Supreme God King

Chapter 1708: Wash blood with blood

Get into the restricted area!

At this moment, the world is shocked!

From the most common and ignorant monsters to the top powerhouses in this world, they never thought that someone would dare to do this in this world!

Reversing the rules of ancient times, they became the people of ten thousand domains to attack the restricted area, launching the most violent means.

At the same time, in the torn space, countless people from Ten Thousand Territories can see a scene in the forbidden area through the screen, see the life of their compatriots in the past, and see the countless human races that have been turned into bones. And the words they carved on the stone...

"The human race is immortal, and we are willing to dare not do anything for the world, not equal the restricted area, and not be human!"

Too early to roar, tears of the old.

Rao had never thought of this day. It was just a battle at the Thunder Pass in the past. He just didn't know how many former comrades-in-arms fell on that piece of land forever, but now it is their turn to take the initiative.

Perhaps the same person will die today, and perhaps he himself will disappear in smoke today, but in the eyes of countless people such as Qin Mieren, Yang Wudi, etc., it was only full of strong will to fight.

Not for anything else, only for the comrades who died in Wanyu in the past, only for those who fell on the road, only for their fellows who could survive!


For a moment, the world trembled. The entire Blood Forbidden Area was even more chaotic. After Meng Fan raised his hand and smashed the gate of the Blood Emperor, Zhou Tian was completely submerged.

Because it’s not just a party of the emperor, but all the top powerhouses of each of the ten emperors, plus the elite monks under him, this is not a battle between forces, but a fight between Wanyu and the forbidden area. , And it is the first time that Wanyu has actively resisted in these hundreds of thousands of years, using violence to control violence!

At this moment, countless tide-like vitality monks entered it, and many of the strong in the restricted area had no chance to react, or they had been completely wiped out.

This moment is fast as thunder, and the action is even cleaner!

The hatred between double oppositions is no longer utterable in words. Every monk between ten thousand domains has a deep hatred with the forbidden area. When it comes to this kind of counterattack, in an instant, the supreme monk will Is already crazy.

Even the people of the Ji family, Zhou family, and other imperial clan, did not say anything more, only killing in their eyes, aimed at the restricted area.

"you dare!"

Amidst this kind of tidal siege, a strong man in the restricted area roared, his eyes filled with rich disbelief.

For many years, in his eyes, the monk of Wanyu was a slave, a pig and a dog, how could he never imagined that such a big rebellion would be born now.

However, after a while, he was already crushed by a big hand. It was Meng Fan who made the move. He strode out and closed his strength. In this instant he was completely wiped out, and he said indifferently,

"Why not dare!"

The four words are sonorous and powerful, comparable to thunder!

The blood burst to pieces and dyed Meng Fan's clothes red. At this moment, the latter couldn't see the depth and elegance of the usual days, and some only had that kind of indifference, making the world around him cold.

White hair Shura!

In the past, countless people used to call Meng Fan this way, and the latter now seems to be indeed qualified to be called that. Once Meng Fan is truly murderous, then his place is to be together. ...Shred!

"Since ancient times, the restricted area has tasted the blood of ten thousand domains. Today I want to slaughter the people in the restricted area!"

Meng Fan said slowly, his tone was calm, composed and powerful, spreading in any corner between the world and the earth.

As far as they could see, countless figures looked at Meng Fan, with a flash of enthusiasm in their eyes.

Someone finally made this kind of sound and achieved this step. After a while, a sound echoed in the world.


And this voice is not from Qin Mieren, a group of powerful people in the beginning, but from... from the land of Wanyu!

Countless scattered monks, their eyes can see countless shadows and move, even without Meng Fan's call, they have already strode out and headed in the direction of this dark alliance.

They don’t have any responsibility, and maybe they don’t need to participate in this battle, but after seeing Meng Fan at this moment, the invisible breath has infected them, and it originated from the spirit in Meng Fan’s bones. , That kind of unyielding and tenacity.

Therefore, on the countless earth, all kinds of casual cultivators left their respective retreats and came towards this battlefield.

And in the next moment, you can see the roar of countless tigers in several corners of the restricted area.


It's just a word, simple and powerful, but it already represents the voice of everyone.

Many of them still smiled with people in the restricted area before, many were slaves who were still in the restricted area, and many were still alive, but at this moment, their eyes were blood red, only murderous!

These people are ordinary, but they are not willing to... mediocre!

The blood in their bones is not dead yet, they still want a battle!


