Supreme God King

Chapter 1707: Flat the restricted area!

Flat the restricted area!

For many years, Meng Fan remained silent, seldom telling people what he thought in his heart, only Bai Shui'er, the empress, this kind of close relatives knew one thing or two.

These three words are always engraved in Meng Fan's heart, never forgotten.

Because this is not only a national hatred, but also a hatred of the family. In the past, Ruo Shuiyi burst his body on the forbidden zone of blood, leaving only a trace of soul, and the old madman died in the forbidden zone, the enemy of the gods. , The enmity of countless dead guards, those many are deeply engraved in Meng Fan's heart, how dare you forget, how can you forget!

For many years, he suppressed the world, and his pictures were not only for the development of the dark alliance, but also had his eyes on the restricted area. Now, with his order, he can finally unite the ten emperors and take action together to target the restricted area. !

This day... Meng Fan waited too long!

Once upon a time, he was just the weak Wuzhen teenager, who could only look up at the sky and gritted his teeth in silence. Once upon a time.

Facing the tomb where the dark alliance was, only a pot of old wine and the ancient Buddha in green lantern accompanied Meng Fan. Once upon a time, the deep powerlessness pierced Meng Fan, causing his heart to bleed.

And at this moment, Meng Fan finally grew up with a young eagle, and reached today's flying dragon, the grudges of the past... and naturally it is time to liquidate!


With a punch blasting through the road to the restricted area, Meng Fan's hair fluttered, the blood in his body was burning, his eyes were red, and he was already frantic.

"Teacher, sister, brothers of the dark guard... Open your eyes and watch me kill!"

Meng Fan shouted and stepped into the restricted area!

Behind him, the mountains whispered with the tsunami, and the silhouettes were like waves. They were all powerful men from the top ten emperors. Now rows of people were transformed into silhouettes, following Meng Fan and entering the restricted area!

How bold to act like this!

Although Meng Fan did it before, what he wants now is not the same as before, but completely... to flatten, not only to smash the people in the restricted area, but also to destroy this kind of time and space, completely. The collapse of the space here.

The seven restricted areas are beyond the objects, each space is an independent small world, owned by the restricted area, and provided for the restricted area temple.

In disguised terms, although this is not the most terrifying place in the restricted area, it is the root of the restricted area.

And Meng Fan was about to break the roots of these seven restricted areas, completely smashing this small piece of the world, and at the moment his plan said, it was to shock all the people of the imperial family.

Since ancient times, the forbidden area is aimed at ten thousand domains, destroying everything, and wanting to dominate the ten thousand domains, but in the hands of Meng Fan, all this has changed. The latter chose to actively attack the forbidden area and solve this problem that no one has solved for all ages , Is to flatten the restricted area, and gather everyone's strength to break this piece of void.

Such a method is absolutely shocking enough!

However, thinking carefully, many people of the imperial family can't help but think deeply, because the most important element in the forbidden area is the forbidden area. The latter is the most core existence in the forbidden area. The extremely troublesome thing is that it is already standing in this world. The thirteen hall masters at the end.

With these thirteen people, wanting to shake the restricted area is undoubtedly looking for death. Therefore, for many years, no one has shot against the restricted area, and even many people dare not. The latter’s first name in the world has scared away too many people, and even in the minds of many people, there is no such thing. A concept of shooting against the restricted area.

It's a pity that people like Meng Fan came out after all these ages. For him, there is nothing he dare not dare to do in the world!

In the past war, the restricted area crushed Meng Fan. After several shots, everyone understood that these thirteen people are now caught in a certain type of prohibition, unable to move, or unable to do their best!

Especially when the source of the heavens is about to come, none of these thirteen people can be distracted at all, and they will definitely plan this aspect with all their strength!

Especially Meng Fan knows that Ruotian said that the five thousand years of the world and the ancient gods that have already started, the Forbidden Zone Temple is not invincible in this world, at least there is an ambitious ancient **** and many powerful people. On the side, I am afraid it is enough to contain the countless energy of the thirteen hall masters.

So if the thirteen hall masters can't make a move, for the people in other restricted areas, the Wanyu Emperor Clan... fearless!

Meng Fan's business can be said to be a gambling, betting that the thirteen hall masters can't make a move, seizing its vital moment in one fell swoop, and taking advantage of its weakest time to wipe out its root cause.

"Such an opportunity may disappear after five thousand years. Once the age of the gods comes, I am afraid that it will not only recover from the gods of many races, but will also be the lord of the thirteen halls. The entire ten thousand realms will be in chaos, but Before that, I am afraid it will be the weakest moment in the restricted area!"

In the hall, Meng Fan was already indifferent, and the words echoed in everyone's ears, drawing the blood of Qin Mieren, Taichu and many other people who opposed the restricted area.

