained much in these years, his eyes seem to be deeper. , Sitting still in the same place, between the footsteps, there is the aura of looking at the world, coercing everything.

A truly alive emperor, not a **** king, but a battle power comparable to that of a **** king, is already an indisputable fact in ten thousand realms. Everyone understands how much Meng Fan can reach, and only one person can suppress it. Other emperors dare not make any changes, otherwise it would never be the case.

Therefore, at this moment, anyone who sees Meng Fan has to be afraid, because the latter's majesty is too heavy, and his youth has gone through life and death to reach the present.

No one can tell how many Tianjiao powerhouses died in his hands, especially after Meng Fan continued to improve the seal of the gods, there was an aura of annihilating the common people between his dedications. The name of Shura is worthy of the name.

Even in these few years, there are very few high-level dark alliances who dare to visit Meng Fan, because once they are close to the latter, then it seems that there is no secret at all. It is enough to be swept away by Meng Fan’s eyes. See through everything, see through everything in yourself.

However, in the dark alliance, many people still feel that Meng Fan is the same as before, and is not afraid at all. In the main hall, a shadow comes in cautiously. At the same time, you can see that this shadow is extremely clever. Everything in the hall was put into his own bag, and Qingcheng's small face showed a satisfied smile.

At the next moment, Meng Fan's voice slowly fell, with a hint of helplessness.

"Niu Niu, you are naughty again, some of my belongings are about to be stolen by you!"

Seeing that she had been discovered, Meng Niuniu was not afraid, and she came to Meng Fan’s side with a smile after three steps and two steps.

"Grandpa is rich in the world now, it's not bad for me!"

"Huh, you thief!"

Meng Fan glanced at him. Although his tone was reprimanding, his eyes were full of pampering. If it weren't for his permission, who could take things from this hall.

Meng Fan said solemnly, touching Meng Niuniu’s hair with a big hand.

"This time there is nothing wrong with the tribute of the six great emperors!"

"No no!"

Meng Niuniu shook her head and smiled.

"How come, I personally supervise each time, hehe... But grandpa, I don't understand a little bit, why do you not only reduce the items they pay tribute every few years, but still add them? They actually paid a lot of tribute in the year, and it is also enough for the development of the dark alliance, but grandpa, you don't have any intention to relax!"

Looking at Meng Niuniu's puzzled look, Meng Fan smiled and said calmly.

"The imperial clan is a tiger, of course it must be suppressed!"

"Tiger? Since they are all great, then we should be able to win over them. Don't worry, the six great emperors must have complained a lot about your grandfather in the past few years. Why do you have to burden them again?"

Meng Niuniu was puzzled.

"Niu Niu, if Grandpa is gone in the future, you will be in my position sooner or later, then you will understand that the way to treat a tiger is definitely not tolerance, let alone tolerance, but... suppression, and infinite suppression Facing the emperor, the more you step back, they will think that you are afraid of them. The more polite you are, the more they may try to annex you, so there is only one way to exploit them. The more you are Make them uncomfortable, the more they will think you are strong and dare not act rashly!"

Meng Fan's eyes flashed and said slowly,

"I have been paying tribute to them over the past few years, letting them know that Meng Fan's dominance will be honest. Although I have complaints, I never dare to behave like before. If I am weak in these years, Hum.... I'm afraid they have something, but it's not a complaint!"

The tone was calm, and Meng Niuniu's expression suddenly moved, and she understood what Meng Fan meant. The latter was able to reach this position for many years, not only relying on his fists, but his mental skills... even more terrifying!

For a moment, Meng Fan's figure stood up, his eyes looked beyond, deep and terrifying, to a direction outside the sky, and after a few breaths, he slowly said.

"Unexpectedly, among these ten thousand domains... there is another **** king resurrected!"

The plot is somewhat stuck, and there are only two changes today.

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