Supreme God King

Chapter 1709: Fight

The tone was calm, but at this moment Meng Fan had already stepped out in one step, and his whole person was as sharp as a knife!

Yuanjia Road is narrow!

Today, it is not someone else who is above the sky. It is Taibai, the executioner who killed the gods in the four restricted areas of greed and wolves, and committed heinous crimes in the past tribulation.

Too many people in the dark alliance died in the hands of the latter and others, especially the previous time, including Meng Fan, who blew himself up before Tianlei Pass. The hatred between each other was not at all.

Seeing each other now, and still at this kind of moment, don't need to speak, that is, the surrounding air has been chilled.

"Hmph, I don't think you can really live, this is not dead, and you dare to enter the restricted area!"

Greedy Wolf said coldly, staring at Meng Fan, his teeth were itching with hatred, and he wanted to tear it apart.

"But after today, it's your death date!"

The four killers in the restricted area are all here.

And it's not just these four people. Under the situation of the thirteen hall master's anger, countless ancient existences in the forbidden area hall have already recovered, coming from the void, you can see that the coffins on this sky are openly exploded. , From among them came out an ancient strongman, with a terrifying aura, even if the people of the ten great emperors gathered here, their expressions became heavy.

There is no doubt that even if the thirteen hall masters do not make a move, there will be a **** battle between today, and the existence of this group of restricted area halls is not for nothing!

"Whoever lives or dies, you will know after a trial!"

Meng Fan said indifferently, striding out, letting the darkness of death in the sky be endless, but only stepping forward, extremely calm.

"In this battle, if I die, take my bones back to Ten Thousand Territories, just to let those brothers who died in the past see that although the first battle was over, the enemy is still there. I am waiting... They are disappointed!"

Meng Fan’s voice fell and spread into everyone’s ears, and immediately shocked the hearts of all the monks in the Ten Thousand Domains between Zhou and Tian. The heat in their eyes remained undiminished. After a while, everyone was already moving, following Meng Fan, one The word runs through the world,


This battle may come and go!

This battle may be over!

In this battle, heaven and man may be separated forever!

But for any vitality monk, he understands that since they stepped into the martial arts, it means that many things are involuntary, and many things must be done!

The blood has burned, how can you shrink back!


Under that voice, the supreme vitality cultivator turned into a long rainbow, one after another, fast as meteors, instead of retreating, they went straight to the people in the restricted area above the sky.

Many powerhouses including Qin Mieren, Taichu, Yang Wudi, etc. also gritted their teeth and broke out.

The reason why they chose to follow Meng Fan is that the people of the ten great emperors are also fed up with the tribulation of heaven and earth, and have experienced the feeling of parting between their lives and deaths, because they have to burn themselves during this battle, even if it is death. Solve the restricted area once and for all!

Only for so many people who died in the past, at this moment, it seems that in everyone's eyes, there is a picture of that kind of loved ones leaving, so that they are in both eyes... !


In an instant, the sky exploded. At this moment, any words were unnecessary. There was only one battle. In this blood forbidden area, the biggest collision between the forbidden area and the ten thousand realms in the eternal age was directly opened. The people who shot were included. Ten imperial clans and countless masters of the forbidden area are fighting together!

How tragic this scene is!

Tens of millions of top monks gather together, and they are not ordinary people, but real top monks, the world's vitality and power, they all gather here to start a desperate fight. In this battle, no matter who it is, there is no way out, there is only one battle.


In the middle of the air, Meng Fan's figure is even more in the lead, without any scruples, the whole person is flying in the air, killing towards the people in the restricted area.

His body is as fast as lightning, and the air waves are rampant, as if to tear the sky around the sky.

"you die!"

After a while, a burst of energy struck, and the fingerprints appeared, and the person who shot was the wolf.

Under this blow, a kind of power to kill the gods exploded, and came fiercely, it turned out to be...half-step power of the **** king.

In the past tribulations, although these people were seriously injured and fallen, they were forbidden areas, possessing their own source of immortality, and were blessed by the thirteen hall masters.

As long as there is a slaughter between this world and the earth, the greater the benefits for them, after absorbing the hard work of the human race, it is also the strength of this group of people to reach the peak.

Now it is revealed that there is power that penetrates the sky between a blow. Obviously this wolf is already fully equipped and has truly reached the peak. The power displayed at this moment is far beyond the past. Yes, for a true half-step **** king!

Print out, fast as thunder!

At the same time, on both sides of Meng Fan, the figures were also killed, and they were also two and a half-step **** kings. It was... seven kills, breaking the army!

The three major killing gods in the restricted area blatantly attacked Meng Fan.

Just for a moment, all directions around Meng Fan were sealed, and the triple murder came, and any one of them was to amaze the ghosts and gods.