Indeed, fighters are the most important and fleeting. Although Meng Fan's move is extremely bold, it is undoubtedly a risk in the mouth of a tiger, but once it is the possibility of its success, it is enough to make everyone extremely excited.

Unique in the world!

When, who would dare to say flat the forbidden area, who dare to say to cut the forbidden area, but under the leadership of Meng Fan, the blood in the bones of all ten thousand domain powerhouses was aroused.

Today’s battle is about breaking through the ages, even if it is the Destroyer God King who ruled the world in the past, Renxiong and others have never done it!




In the void, the roar reverberated. At this moment, you can see that countless emperor clan powerhouses have already entered here like a torrent. During this movement, the entire sky is almost overturned, and the breath is overflowing. Shock.

This scene was absolutely unexpected. Such actions spread all over the world, making the people of Ten Thousand Domains feel dumbfounded and their eyes widened.

Not to mention that it is a forbidden area for murder, it is too difficult for the ten emperors to respond and cooperate with this statement.

Looking at the current Wanyu, Meng Fan can do it.

The latter dominates the world, suppressing the imperial family for a few years, has developed a kind of majesty!

And Meng Fan is not for anything else, just being able to gather the power of everyone to make him truly become the emperor of the human race. With this kind of identity, it is enough for Meng Fan to lead the group and let everyone follow their commands and come together. .... Into the restricted area!

This is the opportunity Meng Fan has been waiting for and the goal he has worked hard for for many years!

Now the action can be described as a landslide!

Wan Yu was amazed, countless people's eyes focused on the direction of the dark alliance, absolutely never expected it, too frightening.

At the same time, it can be seen that in the connection between the forbidden area and the ten thousand realms, the space barrier has been penetrated by Meng Fan and others, not only the many top emperors surging into it, but also where it is. Including the elites of the great emperors and the dark alliance, they are all battle-tested.

Because for Meng Fan in this battle, what he wants is not possession, but...complete annihilation!


One step into the forbidden space, there is only one place in Meng Fan's eyes, that is...the capital of blood.

This is the place where Ruoshuiyi’s body is shattered, and even the place where the old lunatic’s soul returns. Without words, Meng Fan’s first blood is the restricted area!

A palm shot, traversing the sky and the earth, turned into a towering handprint. With Meng Fan's current power, he used a palm with all his strength to make his palmprint almost comparable to a mountain that covered the sky. It fell directly on the city of the blood emperor. Before the door.


After a short while, the earth shook the mountain and broke completely!

Under Meng Fan's destructive power, it completely penetrated everything. Even though it was an ancient imperial city in the restricted area, it was instantly collapsed and turned into flying sand and rocks, making the entire world, mountains and rivers sway constantly.


A moment later, countless people in the restricted area raised their heads and looked towards the sky. Faced with this sudden murderous intent, they simply couldn't react at all.

Including countless forbidden royal families, ancient true demons, etc., they all looked incredible above the sky, unable to imagine where so many human races would appear from, and even dared to make a shot at yourself!

Outside the restricted area, it is... a petrified!

Countless people looked at the sky between the sky, and under this terrible breath surging, it was spreading throughout the entire blood restricted area, because there were too many strong people coming in, and the breath was enough to affect the eight wilderness.

At the same time, in countless corners, there are human races looking at the sky above, and those human figures can't speak a word.

"Is this...the person of Wanyu..."

"It's mine... the same clan!"

"Am I dead, how can I see the people of Ten Thousand Realms..."

Countless voices sounded. There are too many people from ten thousand domains in this forbidden area, all of them are the result of the catastrophe of the past. This group of people was captured here, slaves for generations, like cattle and sheep who were in the restricted area. Become food.

In the past, when Meng Fan broke into the restricted area, he saw this scene with his own eyes and saw how this group of people survived.

Many of them have long forgotten where their home is and the breath of Wanyu, but in countless years, their own blood has carved a pattern on the stone, which is the direction of home and the symbol of Wanyu. .

Suddenly, the people in the Blood Forbidden Zone who were inexplicable from the Ten Thousand Domains all knelt down, crying on their backs. For too many of them, they didn’t even need to leave. They just felt the power of Ten Thousand Domains. There is a kind of warmth.

"My race!"

The two words echoed in countless corners of the earth, coming from the people in the forbidden zone here in countless times.

Perhaps many people have become numb, many people have felt that it doesn’t matter, and many people have forgotten it, but at the moment when the breath of ten thousand domains spread in this world, there are still too many people crying, perhaps remembering For the girl I love at the center of Wanyu, perhaps I remembered that many of my parents may no longer be there, maybe it sounded that I still have my own children at home, and I don’t know what she has grown up to now.....

Years of imprisonment, years of enslavement, and years of digging out their blood, but at this moment countless vitality monks in the entire restricted area have waited until this day, the people of ten thousand domains... counterattack the restricted area, against the sky. war!

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