Countless figures rushed straight to the battlefield here, even if they knew that there was a flame in front of them, but countless **** men were willing to be the moths at this moment, to destroy them!


It can be seen that after a moment, all the defenses in the outside world of the Blood Emperor collapsed and fell into chaos, not to mention that in this city, the huge blood forbidden area is already in riots. After sensing the methods of Meng Fan and others, the countless number of monks imprisoned here all resisted.

A kind of light flashed in their eyes, just like Meng Fan, which kind of fanaticism would rather die than fight!

"Meng Fan!"

Among the ten thousand realms, in an unfathomable abyss, a pupil suddenly opened, bright like a star, like two sharp swords trying to tear the world apart, you can see the deepest place in this endless land There is a figure with a slender body and a terrifying breath. It is exactly... Destroy the God King!

No one can find this place, as if the existence of the Destroy God King wants to be hidden, it is like a drop of water into the sea.

But at this moment, the King of Destruction was awakened from his deep sleep, with a magnificent breath, enveloped the surroundings, and a sigh appeared on his face, finally said,

"Yes! I underestimated you before. No matter what you can do, you are also worthy of my ruined opponent, but... When I fully recover and reach the peak, the moment you die, But rest assured that just by relying on what you do today, I will give you the most decent way to die!"

The tone is calm, blending into the endless darkness around, no one can hear, but if this word is spread, it must be shocking the world. In this eternal age, how many people can be evaluated by the God of Destruction?

Endless waters, a polar region, at this moment also burst out an astonishing breath, in which the shadow emerged, seemingly true and illusory, you can see that it is a cloud of fog, there is no body at all, as if it can be transformed Anything out of the world, its breath penetrates the endless sky, staring at the void of the blood forbidden area, and finally a few words slowly fall,

"Damn Meng Fan, he has made such a big movement again, hum... You broke my plan in the past. I remember this kind of hatred, but I don't have the origin of human beings. Get, if the deity comes out, it is your death date..."

The tone is harsh and bitterly cold!

The news of Wanyu’s counter-attack forbidden zone fell into the world. I don’t know how many corners there are taboos and are awakened. Just like the previous scene, I don’t know how many places have happened. Obviously, this is definitely a shocking event. People who are more powerful must be amazed.

After all, this move is rare in the ages, especially in the hands of Meng Fan and others, there is no **** king realm powerhouse at all. The only thing to rely on is their own breath of death. Follow Meng Fan and dare to do this!

Even in the old days when the King of Gods came out, they never joined forces to attack the restricted area, but under Meng Fan’s methods, this group of people actually did it. It may include the ancient gods, including the supreme in this world. To hide existence is to be moved by today's affairs.

But obviously there is only one that is the most shocking, that is...forbidden area hall!

The rich envelop of black death is endless, and here is the biggest source of black death as it is today. After a while, the thirteen forbidden area pillars in its deepest place vibrated at the same time, causing the magic sea to toss and the world torn apart. Anything here is swallowed by this kind of tear. Next, it simply made the whole piece of void tremble, it was terrible!

Countless existences in the entire forbidden area are kneeling on the ground, the atmosphere is afraid to breathe, drips of sweat continue to fall, like raindrops, after a few breaths, finally there is a sound of falling in the sky, from thirteen Respect the forbidden area pillars, issued together, only one word,


Speaking of the law, the palace in the restricted area shakes!

For many years, no one can remember that the thirteen restricted area pillars probably never spoke together after the previous World War, but now the voice does not come from a restricted area pillar, but 13 people speak together. Make your own voice!

In just a moment, the countless coffins in this magic sea have been violently exploded, moved the void, and landed toward the blood restricted area!

Before the imperial capital, when Meng Fan and the others rushed forward, it was possible to see that the entire sky was dark, surrounded by endless black death air, and the coffins came from the sky like meteors. Ascending and descending, there are four figures above the leader, appearing above the imperial capital. The leader is a young man who looks very strange, pale, half angry, half angry, eyes It is more like a knife, looking at Meng Fan, slowly spit out a few words,

"Meng Fan, you are really looking for death!"

The tone was gloomy and the world changed color. Everyone knew that this was definitely the forbidden area hall. This behavior of Meng Fan and others definitely exceeded the bottom line of the forbidden area hall. Today’s battle must be extremely fierce. The life and death of many people.

Hearing this, Meng Fan looked at it, expressionless, said calmly.

"Taibai, have the ability... then come over and kill me!"

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