We must know that the Greedy Wolf trio is not an ancient forbidden area. Everyone possesses his own special martial arts. Once operated, it can be transformed into the most terrifying means of killing. The breath strikes, and any blow is based on countless The powerful method above the human skeleton, the middle must die!

Under the murderous intent, Meng Fan was immediately caught on the cusp of the storm.

However, there was no change in the expression on Meng Fan's face. There was only one person standing in the sky, motionless, but his arms swayed abruptly, throwing three punches in an instant.

Bang, bang!

In the void, three bursts fell, and you could see Meng Fan punching out three times. In an instant, the handprints of the three men and Greed Wolf collided, causing the void to burst.

And under this kind of impact, it turned out that the bodies of the three greedy wolves were stopped in this mid-air. Even if they used fierce methods before, they were all blasted by Meng Fan's punch. Opening and piercing everything, the body even encountered thunder backlash, surging blood.

And at the same time, Meng Fan pointed to the void, and a sword aura as fast as an aurora slashed over.


Greedy wolves let out a miserable cry, and before responding, it was Meng Fan's sword qi that penetrated his flesh body and tore his abdomen, causing him to fly out immediately, with blood raining.

Three punches to resist the three killer gods, and then fly a killer **** with one finger!

Seeing Meng Fan's method, the complexion of any strong player in the field suddenly changed, even if it is now a collection of countless ancient monsters, but each of them is extremely shocking and incredible.

In their eyes, Meng Fan is just a junior, an inconspicuous flower in the long river, but within such a short period of time, the latter has already risen strongly, even if it was high in the past. In his eyes, the killing **** was just a flick!


Meng Fan stepped on the soles of his feet, shaking the heavens and the earth, and his breath exploded, forming a powerful aura to suppress the surroundings, making the hearts of anyone in the restricted area above the sky tremble.

I have to admit that Meng Fan at this moment is too tough, he is demonstrating to everyone, a display of invincible posture.


In the seven kills, Pojun's complexion changed suddenly, with big drops of sweat falling on their foreheads. They thought they had made considerable progress, but unexpectedly, Meng Fan's progress was faster and more rapid.


In the distance, Taibai's complexion changed even more, and the chill in his eyes became more intense. After a while, he said coldly,

"Step aside!"

The two words fell, and when the body moved, it also suddenly flashed, and came to Meng Fan's 100 meters.

The auras of the two collided, and the whole world was immediately sealed off. One was the head of the killer from ancient times in the forbidden area, and the other was Shura who was fighting at the bottom of the Ten Thousand Territory. Any one who can stand at the present level It was stepping on the supreme skeleton, and the breath colliding, which suddenly blocked the void.

Obviously, at this moment, Taibai was really angry, and wanted to forcefully solve Meng Fan one-on-one!

Murderous intent, after Taibai and Meng Fan's gaze only stopped for a moment, the two moved separately and shot at the same time!


A moment later, the two phantoms of vitality are intertwined, and the fighters are speechless. For those who are really good at fighting, one more sentence is more. So at the moment they collide, they are already the best of each other. Powerful means of killing and felling came out, ramming together!

Bang, bang!

Under such a fight, the most powerful storm was immediately set off between the void. Meng Fan's physical body, martial arts, and spirits are all at the limit of operation, **** out, with vicious and vicious moves, and any blow is the strongest means of killing.

He came here today to kill the forbidden area. Seeing this enemy in the past naturally made Meng Fan's hatred increase even more, so the peak combat power has exploded in a flash, people blocking killings, demons blocking killing demons!

As far as the eyes can be seen, the two people in the field have set off the most powerful close combat. Between a few breaths, there are no knowing how many killing methods. Although they are all ordinary blows, they only need to shoot down one thousand. Above the sacred body of Nian, he can directly explode his physical body, not to mention the tens of thousands of fights in a flash, which can be called the ultimate domineering, fists to the flesh.

At the next moment, Meng Fan gave a long roar and blasted out with a punch, occupying the upper point. Shengsheng relied on powerful means to suppress Taibai for a moment, and then fell with a punch, centering Taibai's abdomen, piercing it!


With Meng Fan's punch, even the black hole was going to be crushed by him, but at the next moment, it was beyond Meng Fan's expectation that there was no scene of blood flying, but Meng Fan's punch was defeated. , Its power turned out to be like hitting cotton, turned out to be... directly penetrated!

When his pupils shrank, Meng Fan's heart was also quite shocked, because just under his eyelids, Taibai, who had been blasting with him constantly, turned out to be faint, like a piece of black sand, letting Meng Fan have it. Powerful, but it can't hurt the opponent!

And just after his power penetrated, Taibai smiled sensibly, that imaginary body was unexpectedly closed again, and then a striker knife slashed towards Meng Fan, and at the same time, a voice of Taibai and sorrow fell between the whole world.

"Meng Fan, how is it? I didn't expect it to be, in these thousands of years, I finally completed the profound meaning of the palace lord... completely achieved the immortal body!"

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